Beton Production Apps

Beton Production
Akupresura dolazi od riječi „Aku“ igla i„presura“ pritisnuti. Stimuliranjem određene tačke palcem,kažiprstom ili pak nekim tupim predmetom pokrećemo tok energijekoji potom putuje do odgovarajućeg organa i na taj ga načinenergizira i iscjeljuje. U slučaju akupresure, najčešće se koristetačke na dlanu ili stopalu.Acupressure comes fromthe word "Aku" pin and "presura" press. By stimulating certainpoints with the thumb, index finger or a blunt object launchingflow of energy which then travels to the appropriate authoritiesand for the most energizing and healing. In the case ofacupressure, the most commonly used points on the palm orfoot.
SPORT TIPS 2.0 1.0.0
Beton Production
Sports tips and predictions for Footbal,basketball, hockey, tennis, handball and Am. Football.
Kladja-Kladionica 1.0.0
Beton Production
Nova verzija aplikacije Kladja. Ovaaplikacijaposjeduje sve sto bi pravi kladionicar morao imati. Tu sustraniceza pracenje rezultata, analize, prenosi te stranice kojepratekretanje kvota. Stavljenje su tri najbolje stranice zapracenjerezultata, to su:, iSofascore. Zasvaki dobro odigrani listic potrebna vam je i dobraanaliza, pa sustavljenje i tri stranice za analizu, to, i Naravno tu su i neizostavnestranice zaprenos samih sportski duela. Da bi provjerili kretanjekvota za vaslistic, postavili smo i stranicu za pracenje kretanjakvote.Tako daje u u ovoj aplikaciji moguce pratiti rezultate,pregledati analizei prenose!The new version oftheapplication Kladje. This application has everything you wouldneedto have a real bookie. There are sites for monitoringresults,analyzes, reports, and website monitoring movements ofquotas.Typesetting three best sites for monitoring results,, and Sofascore. For everywell-playedballot and need a good analysis, and are inserted andthree pagesof analysis, namely:, Ofcourse there are the inevitable website for downloadvery sportingchallenge. To check the movement of the quota for youballot, weset up the page for tracking movement kvote.Tako that inin thisapplication possible to track the results, review theanalysis andtransfers!