A One Shot Lite
A One Shot es un arcade en el que manejar una nave espacial con laque debes destruir todos los meteoritos que amenazan tu nave.Dispones de power ups que usas según puntuación.A One Shotis an arcade where you drive a spaceship that must destroy all themeteorites that threaten your ship.You have to use power ups as score.
TheoChronos 2.2.19
¿No está en tu idioma? Envíame tu traducción aedac.es@gmail.comCronómetro para las reuniones:Reunión de entre semana:Tesoros de la BibliaSeamos mejores maestrosNuestra vida cristianaReunión del fin de semana:Discurso PúblicoEstudio de La AtalayaCronómetro tipo "cuenta atrás" para las asignacionesIs it not in yourlanguage? Send me your translation edac.es@gmail.comStopwatch for meetings:Meeting during the week:Treasures of the BibleLet best teachersOur Christian lifeMeeting of the weekend:Public speakingWatchtower studyTimer type "countdown" for assignments
3D Arkanoi-G 1.40
Rompe todos los ladrillos y sube de nivel con3D Arkanoi-G, juego inspirado en los juegos rompe ladrillos de los70-80.Comparte tu puntuación en Google Play.Sube de nivel hasta completar el juego.Afina tu habilidad en los niveles experto.Break all the bricks andlevel up Arkanoi-G 3D, inspired by the broken bricks play 70-80games.Share your score on Google Play.Level up to complete the game.Sharpen your skills on the expert level.
To pluck Chickens Lite
To pluck Chickens (Don Pela pollos)Amuse yourself peeling chickens and rise of range like peelchickens!Infinite levelsTap only on the white chicken.Dont tap on the yellow chicks.Don tap the chicken chief.From the level 5, there will appear a worm that, if you pulsateonit, will give you a bonus of time.If you would like that the game had some function, send us yoursuggestion to edac.es@gmail.comMúsic:hamster march (incompetech.com)the builder (incompetech.com)Sounds:http://www.freesfx.co.uk
Runbot 1.21
Manejas a Runbot, un impaciente robotquesaltando entre plataformas, debes salir, o por lo menos,intentarsalir, de una factoría muy peligrosa.En tu huida, deberás coger monedas para incrementar tupuntuaciónlo máximo posible.Comparte tu puntuación en Google Play Games con tusamigos.Desbloquea múltiples logros.Driving to RunBot,animpatient robot jumping between platforms, you must go out, oratleast try to get out of a dangerous factory.In your escape, you must grab coins to increase your scoreasmuch as possible.Share your score on Google Play Games with your friends.Unlock many achievements.
Cubic Defiance Pro
NOTE: in options, adjust the language toEnglishCubic Defiance tests your mental skill. Three levels ofdifficulty to test your attention and aptitude to count colors asthey are appearing on screen.Three types of power ups, which is exchanged by points.Shares your better punctuations in Internet.Unlock up to 18 achievements as you play Cubics.Design and programming: JC GuerreroOriginal idea: JC GuerreroSounds: http://www.freesfx.co.uk/Video music: http://incompetech.com/
Moon Escape 1.83
Utilizando el acelerómetro de tudispositivomóvil, manejarás una nave espacial entre oleadas demeteoritos yenemigos.Dos modos de juegoModo Endless:Maneja tu nave a través de meteoritos con un límite de 10disparosque tendrás que recargarModo Levels:Destruye naves enemigas hasta donde seas capaz de llegarBy using theaccelerometerof your mobile device, you will handle spacecraftfrom meteoroidsand waves of enemies.Two game modesEndless Mode:Drive your ship through meteorites with a limit of 10 shots youhaveto rechargeLevels mode:Destroy enemy ships as far as you are able to get
TheoChronos Plus 1.0.20
TheoChronos Plus Features:» Copy and paste the meeting report time.» Automatic alarms in the midle week meeting.» Timer for Digging for spiritual gems comments.Timer for all the meetings with alarmMiddle week meeting screenWeekend meeting screenCountdown timerAvailable is Español, Croatian, Français, English,Italiano,Polish, Portuguès Brasil, Português Portugal, Русский,Український,Slovenian (slovenščina), Magyar, Deutsch,Kinyarwanda