Benify Apps

Benify Denmark 4.18
Benify app´en giver dig adgang til oplysningerom din løn og personalegoder via dit arbejde. Søg efterpersonalerabatter og læs om, hvilke goder din arbejdspladstilbyder. Indholdet varierer fra kunde til kunde, men app’en bliverløbende opdateret med nye informationer. Har du spørgsmål ellerønsker om funktionaliter og indhold, tøv ikke med at kontakteos.Benify app gives youaccess to information about your pay and benefits through yourwork. Search for staff discounts and read about the benefits yourworkplace offers. The content varies from customer to customer, butthe app is constantly being updated with new information. If youhave questions or want funktionaliter and content, do not hesitateto contact us.
Benify UK 4.18
With the Benify app you get access to thebenefit portal from your employer. Discover attractive employeeoffers and find out about your personal benefits.Benify is the European market leader in benefit management. We helpcompanies to offer an attractive selection of benefits to theiremployees.NOTE: You must have an account at Benify to use this service.
Benify Germany 4.19
Mit der Benify App haben Sie Zugriff auf dasBenefitportal Ihres Arbeitgebers. Entdecken Sie attraktiveMitarbeiterangebote und informieren Sie sich über Ihre persönlichenBenefits.Benify ist der europäische Marktführer im BereichBenefitmanagement. Wir helfen Unternehmen dabei, ihren Mitarbeiterneine attraktive Auswahl an Benefitleistungen anzubieten.HINWEIS: Sie müssen ein Konto bei Benify haben, um diesen Dienstnutzen zu können.With the Benify app givesyou access to the Benefitportal your employer. Discover attractiveemployee offers and find out about your personal benefits.Benify is the European market leader in Benefitmanagement. We helpcompanies to offer an attractive selection of Benefitleistungentheir employees.NOTE: You must have an account at Benify to use this service.
Benify Finland 4.18
Benifyn applikaation avulla, pääsetpalkkaukseesi ja etuihisi käsiksi. Etsi henkilöstöalennuksia ja luemitä etuja yrityksesi tarjoaa. Sisältö vaihtelee asiakkaittain,mutta kehitämme ja lisäämme jatkuvasti tietoja applikaatioon.Mikäli sinulla herää kysymyksiä toiminnollisuuden tai sisällönsuhteen, älä epäröi ottamasta meihin yhteyttä.Benify on Euroopan suurin henkilöstöetujen hallinnointiinerikoistunut yritys. Autamme yrityksiä tarjoamaan parempia etujatyöntekijöilleen.Benifyn appliques givesyou access to the remuneration and access your benefits. Find astaff discounts and find out what benefits your company offers.Content will vary from customer to customer, but we develop andcontinuously increase the information appliques. If you havequestions or toiminnollisuuden content, do not hesitate to takeus. Benify is Europe's largest human resources management of theinterests of the company. We help companies to offer betterbenefits to their employees.
Benify Netherlands 4.18
De Benify app biedt u toegang tot allebeloning en arbeidsvoorwaarden van uw werkgever. Benify heeft alsdoel organisaties hun beloning en arbeidsvoorwaarden aan te biedenaan de medewerkers. Benify is een van Europa’s voorlopers in TCM,Total Compensation Management.The Benify app gives youaccess to all the pay and conditions of employment from youremployer. Benify aims to offer to its employees. Organizations,their pay and working conditions Benify is one of Europe's leadersin TCM, Total Compensation Management.
Benify Norway 4.18
Benifys app gir deg tilgang til informasjon omlønn og goder på din arbeidsplass. Søk etter ansatt rabatter og leshvilke goder selskapet tilbyr. Innholdet varierer fra kunde tilkunde, men etterhvert vil appen bli fylt med mer informasjon. Hardu spørsmål om ønsket funksjonalitet eller innhold, ta kontakt medoss.Benify er Nordens ledende aktør inom TCM (Total CompensationManagement). Vi hjelper selskaper med å tilby bedre goder for sineansatte.Benifys app gives youaccess to information about pay and benefits at your workplace.Search for employee discounts and read what benefits the companyoffers. The content varies from customer to customer, buteventually the app will be filled with more information. Havequestions about desired functionality or content, please contactus.Benify is the leading provider carcinoma TCM (Total CompensationManagement). We help companies to offer better benefits for theiremployees.
Benify 7.4
Discover your benefits through Benify’s smart app
eBenefits 7.6
This app allows you to access the range of employee benefits.
Athlon Mobility Budget 7.0
Athlon is the authority in the field of car leasing in theNetherlands