DecoyPro Apps

Wolf Hunting Calls-Wolf Call 1.2
Want to learn how to call for wolves but need to hear wolf calls toreplicate? The WolfPro wolf calls app provides you REAL wolf callsby giving you recordings of wolves that you can play and replicatewith your call until you match the sound. These wolf calls areclear, crisp, recordings and are effective for practicing callingfor wolf hunting. Seven specific wolf calls included. Connect theapp to your speaker and amplifier system via bluetooth or headphonejack to listen to these wolf calls louder as you practice or useyour phones speakers alone. FEATURES: - 7 REAL wolf calls -Effective, realistic and clear audio recorded for wolf calling -Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth receiver to play evenlouder as you practice - Sounds can play in the background of yourphone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf the internetwithout interrupting the wolf sounds - 5 minute soundtracks allowyou to set the app and focus on practicing to match the sounds -Connect to your speaker system with audio cables (cables notincluded) - No more buying multiple MP3s or memory cards, use thephone you already have - Real wolf call audio soundtracks at afraction of the cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memorycards separately. Soundtracks included in "WolfPro" - Lone WolfHowl - Wolf Fight - Wolf Growl - Wolf Howl Mix - Wolf Pack Howl -Wolf Pup - Wolf Wimpers Download WolfPro and listen to REAL wolfsounds as you prepare for wolf hunting. So what are you waitingfor? Download “WolfPro” today
REAL Hog Calls - Hog Hunting 1.2
Want affordable wild hog calls E-Caller? The HogPro hog calls appprovides you hog hunting calls at your fingertips. These hog callsare clear, crisp and recorded from REAL hogs. 7 unique soundtracksincluded. Connect the app to your speaker and amplifier system topull in hogs. FEATURES: - 7 hog call soundtracks - Effective,realistic and clear audio to bring in wary hogs - Bluetoothcompatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker in the field - Sounds canplay in the background of your phone allowing you to text, takepictures and surf the internet without disrupting the hog callingsounds - The soundtracks allow you to set the call and focus on hoghunting - Connect to your speaker system with audio cables orBluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grab yourMP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone with you -E-Calling audio for hogs at a fraction of the cost of purchasingmultiple soundtracks and memory cards separately Soundtracksincluded in "HogPro" - Wild Hog Distress - Hog Grunts 1 - HogGrunts 2 - Begging Hogs - Young Hog Distress - Hog Feeding Frenzy -Hog Fight Download HogPro and start having hog hunting successtoday!
Whitetail Deer Hunting Calls 1.1
Want affordable whitetail hunting calls, buck grunts and deergrunts? This app provides you buck calls,buck grunts, deer grunts,and other whitetail hunting calls. The DeerPro electronic deercalls app provides you REAL deer hunting calls at your fingertips.These whitetail hunting calls are clear and crisp, perfect forwhitetail hunting. 5 unique deer calls included. Connect the app toyour speaker and amplifier system to play the whitetail deerhunting calls loud. FEATURES: - 5 deer hunting calls - Effective,realistic and clear deer calls - Bluetooth compatible to sync to aBluetooth speakers for the whitetail hunting calls - Deer huntingcalls can play in the background of your phone allowing you totext, take pictures and surf the internet without disrupting thedeer hunting calls - The whitetail hunting calls, including buckgrunt and deer grunt allow you to set the deer calls and focus ondeer hunting - Connect to your speaker system with audio cables orBluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grab yourMP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone with youwhen whitetail hunting - E-Calling audio for whitetail deer at afraction of the cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memorycards separately - Take advantage of deer movement by using thesecalls to bring whitetail deer closer Whitetail Hunting Callsincluded in "DeerPro" - Buck Grunt - Buck Call - Antler Rattle -Deer Call - Doe Grunt - Deer Grunt - Doe Bleat - Deer Call - LostFawn - Deer Call Download DeerPro and start having whitetail deerhunting success today with these whitetail hunting calls!
Sons Pour Chasse Coyote 1.0
Vous voulez de vrais appels et sons pour la chasse au coyote ?L’application « Vrais appels et sons pour chasse au coyote » vousoffre des appels du coyote à portée de main. Les sons sont clairs,limpides, réalistes et ont été enregistrés à partir de vraiscoyotes. Inclus 10 bandes sonores de coyotes uniques. Vous netrouverez pas de meilleure application pour la chasse au coyote !Il suffit de connecter l'application à tout haut-parleur Bluetoothet vous avez un système électronique d’appel du coyote instantané.FONCTIONNALITÉS : - 10 bandes sonores de coyotes - Sons réalistes,efficaces et clairs pour attirer les coyotes - Compatible avecBluetooth pour synchroniser avec un haut-parleur sur le terrain -Les sons peuvent jouer en arrière-plan de votre téléphone vouspermettant ainsi d’envoyer des messages texte, de prendre desphotos et de naviguer sur Internet sans perturber les appels ducoyote - Les longs enregistrements vous permettent de mettrel’appel en marche et de vous concentrer sur la chasse. -Connectez-vous à votre système d’haut-parleurs avec des câblesaudio ou Bluetooth (câbles non inclus) - Plus besoin de penser àapporter votre lecteur MP3 ou vos cartes mémoires : vous aveztoujours votre téléphone avec vous ! - Audio pour la chasse aucoyote pour une fraction du coût d'achat de plusieurs bandessonores ou de cartes mémoire Bandes sonores incluses dans « Vraisappels et sons pour chasse au coyote » - Hurlement du coyote -Hurlement étiré - Jappements - Localisateur de coyote - Combat decoyote - Jappements et hurlements - Coyote agité - Lapin endétresse - Rat en détresse - Bande de corneilles Téléchargez «Vrais appels et sons pour chasse au coyote » et profitez d’unechasse fructueuse dès aujourd’hui !
Predator Calls for Hunting AU 1.0
Save hundreds of dollars with this predator hunting calls bundlevs. buying expensive eCaller systems. Simply connect the app to anyBluetooth speaker and you have an instant predator caller systemThe REAL Predator Hunting Calls app provides you predator huntingcalls at your fingertips. These predator soundtracks are clear,crisp, lifelike and recorded from REAL predators. Soundtracks arefrom coyotes, wolves, fox, mountain lions and bobcats. Over 40predator call soundtracks included. FEATURES: - 40 + predatorhunting soundtracks - Effective, realistic and clear audio to bringin wary predators - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetoothspeaker in the field - Sounds can play in the background of yourphone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf the internetwithout disrupting the predator calling sounds - Long soundtracksallow you to set the call and focus on predator hunting - Connectto your speaker system with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables notincluded) - No more forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memorycards, you always have your phone with you - E-Calling audio forcoyotes at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracks and memory cards separately Soundtracks included in“REAL Predator Hunting" - Coyote Howl - coyote hunting calls -Coyote Drawn Out Howl - coyote calls - Coyote Barks - coyote call -Coyote Locator - Coyote Fight - Coyote Barks & Howls - ExcitedCoyotes - Mountain Lion Whistle - Mountain Lion Hiss - MountainLions Courting - Mountain Lion Growls - Angry Mountain Lion -Mountain Lion Roars - Fox Barks - Fox Fight - Fox Squeals - BabyFox - Baby Fox Distress - Red Fox - Arctic Fox - Bobcat Growls -Lone Wolf Howl - Wolf Fight - Wolf Growl - Wolf Howl - Wolf PackHowl - Wolf Pup - Wolf Wimpers - Squirrel Distress - Raccoon Fight- Rabbit Distress - Chicken Distress - Baby Cottontail Distress -Rat Distress - Murder of Crows - Mouse Squeaker - Vole/RodentSqueaker - Woodpecker Distress - Kitten Meow/Distress - FawnDistress - Jackrabbit Distress Download “REAL Predator HuntingCalls” and start having coyote hunting success today!
Dove Calls for Hunting 1.2
for hunting at your fingertips. These dove sounds are clear, crisp,lifelike and recorded from REAL doves. 3 dove call soundtracksincluded. Simply connect the app to any Bluetooth speaker and youhave an instant dove electronic caller system (where legal).FEATURES: - 3 dove hunting calls - Effective, realistic and clearaudio to bring in doves - Bluetooth compatible to sync to aBluetooth speaker in the field - Sounds can play in the backgroundof your phone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf theinternet without disrupting the dove calling sounds - Longsoundtracks allow you to set the call and focus on dove hunting -Connect to your speaker system with audio cables or Bluetooth(cables not included) - No more forgetting to grab your MP3 playeror memory cards, you always have your phone with you - E-Callingaudio for dove at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracks and memory cards separately Soundtracks included in“REAL Dove Hunting Calls" - Mourning Dove - Dove Clucks - Dove CoosDownload “REAL Dove Hunting Calls” and start having dove huntingsuccess today!
