GoTaxiKing Apps

派車王 叫計程車 APP 72
派車王,叫計程車 APP:最方便又快速的叫車APP,服務類型可選無障礙輪椅(北北基)、悠遊卡(桃園)、好孕專車(北北基、高雄)、省錢叫車。目前服務區域: 北北基、大桃園、新竹、台中、台南、高雄。派遣的車隊:皇冠、台北義交、亞太、新梅、大文山、新利達、日昇昌、金立、紅帥、府城、成功,亞洲有鑑於智慧型手機的日漸普及,於是各車隊聯合共用一款,能夠跨車隊叫車的APP,可讓使用者於單一介面中,選擇不同車隊的叫車服務,避免只能叫單一車隊的窘境,也因此提高了叫車的成功機率及叫車的速度,對乘客更加便利。功能:1)免費叫車APP2)衛星定位叫車3)多車隊結盟派遣4)地圖定位地點叫車6)自行輸入地址叫車7)附近地標叫車8)常用地址叫車9)車輛位置追蹤10)叫車歷史記錄11) 叫車歷史軌跡12) 黑名單關鍵字: 派車王,計程車,叫車,派車,衛星車隊,車隊,智慧,小黃,GPS,Taxi,smart,goTaxiKingKing sent a car, call ataxi APP: The most convenient and fast car called APP, servicetypes are available wheelchair accessibility (north group), travelcard (Taoyuan), a good pregnancy car (north group, Kaohsiung), callmoney car.Currently the service area: north group, large Taoyuan, Hsinchu,Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung.Dispatch team: Crown, Taipei Yi-chiao, Asia-Pacific, the new plum,big Wenshan, New Leader, Ri Sheng Chang, Jin, red handsome, Tainan,success, AsiaGiven the growing popularity of smart phones, so the teams shared ajoint, can cross team called the car APP,Allows users a single interface, choose different team called thecar service, avoid the dilemma can only be called a single team,and thus improve the chances of success and called the car calledthe car's speed, more convenient for passengers.Features:1) Free Taxi APP2) satellite positioning Taxi3) Multi-allied fleet dispatch4) Location Map Location Taxi6) to enter their own address called car7) nearby Taxi8) Common Address Taxi9) vehicle location tracking10) Taxi History11) Taxi historical trajectory12) blacklistKeywords: king sent a car, taxi, cab, sent a car, satellite fleet,the fleet of wisdom, small yellow, GPS, Taxi, smart,goTaxiKing
府城衛星車隊 叫計程車 APP 1.1
叫計程車 APP: 最方便又快速的叫車APP。目前服務區域: 台南市。有鑑於智慧型手機的日漸普及,於是我們開發手機叫車的APP,可讓使用者用手機直接衛星定位叫車,讓叫車速度更快速也更有效率,乘客也更為有保障。功能:1)免費叫車APP2)衛星定位叫車3)多車隊結盟派遣4)地圖定位地點叫車6)自行輸入地址叫車7)附近地標叫車8)常用地址叫車9)車輛位置追蹤10)叫車歷史記錄關鍵字: 計程車,叫車,派車,衛星車隊,車隊,智慧,小黃,GPS,Taxi,smart,府城A taxi APP: The mostconvenient and quick cab APP.Currently Service Area: Tainan City.Given the growing popularity of smartphones, so we developed thecar phone called APP, allows users to use mobile phones directsatellite positioning a cab, so called car speed, faster and moreefficient, and more passengers are protected.Features:1) free cab APP2) satellite positioning cab3) Multi-alliance fleet dispatch4) Location Map Location cab6) Self-enter the address cab7) Landmarks near Taxi8) Useful Addresses cab9) vehicle location tracking10) called the car historyKeywords: taxi, cab, sent a car, satellite fleet, fleet, wisdom,small yellow, GPS, Taxi, smart, Tainan
Sobus 機場接送 租車 叫車 APP 3.0
SoBus團隊累積多年機場專業接送之經驗,提供合法舒適的租賃車代駕服務,讓您不管出國送機、回國接機、商務會議、微旅行...等用車一指搞定!SoBus衛星定位即時配對系統介紹1. 定位租車只需開啟您的手機定位功能,利用地圖點選您上車的地點並輸入正確地址,SoBus立即為您找尋最近的服務車輛!2. 地址租車填寫欲上車的正確地址, 或可設立常用地址, SoBus立即為您找尋最近的服務車輛!3. 機場接送填寫欲上車的正確地址、人數、行李件數, SoBus立即為您配對最適宜的服務車輛!4. 地標租車點選資料上離您最近的地標商店或定點, SoBus立即為您配對最近的服務車輛!5. 電話租車您也可以直接來電告訴我們的服務人員上車地點及特殊需求,我們將為您派出最適宜的車輛,為您服務!6. 議價租車透過即時地圖您可以設定起點及到達終點,並參考計算出的概略費用之後,點選議價金額及注意事項後,將為您進行尋找符合需求的服務車輛!7. 平安訊息上車後,您可選擇透過本APP發送簡訊告知您的親屬好友目前搭乘車輛的平安訊息!8. 拒租車輛(註記)若您已使用過本服務,遇有不願搭乘的車輛或有特別註記的駕駛,您可以在此設定資訊,下次您在進行叫車服務時將會為您排除該車輛,若有其他問題也歡迎您向我們的客服人員反映!9. 包車服務利用本APP轎車除了能夠提供您精準無誤的即時配對服務車輛外,亦可透過包車服務項目提前預約車輛,規劃您的下一個假期!我們將依據您的需求為您量身打造適合您或您全家的車輛使用及行程建議規劃!
