Associação das Empresas de Vinho do Porto Apps

AEVP - Port Wine Cellars 1.1.1
The AEVP - Associação das Empresas de Vinho doPorto - Is a private non-profit institution founded in January1975, based in Vila Nova de GaiaA main purpose of AEVP, enshrined statutorily, is the"representation and protection the interests of its Members and thepromotion and defense of Industry and Trade of the Port and Dourowines and other wine products of the Douro demarcated region in theentire country and abroad".A AEVP brings together 16 Members who currently represent about90% of sales of Port and 35% of Douro wines with PDO (ProtectedDesignation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication),a rare percentage that reflects its unchallenged position in thesector and an undeniable importance in the functioning this.AEVP holds the vice-presidency of the Interprofessional Councilof the Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto (IVDP), whichparticipates at various levels, and is the only representative oftrade in the Port Wine Council this section.A AEVP is present since 1990 in a European wine traderepresentative association called Comité Européen des EntreprisesVins (CEEV) in Brussels.In this application you can see diffente Port Wine Cellars.