Wood Duck Calls Wood DuckPro 1.2
Wood duck calls and wood duck call & sounds for your phone. TheWood DuckPro duck call app provides you wood duck calls at yourfingertips. These duck calls are clear and crisp. 4 unique duckcall sounds included. This is the best wood duck caller app youwill find. Connect the app to your speaker and amplifier system toplay the duck calls loud. FEATURES: - 4 duck hunting calls -Effective, realistic and clear wood duck calls - Bluetoothcompatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker to play the wood duckcalls - Duck hunting calls can play in the background of your phoneallowing you to text, take pictures and surf the internet withoutdisrupting the wood duck calls - The soundtracks allow you to setthe duck calls and focus on duck hunting - Connect to your speakersystem with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included) - Nomore forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, you alwayshave your phone with you - E-Calling audio for duck calls at afraction of the cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memorycards separately Soundtracks included in "MallardPro" - Wood DuckSqueal - Duck Call - Wood Duck Whine - Duck Call - Wood Duck AlarmCall- Duck Call - Wood Duck Drake & Hen - Duck Call DownloadWood DuckPro duck calls and start having duck hunting successtoday!
Distress Calls for Hunting AU 1.2
The REAL Distress Calls for PREDATOR Hunting BLUETOOTH COMPATIBLEapp provides you predator hunting calls at your fingertips. Thesedistress calls are clear, crisp and lifelike, perfect for gettingthe interest of nearby predators. Soundtracks are from rodents,chickens, deer, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, crows, kittens,woodpeckers and fox. Over 15 distress calls for predator huntingincluded. Simply connect your phone to any bluetooth speaker toamplify the distress calls for predator hunting. FEATURES: - 15+distress calls for predator hunting - Effective, realistic andclear audio to bring in wary predators - Bluetooth compatible tosync to a Bluetooth speaker in the field - Distress sounds can playin the background of your phone allowing you to text, take picturesand surf the internet without disrupting the predator callingsounds - Long soundtracks allow you to set the call and focus onpredator hunting - Connect to your speaker system with audio cablesor Bluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grabyour MP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone withyou - E-Calling audio for coyotes at a fraction of the cost ofpurchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracks included in “REAL Distress Calls for Predator Hunting"- Rabbit Distress - Predator Call - Baby Cottontail Distress -Rabbit Call - Jackrabbit Distress - Predator Calls - Baby FoxDistress - Fox Calls - Squirrel Distress - Squirrel Calls - RedSquirrel Distress - Squirrel Call - Flying Squirrel Distress -Squirrel Calls - Raccoon Pup Distress - Raccoon Calls - ChickenDistress - Coyote Calls - Rat Distress - Varmint Calls - HogDistress - Predator Calls - Crow Distress - Crow Calls -Vole/Rodent Distress - Varmint Calls - Mouse Squeaker - VarmintCalls - Woodpecker Distress - Predator Calls/Coyote Hunting Calls -Kitten Distress - Distress Calls - Fawn Distress - Whitetail DeerCalls Download “REAL Distress Calls for Predator Hunting” and starthaving predator hunting success today!
Deer Calls for Hunting 1.1
Want affordable deer hunting call sounds? The DeerPro deer callerapp provides you deer hunting soundtracks at your fingertips. Thesesoundtracks are clear, crisp, lifelike and effective for learning.Five deer hunting call soundtracks included. Connect the app toyour speaker and amplifier system to listen to these real deercalls louder as you practice or use your phones speakers alone.FEATURES: - 5 deer hunting soundtracks - Effective, realistic andclear audio for deer - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetoothreceiver to play even louder as you practice - Sounds can play inthe background of your phone allowing you to text, take picturesand surf the internet without interrupting the deer sounds - Longsoundtracks allow you to set the call and focus on practicing tomatch the sounds - Connect to your speaker system with audio cables(cables not included) - No more buying multiplet MP3s or memorycards, use the phone you already have - Real deer call audiosoundtracks at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracks and memory cards separately Soundtracks included in"DeerPro" - Buck Grunt - Doe Grunt - Doe Bleat - Lost Fawn - AntlerRattle Download DeerPro and learn how to call deer by listening tothese realistic deer calling sounds today!
Predator Calls -Fox Hunting AU 1.1
Are you ready to bag more fox? This predator hunting calls app forfox works with bluetooth and lets you play the fox sounds loud tobring them into shooting range. 15 unique fox predator callsincluded. Connect the app to your speaker and amplifier system topull in fox (where legal). FEATURES: - 15 fox hunting soundtracks -Effective, realistic and clear audio to bring in wary fox (wherelegal) - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker in thefield - Sounds can play in the background of your phone allowingyou to text, take pictures and surf the internet without disruptingthe fox calling sounds - The soundtracks allow you to set the calland focus on fox hunting - Connect to your speaker system withaudio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included) - No moreforgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, you always haveyour phone with you - E-Calling audio for foxs at a fraction of thecost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracks included in "FoxPro" - Fox Barks - Fox Call - Fox Fight- Fox Call - Fox Squeals - Fox Call - Baby Fox - Fox Calls - BabyFox Distress - Raccoon Fight - Red Fox - Arctic Fox - SquirrelDistress - Mouse Squeaker - Bluejay Distress - Crow Distress -Cottontail Distress - Chicken Distress - Kitten Distresss DownloadFox Calls/Predator Calls and start having fox hunting successtoday!
Waterfowl Hunting Calls 1.2
Save hundreds of dollars with this ultimate hunting calls app forbig game hunting vs. buying multiple expensive eCaller tapes orsystems. Simply connect the app to any Bluetooth speaker and youhave an instant big game hunting calls system using these big gamehunting calls. The Ultimate Hunting Calls app for Ducks, Geese& Sandhill Cranes provides you waterfowl hunting calls at yourfingertips. These waterfowl hunting calls are clear and crispperfect for getting the interest of nearby waterfowl (where legal).Over 30 waterfowl calls for waterfowl hunting included. FEATURES: -30+ waterfowl hunting calls for duck hunting, goose hunting andsandhill crane hunting - Effective, realistic and clear audio tobring in wary waterfowl - Bluetooth compatible to sync to aBluetooth speaker in the field - Waterfowl sounds can play in thebackground of your phone allowing you to text, take pictures andsurf the internet without disrupting the waterfall calling sounds -Long soundtracks allow you to set the call and focus on duckhunting, goose hunting and sandhill crane hunting - Connect to yourspeaker system with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included)- No more forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, youalways have your phone with you - E-Calling audio for waterfowlhunting at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracks and memory cards separately Soundtracks included in“The Ultimate Waterfowl Hunting Calls App" - Blue Winged Teal -Pinteal Whistle - Green Wing Teal - Drake Whistle & Chitter -Teal Hen - Wood Duck Squeal - Wood Duck Whine - Wood Duck AlarmCall - Wood Duck Drake & Hen - Ringneck Croak Call - RingneckDrake Grunt - Ringneck Welcome Calls - Ringneck Flight call -Mallard Basic Quack - Mallard Greeting Call - Mallard Feed Call -Mallard Hail Call - Mallard Comeback Call - Mallard Lonesome Hen -Mallard Pleading Call - Mallard Whistle - Goose Honk - Goose Cluck- Goose Moan - Goose Double Cluck - Goose Murmur - Goose Hiccup -Goose Soundtrack #1 - Goose Soundtrack #2 - Goose Soundtrack #3 -Sandhill Crane Mating Call - Sandhill Crane - Basic Call - SandhillCranes - Cranes Communicating Download “The Ultimate WaterfowlHunting Calls App" and start having predator hunting success today!
