DigiPhD Apps

Mobile Green Screen Video Tool 1.0
Mobile Green Screen is for Video makers,advertisers and promoters. Its simplest aim is to display a solidgreen color to your devices in FULL screen, so when the devicesscreen gets filmed on location, the screen can be replaced bywhatever you wish in post production software like Final Cut Proand After Effects with their chroma key features. See the abovevideo for examples.List of Features:** Full Screen Color of your choice** Brightness Control to suit your lighting conditions** Upto 5 point adjustable motion control points** Zoomable image/logo overlay** Video overlay** Orientation lock on/off** Email supportSome other green screen counterparts don't fill the entirescreen, leaving the notification bar or (on tablets with nobuttons) the navigation bars visible. Full screen allows you tofilm any android device in such away that its make, model andoperating system are anonymous.Additionally, track the motion of any screen with up to 5configurable motion tracking points, change the display color toanything, adjust screen brightness to suit the lighting conditionsand lock the orientation all within the app.Another great feature takes the post production work out of it.If you are unclear, or not sure how to replace the green screen ofyour mobile device in post production, there is no need to. Simplyload the image/logo/video that you want to display onto the deviceshard drive and display it for filming within the app. That way noadvanced editing is required, and you can simply edit in a simpleeditor like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker. NOTE: Be sure to matchthe video resolution with your devices for best results. You canfind your devices resolution by going to: "Mobile Green Screen >Start Here> (Sliding Menu) > App Details". Great for app/gamedesigners with all their promotional graphics, ready to be shown inaction.
ProSpec - Spectrum Analyzer 1.3
Discussion Group:https://groups.google.com/d/forum/prospec-discussion-groupUser manual:http://www.digiphd.com/prospec-real-time-spectrum-analyzer-user-manual/ProSpec is a Real time spectrum analysis tool. It generates aspectrogram on the fly and supports 8kHz, 16kHz, 22kHz and 44.1kHzsampling frequencies.You can record, playback, save and share the spectrogram. Inaddition you can change some audio analysis settings. It provides amaximum frequency tracking facility with measurements both in dBFSand SPL (dBA).Other features include:- Time scale in seconds- Real time waveform- Update speed- Dynamic range control- Offline spectrogram analysis tool- Real time zooming (So you can zoom right in on a frequency)- Complete color customisation- RGB option- For audio engineers, an invert feature for live events in darkrooms- Snapshot feature allowing you to share, view or save thegenerated spectrogram externally- Audio tool, allowing you to share, save and listen to thecomplete audio that has been recorded (apart of the off-linespectrogram analysis)- Saving, sharing and exporting the configurationNOTE: If you are not satisfied or find any issues with ProSpec,please tell me in the discussion group before leaving negativefeedback, I may be able to resolve your issue in an update and yourinput will be invaluable to ProSpec's evolution. Thanks!USEFUL FOR:home theatre, audio engineer, car audio, linguistics, speechpathology, electronic engineer, tech savvy musicians, engineeringand audiologist studentsTECHNICAL INFORMATION- Up to 4Hz resolution at 8kHz sampling frequency (AdjustableFFT size from (256-2046)- Uses a moving window to calculate the FFT Magnitudespectrum- Analysis Windows: Hamming, Hanning, Blackmann andRectangular- Frame length adjustable from 10-100ms- Frame shift fixed to 14ms- Dynamic range: -1dB to -90dB- Bandwidth available: 50Hz - 22.05kHz- Selectable update time from (10-40s)(also depends on framelength)- Zoom up to a 50Hz region- JET RGB color scheme (and many many many others)WORD FROM THE DEVELOPER:I developed this tool to use personally and I believe it hassome use to others in the community. ProSpec also has some majoradvantages over other real-time spectrogram apps available in thesame price bracket. e.g time