FireEdge Apps

Bitcoin Paper Wallet
Paper Wallet allows you securely generate bitcoin addressandcorresponding private key. HOWTO: 1) Write down generatedprivatekey and address. 2) Send bitcoins to the address. 3) ???4)PROFIT!!! You can CHECK BALANCE using any public service orbitcoinclient. Forexample: securely and OFFLINE SPEND coins from your paper walletwithoutrevealing your private key! Features: * Private key/addresspairsgeneration in WIF, Mini, Brain Wallet and BIP 38 (encrypted)formatsfor Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. * Support for Bech32 SegWitaddresses* SegWit transactions support * Private keys passwordBIP38encryption/decryption/password changing * Fully offlineoperationand no disk writes for super-security * Ability togenerate bitcoinspending transactions using almost any externalprivate key * Youcan set change address and extra miner feemanually * Automaticcalculation of miner fee * QR Code scanner toenter private keys,address and payment amount * Shows all QR Codesfor your keys andaddresses * You can store your private key inthird-party app *Wallets printing * Accepts raw transactions andjson to retrieveunspent outputs * Robust and verified randomnumber generator *Thoroughly tested Project sources, tests andresources: This app islicensed underthe MIT license.
Private AI 1.3
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