EarlyBird Central Inc. Apps

EarlyBird: Invest. Gift. Grow. 1.11
EarlyBird makes financial gifting simple, meaningful, andpurposefulby empowering family and friends to invest in the futureof thechildren most important in their lives. EarlyBird is asimple andintuitive mobile app that simplifies the process forparents tostart investing in their childs’ future, whileempowering theircommunity to make one-time or ongoingcontributions and leavelasting memories that build strongerrelationships. GIFT ANINVESTMENT Want to give a gift that matters?Gift a meaningfulinvestment instead. Leave a lasting legacy, andwatch it grow.FINANCIAL LITERACY Record a short video with eachgift and leave alasting legacy of love. Stories connectgenerations and strengthenrelationships. 
The stories yourchildren hear can 
shape theirperspective for years to come. 
BUILD FINANCIAL FREEDOM Givechildren the freedom to dream. At 18or 21, they’ll be empowered topay for college, fund their firststartup, or travel the world.INVEST WITH CONFIDENCE Backed bytime-tested investment strategies,we work with the sharpest mindsin finance to craft portfolios basedon the level of risk right foryou and your family. INSUREDINVESTMENTS EarlyBird is partneredwith Apex Clearing Corporation,an SEC-registered broker-dealer andmember of FINRA. Apex ClearingCorporation is a member of SIPC.SIPC protects against the loss ofcash and securities held by acustomer at a financially-troubledSIPC-member brokerage firm. Thelimit for SIPC protection is$500,000. SAFETY & SECURITY We usesophisticated encryptionmethods to protect you and your family’sdata. IMPORTANT DISCLOSURESInvesting involves risk, including lossof principal. Neither theprincipal contributed to an account, norearnings thereon, areguaranteed or insured by the EarlyBirdCentral Inc., the FederalDeposit Insurance Corporation, or anyother entity. Account ownersassume all investment risk, includingthe potential loss ofprincipal. Past performance does notguarantee or indicate futureresults. Investment returns andprincipal value will fluctuate sothat your account may be worthless than the sum of yourcontributions. Please consider, amongother important factors, yourinvestment objectives, risk toleranceand EarlyBird's pricing beforeinvesting. Diversification and assetallocation do not guarantee aprofit, nor do they eliminate therisk of loss of principal. It isnot possible to invest directly inan index. Any hypotheticalperformance shown is for illustrativepurposes only. Such results donot represent actual results and donot take into considerationeconomic or market factors which canimpact performance. Actualclients may achieve investment resultsmaterially different from theresults portrayed. LEGAL EarlyBirdPrivacyPolicy(https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5ea428af8ad6b6d80390b813/5f725bb5328417e31db7eed5_Privacy%20Policy%20-%20EarlyBird.pdf)EarlyBirdTerms ofUse(https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5ea428af8ad6b6d80390b813/5f725bf7f936a07234d72d44_Terms%20of%20Use%20-%20EarlyBird.pdf)