奧創資訊 Apps

超級大明星麻將 1.0.2
有城成、哈琳、例菁、茂柏、國輪、不良笑花等多名超夯明星當您的隨身牌搭,就再也不會三缺一啦!牌大好認不眼花!還在等什麼?趕快開桌啦!There arecity into, Harim, patients Jing, Mao Bo, the country round, badlaughing flowers and many other super stars rammed portable cardwhen you ride, it will never San Queyi it!Excellent brand recognition is not dazzled! What are you waitingfor? Tables quickly open it!
火柴人間諜逃走中 1.0.0
■玩法前後左右傾斜你的手機來操作腳色的前進方向不被敵人發現並前進■規則被敵人發現就Game Over!來比看看誰能先到達終點吧操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩。用最好的成績來挑戰排名吧!■ Play  Around, tilt your phone to operate foot forwarddirection colors  Not to be found and advancing enemy■ Rule  Discovered by the enemy on the Game Over!  Come over to see who can reach the finish firstbar  Simple, you can easily play.  With the best ranking scores to challenge it!
跳跳火柴人 1.0.0
■玩法點畫面來控制火柴人左右移動。使用跳台向著高處邁。■規則踩到有尖刺的跳台就遊戲結束。掉到畫面下面就遊戲結束。來比賽誰能跳最高!操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩。■ Play  Point screen to control the Stickman move around.  Height step toward using the platform.■ Rule  There are sharp stepped jumping on the game isover.  Fell below the screen on the game is over.  Who can jump up to the race!  Simple, you can easily play.
Gt音樂 2.1.3
【GT行動音樂全新改版上線囉!!】Gt行動音樂帶給您最豐富、最便利、最即時的線上音樂享受※本服務需持「亞太電信門號」;使用WI-FI或外網3G需登入「亞太電信會員」方可使用※使用Android6以上版本用戶,在登入Gt音樂時會需要您進行『電話』與『儲存』授權的動作!※若您拒絕其中任何一項授權,將導致無法正常使用Gt音樂,請您務必特別留意!Gt行動音樂提供合法豐富的音樂內容及最貼近使用者需求的線上音樂服務,提升消費者行動音樂的極佳體驗!(建議使用Android4.0以上版本可獲得聆聽最佳體驗哦~)服務特色:1. 簡潔時尚的塊磚式面板設計引領風潮2. 首創電台DJ式的「年代」分類及 18款精選「心情曲風」分類,依不同心情選擇喜歡的音樂電台3. 動態歌詞讓您能夠邊聽歌,邊看到歌詞的動態捲動是您聽歌及KTV前練唱的好幫手!4. 離線歌單能讓您在無網路的狀態也可盡情享受好音樂5. 喜歡的音樂就加到首頁塊磚吧! 隨時方便您聆聽好音樂注意事項:1. 本服務需持「亞太電信門號」;使用WI-FI或外網3G請登入「亞太電信會員」方可使用2. 本軟體下載免費,服務內聆聽歌曲需另支付費用3. 建議使用Android4.0以上版本可獲得聆聽最佳體驗4.使用Android6以上版本用戶,在登入Gt音樂時會需要您進行『電話』與『儲存』授權的動作!※若您拒絕其中任何一項授權,將導致無法正常使用Gt音樂,請您務必特別留意!
衝阿!鬼式運球 1.0.9
■玩法點擊畫面將讓前進方向左右交替躲過防守球員前進■規則撞到防守球員或掉到海裡就遊戲結束來比比看誰可以過掉最多的防守球員操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩。用最好的成績來挑戰世界排名吧!■ PlayClick on the screen will let the way forward around the turnEscape defensive players advance■ RuleHit the defensive player or fell into the sea on the end of thegameTo see who can be the most defensive players had lost Simple, you can easily play. With the best score to challenge the world rankings now!
OPEN小將奧運之路跆拳道篇 1.0.0
出拳!踢腿!迴旋踢!!快來跟OPEN小將玩跆拳道比賽吧!今夏最可愛的跆拳道遊戲上架囉!!最簡單KUSO的招式、最生動活潑的動作~~現在跟OPEN小將還有他的朋友們加緊練習一起挑戰世界各地的選手吧!!依據「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」第18條第1項公告「遊戲軟體分級參照表」,本遊戲規範為「普遍級」Punches! Kick! Roundhousekick! !Come play with OPEN teenager taekwondo competition of it!This summer the most adorable taekwondo game shelves Hello! !The easiest KUSO moves, the most lively action ~ ~Now with OPEN teenager and his friends were busy rehearsingTogether to challenge players from all over the world! !Based "game software hierarchical management approach" Article18 Paragraph 1 announcement "game software grading referencetable", this game specification as "universal level."