Deer Hunting Call-Deer Calling 1.2
Want affordable deer calls sounds? The DeerPro deer calls appprovides you deer hunting calls at your fingertips. Thesesoundtracks are clear, crisp, lifelike and effective for learning.Five deer hunting call soundtracks included. Connect the app toyour speaker and amplifier system to listen to these real deercalls louder as you practice or use your phones speakers alone.FEATURES: - 5 deer hunting calls - Effective, realistic and clearaudio for deer - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetoothreceiver to play even louder as you practice - Sounds can play inthe background of your phone allowing you to text, take picturesand surf the internet without interrupting the deer sounds - Longsoundtracks allow you to set the call and focus on practicing tomatch the sounds - Connect to your speaker system with audio cables(cables not included) - No more buying multiplet MP3s or memorycards, use the phone you already have - Real deer call audiosoundtracks at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracks and memory cards separately Soundtracks included in"DeerPro" - Buck Grunt - Doe Grunt - Doe Bleat - Lost Fawn - AntlerRattle Download DeerPro and learn how to call deer by listening tothese realistic deer calling sounds today!
Deer Calls for Deer Hunting 1.5
Deer calls sounds lite and deer calls and sounds at yourfingertips. This deer calls pro app provides 13 deer calls soundsfor deer hunting (where legal). If you are a deer hunter these deerhunting calls can help you bag a monster deer this year. The deercalls & sounds are great to add to your deer hunting toolbelt.FEATURES: - 13 deer hunting calls - Effective, realistic and cleardeer calls - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker -Deer hunting calls can play in the background of your phoneallowing you to text, take pictures and surf the internet withoutdisrupting the deer calling sounds - The soundtracks allow you toset the deer calls and focus on deer hunting - Connect to yourspeaker system with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included)- No more forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, youalways have your phone with you - E-Calling audio for deer calls ata fraction of the cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks andmemory cards separately Soundtracks included in "DeerPro" - BuckGrunt - Deer Call - Grunt 2 – Deer Call - Multiple Grunts – DeerCall - Wheeze – Deer Call - Extended Wheeze – Deer Call - Snort –Deer Call - Snort & Grunt 1 – Deer Call - Snort & Grunt 2 -Deer Call - Multiple Snorts – Deer Call - Antler Rattle – Deer Call- Doe Grunt – Deer Call - Doe Bleat – Deer Call - Lost Fawn – DeerCall Download DeerPro and start having deer hunting success today!
Distress Calls - Hunting Calls 1.1
The REAL Distress Calls for PREDATOR Hunting BLUETOOTH COMPATIBLEapp provides you predator hunting calls at your fingertips. Thesedistress calls are clear, crisp and lifelike, perfect for gettingthe interest of nearby predators. Soundtracks are from rodents,chickens, deer, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, crows, kittens,woodpeckers and fox. Over 15 distress calls for predator huntingincluded. Simply connect your phone to any bluetooth speaker toamplify the distress calls for predator hunting. FEATURES: - 15+distress calls for predator hunting - Effective, realistic andclear audio to bring in wary predators - Bluetooth compatible tosync to a Bluetooth speaker in the field - Distress sounds can playin the background of your phone allowing you to text, take picturesand surf the internet without disrupting the predator callingsounds - Long soundtracks allow you to set the call and focus onpredator hunting - Connect to your speaker system with audio cablesor Bluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grabyour MP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone withyou - E-Calling audio for coyotes at a fraction of the cost ofpurchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracks included in “REAL Distress Calls for Predator Hunting"- Rabbit Distress - Predator Call - Baby Cottontail Distress -Rabbit Call - Jackrabbit Distress - Predator Calls - Baby FoxDistress - Fox Calls - Squirrel Distress - Squirrel Calls - RedSquirrel Distress - Squirrel Call - Flying Squirrel Distress -Squirrel Calls - Raccoon Pup Distress - Raccoon Calls - ChickenDistress - Coyote Calls - Rat Distress - Varmint Calls - HogDistress - Predator Calls - Crow Distress - Crow Calls -Vole/Rodent Distress - Varmint Calls - Mouse Squeaker - VarmintCalls - Woodpecker Distress - Predator Calls/Coyote Hunting Calls -Kitten Distress - Distress Calls - Fawn Distress - Whitetail DeerCalls Download “REAL Distress Calls for Predator Hunting” and starthaving predator hunting success today!
Deer Calls for Hunting UK 1.2
Want affordable deer hunting call sounds? The DeerPro deer callerapp provides you deer hunting soundtracks at your fingertips. Thesesoundtracks are clear, crisp, lifelike and effective for learning.Five deer hunting call soundtracks included. Connect the app toyour speaker and amplifier system to listen to these real deercalls louder as you practice or use your phones speakers alone.FEATURES: - 5 deer hunting soundtracks - Effective, realistic andclear audio for deer - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetoothreceiver to play even louder as you practice - Sounds can play inthe background of your phone allowing you to text, take picturesand surf the internet without interrupting the deer sounds - Longsoundtracks allow you to set the call and focus on practicing tomatch the sounds - Connect to your speaker system with audio cables(cables not included) - No more buying multiplet MP3s or memorycards, use the phone you already have - Real deer call audiosoundtracks at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracks and memory cards separately Soundtracks included in"DeerPro" - Buck Grunt - Doe Grunt - Doe Bleat - Lost Fawn - AntlerRattle Download DeerPro and learn how to call deer by listening tothese realistic deer calling sounds today!
Fox Hunting Call-Fox Calls 1.1
Want an affordable fox calls? The FoxCalls fox electronic foxcalling app provides you fox calls at your fingertips. Thesesoundtracks are clear, crisp, lifelike and recorded from REAL fox.7 unique soundtracks included. Connect the app to your speaker andamplifier system to pull in foxes. FEATURES: - 7 fox calls forhunting soundtracks - Effective, realistic and clear audio to bringin wary foxes - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speakerin the field - Sounds can play in the background of your phoneallowing you to text, take pictures and surf the internet withoutdisrupting the fox calling sounds - The soundtracks allow you toset the call and focus on fox hunting - Connect to your speakersystem with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included) - Nomore forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, you alwayshave your phone with you - E-Calling audio for fox at a fraction ofthe cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cardsseparately Soundtracks included in "FoxCalls" - Fox Barks - FoxSqueals - Fox Fight - Baby Fox - Baby Fox Distress - Red Fox -Arctic Fox Download FoxCalls and start having fox hunting successtoday!
Sonidos Cacería de-Conejos 1.1
llamadas de depredadores, llamada de alimañas, conejos, llamadaspara cacería de coyote, llamadas para cacería, llamadas paraconejos, llamadas para cacería de gansos, llamadas para cacería depato ¿Necesitas llamadas y sonidos para cacería de conejos aprecios accesibles? RabbitPro te ofrece llamadas para conejosREALES en la palma de tu mano. Las llamadas para conejos deRabbitPro son claras y nítidas, grabadas de conejos REALES. Incluye7 tipos de llamadas de conejos únicas. Ésta es la mejor aplicaciónde llamadas para conejos que encontrarás. Conecta la aplicación atu sistema de amplificación y bocinas para oír los sonidos a mayorvolumen. Características: - 7 diferentes llamadas para cacería deconejos - Llamadas para conejos efectivas, claras y realistas. -Compatible con Bluetooth para la reproducción de los sonidos ensistemas de audio compatibles. - La aplicación puede ejecutarse enel segundo plano de tu teléfono para que puedas seguir escribiendomensajes, tomando fotos y navegar por internet sin tener queinterrumpir las llamadas para conejos. - La aplicación te permiteestablecer un tipo de llamada continua para que te enfoquesúnicamente en la cacería. - Conecta tu sistema de audio mediantecable o Bluetooth (no se incluyen los cables). - Olvídate de tenerque llevar un reproductor MP3 o tarjetas de memoria extra, tucelular es todo lo que necesitas. - Llamadas electrónicas de audiopara conejos a una fracción del costo de comprar pistas y tarjetasde memoria por separado. Las pistas incluidas en "RabbitPro" son: -Chillido de Conejo 1 - Chillido de Conejo 2 - Chillido de Conejo 3- Chillido de Conejo 4 - Liebre Herida - Conejo Herido 1 - ConejoHerido 2 ¡Descarga RabbitPro rabbit calls y comienza a tener unacacería exitosa hoy mismo!
