BradSpitLux Apps

Ideas Assasins For Creed 3D 1.0
"If you know a lot about games and go with thetimes is the app for you! Attract hidden, masterfully executed themurder, parkour chase - then this is exactly what is needed morethan ever! You will be able to feel part of one of the oldest andmost secret societies throughout the world, and you can be one ofthe asasinov medieval adventure, developed by the best programmers.They know a lot of games and have managed to recreate the realworld of the time with their own culture and architecturalattractions.Features of the app:- Adventures in the role of a professional killer;- Ancient martial arts;- Religious events of those times;- Action and adrenaline in every fight;- Quality graphics from the best designers with animation additionsto the fighting techniques.After downloading a new application, you are transported to anotherera when religious problems could be the beginning of a bloody war.Feel yourself a real warrior for Assasins For Creed 3D."
Ideas for GTA 1.0
"Grey and boring town you got? Tired of beinga part of the total weight and the system? Every day the samething, all these persons, the fuss, you just have something likeholding back, all you angry. The realization that you are""nothing"" in this complicated world and unrequited, you bored tofollow the rules, etiquette and moral principles by which we areprogrammed from childhood. Sometimes we simply just unfeelingzombies. Still, you want to make sure that the world revolvesaround you, and you're not around. Now it will be possible toimplement in this stunning game called GTA. Here you can spit onall the principles and morals, and even to look death in the eye,here you can be a god, to carry out all their dreams, which inreality would never be realized. In the new application, we havecreated a world of endless possibilities for the GTA.Features of the app:- Feel the chief, to become an influential person;- One of the coolest games will brighten up your drab;- Only the most impressive moments and tough street fights;- Weapons, cars, girls, fights - all you need for a real boy.Forget about your problems and feel like a tough guy, downloadingthe new application to their mobile device. These guys show you howto become one of the most powerful gangsters night streets freedomfor GTA."
Ideas plant killers and zombie 1.0
"The easier it invented the game - the more itis addictive! This is the slogan that can be said about a series ofcolorful Games Zombies and Plants. Bright and fun cartoon graphicsto add color to your gameplay. After passing each level will opennew plants. Each of them has its own unique feature in the battle:explodes, burns enemy sweeps away everything in its path, or evenfreeze! Bored on the battlefield certainly do not have to!Calculating the correct tactics, you can very well have fun,destroying zombies coming to your home. If the classic version, youwill be not enough, you can look at the special mini-games withother locations or modified plot.Features of the app:- Colorful hand drawn graphics;- Plenty of opportunities during the battles with thezombies;- Various locations for your battles;- Addictive gameplay for hours.We invite you to learn how plants can kill hordes of zombies. Afterdownloading a new application, you will see the best ideas for apopular game in many countries."
Ideas for Star People Wars 1.0
"The stars, the endless expanses oftheuniverse, millions and millions of galaxies, a deadly power, yetitis beautiful, it fascinates everyone. Anyone looking up at theskythinking" how can there among the stars, alone, our drop alive?inthis dark, inspiring fear and respect for the ocean, or allthesame we are not alone, flounder and choking from the bustleoflife. "Fantastic movies helps us to dive into the world ofspacegalaxies, go on a spaceship to another planet and meetverydifferent creatures. One of the best films about the starfightsbattles and show you another world on the other side of thesky inthe new application. Features of the app: - Stunning images and footage from the legendary film; - Fantasies and dreams of space travel will be embodied in asingleapplication; - Walk on board the spacecraft; - Some interesting facts from the history of the creation oftheStar Wars people. Go to the Order Jag by downloading a new application formobiledevices. You can visit and witness the Clone Wars and feelDarthBremen. "
Ideas for Trans for mers 1.0
"You've probably heard about theunusualmachines, transformers, they can change shape and turn intohugerobots. They come to us from another planet to defend theirmainrelic of other robots ""Decepticons"". Courageous peopledecided tohelp them resist the invasion of death and destruction.Thedirectors have tried to fame on the history of theTransformers,adding stunning movies fantastic special effects andmoderncomputer graphics. In the new application, you will see themostvivid images of awesome action movie blockbuster about theAutobotsand Decepticons. Look at the world through the optical lensrobots,and you will see it through different eyes.Features of the app:- The coolest robots in one photo galleries;- Extreme transformation in the rate;- Modern special effects and computer graphics to add tosteepercircuses;- Excellent selection of actors.After downloading a new application, you get an excellentselectionof cadres from the action-blockbuster that will turn yourmostboring evening unreal battle between robots and for thegoodlife!"