鬼蹬 1.0.0
■玩法點擊畫面左側往左跳點擊畫面右側往右跳閃躲障礙物往天空邁進!■規則撞到障礙物就遊戲結束來看看你能跳到多高吧操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩。用最好的成績來挑戰世界排名吧!■ PlayClick on the left side of the screen to the left to jumpClick the right of the screen to the right jumpDodge obstacles ahead towards the sky!■ RuleHit an obstacle on the game is overTo see how high you can jump to it Simple, you can easily play. With the best score to challenge the world rankings now!
鬼式傳球 1.0.0
「跑動傳球模式」■玩法點擊畫面傳球靠著傳球來閃過對手■規則球被對手抄走就遊戲結束來比比看誰能前進的最遠!「四角傳球模式」■玩法往要傳球的方向划動螢幕四角不停的傳球不讓對手抄球■規則球被對手抄走就遊戲結束來比比看誰能傳最多球操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩。用最好的成績來挑戰排名吧!"Running pass mode"■ PlayClick on the screen passRelying pass to flash opponents■ RuleThe ball was confiscated opponent the game is overTo see who can advance furthest!"Corners passing mode"■ PlayTo pass in the direction toward the screen paddlingLet corners kept passing the ball to handwritten■ RuleThe ball was confiscated opponent the game is overTo see who can pass the ball up to Simple, you can easily play.  With the best ranking scores to challenge it!
超級大明星麻將 2 1.0.2
戀色狂想-魔女戀歌 1.0.2
超萌蘿莉?還是火辣女醫?或是氣質女大學生?一邊是青梅竹馬,另一邊是憧憬的大姐,還有突然出現在面前的氣質美女…。在友情、愛情之間抉擇,與魔法交織成青春校園愛情故事!日本暢銷遊戲移植,亮麗清新畫風,擄獲你的心!Super Meng Lolita? Or hotfemale doctor? Or temperament female students?One side is childhood, the other side is looking forward to the bigsister, there suddenly appeared in front of a beautifultemperament. ...Between friendship, love choices, and magic woven into youth campuslove story!Japan's best-selling portable game, bright and fresh style,captured your heart!
女僕美少女撲克 1.0.0
打發無聊的空虛時光,享受如賭神般華麗的發牌特效及女僕的服侍。比賽結束後,俏女僕還會給您特殊”獎勵”喔!喜歡美少女的玩家們,千萬不能錯過與女僕的另類約會唷!Boredom emptiness oftime, such as Gamblers like to enjoy the gorgeous special effectsand maid licensing ministry. After the game, pretty maid will giveyou special "reward" Oh! Like girl gamers, do not miss the maidalternative dating yo!
逆轉拳王 1.0.0
史上最熱血爽快的拳擊格鬥遊戲!整體風格採用美式卡通畫風,當你施展刺拳、鉤拳甚至是必殺拳擊向對手時,都會搭配魄力十足的美式卡通特效,爽快感滿點。更值得一提的是,若是遭遇實力強勁的對手,你可以善用成功側閃後的強力反擊技,一口氣逆轉戰局。此外,每個關卡的拳擊手,都有不同的攻擊模式以及特性,配合上個性鮮明的挑釁對白及豐富表情,將徹底挑起你的滿腔熱血。你是否正摩拳擦掌地準備接受挑戰了呢?那就趕快來下載,享受成為拳王的快感吧!History of the mostpassionate boxing straightforward fighting game!The overall style using American cartoon style, when you cast jab,hook and even to kill boxing opponent will match full of vigorAmerican cartoon effects, Shuangkuaigan full points. It is worthmentioning that, if the experience and strength of the opponent,you can use a strong counter attacks after a successful side flash,breath reversal of the war.In addition, each level boxer, has a different attack modes andfeatures, with a distinctive provocative dialogue and expressive,will completely stir your hot blood. Whether you're gearing up toprepare for the challenge of it? Then hurry to download and enjoythe thrill of becoming champion it!