Sonidos Cacería de Conejos SP 1.1
llamadas de depredadores, llamada de alimañas, conejos, llamadaspara cacería de coyote, llamadas para cacería, llamadas paraconejos, llamadas para cacería de gansos, llamadas para cacería depato ¿Necesitas llamadas y sonidos para cacería de conejos aprecios accesibles? RabbitPro te ofrece llamadas para conejosREALES en la palma de tu mano. Las llamadas para conejos deRabbitPro son claras y nítidas, grabadas de conejos REALES. Incluye7 tipos de llamadas de conejos únicas. Ésta es la mejor aplicaciónde llamadas para conejos que encontrarás. Conecta la aplicación atu sistema de amplificación y bocinas para oír los sonidos a mayorvolumen. Características: - 7 diferentes llamadas para cacería deconejos - Llamadas para conejos efectivas, claras y realistas. -Compatible con Bluetooth para la reproducción de los sonidos ensistemas de audio compatibles. - La aplicación puede ejecutarse enel segundo plano de tu teléfono para que puedas seguir escribiendomensajes, tomando fotos y navegar por internet sin tener queinterrumpir las llamadas para conejos. - La aplicación te permiteestablecer un tipo de llamada continua para que te enfoquesúnicamente en la cacería. - Conecta tu sistema de audio mediantecable o Bluetooth (no se incluyen los cables). - Olvídate de tenerque llevar un reproductor MP3 o tarjetas de memoria extra, tucelular es todo lo que necesitas. - Llamadas electrónicas de audiopara conejos a una fracción del costo de comprar pistas y tarjetasde memoria por separado. Las pistas incluidas en "RabbitPro" son: -Chillido de Conejo 1 - Chillido de Conejo 2 - Chillido de Conejo 3- Chillido de Conejo 4 - Liebre Herida - Conejo Herido 1 - ConejoHerido 2 ¡Descarga RabbitPro rabbit calls y comienza a tener unacacería exitosa hoy mismo!
Llamadas para Cacería Zorros 1.0
¿Necesitas llamadas y sonidos para cacería de zorros a preciosaccesibles? ProFox fox call app te ofrece llamadas para zorrosREALES en las palmas de tus manos. Éstas llamadas para zorros sonclaras, nítida y REALES, grabadas de zorros. 15 sonidos de llamadasúnicas. ProFox es la mejor aplicación de llamado electrónico queencontrarás en el mercado. Conecta la aplicación a tu sistema dealtavoces y amplificador para reproducir las llamadas de zorros amayor volumen. CARACTERÍSTICAS: - 15 pistas de sonidos para caceríade zorros. - Sonidos efectivos, realistas y claros para atraerzorros cautelosos. - Compatible con Bluetooth para sincronizar consistemas de sonido compatibles en el campo. - La aplicación puedeejecutarse en el segundo plano de tu teléfono para que puedasseguir escribiendo mensajes, tomando fotos y navegar por internetsin tener que detener las llamadas para zorros. - Las pistas deaudio te permiten programar las llamadas y enfocarte únicamente enla cacería de tu presa. - Conecta tu sistema de audio mediantecable o Bluetooth (no se incluyen los cables). - Olvídate de tenerque llevar un reproductor MP3 o tarjetas de memoria extra, tucelular es todo lo que necesitas. - Llamadas electrónicas de audiopara zorros a una fracción del costo de comprar pistas y tarjetasde memoria por separado. Pistas incluidas en "FoxPro" - Ladridos deZorro - Pelea de Zorros - Chillidos de Zorro - Zorro Cachorro -Cachorro de Zorro Herido - Pelea de Mapaches - Zorro Rojo - Zorrodel Ártico - Ardilla Herida - Chillido de Ratón - Arrendajo Herido- Cuervo Herido - Conejo Herido - Pollo Herido - Gato Herido¡Descarga ProFox fox calls y comienza a tener éxito en tu caceríade zorros hoy mismo!
Varmint Calls for Hunting 1.2
Want affordable varmint calls and varmint calls & sounds thatyou can play with a bluetooth speaker? The VarmintPro varmint callsapp provides you pro varmint calls at your fingertips. These provarmint calls and calling sequences are clear, crisp and recordedfrom REAL varmints. 15 unique varmint call sounds included. This isthe best pro varmint calls lite you will find. Connect the app toyour speaker and amplifier system to play the varmint calls loud.FEATURES: - 15 varmint hunting calls - Effective, realistic andclear varmint calls - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetoothspeaker to play the varmint calls - Varmint hunting calls can playin the background of your phone allowing you to text, take picturesand surf the internet without disrupting the varmint calls - Thesoundtracks allow you to set the varmint calls and focus on varminthunting - Connect to your speaker system with audio cables orBluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grab yourMP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone with you -E-Calling audio for varmint calls at a fraction of the cost ofpurchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracks included in "VarmintPro" - Mouse Squeaker - VarmintCall - Vole/Rodent - Varmint Call - Rabbit Squeaker 1 - VarmintCall - Rabbit Squeaker 2 - Varmint Call - Baby Cottontail Distress- Varmint Call - Rat Distress - Varmint Call - Squirrel Distress -Varmint Call - Red Squirrel Distress - Varmint Call - JackrabbitDistress - Varmint Call - Owl - Varmint Call - Woodpecker Distress- Varmint Call - Fawn Distress - Varmint Call - Chicken Distress -Varmint Call - Crows - Varmint Call - Kitten Distress - VarmintCall Download VarmintPro varmint calls free and start havingvarmint hunting success today!
REAL Turkey Calls ELITE 1.1
Turkey calls that work with bluetooth. This turkey call app turkeycalls for every situation and works great for turkey hunting. TheTurkeyPro pro turkey hunting calls app provides you REAL turkeycalls at your fingertips. These turkey calls are clear, crisp andloud. 15 turkey call sounds included. This is the best turkeycaller lite app you will find. Connect the app to your speaker andamplifier system to play the turkey calls loud. FEATURES: - 15turkey hunting calls - Effective, realistic and clear turkey calls- Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker to play theturkey calls free - Turkey hunting calls can play in the backgroundof your phone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf theinternet without disrupting the turkey calls - The soundtracks onthis turkey call app allow you to set the turkey calls and focus onturkey hunting - Connect to your speaker system with audio cablesor Bluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grabyour MP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone withyou - E-Calling audio for turkey calls at a fraction of the cost ofpurchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracks included in "TurkeyPro" - Turkey Gobble - Turkey Call -Gobbles & Yelps - Turkey Call - Aggressive Turkey Gobbles -Turkey Call - Excited Young Hen Yelps - Turkey Call - Turkey HenRaspy Yelps- Turkey Call - Young Turkey Hen Yelps - Turkey Call -Turkey Tree Yelps- Turkey Call - Wild Turkey Hen - Turkey Call -Lost Turkey Hen - Turkey Call - Turkey Kee-Kee — Turkey Call -Turkey Purrs - Turkey Call - Turkey Fighting Purrs - Turkey Call -Turkey Cuts - Turkey Call - Flydown Cackle - Turkey Calls - Owl -Turkey Calls Download TurkeyPro turkey calls free and start havingturkey hunting success today!
Crow Calls and Crow Sounds 1.1
Want an affordable crow E-Caller? The CrowPro crow electroniccaller app provides you crow hunting soundtracks at yourfingertips. These soundtracks are clear, crisp, lifelike andeffective. Five 30 minute soundtracks included. Connect the app toyour speaker and amplifier system to pull in flocks of wary crows.FEATURES: - 5 crow hunting soundtracks, 30 minutes each -Effective, realistic and clear audio to bring in wary crows -Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth receiver in the field -Sounds can play in the background of your phone allowing you totext, take pictures and surf the internet without disruptinginterrupting the crow calling sounds - 30 minute soundtracks allowyou to set the call and focus on crow hunting - Connect to yourspeaker system with audio cables (cables not included) - No moreforgetting to grab your MP3 memory cards, you always have yourphone with you - E-Calling audio for crows at a fraction of thecost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracks included in "CrowPro" - A Murder of Crows (30 Minutes)- Crows Communicating (30 Minutes) - Mixed Bag (30 Minutes) -Single Crow (30 Minutes) - Calm Before the Storm (30 Minutes)Download CrowPro and start having crow hunting success today!
