Fon Wireless Apps

KPN WiFi 2.0.1
Fon Wireless
Log automatisch in op de KPN WiFi Hotspots!KPN WiFi met Fon is ‘s werelds grootste WiFi netwerk. De KPNWiFi app maakt het makkelijk om met je smartphone of tablet gebruikte maken van de Hotspots in Nederland en in het buitenland.• Verbind automatisch met een Hotspot als je in de buurtkomt• Snelheid testen van het netwerk waarmee je verbonden bent• Bewaar de navigatie naar de Hotspot, zodat je deze offline kanbenaderen• Vink aan om een bericht te ontvangen als je met de Hotspotverbonden bentInstructies:1. Installeer de app2. Vul je gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in3. Sla je inloggegevens op4. Veel plezier met KPN WiFi!Let op: Je gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord moet je eenmaligaanmaken op en eindigt op @kpn-fon.nlMobiele KPN klanten kunnen een SMS sturen naar 1266 met de tekst‘wifi aan’ en ontvangen per SMS direct inloggegevensLog on automatically atKPN WiFi Hotspots!KPN WiFi with Fon is the world's largest WiFi network. KPN WiFiapp makes it easy with your smartphone or tablet using the Hotspotsin the Netherlands and abroad.• Connect automatically to a hotspot if you come around• Speed ​​test the network you are connected• Keep the menu to the hotspot, so you can access it offline• Check to receive a message when you are connected to theHotspotInstructions:1. Install the app2. Enter your username and password3. Save your login data4. Have fun with KPN WiFi!Note: Your username and password, you need to create once and ends with @ kpn-fon.nlKPN Mobile customers can send an SMS to 1266 with the text 'wifion' and receive SMS directly credentials
Wahwah for Gramofon 1.0.5
Fon Wireless
IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to use this app, you must have aconfigured Gramofon device. To configure it, download the FonUtility App from the Google Play Store.Pre-order your Gramofon at http://gramofon.comGramofon lets your sound system stream music directly from yourfavorite cloud services and is the easiest way to get your musicoff of your phone and onto your sound system. Solo, or withfriends.Since WiFi allows for multiple connections, with Gramofon youcan have multiple people controlling your music together. Thanks toFacebook integration, they won't need your WiFi password.Gramofon does not use Bluetooth so your music doesn't cut outwhen you leave the room or get a call. The music plays on becauseit streams directly from the Gramofon.Backed by Google, Microsoft, and Qualcomm, Fon has been makingWiFi routers since 2006 and has the largest WiFi network in theworld with over 12 million hotspots globally and many more on theway. Register your Gramofon and get access to all 12 million FonWiFi hotspots for free!
Fon Data Tutor 1.0.1
Fon Wireless
Fon’s Data Tutor is the easiest way for you to keep track of yourmobile data use. No more costly mobile bills!Simply download the app, input your monthly data plan detailsand start tracking!• Keep track of your data traffic consumed over mobile, WiFi androaming networks.• Find out how much money you saved on your mobile bill by usingWiFi.• Watch the status of your mobile data usage from anywhere by usingthe notification bar.• Receive an alert when you have exceeded or are close to exceedingyour monthly mobile data bandwidth.• If you want, your mobile data will automatically be disabled whenyou've surpassed your monthly mobile bandwidth.Going over your data allowance every month? Find out about howto join Fon and get free WiFi at millions of hotspots around theworld. What’s more, with the Fon Data Tutor you can also track yourWiFi use and find out how much money you’re saving by connecting toWiFi.Fon’s mission is to blanket the world with WiFi, so you caneasily upload pictures, stream music and videos and update yoursocial network profiles from anywhere. Whether you’re relaxing inyour living room, having a tea at your local coffee shop orshopping in Tokyo, Fon is where you are going.
FON フリー WiFi 3.3.9
Fon Wireless
Automatically log in to Fon WiFi wherever you go!
JT Fon 3.3.1
Fon Wireless
Download the FREE JT Fon Wi-Fi app and unlock over 20 million FREEWi-Fi hotspots worldwide. To login, simply enter the username andpassword that has recently been sent to you by letter. You willonly need to login once and the app will automatically connect youwhen in range of a JT Fon Wi-Fi hotspot. Forgotten your username orpassword? Please contact our customer services team via email JT Fon Wi-Fi benefits: · Stay connected both onand off Island with completely FREE unlimited worldwide access toJT Fon Wi-Fi Hotspots. · Provide peace of mind that you can stayconnected whilst travelling, avoiding data roaming charges, as youcan effectively take your home service with you when you go out andacross the world. · Be assured that Fon will never reduce your homefibre broadband speed or use any of your monthly broadband usagebundle as JT Fon uses a separate and secure Wi-Fi channel.