OPEN小將 主題夜市 1.0.2
在OPEN夜市玩家可擺設霜淇淋、章魚燒、撈金魚等,各式各樣有趣又好玩的攤位,並輕鬆體驗經營夜市的樂趣!除此之外,愛搗蛋的LOCK小將也會出現在夜市裡哦!這次會利用魔法變出什麼令人傷腦筋的事件呢?快來一起與OPEN小將經營卡哇伊的OPEN主題夜市吧!OPEN night market playerscan display in ice cream, takoyaki, fishing for goldfish, etc., allkinds of interesting and fun stalls and night markets operateeasily experience the fun! In addition, the love mischief LOCKteenager will appear in the night market, oh! This will make use ofwhat is conjured vexing incident? Come along with the OPEN OPENteenager business kawaii theme night market it!
OPEN小將奧運之路射箭篇 1.0.0
OPEN小將要代表國人參加奧運比賽嚕!看圓滾滾的OPEN小將,在比賽中認真專注的神情,真是一整個超可愛的啦!OPEN小將能否在奧運比賽裡,順利拿到高分,奪下奧運桂冠呢?現在就快一起與OPEN小將前進奧運,為國爭光吧!依據「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」第18條第1項公告「遊戲軟體分級參照表」,本遊戲規範為「普遍級」OPEN teenager torepresent the people to participate in the Olympic Gameschatter!OPEN look chubby teenager, in the race seriously focused look,really a whole super-cute friends!Can OPEN teenager in the Olympic game, successfully get a highscore, won the Olympic title it?Now fast forward with the OPEN teenager Olympic glory for thecountry now!Based "game software hierarchical management approach" Article18 Paragraph 1 announcement "game software grading referencetable", this game specification as "universal level."
鬼話連篇之禁忌猜謎 1.0.2
七月一到,鬼門一開,所有駭人驚悚的禁忌全湧出來!周圍處處充滿著看不見的阿飄,您能保佑自己不被糾纏嗎?本遊戲提供上百題阿飄禁忌問答,遊戲中還有可愛的小倩,教您如何驅邪避凶、逢凶化吉,避免招惹阿飄纏身,讓您晉升為一流的阿飄知識王哦!July to ghost dooropened, all taboos terrifying thriller full gushed!Around everywhere filled with invisible A floating, you can blessthemselves from being entangled it?The game offers hundreds of floating taboo topic A quiz gamethere are lovely Xiaoqian, teach you how to drive away evil, goodluck, avoid provoke A floating-ridden, so you promoted to class Afloating knowledge king Oh!
看那邊!馬份 1.0.0
莊園物語-初夏篇 1.0.2
好玩的經營養成遊戲,玩家不只要擔任動物們的飼育者,還要賺取金錢,完成各項任務成為成功的經營者。節慶和尋寶活動,也為整款遊戲增添不少趣味,快來當個牧場大亨吧!Fun business to developthe game, the player must not only serve as a breeding thoseanimals, but also to earn money, to complete various tasks tobecome successful managers. Festivals and treasure hunt, but alsoadds a lot of fun for the whole game, come when a ranch tycoonit!
爆衝右腦 1.0.1
全新改版新增生存模式挑戰你腦力的極限,為了存活絕對不容許失誤!!根據研究,右腦擅長圖像、感覺、音樂、繪畫及快速記憶等能力,因此「燃燒吧!右腦的運動會!2013春季篇」,除了要讓你的右腦動起來,還要激發你的無限潛能!遊戲特色☆全新視覺感官享受☆生動活潑的互動與氣氛☆多元化豐富模式☆使用3D製作,呈現活潑的介面風格與轉場動畫☆強化遊戲分享擴散性☆豐富逗趣的評語☆多元化豐富模式任你挑戰 -遊戲中包含了訓練與生存兩種模式、八大題型,在訓練模式中可以針對個人喜愛的題型鍛鍊自己的右腦;而在生存模式下便挑戰所有題型無預警的隨機出題,腦力、視力與指力的協調大亂鬥,完全考驗你右腦最大極限的反應!獲得好成績,取得好評語怕沒人知道嗎?沒關係,蛋頭機器人還有將成績發布至個人FB中的功能喔,輕鬆讓親朋好友知道你有多厲害!依據「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」第18條第1項公告「遊戲軟體分級參照表」,本遊戲規範為「輔12級」
瘋狂拉霸噴幣機 1.0.1
在蘋果AppStore上,曾在港澳日奪得佳績的3D豪華推幣機,現在推出正式推出Android版本!Let's Play!遊戲特色-金幣以發射的方式飛落在機台上,需要技巧與運氣。-3D製作的特別機台,呈現逼真的真實物理反應。-結合推幣機與拉霸機,創造出多種有趣的娛樂效果。-機台內建多種特別機關,可體驗推落大量金幣的快感。-金幣輸送帶、機械禮兵、天使禮物夾、連鎖機關等等。-特殊設計的推台,在關鍵時刻將會一分為三。-數十種各類成就,等待玩家來挑戰。-花費小小代價就可以獲得比大型機台更多的成就感和爽快感。依據「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」第18條第1項公告「遊戲軟體分級參照表」,本遊戲規範為「普遍級」In the Apple App Store,has won medals at the Macau day of 3D luxury coin pusher,officially launched the Android version is now available! Let'sPlay!Game Features- Gold in the manner of flying launch platform in the machine, youneed skill and luck.