Bigfoot calls Finding Bigfoot 1.0
The Bigfoot calls for Finding Bigfoot app provides you Bigfootcalls and bigfoot sounds for finding Bigfoot. It includes andbigfoot sounds + Bigfoot Calls and sasquatch sounds at yourfingertips. These Bigfoot sounds are clear, crisp, lifelike. 12bigfoot calls soundtracks included. Simply connect the app to anyBluetooth speaker and you have an instant big foot sound system.FEATURES: - 12 Bigfoot calls perfect for any bigfoot hunter who isfinding bigfoot - Effective, realistic and clear audio for bigfoothunters - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker -These bigfoot sounds for Big foots can play in the background ofyour phone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf theinternet without disrupting the sasquatch sounds, you can even playyour other bigfoot games in the background - Connect to yourspeaker system with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included)- No more forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, youalways have your phone with you - Audio for Bigfoot at a fractionof the cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cardsseparately, can be used for any bigfoot hunter who is findingbigfoot Soundtracks included in “Bigfoot calls for Finding Bigfoot" - Bigfoot Howl 1 – Bigfoot Sounds & Bigfoot Calls - BigfootHowl 2 – Bigfoot Sounds & Bigfoot Calls - Bigfoot Groan 1 –Bigfoot Sounds & Bigfoot Calls - Bigfoot Groan 2 – BigfootSounds, Sasquatch & Bigfoot Calls - Bigfoot Growl – BigfootSounds & Bigfoot Calls - Bigfoot Knock – Big foot Sounds &Bigfoot Calls - Bigfoot Knock Multiple – Bigfoot Sounds & Bigfoot Calls - Bigfoot Whoop – Bigfoot Sounds & Bigfoot Calls -Bigfoot Howl & Groan – Big foot Sounds & Bigfoot Calls -Bigfoot Whoop & Growl – Bigfoot Sounds & Big foot Calls -Bigfoot Knock & Howl – Bigfoot Sounds, Sasquatch & BigfootCalls - Bigfoot Knock, Bigfoot Whoops,Bigfoot Knocks,Bigfoot Howls– Bigfoot Sounds & Bigfoot Calls Download “The Bigfoot callsfor Finding Bigfoot" today!
Sasquatch Calls & Scary Sounds 1.0
The Sasquatch Calls for Finding Sasquatch app provides youSasquatch calls and Sasquatch sounds for finding Sasquatch. Itincludes and Sasquatch sounds + Sasquatch Calls and sasquatchsounds at your fingertips. These Sasquatch sounds are clear, crisp,lifelike. 12 Sasquatch calls soundtracks included. Simply connectthe app to any Bluetooth speaker and you have an instant sasquatchsound system. FEATURES: - 12 Sasquatch calls perfect for anySasquatch hunter who is finding Sasquatch - Effective, realisticand clear audio for Sasquatch hunters - Bluetooth compatible tosync to a Bluetooth speaker - These Sasquatch sounds for Big footscan play in the background of your phone allowing you to text, takepictures and surf the internet without disrupting the sasquatchsounds, you can even play your other Sasquatch games in thebackground - Connect to your speaker system with audio cables orBluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grab yourMP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone with you -Audio for Sasquatch at a fraction of the cost of purchasingmultiple soundtracks and memory cards separately, can be used forany Sasquatch hunter who is finding Sasquatch Soundtracks includedin “The Sasquatch Calls & Scary Sounds" - Sasquatch Howl 1 –Sasquatch Sounds & Sasquatch Calls - Sasquatch Howl 2 –Sasquatch Sounds & Sasquatch Calls - Sasquatch Groan 1 –Sasquatch Sounds & Sasquatch Calls - Sasquatch Groan 2 –Sasquatch Sounds, Sasquatch & Sasquatch Calls - Sasquatch Growl– Sasquatch Sounds & Sasquatch Calls - Sasquatch Knock – Bigfoot Sounds & Sasquatch Calls & Scary Sounds! - SasquatchKnock Multiple – Sasquatch Sounds & Big foot Calls - SasquatchWhoop – Sasquatch Sounds & Sasquatch Calls - Sasquatch Howl& Groan – Bigfoot Sounds & Sasquatch Calls & ScarySounds - Sasquatch Whoop & Growl – Sasquatch Sounds & Bigfoot Calls - Sasquatch Knock & Howl – Sasquatch Sounds,Sasquatch & Sasquatch Calls - Sasquatch Knock, SasquatchWhoops,Sasquatch Knocks,Sasquatch Howls – Sasquatch Sounds &Sasquatch Calls Download “The Sasquatch Calls & Scary Sounds"today!
Abominable Snowman Calls 1.4
The Abominable Snowman Calls for Finding Abominable Snowman appprovides you Abominable Snowman calls and Abominable Snowman soundsfor finding Abominable Snowman. It includes and Abominable Snowmansounds + Abominable Snowman Calls and Abominable Snowman sounds atyour fingertips. These Abominable Snowman sounds are clear, crisp,lifelike. 12 Abominable Snowman calls soundtracks included. Simplyconnect the app to any Bluetooth speaker and you have an instantAbominable Snowman sound system. FEATURES: - 12 Abominable Snowmancalls perfect for any Abominable Snowman hunter who is findingAbominable Snowman - Effective, realistic and clear audio forAbominable Snowman hunters - Bluetooth compatible to sync to aBluetooth speaker - These Abominable Snowman sounds for Big footscan play in the background of your phone allowing you to text, takepictures and surf the internet without disrupting the AbominableSnowman sounds, you can even play your other Abominable Snowmangames in the background - Connect to your speaker system with audiocables or Bluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting tograb your MP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phonewith you - Audio for Abominable Snowman at a fraction of the costof purchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separately, canbe used for any Abominable Snowman hunter who is finding AbominableSnowman Soundtracks included in “The Abominable Snowman Calls &Scary Sounds" - Abominable Snowman Howl 1 – Abominable SnowmanSounds & Abominable Snowman Calls - Abominable Snowman Howl 2 –Abominable Snowman Sounds & Abominable Snowman Calls -Abominable Snowman Groan 1 – Abominable Snowman Sounds &Abominable Snowman Calls - Abominable Snowman Groan 2 – AbominableSnowman Sounds, Abominable Snowman & Abominable Snowman Calls -Abominable Snowman Growl – Abominable Snowman Sounds &Abominable Snowman Calls - Abominable Snowman Knock – Big footSounds & Abominable Snowman Calls & Scary Sounds! -Abominable Snowman Knock Multiple – Abominable Snowman Sounds &Big foot Calls - Abominable Snowman Whoop – Abominable SnowmanSounds & Abominable Snowman Calls - Abominable Snowman Howl& Groan – Bigfoot Sounds & Abominable Snowman Calls &Scary Sounds - Abominable Snowman Whoop & Growl – AbominableSnowman Sounds & Big foot Calls - Abominable Snowman Knock& Howl – Abominable Snowman Sounds, Abominable Snowman &Abominable Snowman Calls - Abominable Snowman Knock, AbominableSnowman Whoops,Abominable Snowman Knocks,Abominable Snowman Howls –Abominable Snowman Sounds & Abominable Snowman Calls Download“The Abominable Snowman Calls & Scary Sounds" today!
Red Fox Hunting Calls & Predator Calls & Distress 1.0
Want an affordable fox electronic caller? The Red Fox HuntingCalls& Predator Calls & Distress Calls - HuntingCallselectronic caller app provides you red fox hunting soundtracksatyour fingertips. These soundtracks are clear, crisp, lifelikeandrecorded from REAL red fox. ★★★ 21 unique soundtracksincluded.Connect the app to your speaker and amplifier system topull infoxes.★★★ FEATURES: ✔️ 21 fox hunting soundtracks ✔️Effective,realistic and clear audio to bring in wary foxes ✔️Bluetoothcompatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker in the field ✔️Soundscan play in the background of your phone allowing you totext, takepictures and surf the internet without disrupting the foxcallingsounds ✔️ The soundtracks allow you to set the call andfocus onfox hunting ✔️ Connect to your speaker system with audiocables orBluetooth (cables not included) ✔️ No more forgetting tograb yourMP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phonewith you ✔️E-Calling audio for fox at a fraction of the cost ofpurchasingmultiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracksincluded in "Red Fox Hunting Calls & Predator Calls&Distress Calls - Hunting Calls" ✔️ Red Fox ✔️ Red Fox Distress1 ✔️Red Fox Distress 2 ✔️ Red Fox Growls 1 ✔️ Red Fox Growls 2✔️Growls & Distress ✔️ Red Fox Barks ✔️ Red Fox Fight ✔️ RedFoxSqueals ✔️ Baby Fox ✔️ Baby Fox Distress ✔️ Raccoon Fight ✔️ArcticFox ✔️ Squirrel Distress ✔️ Chicken Distress ✔️ KittenDistress ✔️Bluejay Distress ✔️ Jackrabbit Distress ✔️ Crow Distress✔️ MouseSqueaker Download Red Fox Hunting Calls & PredatorCalls &Distress Calls - Hunting Calls and start having foxhunting successtoday!
