Golden Fish Entertainment Apps

Last Stand 1.0
STORYThe armies of Marema have been betrayed and left to die bytheirone-time allies, Garen. As PFC John Falk, you have volunteeredtobuy time for your allies to escape the onslaught ofmutatedcreatures from the Deadlands. Remember: Bravery is standingby yourfriends, even when you do not know the outcome. Courage isstandingalone, when you have already lost.Hold off the enemy as long as you can, and become a legend.Thisis your LAST STAND.HOW TO PLAY-Left Thumbstick controls John’s movement-Right Thumbstick controls the direction John fires-Thumbsticks are reactive and will adjust their location basedonplayer’s finger placementVOLTS-Volts (currency) are tracked in the upper-right corner ofthescreen, and can be used to purchase ammunition and todeployturrets. Volts are accrued by picking them up afterdefeatingenemies, or by completing waves; the higher the wave, themoreVolts you will earn for completion.-Volts do not carry over into subsequent gamesWEAPONS-Tapping on John will open the weapon menu, where playerscanequip unlocked weapons-Locked weapons may be unlocked using Volts or by picking upammofrom defeated enemies-Ammunition is limited for all weapons other than the S9Togusa(pistol); additional ammo can be purchased usingVolts by selecting the weapon in question on the menu-Each weapon has its own attack speed, damage, andclipsize…experiment to see what fits your play style best!TURRETS-Tapping on deployable pads will bring up the turret menu-When selected, deployables will spawn on the pad andactivateimmediately-Deployables have a limited duration and willdespawnautomatically-Machine Gun (yellow) and Missile (Red) deployables willcausedamage to enemies within range-Regeneration Field (green) deployables will slowly heal Johnwhilein range-Gravity Generator (purple) deployables will greatly reducethespeed of nearby enemiesITEM DROPS-Enemies will drop a number of useful items when slain-Power-Ups come in three types: Attack-Up, Speed-Up,andShield-Medkits will heal John by a large percentage of his health-Volts will be added to the player’s currency to allow thepurchaseof ammo and deployables-Ammo will be added to the player’s available clips. Pickingupammunition for a locked weapon will unlock it.TIPS-Conserve your items! Consider leaving extra shields andmedkitson the ground until you really need them!-Can’t complete the wave you are on? Look aroundcarefully…theremay be an Antlion or a Bunyip lurking nearby!-Spend those Volts! As you reach higher levels, the only waytosurvive will be through the careful use of deployables andhighpower firearms!