scale (x-axis labels), frame length,real time frequency zooming, saving settings and sharing the audioand images, SPL, off-line spectrogram analysis, and maximumfrequency tracking. These are all features I wanted a single toolto have, ProSpec has been developed to accommodate my needs andhopefully yours.NOTE ABOUT SPL:The SPL calculation includes a calibration dB offset. An offsetof 0dB is my current calibration for a Motorola Atrix runningAndroid 2.3.4. However, your device will no doubt be different andhence will display the incorrect value. To calibrate properly readthe user manual.Tested Devices (Better suited for dual core devices):Motorola Xoom with Android 4.0.4 (Good)Samsung Galaxy S III with Android 4.0.4 (Good)Sony Xperia S with Android 4.0.4 (Good)Motorola Atrix 2 with Android 2.3.6 (Good)HTC Desire HD with Android 2.3.5 (A bit slow)Motorola Atrix with Android 2.3.4 (Good)HTC Incredible S with Android 2.3.5 (A bit slow)As seen above the performance of ProSpec depends to some extenton the hardware of each device. I have done my best to support asmany devices as possible, and will continue to do so.BUGS AND REPORTS:If you find any bugs or issues please e-mail me (miscanalysis@gmail.com) andinclude what you were doing at the time the bug occurred so I canfix it. If it happens I can't support your device I WILL REFUNDYOUR MONEY.Like image was synthesised from accumulating sin waves into anaudio file.
Speech Enhancement for Android 2.0.4
"Speech Enhancement for Android (SEA) is anoff-line spectrum analyser with the ability to also conductspectral modifications such as filtering for speech applications."Join other users on the discussion forum to discuss your ideasand sort out any bugs you have come across:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/speech-enhancement-for-androidOr join the Facebook community:http://www.facebook.com/#!/enhancementapp#### Tested Devices (Better suited for dual core devices)####Motorola Xoom with Android 4.0.4 (Good)Samsung Galaxy S III (Quad core, AU release) with Android 4.0.4(Good)Sony Xperia with Android 4.0.4 (Good)Motorola Atrix 2 with Android 2.3.6 (Good, must have sdcardinstalled)HTC Desire HD with Android 2.3.5 (A bit slow)Motorola Atrix with Android 2.3.4 (Good)HTC Incredible S with Android 2.3.5 (A bit slow)#### BUGS AND REPORTS ####Apologies for incompatibilities on devices other than the oneslisted above. If you find any bugs or issues please e-mail me(miscanalysis@gmail.com) andinclude what you were doing at the time the bug occurred so I canfix it. If it happens I can't support your device I WILL REFUNDYOUR MONEY.#### Description #####SEA frequency analysis has a selectable resolution from 128 to4096 bands, between 0-4 kHz. This tool is great for audioengineers, anyone with a background in linguistics (phonology orphonetics), cognitive psychology (psycholinguistics), speech andmusic analysis or Digital Signal Processing (DSP). It is a usefultool for off-line frequency analysis of acoustic signals and apowerful educational aid for students in those fields of study.You can record, distort, enhance and modify your own voice,giving you the ability to hear and see each step you take.One of the frequency analysis tools available is thespectrogram. The spectrograms generated in SEA are very highresolution, allowing the user to observe harmonics and the finestructure of their recordings.Initially it was designed for students and researches inElectronic/Electrical Engineering, however, anyone can try theirhand at using it.It incorporates some past and present state-of-the-art speechenhancement algorithms which allow you to filter out noisy signalsand see and hear the result of these algorithms first hand. Some ofthese algorithms are currently used in some telecommunicationssystems.You can quickly make changes and share them with colleagues orteaching staff via e-mail, Blue-tooth and any other supportingimage or sound transfer services. All spectrograms and frequencyplots are zoom able via an image viewer.Complete list of features as of V2.0.1:- Record audio- complete spectrogram analysis- complete short-time magnitude analysis- Linear predictive analysis:+ LPC Spectrograms+ LPC