FroggySoft Apps

Nebula Live Wallpaper 1.2.2
Randomly generated nebula with a 3D effect. Looks very good
HBX Binaural Player Unlock Key 1.0
Unlock key for HBX Binaural Player. Removesannoying ads.***THE FREE VERSION MUST BE INSTALLED***
SINE Isochronic Entrainer Key 1.1.1
Unlock key for SINE Isochronic Entrainer. Removes annoying ads.***THE FREE VERSION MUST BE INSTALLED***
SINE Isochronic Entrainer 1.7.1
SINE Isochronic Entrainer is a Free and Open Source BrainwaveEntrainment application for PC and Android devices. BrainwaveEntrainment is the practice of using sounds, visual stimuli or evenelectromagnetic fields to alter the frequency of brainwaves. It canbe done for several reasons: people with insomnia can take greatbenefit from it, but it can also be used to improve your attentionspan, and even simulate the effects of some recreational drugs. Theeffect is not permanent, and fades away in less than a minute afterthe stimuli is removed. Isochronic tones are a commonly used auralstimuli for Brainwave Entrainment, consisting of short pulses of asine wave, varying in frequency. Unlike binaural beats, IsochronicTones can be played on speakers. This app comes with lots of freepresets. Source code:
Muh Triangles Live Wallpaper 1.2
Animated Triangles on your Home Screen
Gravity Simulator 1.1
Create a sun, spin some asteroids around it, watch them collide andform planets