Jackdaw Calls for Hunting 1.1
Jackdaw calls with jackdaw sounds perfect for jackdawhunting.Bluetooth compatible! The Jackdaw calls app provides youREALjackdaw calls at your fingertips. These jackdaw sounds callsareclear, crisp and recorded from REAL jackdaw. 11 uniquejackdawsounds included. This is the best jackdaw calls app you willfind.Connect the app to your speaker and amplifier system to playthejackdaw calls loud and use the jackdaw calls to bring injackdaw(where legal). FEATURES: - 11 jackdaw hunting jackdaw sounds-Effective, realistic and clear jackdaw calls - Bluetoothcompatibleto sync to a Bluetooth speaker to play the jackdaw calls- Thesoundtracks allow you to set the jackdaw calls and focus onjackdawhunting - Connect to your speaker system with audio cablesorBluetooth (cables not included) - No more forgetting to grabyourMP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone with you-E-Calling audio for jackdaw calls at a fraction of the costofpurchasing multiple jackdaw hunting sounds and memorycardsseparately Soundtracks included in "JackdawPro" - Jackdaws-Jackdaw Distress - Jackdaw Fight - Jackdaw & Jackrabbit Fight-Jackdaw & Rat Fight - Rabbit Distress - Jackdaw & OwlFight- Woodpecker Distress - Rat Distress - Chicken Distress -Chicken& Jackdaw Download Jackdaw Calls and start havingjackdawhunting success today!
Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting 1.0
Want affordable Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds for RodentHuntingthat you can play with a bluetooth speaker? ★★★The RodentCalls& Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting app provides you provarmintcalls at your fingertips. These rodent calls and callingsequencesare clear, crisp and recorded from REAL rodents. 15 uniquerodentcall sounds included. This is the best Rodent Calls &RodentSounds for Rodent Hunting app you will find. Connect the apptoyour speaker and amplifier system to play the rodent callsloud.★★★FEATURES: ✔️ 15 Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds for RodentHuntinghunting calls ✔️ Effective, realistic and clear rodent calls✔️Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker to playtherodent calls ✔️ Rodent hunting calls can play in the backgroundofyour phone allowing you to text, take pictures and surftheinternet without disrupting the rodent calls ✔️ Thesoundtracksallow you to set the rodent calls and focus on rodenthunting ✔️Connect to your speaker system with audio cables orBluetooth(cables not included) ✔️ No more forgetting to grab yourMP3 playeror memory cards, you always have your phone with you ✔️E-Callingaudio for rodent calls at a fraction of the cost ofpurchasingmultiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracksincluded in "Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds for RodentHunting"✔️ Mouse Squeaker - Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds forRodentHunting ✔️ Vole/Rodent - Rodent Calls & Rodent SoundsforRodent Hunting ✔️ Rabbit Squeaker 1 - Rodent Calls &RodentSounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️ Rabbit Squeaker 2 - Rodent Calls&Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️ Baby Cottontail Distress-Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️ RatDistress- Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️SquirrelDistress - Rodent Calls & Rodent Sounds for RodentHunting ✔️Red Squirrel Distress - Rodent Calls & Rodent Soundsfor RodentHunting ✔️ Jackrabbit Distress - Rodent Calls &Rodent Soundsfor Rodent Hunting ✔️ Owl - Rodent Calls & RodentSounds forRodent Hunting ✔️ Woodpecker Distress - Rodent Calls& RodentSounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️ Fawn Distress - RodentCalls &Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️ Chicken Distress -Rodent Calls& Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️ Crows -Rodent Calls& Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting ✔️ KittenDistress - RodentCalls & Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting★★★Download RodentCalls & Rodent Sounds for Rodent Hunting freeand start havingrodent hunting success today!★★★
Pig Hunting Calls + Game Calls 1.0
Bluetooth Compatible! The Pig Hunting Calls & Game CallsforFeral Pigs electronic caller app provides you pighuntingsoundtracks at your fingertips. These game calls are clear,crispand recorded from REAL feral pig game calls. 7 unique hogcallssoundtracks included. Connect the app to your speaker andamplifiersystem to pull in feral pigs. FEATURES: - 7 hog callshuntingsoundtracks - Effective, realistic and clear boar calls tobring inwary hogs - Bluetooth compatible boar calls to sync to aBluetoothspeaker in the field - Boar Calls and Boar Sounds can playin thebackground of your phone allowing you to text, take picturesandsurf the internet without disrupting the hog calling sounds -Thehog calls soundtracks allow you to set the boar calls and focusonhog hunting - Connect the boar calls to your speaker systemwithaudio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included) - Nomoreforgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, you alwayshaveyour phone with you - Hog call audio for hog calls at afraction ofthe cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memorycardsseparately Soundtracks included in "Pig Hunting Calls &GameCalls for Feral Pigs" - Wild Pig Distress - Game Calls / HogCalls/ Game Calls - Pig Grunts 1 - Boar Calls / Predator Calls /HuntingCalls - Pig Grunts 2 - Hunting Calls / Hog Call / Boar Calls-Begging Pigs - Predator Calls / Hunting Calls / Predator Calls-Young Pig Distress - Hog Call / Boar Calls / Predator Calls -PigFeeding Frenzy - Pig Calls / Hog Calls / Predator Calls - PigFight- Hunting Calls / Predator Calls / Game Calls Download the“PigHunting Calls & Game Calls for Feral Pigs” hunting appandstart having pig hunting success today!
Black Wolf Sounds & Black Wolf Calls Scary Sounds! 1.0
★★★The Black Wolf Sounds & Black Wolf Calls - Scary Sounds!appprovides you black wolf sounds by giving you recordings ofblackwolves that you can play and replicate with your call untilyoumatch the sound. ★★★ These soundtracks are clear, crisp,recordingsand are effective for practicing calling for Black WolfSounds& Black Wolf Calls - Scary Sounds!. Seven specific blackwolfsounds included. Connect the app to your speaker andamplifiersystem via bluetooth or headphone jack to listen to theseblackwolf calls louder as you practice or use your phonesspeakersalone. FEATURES: ✔️ 7 REAL black wolf recorded soundtracks✔️Effective, realistic and clear audio recorded for wolf calling✔️Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth receiver to playevenlouder as you practice ✔️ Sounds can play in the background ofyourphone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf theinternetwithout interrupting the wolf sounds ✔️ 5 minutesoundtracks allowyou to set the app and focus on practicing tomatch the sounds ✔️Connect to your speaker system with audio cables(cables notincluded) ✔️ No more buying multiple MP3s or memorycards, use thephone you already have ✔️ Real black wolf call audiosoundtracks ata fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracks andmemory cards separately. Soundtracks included in"Black Wolf Sounds& Black Wolf Calls - Scary Sounds!" ✔️ LoneWolf Howl - BlackWolf Sounds & Black Wolf Calls - Scary Sounds!✔️ Wolf Fight -Black Wolf Sounds & Black Wolf Calls - ScarySounds! ✔️ WolfGrowl - Black Wolf Sounds & Black Wolf Calls -Scary Sounds! ✔️Wolf Howl Mix - Black Wolf Sounds & Black WolfCalls - ScarySounds! ✔️ Wolf Pack Howl - Black Wolf Sounds &Black WolfCalls - Scary Sounds! ✔️ Wolf Pup - Black Wolf Sounds& BlackWolf Calls - Scary Sounds! ✔️ Wolf Wimpers - Black WolfSounds& Black Wolf Calls - Scary Sounds! ★★★Download BlackWolfSounds & Black Wolf Calls - Scary Sounds! and listen toREALwolf sounds as you prepare for wolf hunting. So what areyouwaiting for? Download “Black Wolf Sounds” today★★★
Bear Calls for Hunting 1.0
Want affordable bear hunting calls? The BearPro electronicbearcalls caller app provides you REAL bear hunting calls atyourfingertips. These bear calls are clear, crisp and recordedfromREAL bears. 11 unique bear hunting soundtracks included.Connectthe app to your speaker and amplifier system to play thebearhunting calls loud. FEATURES: - 11 bear hunting calls -Effective,realistic and clear bear calls - Bluetooth compatible tosync to aBluetooth speaker - Bear hunting can play in thebackground of yourphone allowing you to text, take pictures andsurf the internetwithout disrupting the bear calling sounds - Thesoundtracks allowyou to set the bear calls and focus on bearhunting - Connect toyour speaker system with audio cables orBluetooth (cables notincluded) - No more forgetting to grab yourMP3 player or memorycards, you always have your phone with you -E-Calling audio forcalling bears at a fraction of the cost ofpurchasing multiplesoundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracks included in"BearPro" - Bear Roars and Huffs - BearGrowls - Bear Cub Distress- Rabbit Distress - Fighting Crow - ElkChirps - Mouse Squeaker -Rat Distress - Fawn Distress - Deer AntlerRattles - Deer GruntsDownload BearPro and start having bear huntingsuccess today!
