SMARK VR - Quinta Anauco 1.0
El Museo de Arte Colonial Quinta Anauco,ubicado en Caracas, Venezuela, esconde hermosos detalles de laépoca colonial que podrás distrutar a plenitud con nuestraaplicación SMARK VR - Quinta Anauco.Además, disfruta de un paseo por los jardines principales de laQuinta en una ciudad virtual, donde podrás ver hasta la TorreEiffel!===== ATENCION =====Para el disfrute pleno de la aplicación, deberás usar lentes derealidad Virtual.Recomendamos el uso de Google Cardboard ®The Museo de ArteColonial Quinta Anauco located in Caracas, Venezuela, hidesbeautiful details of the colonial era that will distrutar fullywith our SMARK VR application - Quinta Anauco.Plus, enjoy a stroll along the main grounds of the Fifth in avirtual city, where you can even see the Eiffel Tower!ATTENTION ===== =====For the full enjoyment of the application, you must use Virtualreality glasses.We recommend using Google Cardboard ®
A.R. Soccer 2.0.1
A.R. Soccer is the 3D multiplayer footballmobile game based on augmented reality! Play quick games online,win points, and challenge your friends in exciting online footballgames!With A.R. Soccer, you can select one of our four amazing fields:Grass, sand, ice and pinball... The excitement never ends! All thisfun in your iPhone!With A.R. Soccer, you can control with your device's camera yourgame's point of view: Move over all the field, close up to theplayers, pass the ball and kick to the goal....=== HOW TO PLAY ===To play A.R. Soccer, you must have the game logo. Point to the logowith the camera, and a virtual football field will appear!1. Look for the game logo at http://arsoccerworldcup.com2. Print the logo, or display it in a tablet screen or computermonitor.3. Start the A.R. Soccer App in your iPhone, iPod or iPad.4. Select the game mode: Flash game for a quick play against anyavailable player online, or challenge your friends to playonline.5. When camera starts, point to the A.R. Soccer logo... And let thebest win!
Domingo Cabrera Mobile 1.3
Bienvenido a DCM (Domingo Cabrera Mobile).Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada con la finalidad demostrarel trabajo en el area de la fotografía profesional deDomingoCabrera.DCM, es un excelente complemento para nuestros clientesypotenciales clientes en la cual podrán conseguir informacióndecontacto de Domingo Cabrera, su portafolio y fotos desuseventos.Lleve su album de fotos a todas partes en sudispositivoAndroid!!La aplicación es gratuita!En ella encontrarás:- Portafolio de Domingo Cabrera.- Eventos en línea donde podrás visualizar las fotos de todosloseventos publicados en nuestro portal web (bodas, bautizos,sesionesde modelaje, etc).- Buscador de eventos que permite buscar rápidamente el eventodetu preferencia.- Podrás compartir fotos por email o almacenarlos entudispositivo (Rollo de Fotografías).- Tendrás a mano la información de contacto de DomingoCabrera,email, teléfono, twitter y podrás hasta enviarle un emaildesde laaplicación.Esperamos que DCM sea de tu agrado y esperamos recibirtucomentario.Reciba un buen saludo.Welcome to DCM(DomingoCabrera Mobile).This application has been developed in order to show the workinthe area of ​​professional photography Domingo Cabrera.DCM is an excellent complement to our customers andpotentialcustomers that can get contact information for DomingoCabrera, hisportfolio and pictures of their events.Bring your photo album everywhere on your Android device!The application is free!Here you will find:- Portfolio of Dominic Cabrera.- Events online where you can view photos of all events postedonour website (weddings, baptisms, modeling sessions, etc).- Event Finder to quickly search the event of your choice.- You can share photos by email or store them on yourdevice(roll of pictures).- You'll have to hand the contact information of DomingoCabrera,email, phone, twitter and you can even send an email fromyourapplication.DCM hope is to your liking and look forward to your comment.Get a good greeting.
Caimanera DIGITEL 2.0
Caimanera DIGITEL is the first 3D footballgamebased on Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) where you can play withyourfriends exciting football caimaneras! Play a Caimanerawherever withDigitel!==================================ATTENTION:To play a Caimanera DIGITEL, you should have the new logoofDigitel.If you don't have it, you can download it from:http://caimaneradigitel.com.ve==================================With Caimanera Digitel, you can control your game viewpoint,andmove your player around the court, as if it were your ownTVcamera!Come to play, kick and pass the ball to score a goal!==================================REMEMBER:Download the Digitel logo at:http://caimaneradigitel.com.ve==================================
FaxInfo 1.0.1
The Daily of Saint Martin
Dauphin Cell Collector Dauphin Cell Collector
Collects telephone cell information for analytical purposes.
ALI by LAP provides its customers with security within reach ofthephone.