Ideas Five Nights Mega Freddy 1.0
"Have any of you would like to try toplungeinto the role of a security guard and at least one night toholdout in a terrible place - I assure you it is not everyone cando.Here you will understand what fear is, and check yourselfforstrength. In this game you have to hold out for 5 nightswithharmless toys during the day, but night falls, youimmediatelyrealize that these toys - animatronics is not really sonice andfriendly. This game will absorb you into the atmosphere offear andterror, and if you play it in the dark and in theheadphones, it isunlikely to be able to survive, and half thenight. In the game youwill be given a covert surveillance camera,but with the help of ityou can see in pitch darkness terrible toymonsters, but there is asmall caveat - the battery charge forelectricity and end energygenerator, if you put the battery beforethe end the night shift,the evil doll drink your blood. With suchstrong emotions of fearand terror, you will be very hard todistribute the energy of thenight. So be careful and beware.Features of the app:- The most terrible change will bring a bunch of adrenaline andthishorror into your life;- Terrible moments of the night shift brighten dull routine;- One of the best mini-games in the genre of ""horror"";- Unusual story and unprecedented popularity, making thisgamepopular among the thousands of gamers;- Only the most terrible screenshots in one application.Find out what it is - to be on duty alone with thebloodthirstypuppets. Thou shalt have no emotions for the fainthearted! But itcertainly will not be bored!"
ideas for jokes 1.0
"If you're sitting alone and sad, or evenbeingin the company of depressed people who think only abouttheirproblems and endless work. and maybe you simply do not havethecharisma and do not know how to make people laugh, but I stillwantto somehow lift your mood and the mood of others - is no longeraproblem! we can help you to go through life with a positiveandfun. We you can find a universe of jokes for every taste andcolor,funny pictures, which are suitable for any life mess, even ifyouor your loved ones There was an awkward situation, you caneasilybeat it for the better and at the same time to laugh, toimprovethe mood of yourself and friends. and if you're an old man,itextended his life, after all no secret that laughter prolongstheyears of our suschestvovaniya.Hvatit hang up his nose andthinkwhat holes in the bread, better to just laugh and have funwith ourgags.Features of the app:- Laughing matter for every taste and color;- Come to an end to your bad mood;- The most funny pictures that can charge a positive for thewholeday;- Only unique fun, not similar to each other;- Nenapryazhny humor every day.Bind with a bad mood by downloading the new app right now! Addsomecolor to the grayness of everyday life and peroxidation, as domanyothers!"
Ideas for Harry Water 1.0
"Every one of us, deep down wants to feelatleast for one day a great magician, capable of performingmiraclesand magic. We are open to you the secrets of the mostunusual spellof Harry Water. The possibilities are endless thisboy, all sevenpieces of the legendary stories keep us in suspenseevery minute .We want to see all the magical moments and battleswith evilenemies, Harry. You will be able to fly on a broomstickand win thetournament Quidditch! With spells "Patronos" can becalled amagical creature that each of the young wizard in the moviehisown. Only the strongest and an experienced magician will causehimto help in the battle. You will walk through the corridorsofsecret rooms and learn about the secrets, do not go beyondthewalls of the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry "Hokvarts."visitedone of the largest libraries of rich rarest books havepreservedthe ability of ancient sorcerers and wizards. Features of the app: - Magical world of magic for Harry Water; - The most unusual spells, and their application; - Magical creatures in the film; - Extreme flight on a broomstick during tournamentkvidichchu.  Experience wonders for yourself right now! Do not be afraid toletthe magic in your life! "
Ideas for Photoshop 1.0
"Some people think that thetreatmentfotografiy- a complex and aimed at a specific audienceprogram, butthese people are profoundly mistaken. With this programare easy tooperate and mere mortals who do not run a meter lensesand are notlooking for yesterday. With its help, you can adjustyour ownphotos at the highest level and also create a variety offun, thisprogram is virtually limitless in its possibilities. Themain thingis the imagination and the idea, then all you get. You donot haveto hire any public photos, you'll be able to takebeautifulpictures. Also with this program work architects,designers,photographers, of course. Do not be lazy, and learn newthings,opening up a horizon and why not start with anexcitingself-development of the creative class processing photosforPhotoshopa.Features of the app:- Great ideas for art processing of photos;- The easiest and quality treatment;- Selection of color correction to create a different mood inthephoto;- The most unusual processed frames from worldfamousphotographers.Download the new application and Seek out a creative touch! Itisnot necessary to be able to draw, to create art! You can makeaphoto from a real masterpiece!"
Ideas Crossy for Road 1.0
"Imagine that you're sitting in the truck orinthe hospital, waiting for their turn, and can work as a clerk intheoffice, to die of boredom vapor, etc., do not know how to killfreetime, and over these areas it is complete. Of course, thistime canbe spent usefully read any good book, but the brain stillneedsrest. We just offer a solution. Popular arcade racingsimulator andone for Crossy Road - absolutely Tupeyshaya game,there is no needto think it is not necessary to make anycalculations or simplelinear game, to overcome various obstaclesin the role that the carracing on the road, and they strive toknock you , water barriers,and more .In this simulator you canplay forever has no end, it aimsto record .tak that if you careabout your brains play this relaxinggame and develop at the sametime his reaction.Features of the app:- A great game to relax at any time;- The brightest moments of action-quality car simulator;- Modern graphics;- There is no need to think, and you just need to have agoodresponse;- Check it out records of other players looking atthesescreenshots.Relax and not think about anything, find out how to have agreattime and not get bored. Fun gameplay for Crossy Road will makeyouforget about your routine days and give the mood of relaxationandbuzz!"