Elk Hunting Calls UK 1.1
Want affordable Elk hunting call sounds? The ElkPro elk callerappprovides you elk hunting soundtracks at your fingertips.Thesesoundtracks are clear, crisp, lifelike and effective forlearningand are recorded from real elk. Eight elk hunting callsoundtracksincluded. Connect the app to your speaker and amplifiersystem tolisten to these real elk calls louder as you practice oruse yourphones speakers alone. FEATURES: - 8 elk huntingsoundtracks -Effective, realistic and clear audio for elk -Bluetooth compatibleto sync to a Bluetooth receiver to play evenlouder as you practice- Sounds can play in the background of yourphone allowing you totext, take pictures and surf the internetwithout interrupting theelk sounds - Long soundtracks allow you toset the call and focuson practicing to match the sounds - Connectto your speaker systemwith audio cables (cables not included) - Nomore buying multipletMP3s or memory cards, use the phone youalready have - Real elkcall audio soundtracks at a fraction of thecost of purchasingmultiple soundtracks and memory cards separatelySoundtracksincluded in "DeerPro" - 3 Elk Bugle Calls - 2 GruntCalls - Estrus- Chirp - Moan Download ElkPro and learn how to callelk bylistening to these realistic elk calling sounds today!
Chainsaw Simulator Sounds & Chainsaw Sound Effects 1.0
Chainsaw Simulator Sounds & Chainsaw Sound Effects 15ChainsawSounds Want affordable Chainsaw Simulator Sounds &ChainsawSound Effects 15 Chainsaw Sounds? The chainsaw sounds &soundeffects app gives you real chainsaw sound effects for FREE!15Chainsaw Simulator Sounds & Chainsaw Sound Effects 15ChainsawSounds This chainsaw app provides you REAL ChainsawSimulatorSounds & Chainsaw Sound Effects 15 Chainsaw Sounds atyourfingertips. These sound effects from chainsaws are crisp andclear.Connect the chainsaw sounds app to your speaker andamplifiersystem to play the chainsaw sound effects loud. FEATURES:- 15chainsaw sounds - Effective, realistic and clear chainsawsoundeffects - Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker-Chainsaw sounds can play in the background of your phoneallowingyou to text, take pictures and surf the internet withoutdisruptingthe chainsaw sounds - Connect to your speaker system withaudiocables or Bluetooth (cables not included) Chainsaw SoundEffectsincluded in "Chainsaw Simulator Sounds & Chainsaw SoundEffects15 Chainsaw Sounds" - 2 Log Cutters at Same Time 1 -ChainsawSounds - Aggressive Chainsaw 1 - Chainsaw Sound Effects-Aggressive Chainsaw 2 - Chainsaw Simulator - Chainsaw Idle-Chainsaw Sounds - Chainsaw Revving & Cutting - ChainsawSoundEffects - Chainsaw Stall - Chainsaw Simulator - Chainsaw StallThenStart - Chainsaw Sounds - Forest Log Cutters 1 - ChainsawSounds -Forest Log Cutters 2 - Chainsaw Sounds - Large Log Cutters1 -Chainsaw Sounds - Large Log Cutters 2 - Chainsaw Sounds -MultipleChainsaws - Chainsaw Sounds - Multiple Forest Log Cutters-Chainsaw Sounds - Small Log Cutting 1 - Chainsaw Sounds - SmallLogCutting 2 - Chainsaw Sounds Download Chainsaw SimulatorSounds& Chainsaw Sound Effects 15 Chainsaw Sounds today!
Sons Chasse à l’oie Des Neiges 1.0
Vous voulez de vrais appels et sons pour la chasse à l’oiedesneiges ? L’application « Vrais appels et sons pour chasse àl’oiedes neiges » vous offre des appels d’oie des neiges à portéedemain. Les sons sont clairs, limpides, réalistes et ontétéenregistrés à partir de vraies oies des neiges. Inclus 5bandessonores d’oies des neiges uniques. Vous ne trouverez pasdemeilleure application pour la chasse à l’oie des neiges ! Ilsuffitde connecter l'application à tout haut-parleur Bluetooth etvousavez un système électronique d’appel d’oie des neigesinstantané.FONCTIONNALITÉS : - 5 bandes sonores d’oies des neiges -Sonsréalistes, efficaces et clairs pour attirer les oies des neiges-Compatible avec Bluetooth pour synchroniser avec unhaut-parleursur le terrain - Les sons peuvent jouer en arrière-plande votretéléphone vous permettant ainsi d’envoyer des messagestexte, deprendre des photos et de naviguer sur Internet sansperturber lesappels d’oie des neiges - Les longs enregistrementsvous permettentde mettre l’appel en marche et de vous concentrersur la chasse. -Connectez-vous à votre système d’haut-parleurs avecdes câblesaudio ou Bluetooth (câbles non inclus) - Plus besoin depenser àapporter votre lecteur MP3 ou vos cartes mémoires : vousaveztoujours votre téléphone avec vous ! - Audio pour la chasse àl’oiedes neiges pour une fraction du coût d'achat de plusieursbandessonores ou de cartes mémoire Bandes sonores incluses dans «Vraisappels et sons pour chasse à l’oie des neiges » - Frénésiedel’heure du repas - Oies calmes - Appels divers - Énormetroupeaud’oies - Le calme avant la tempête Téléchargez « Vraisappels etsons pour chasse à l’oie des neiges » et profitez d’unechassefructueuse dès aujourd’hui !
Snake Sounds & Snake Hissing 1.0
Snake Sounds & Snake Hissing you Snake sounds, snake sounds,snake hissing, hissing snake, hissing sound, Snakes sounds, snakesound effect at your fingertips. These Snake Sounds - Snake Sounds- Snake Hissing sounds and are clear, crisp, and lifelike. Simplyconnect to any Bluetooth speaker, push the snake sound button andyou have an instant sound system. FEATURES: - Effective, realisticand clear audio in this Snake sounds, snake sounds, snake hissing,hissing snake, hissing sound, Snakes sounds, snake sounds -Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker - These Snakesounds, snake sounds, snake hissing, hissing snake, hissing sound,Snakes sounds, snake Sounds and can play in the background of yourphone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf the internetwithout disrupting the sounds - Connect the snake sounds to yourspeaker system with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included)- No more forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, youalways have your phone with you and your snake sounds - Snakesounds, snake sounds, snake hissing, hissing snake, hissing sound,Snakes sounds, snake sounds at a fraction of the cost of purchasingmultiple soundtracks and memory cards separately, can be used forfun pranks Soundtracks included in “Snake Sounds & SnakeHissing" - Snake Rattle 1 - Snake Sound Effects & Snake Hissing- Snake Rattle 2 - Snake Rattle 3 - Snake sounds, snake sounds,snake hissing, hissing snake, hissing sound, Snakes sounds, snakeSounds - Snake Rattle 4 - Snake Sound Effect & Snake Hissing -Snake Rattle 5 - Snake Pit - Snake Hiss 1 - Snake sounds, snakesounds, snake hissing, hissing snake, hissing sound, Snakes sounds,snake Sounds - Snake Hiss 2 - Snake Hiss 3 - Snake Sound Effects& Snake Hissing - Snake Hiss 4 - Snake Sound Effect & SnakeHissing - Snake Slither - Snake Mix 1 - Snake sounds, snake sounds,snake hissing, hissing snake, hissing sound, Snakes sounds, snakeSounds - Snake Mix 2 - Snake Mix 3 - Charmer Download “Snake Sounds& Snake Hissing" today!
