DrNajeebLectures.com Apps

Dr. Najeeb Lectures 1.6.57
World's Most Popular Medical Lectures. Great for USMLE and MBBS.Trusted by 80% of Medical, Dentistry, Osteopathic, Paramedics,Physician assistants, Nursing & Pharmacy students in 190countries. Master Basic Medical Sciences and Clinical Medicine. Allour videos contain hand-drawn illustrations. We have 800+ videos onGross Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Embryology, Histology, Physiology,Biochemistry, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Immunology andPathology. Dr. Najeeb has been teaching medical sciences for over40 years and has helped millions of students master MedicalSciences with crystal clear concepts. Don’t forget “LastingKnowledge results from clear concepts”. Our videos are Great forUSMLE Step 1, COMLEX, NBDE, NCLEX & NAPLEX exams. New videosevery week with download option. What do you get in this app? •800+ Medical Lectures. • Basic Medical Sciences. • ClinicalMedicine. • New videos every week. • Download option for videos. •Fast video playback. • English subtitles. • 24/7 Fanatic customersupport. To learn more visit our website athttps://www.DrNajeebLectures.com Questions? Email us now atsupport@drnajeeblectures.com
Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience - Anatomy Lectures 1.3.0
Master Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy with Dr. Najeeb. TheWorld'sMost Popular Medical Teacher. Over 100 hours of videos onanatomywith hand-drawn illustrations to help you truly master thesubject.This course will completely change the way you look atNeuroanatomyand Neuroscience and we guarantee you that by the timeyou finishthis course with us you'll feel like a professional. Weusehand-drawn illustrations to empower your learning processbecausewe believe lasting knowledge results from clear concepts.Ourvideos are interactive and fun to watch so you don’t have tospendhours memorizing. Below are the topics that you will MasterwithDr. Najeeb. Introduction to Neuroanatomy. Development ofNervousSystem. Meninges. C.S.F & Ventricular system. BloodSupply toBrain. Blood-Brain Barrier. Histology of Nervous System.SpinalCord & its Lesions. Brown-Sequard Syndrome (BSS). Nervesupplyto Lacrimal Gland. Petrosal Nerves (Greater, Deep &LesserPetrosal Nerves). Ascending Tracts. Motor System &DescendingTracts. Upper & Lower Motor Neurons & theirLesions. BrainStem (Basic Concepts). Medulla. Pons. Mid-Brain.Cerebellum.Diencephalon. Thalamus. Hypothalamus. Cranial Nerves(BasicConcepts). Oculomotor Nerve and Clinical Correlates.TrochlearNerve and it's Clinical Correlates. Abducent Nerve andit'sClinical Correlates. Facial Nerves. Facial Nerve &ClinicalCorrelates. Glossopharyngeal & Vagus Nerves (9th &10thNerves). Ciliary Ganglion and Connections. AnatomyofOculosympathetic Pathway & Horner's Syndrome.PterygopalatineFossa. Pterygopalatine Ganglion. Otic Ganglion.Basal Ganglia.Trigeminal System. Ophthalmic Nerve (Lacrimal,Frontal &Nasociliary nerves). Maxillary Nerve and its Branches.Inner Ear -Auditory System. Inner Ear - Vestibular System.Vestibulo-OcularReflex. Visual System. Horizontal Conjugate EyeMovements. CerebralCortex & Speech. A.N.S (Epinephrine &Nor-Epinephrine).Catecholamines Synthesis, Storage & Release.Anatomy ofCavernous Sinus & Cavernous Sinus Syndrome. Bulbar&Pseudobulbar Palsy. Epilepsy. Here's what our students have tosayabout us: "This is singularly the best investment I made forthefirst year of medical school. Each video is a jackpotofinformation with amazing drawings, great energy, and aphenomenalprofessor!" - Lizi Klein Los Angeles, California "Ibought lifetimeaccess because I believe there is no better sourcefor learning thefoundation of medicine. I strongly recommend him toanyone whocares about true learning and not merely memorizing!" -MaryamMoradi The University of Texas, Austin "Dr. Najeeb Lecturesaretop-notch. Comprehensive medical lectures of the utmostqualityacross all preclinical (and many clinical) topics. Fantasticfordeepening one’s understanding of the clinical practiceandlicensing/board examinations". - Jackson David ReynoldsUniversityof North Georgia "I’m grappling with my online studiesinInfectious Disease at the London School of Hygiene andTropicalMedicine. It’s made me realize what a visual learner Istill am. Sothese vids are making what was murky crystal clear.While I ameasily distracted when I have to do hours of straightreading, I amglued to the videos. I’ve looked for a series of suchvideos formonths. A million thanks – Dr. Najeeb has a true passionforteaching and can convey highly complex topics in anunderstandableand fun way". - Ann Ilaria Mayrhofer London School ofHygiene. Tolearn more visit our website athttps://www.DrNajeebLectures.com/Questions? Email us now atsupport@drnajeeblectures.com