Canka Net Bilişim Apps

Socialeyes: Chat & Meet People 2.0.0
Everyone wants to meet new people around and chat to them as longas they are in the same mood! Socialeyes proudly enables you to doso. How? Share your mood and set a meeting with the people around.With only 3 taps, you let people around you know what activity youwant to do and set a meet up spontaneously. Yes, this is a date! Wealso provide you the opportunity to chat through your devices andestablish your meeting beforehand! Find each other, meet, chat andmake new friends to join you! What can you do with Socialeyes: •Share your plans for an activity and find friends to join you onthe go • Get notified when your friends are nearby or up for someactivity • Discover new and interesting people nearby, establish adate • Find and meet those new people nearby, see their moods andchat to them • Earn social points and challenge your contacts onleaderboard Through this path, Socialize perfectly enables you toset up a meeting, find friends and go out for a date! We stronglyrecommend you to use Facebook login, because Socialeyes is way morefun and useful with friends and Facebook login is the best way tomake sure you connect with your contacts. Your privacy matters tous more than anything, which is why we designed this app to respectyour privacy concerns and needs. You are always in control of thesharing options and you are always asked to share your Socialeyescontent in your other social networks. We need your location sothat you can socialize with the people around. You can always turnoff the location services inside the app. As long as the locationservices are on, your chances of running into a friend is muchmore. You can join your friends’ activities and earn great amountof points by being a social person. Whenever you feel like you areup for something simply create your mood and start a conversationbelow the activity or chat with your contacts directly in the app.If you feel you are not in the mood to be creator of an activity,simply observe your friends: if they are in the mood for grabbing acup of coffee, you'll receive a notification so that you can jointhem. Socialeyes is also a great way to find new people to hang outwith. Check your newsfeed and you might spontaneously run intosomeone who is up for an activity that you’d be interested in. So,what are you waiting for? Go out there, meet new people, see yourfriends and enjoy your spontaneous meeting!