Antelope Calls for Hunting AU 1.1
Want an affordable antelope sounds and antelope calls?TheAntelopePro antelope electronic caller app provides youantelopehunting soundtracks at your fingertips. These antelopesounds areclear & crisp. 15 unique antelope sounds included.Connect theapp to your speaker and amplifier system to pull inantelope (wherelegal). FEATURES: - 15 antelope hunting soundtracks- Effective,realistic and clear audio to bring in wary antelope(where legal) -Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speakerin the field -Sounds can play in the background of your phoneallowing you totext, take pictures and surf the internet withoutdisrupting theantelope calling sounds - The soundtracks allow youto set the calland focus on antelope hunting - Connect to yourspeaker system withaudio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included)- No moreforgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, youalways haveyour phone with you - E-Calling audio for antelopes at afractionof the cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memorycardsseparately Soundtracks included in "AntelopePro" - AntelopeBarks -Antelope Deep Barks - Antelope Doe 1 - Antelope Doe 2 -AntelopeDoe Distress 1 - Antelope Doe Distress 2 - Antelope DoeDistress 3- Antelope Doe Bleat - Antelope Snort - Antelope Wheeze -AntelopeHorn Rattle - Antelope Thrashing - Antelope Challenge 1 -AntelopeChallenge 2 - Antelope Alarm Download AntelopePro and starthavingantelope hunting success today!
Greylag Goose Spreads 1.0
Ready for greylag goose hunting success? The Greylag GooseHuntingDecoy Spreads -DecoyPro app provides easy to understandgreylaggoose hunting decoy setup diagrams and greylag goosehuntingspreads. These simple to understand greylag goose decoysetupdiagrams make greylag goose hunting simple, even for those whohavelittle or no greylag goose hunting experience. What will youlearn?The Greylag Goose Hunting Decoy Spreads by DecoyPro app helpsyouunderstand decoy types, wind direction, decoy spread size,decoyplacement and blind concealment. You will even learn how tobaggreylag geese without a blind. Use the proven diagrams in thisappalong with your greylag goose calls to bring in flocks ofgreylaggeese to your greylag goose decoy spread. So what are youwaitingfor? Get Greylag Goose Hunting Decoy Spreads -DecoyPro apptodayand learn how to bag more greylag geese. Diagrams includedin"Greylag Goose Hunting Decoy Spreads -DecoyPro" - The“FeedingFrenzy" - The "Gauntlet" - The "X" - The “Flooded Field" -The“Iced Out" - The “Circle of Death" - The “Early Season" -The“Flooded Blast" - The “Loafing Specks" - The "Lakeside" - andmore…Over 20 diagrams included! Also Learn: - Number of decoys tousebased on seasons - Blind placement and concealment -Decoyadjustment - Selecting your decoy types - and so muchmore...FEATURES: - View simple to understand greylag goosehuntingdiagrams right from your phone. - Learn about the benefitsof everydiagram offered and how it can help you be successful whenhunting- DecoyPro shows you how to use wind direction to yourbenefit whenhunting geese - Become more knowledgeable about decoyspread sizesand how adding hunters to your hunting party impactshow manydecoys to use. - Review all types of decoys used forgreylag goosehunting and the pros and cons of each decoy type -Uncover varioushunting blind types to help you stay concealed fromthe sight ofapproaching greylag geese - Pair with the greylag goosecalls,goose electronic eCaller app to pull in more greylag geese -Eachdiagram is clickable for detail with decoy placement strategiesandto learn how each diagram can help you bag more greylaggeeseDownload the Greylag Goose Hunting Decoy Spreads -DecoyPro appandstart having greylag goose hunting success today!
Bathroom Sounds – Flushing Toilet Sounds - Poop 1.0
Bathroom Sounds – Flushing Toilet Sounds – Poop Sounds appprovidesyou Bathroom Sounds – Flushing Toilet Sounds – Poop SoundsSoundsand Fart Sounds and Noises at your fingertips. TheseBathroomSounds – Flushing Toilet Sounds – Poop Sounds and areclear, crisp,and lifelike. Simply connect the app to any Bluetoothspeaker, pushthe fart button and you have an instant sound system.FEATURES: -Effective, realistic and clear audio in this BathroomSounds –Flushing Toilet Sounds – Poop Sounds and Fart Sounds andapp -Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker - TheseToiletSounds & Toilet Flushing Sounds, Poop Sounds and FartSoundsand can play in the background of your phone allowing you totext,take pictures and surf the internet without disrupting thesounds -Connect the Toilet Sounds & Toilet Flushing Sounds,Poop Soundsand Fart Sounds and sounds fart app to your speakersystem withaudio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included) - Nomoreforgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, you alwayshaveyour phone with you and your toilet sounds app - ToiletSounds& Toilet Flushing Sounds, Poop Sounds and Fart Soundsandsounds at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiplesoundtracksand memory cards separately, can be used for fun pranksSoundtracksincluded in “Bathroom Sounds – Flushing Toilet Sounds –PoopSounds" - Loud Toilet Flush With Gurgle – Toilet Sounds&Toilet Flushing Sounds, Flushing Toilet sounds - Echoy ToiletFlushWith Gurgle – Toilet Sounds & Toilet Flushing Sounds,FlushingToilet sounds - Airplane Toilet Flush – Bathroom Sounds,FlushingToilet Sounds, Poop Sounds, toilet sounds, toilet flushingsounds -Toilet Paper Wipe – Bathroom Sounds, Flushing ToiletSounds, PoopSounds, toilet sounds, toilet flushing sounds -Plunging Toilet –Bathroom Sounds, Flushing Toilet Sounds, PoopSounds, toiletsounds, toilet flushing sounds - Brushing Toilet –Bathroom Sounds,Flushing Toilet Sounds, Poop Sounds, toilet sounds,toilet flushingsounds - Crop Duster – Fart Sounds & Fart Noises- Dry Fart –Fart Sound & Poop Noises - Squeaker – Fart Sounds& FartingNoises - Juicy Fart – Fart Sounds & Fart Noises -Fuzzy Fart –Fart Sound & Poop Noises - Quick Tight Fart – FartSounds &Poop Noises - Flachulent Fart – Fart Sounds &Farting Noises -Wet Fart – Fart Sounds & Poop Noises - Wet& Dry Fart –Fart App & Poop Noises - Deep Juicy Fart – FartSounds &Farting App Noises - Dry Fart With Squeak Finish – FartSounds& Poop Noises - Fart With Applause – Fart Machine Sounds&Poop Noises - Long & Powerful – Farts Sounds & FartsNoises- The Creeper – Fart Sounds & Poop Noises Download“BathroomSounds – Flushing Toilet Sounds – Poop Sounds" today!
Llamadas Para Cacería Cuervos. 1.0
REAL Crow Hunting Call app te ofrece llamadas para cuervos REALESenlas palmas de tus manos. Éstas llamadas cacerías son claras,nítidasy REALES, grabadas de cuervos. Pistas REALES de llamadasparacuervos incluidas. Simplemente conecta la aplicación a tusistema dealtavoces y amplificador Bluetooth y al instante tendrásun sistemaelectrónico de llamadas para cuervos. FEATURES: -Llamadas REALESpara cacería de cuervos. - Audio de llamadasefectivo, realista yclaro para atraer cuervos. - Compatible conBluetooth parasincronizar con sistemas de sonido compatibles en elcampo. - Laaplicación puede ejecutarse en el segundo plano de tuteléfono paraque puedas seguir escribiendo mensajes, tomando fotosy navegar porinternet sin tener que detener la ejecución de lasllamadas paracuervos. - La larga duración de las pistas de audiote permitenreproducir los y enfocarte en la cacería de cuervos. -Conecta tusistema de audio mediante cable o Bluetooth (no seincluyen loscables). - Olvídate de tener que llevar un reproductorMP3 otarjetas de memoria extra, tu celular es todo lo quenecesitas. -Sistema Electrónico de Llamadas para cuervos a unafracción delcosto de comprar pistas y tarjetas de memoria porseparado. Pistasde Audio incluidas en “REAL Crow Hunting Calls" -Interacción deCuervos - Bandada de Cuervos - Cuervo Solo - CalmaAntes de laTormenta - Pelea de Cuervo y Buhos - Asesinato deCuervos - PolloHerido - Conejo Herido - Pelea de Cuervos -Arrendajo Herido¡Descarga “REAL Crow Hunting Calls” y comienza atener una caceríade cuervos exitosa hoy mismo!