大欣 叫計程車 APP 7.0
大欣衛星車隊成立於2016年,為台南在地本土車隊,發揮台南人質樸精神,不以營利為優先提供完善的客戶服務。大欣衛星車隊目前以計程車運輸業為主要服務標的,使用GPS衛星定位及無線行動通訊,結合軟體系統及多元化的硬體設備,提供計程車搭乘之客戶最完備的衛星派遣和絕佳的搭乘安全。目前已有多家飯店業者成為我們的客戶,提供大眾乘客最即時的叫車服務,因而獲得廣泛的好評。2016年有鑑於智慧型手機的日漸普遍,於是我們決定開發車隊叫車的手機APP,好讓所有的乘客選擇優質的叫車服務,並且提高了叫車的成功機率;再者車隊的車輛充足,也因此大大的提高了叫車的速度。大欣衛星車隊服務宗旨:熊大心,熊用心,熊貼心。讓客戶熊安心。Welcomes thesatelliteteam was founded in 2016 in Tainan to the local team playTainanrustic spirit, not-for-profit priority to provide bettercustomerservice.Welcomes the satellite fleet currently taxi transport as themainservice targets, using the GPS satellite positioning andwirelesscommunications operations, combined with a wide range ofsoftwaresystems and hardware devices, providing taxi ride ofcustomers themost comprehensive satellite dispatch and excellentride safety.Currently, there are many hoteliers become our customers,providethe most immediate public passenger car service, whichreceived wideacclaim. 2016 In view of the smartphone is becoming increasingly common,sowe decided to develop a team called the car phone APP, so thatallthe passengers choice of quality car service, and improvethechances of success of a cab; Furthermore adequate fleetofvehicles, thus greatly improving the speed of the cariscalled.Welcomes the satellite fleet service purposes: bear bigheart,bear heart, bear intimate. Bear allow customers peace ofmind.
新梅 叫計程車 APP 2023.11.29.01
Fast Taxi APP big Taoyuan area
新竹CallCar 叫計程車 7.1
讓你快速叫到車,可由地圖知道司機的位置,也可評分司機,亦可將不適合的司機加入黑名單,讓你一手掌握全程叫車的資訊。Lets you quicklycalledcar, the map may know the location of the driver, the drivercanalso score, also will not fit the driver blacklist, let youhandgrasp the full cab information.
高雄中華大車隊 2023.11.29.01
高雄中華大車隊 中華大車隊 高雄市評鑑第一的中華大車隊除了電話叫車外,更提供了最新的APP 叫車服務,提供大高雄區安全快速的交通服務。
台南計程車 中華衛星大車隊 2023.03.14.01
Tainan is the first choice for taxis, and we provide fast andfriendly service.
天龍 叫計程車 APP 2023.03.10.01
紅帥 叫計程車 APP 2023.03.14.01
Hsinchu fastest car called APP, we are the best service in Hsinchuarea, most reputable team, you are welcome to use this a lot TaxiAPP.
7pupu 汽噗噗多元計程車 2023.10.23.01
7pupu Autopupu Motorcade takes the convenience of calling carsandrides with confidence as its business philosophy, and thepursuitof A+ service quality as its business philosophy. We alwaysadhereto providing consumers with peace of mind.