EveryFi - Free WiFi
Fon Wireless
Automatically connects to thousands of free WiFi hotspots in yourcity
EveryFi Rewards - Ganar Dinero 1.1.0_Beta
Fon Wireless
Descárgate la app con la que vas a ganardinero por añadir puntos WiFi de locales comerciales 💸.Capta a través de la app puntos WiFi cada vez que estés enun bar, restaurante, tienda… y empieza a ganar dinero con tumóvil. Se trata de un proceso muy sencillo y muy rápido gracias alcuál puedes conseguir mucho dinero. ¡SIN HORARIOS NIOBLIGACIONES!Consigue dinero en tus ratos libres, mientras te tomas algo en unbar, vas al gimnasio o haces la colada, gana dinero por WiFiañadido así que cuantos más puntos WiFi captes más dineroconseguirás, todo depende de ti y de cuánto quierasganar.Las condiciones son: • Por cada punto WiFi que añadas obtendrás 1€. • Puedes añadir tantos puntos como quieras. ¡Sinlímites! • Sólo podrás añadir puntos WiFi de locales comerciales (bares,restaurantes, hoteles, tiendas...) para ganar dinero. • NO PODRÁS AÑADIR PUNTOS WIFI DE DOMICILIOS. Llevaremos acabo una revisión de todos los puntos añadidos para garantizar quesólo incluyes puntos comerciales. En caso que no cumplas estasreglas procederemos a eliminar tu cuenta y no llevaremos a cabo elingreso acumulado que tengas en ese momento. • Recibirás tu pago en cuanto hayas acumulado un mínimo de 5puntos WiFi y solicites el pago a tu cuenta de PayPal.Disponible en tu móvil o Tablet Android totalmentegratis.Añade los puntos WiFis de todos aquellos locales comerciales concontraseña ya sean restaurantes, pubs, peluquerías, gimnasios,panaderías, etc. Mientras sean comercios y tenga WiFi el límitede ganar dinero lo fijas tu.No se pueden añadir aquellos que ya se hayan metido así que dateprisa para que no te los quiten y puedas ganar más dinero.Disponible en España 🇪🇸 y México 🇲🇽, y todos los puntos que seañadan serán accesibles para conectarse de forma también gratuita através de EveryFi, la app que te conecta a WiFi completamentegratis.El proceso es muy sencillo: • Abre el mapa y busca los establecimientos que NO se hanañadido. • Acércate a alguno de esos locales que tienen WiFi y seleccionael local de la lista que aparecen (si no está, puedes añadirlotu) • Selecciona la red WiFi de ese local e introduce lacontraseña • Una vez comprobada la contraseña sólo contesta 3 brevespreguntas. • Prepárate para ganar dinero.Funcionalidades de EveryFi Rewards • Mapa con todos los comercios que ya se han añadido. • Botón para añadir un nuevo punto WiFi. • Menu de Cuenta desde donde puedes solicitar tus pagos quese realizarán a través de PayPal. • Sección de movimientos para que puedas ver en todo momento tuhistorial de puntos WiFi añadidos así como el dinero que has ganadogracias a EveryFi Rewards. • Completa tu perfil completo para que podamos pagarte a la cuentade PayPal que nos hayas proporcionado. • Sección de ayuda por si tienes alguna duda respecto al uso de laapp.¡Avisa a todos tus amigos para que también puedan ganardinero!Download the app withwhich you make money by adding access points premises 💸 .Captures through the app points WiFi whenever you're in a bar,restaurant, shop ... and start make money with your mobile. This isa very simple and very fast process by which you can get a lot ofmoney. NO TIME OR OBLIGATIONS!Get money in your spare time while you take something in a bar, yougo to the gym or do the laundry, make money by WiFi and added thatthe more points WiFi captes more money get all up to you and howmuch you want win .The conditions are:& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; For each WiFi point you addget 1 € .& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; You can add as many pointsas you want. No limits!& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; You can only add accesspoints premises (bars, restaurants, hotels, shops ...) to makemoney.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; YOU CAN NOT ADD POINTS WIFIdomiciles . We will conduct a review of all added points to ensurethat only you include commercial points. If they do not fulfillthese rules will remove your account and not take out theaccumulated income you have at that time.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; you will receive yourpayment once you've accumulated a minimum of 5 points WiFi andrequesting payment to your PayPal account.Available on your Android mobile or tablet absolutely free .Add the WiFis points of all those commercial password whetherrestaurants, pubs, hairdressers, gyms, bakeries, etc. While otherbusinesses and has WiFi the limit to earn money set your .You can not add those who have already gotten so hurry up so you donot remove them and can earn more money.Available in Spain and Mexico 🇪🇸 🇲🇽, and all points that are addedwill be accessible to connect so well EveryFi free through the appthat connects you to WiFi free.The process is very simple:& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Open the map and look forNO establishments have been added.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Come to any of those placesthat have WiFi and select local from the list displayed (if not,you can add your)& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Select the WiFi networkthat location and enter the password& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; A proven time password only3 short answer questions.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Prepare for make money.Features of EveryFi Rewards& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Map with all shops thathave already been added.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; button to add a new accesspoint.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Menu Account from which youcan apply your payments made through PayPal.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Section movements so youcan always see your history WiFi points added and the money you'veearned through EveryFi Rewards.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Complete your full profileso we can pay you a PayPal account you provided us.& PMSC; & # 8226; & # 8195; Help section if you haveany questions regarding the use of the app.Tip all your friends so they too can make money!
Fon WiFi App – WiFi Connect 2.2.7
Fon Wireless
Download the Fon WiFi app to connect to hotspots automaticallyworldwide.
EC Connect 1.1.1
Fon Wireless
EC Connect is the Android client for Enterprise ControlWiFiconfiguration. For more information, pleasevisit HowECConnect works: 1. Click on "Get WiFi". 2. Sign in withyourcorporate email address. 3. Follow the steps indicated.
Fontech Merchant App 2.1.4
Fon Wireless
Manage your guest WiFi from the palm of your hand!
Gramofon Setup 1.7.1
Fon Wireless
Quick and Easy setup for your Gramofons
Fon Utility App 1.7.0
Fon Wireless
Set up your Fon routers quickly and easily.
Fon for Members 3.6.1
Fon Wireless
Connect to 14 Million Fon Wi-Fi hotspots all over the worldautomatically.
FON Romania 3.3.8
Fon Wireless
Automatically log in to Fon WiFi Wherever You Go!
Home WiFi
Fon Wireless
Optimize and get the most out of your home WiFi
Fon ショップ WiFi App 1.0.3
Fon Wireless
Manage your store's free WiFi with your smartphone