Magnitude analysis- Saving of Spectrograms and audio files to desired location- Distort recorded audio with different noise types from -30dB to+30dB- Additive noise types include:+ White noise+ Jet+ Babble (human voice)+ car+ Street+ Restaurant+ Airport- Matlabs JET color scheme- Multi color image generation- Exporting of AMS configuration as txt file- Short-Time Fourier Analysis on all generated audio- Real time amplitude recording- dBFS scale on all spectrograms- Saving and sharing of all images and audio- The following Statistical based filters:+ spectral subtraction+ Frequency Wiener filter+ MMSE spectral amplitude+ MMSE with SPU+ LogMMSE+ Spectral energy- The following acoustic modification methods:+ Unit Magnitude+ Random Phase+ Zero Phase- Peak frequency tracking- Generate spectrogram png files- Generate .wav files- comprehensive help and documentation- Video tutorials
SEA - Speech Enhancement Lite 2.0.4
Speech Enhancement for Android (SEA) Litegivesyou a glimpse into the the features available in the fullversion.In SEA Lite You can Record, analyse, distort, enhance andmodifyaudio, giving you the ability to hear and see each stepyoutake.Join other users on the discussion forum to discuss yourideasand sort out any bugs you have come across:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/speech-enhancement-for-androidOr join the Facebook community:http://www.facebook.com/#!/enhancementapp#### Tested Devices (Better suited for dual coredevices)####Motorola Xoom with Android 4.0.4 (Good)Samsung Galaxy S III (Quad core, AU release) with Android4.0.4(Good)Sony Xperia with Android 4.0.4 (Good)Motorola Atrix 2 with Android 2.3.6 (Good, must havesdcardinstalled)HTC Desire HD with Android 2.3.5 (A bit slow)Motorola Atrix with Android 2.3.4 (Good)HTC Incredible S with Android 2.3.5 (A bit slow)#### BUGS AND REPORTS ####Apologies for incompatibilities on devices other than theoneslisted above. If you find any bugs or issues please e-mailme(miscanalysis@gmail.com) and include what you were doing atthetime the bug occurred so I can fix it.#### Description #####SEA lite frequency analysis has a selectable resolution from128to 4096 bands, between 0-4 kHz. This tool is great foraudioengineers, anyone with a background in linguistics (phonologyorphonetics), cognitive psychology (psycholinguistics), speechandmusic analysis or Digital Signal Processing (DSP). It is ausefultool for off-line frequency analysis of acoustic signals andapowerful educational aid for students in those fields ofstudy.You can record, distort, enhance and modify your ownvoice,giving you the ability to hear and see each step youtake.One of the frequency analysis tools available is thespectrogram. The spectrograms generated in SEA are veryhighresolution, allowing the user to observe harmonics and thefinestructure of their recordings.Initially it was designed for students and researchesinElectronic/Electrical Engineering, however, anyone can trytheirhand at using it.It incorporates some past and present state-of-the-artspeechenhancement algorithms which allow you to filter out noisysignalsand see and hear the result of these algorithms first hand.Some ofthese algorithms are currently used in sometelecommunicationssystems.You can quickly make changes and share them with colleaguesorteaching staff via e-mail, Blue-tooth and any othersupportingimage or sound transfer services. All spectrograms andfrequencyplots are zoom able via an image viewer.Complete list of features in V2.0.1:- complete spectrogram analysis- complete short-time magnitude analysis- Distort recorded audio with different noise types from -30dBto+30dB- Additive noise types include:+ White noise+ Babble (human voice)- Exporting of configuration as txt file- Short-Time Fourier Analysis on all generated audio- Real time amplitude recording- dBFS scale on all spectrograms- Viewing and sharing of all images and audio- The following Advanced filters:+ spectral subtraction+ Frequency Wiener filter- The following acoustic modification methods:+ Unit Magnitude+ Random Phase+ Zero Phase- Peak frequency tracking- Generate spectrogram png files- Generate .wav files- comprehensive help and documentation- Video tutorials