Dig This Productions, LLC Apps

Dig Local
Download the free Dig Local App for where to go and what to doeveryday in Asheville, NC. You can also see lists ofrecommendations aswell as create your own lists of favorites toshare with family andfriends. Do you Dig Local? Dig Local is notonly an app but arallying cry to fight against the ever-growingnumber of chains,franchises and big box stores that make a cityfeel like Anywhere,USA. The Dig Local app connects you to whatmakes Asheville, NC thefunky, delicious, artsy city that it is.Start Digging Local!Asheville’s authentic places and happeningsare found in the SCOOPStab where you’ll not only find events anddeals but also helpfulinfo like who’s having Taco Tuesday, pintnight or live music. Checkout the LIST tab to see recommendationsof AVL’s micro-influencerswho’ve got the lowdown on where to goand what to do. Do you alreadyhave a list or two of your favoriteplaces in mind? Create a PROFILEand share your lists with familyand friends. The EXPLORE tab iswhere you’ll find a plethora oforiginal Asheville places withphotos, links, maps and helpful“what you need to know” suggestions.You can “like” these as youcome across them and instantly add themto one of your lists.Thanks, for Digging Local! Dig Local wascreated by Ted and FloriPate who are really passionate aboutpromoting authenticity. Theybelieve in supporting people who, likethemselves, have taken therisk of following their dream and openinga small business. Let’sraise a glass to the men and women who bakethe bread, brew thebeer, create the art, write the songs, book theshows, massage themuscles, crush the grapes, sell the goods, playthe music, shapethe clay, and much more! Dig Local is a tool thatsupports thesefolks and helps you optimize your Ashevilleexperience.