-3D Made special machines, presents a realistic real physicalreaction.- Combined to push coin machine and slot machines, create a varietyof interesting entertainment.- Built-in variety of special organs machine, you can experiencethe thrill of pushing off a lot of gold coins.- Gold conveyor machinery ceremonial soldiers, angel gift clip,chain organs and so on.- Specially designed to push Taiwan, at the crucial moment will bedivided into three.- Dozens of various types of achievements, waiting for players tochallenge.- Spend a small price you can get more of a sense of accomplishmentthan the mainframe platform and Shuangkuaigan.Based "game software hierarchical management approach" Article 18Paragraph 1 announcement "game software grading reference table",this game specification as "universal level."
火柴人乒乓魔球 1.0.0
■玩法按住火柴人左右移動來接住對手發出的球■規則有許多的球種甚至連魔球都打得出來對手爆氣的話將打出許多魔球要小心喔沒接到球的話就Game Over!操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩用最好的成績來挑戰世界排名吧!■ PlayHold down the stickman and move around to catch the balltheopponent issued■ RulesThere are many kinds of ballsEven the Magic have played the ball outGas explosion, then the opponent will hit a lot of balls tobecareful Oh MagicI missed the ball, then on Game Over!Simple, you can easily playWith the best score in the world rankings to challenge it!
open小將便利商店 1.0.2
廣受好評,下載量蟬連數周冠軍的OPEN小將便利超商開連鎖店囉!多樣關卡供玩家挑戰,隨關卡進行還會有不同的場景變化!只要達成指定條件,超商內的設施還會升級唷!這麼好玩的OPEN小將便利商店,快拿起手機下載來玩吧!依據「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」第18條第1項公告「遊戲軟體分級參照表」,本遊戲規範為「普遍級」Criticallyacclaimed,number of downloads Chanlian OPEN Sports News teenagerconveniencestores open stores Hello!Various levels for players to challenge, with different levelstherewill be a scene change!As long as to reach the specified conditions within thefacilitywill be upgraded supermarket yo!Such a fun OPEN teenager convenience stores, fast pick up thephoneto download to play!Based "game software hierarchical management approach" Article18Paragraph 1 announcement "game software grading referencetable",this game specification as "universal level."
某個魯蛇的一天 1.0.1
「人生就是不斷的選擇」過著平凡人生的主人公丸男在某天早上起床之後被迫不停地面對左右命運的二選一。丸男會根據你的選擇來行動有好的結果,當然也有不好的,到底甚麼才是正確的,沒有人知道。或許會讓你玩得很煩躁,甚至讓你玩到有壓力也不為過,人生可不是都是好事喔。但是!還是請你拿出耐心好好的引導丸男,在你的引導之下,一定會有光輝的未來在等著魯蛇丸男的。你只需要直覺跟運氣有著各式各樣可能性的魯蛇丸男的一天請好好的體驗一下吧。"Life is theconstantselection."Pills male protagonist lived an extraordinary lifeAfter getting up one morning and was forced to stop in thefaceabout the fate of the second election.Male pill will to act according to your choiceThere are good results, of course, there are bad,In the end what is right, no one knows.Might make you play very irritable,Even let you play under pressure is not excessive,Life is not a good thing Oh.But! Please be patient or you come up with good guidancepillsmale,Under your guidance, there will be a bright future awaits Lusnakepill men.You only need intuition with luckLu has a wide range of possibilities snake male pill a dayPlease good experience it.
假髮別跑 1.0.2
人人心中都有一個秘密大叔也不例外,大叔的秘密就是他其實是禿頭每次上班途中大叔都很怕強風襲擊吹走他的假髮請幫忙大叔守護他的假髮,讓他的秘密不要曝光!■ 遊戲玩法強風吹襲前會有落葉等徵兆。風從哪邊來就使用那邊的手壓住假髮(ex:右邊來的風就舉右手)要等風都平靜之才能把手放下來,不然假髮還是會被吹走的喔Everybody hasasecretUncle is no exception, the uncle's secret is that he isactuallybaldUncle each way to work are afraid of strong winds blew hiswigPlease help guard his uncle wig, do not let his secret exposed!■ gameplayBefore the leaves and other signs have strong winds.Wind from which side to side of the hand to suppress the usewigs(ex: move to the right to the wind on the right hand)Have to wait for the wind to calm the handle down, or a wig orwillbe blown away, oh
百變迷宮 1.0.0
■玩法操作畫面下方的搖桿來控制球球的移動方向■規則操作球球向迷宮中不知道在何處的終點前進!總共有100關!操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩。用最好的成績來挑戰排名吧!■ Play  Rocker bottom of the screen to control themovingdirection of the operation Sphere■ Rule  Operating balls to the maze does not know where theendahead!  A total of 100 off!   Simple, you can easily play.  With the best ranking scores to challenge it!
超級收銀達人 1.0.0
超激電流急急棒 1.0.0
■玩法使用畫面下方的搖桿來操縱超激電流急急棒■規則不接觸到四周的電線跟障礙物向著終點前進碰到就會Game Over!全部有100道超難關卡操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆地玩用最好的成績來挑戰世界排名吧!■ PlayUse the joystick to manipulate the bottom of the screenoverstimulated current rush stick■ RuleDo not come into contact with the wire around the obstacletowardthe end of the forwardWill hit Game Over!All are 100 super-storm cardSimple, you can easily playWith the best score to challenge the world rankings now!
OPEN小將 歡樂餐廳 1.0.2
OPEN小將不只開超商,還跨足餐飲業,開起餐廳來囉!想跟OPEN小將一起經營餐廳嗎?高達數百種佈置物品,歐風傢俱、普普風壁紙,以及超吸晴裝飾小物隨你搭配擺設!更有眾多精緻佳餚等你研發哦!想成為超人氣五星級餐廳嗎?現在就快跟OPEN小將一起打造你的專屬餐廳吧!OPEN teenager not onlyopen supermarket, but also branched out into the restaurantindustry, opened the restaurant to Hello!OPEN teenager wants to run a restaurant together with it?Up to hundreds of layout items, European style furniture, pop stylewallpaper, as well as ultra-small decorative objects with suctionMostly you with furnishings!More numerous exquisite dishes such as your research Oh! Want to besuper-popular five-star restaurant it?Now fast together with OPEN teenager create your exclusiverestaurant now!
OPEN小將棒球夏令營 1.0.2
學習各種厲害球技,一同在陽光下盡情的揮灑汗水吧!只要透過簡單的操作流程,就能享受最痛快的棒球樂趣哦!Learn a varietyofpowerful skills, enjoy the sun with sweat it! As long astheprocess through a simple operation, you can enjoy the funofbaseball's most happy Oh!
攀岩高手 1.0.1
爬呀~爬呀~努力的向上爬吧!攀岩再也不是一件困難的事了~讓手指頭跟上眼睛的速度,創造攻頂的時間極限Climb climb ah ah ~~effort to climb it!Climbing is no longer a difficult thing ~Let your fingers to keep up with the speed of the eye to createatime limit to attack the top of the
毛塊(中文版) 1.0.0
日本Google play排行榜 前三名! 正式授權繁體中文版■玩法左右點擊畫面來變換行進方向■規則毛塊(毛球)會越滾越大毛塊(毛球)撞壞的話就遊戲結束花盆及左右的牆壁一撞就會讓毛塊(毛球)崩壞撞到紙箱的話會讓毛塊變小來比賽能前進多遠吧操作簡單,大家都能輕鬆的玩。用最好的成績來挑戰排名吧!Japan Google playchartsthe top three! Officially licensed Traditional Chinese■ Play  Left and right click on the screen to changethedirection of travel■ Rule  Gross block (hair balls) will snowball  Gross block (hair balls), then crashed on the gameisover  Flower pots and around the walls of a hit will makethehair piece (hair balls) collapse  Then let the hair hit cartons smaller blocks  How far it can go forward to the game  Simple, you can easily play. With the best ranking scores to challenge it!