Hanuman Wallpaper Apps

Hanuman Wallpaper 1.0
✸Hanuman Wallpaper✸Hanuman (/ˈhʌnʊˌmɑːn, ˈhɑːnʊ-, ˌhʌnʊˈmɑːn, ˌhɑːnʊ-/; Hanumān inIAST);also known as Mahavira or Bajrangbali, is a Hindu god and anardent devotee of Lord Rama. He is a central character in the Hinduepic Ramayana and its various versions. He is also mentioned inseveral other texts, including Mahabharata, the various Puranas andsome Jain texts. A vanara, Hanuman participated in Rama's waragainst the demon king Ravana. Several texts also present him as anincarnation of Lord Shiva. He is the son of Anjana and Kesari, andis also described as the son of Vayu, who according to severalstories, played a role in his birth.✮Patala incident✮In another incident during the war, Rama and Lakshmana are capturedby the rakshasa Mahiravana and Ahiravan, brother of Ravana, whoheld them captive in their palace in Patala (or Patalpuri) --thenetherworld. Mahiravana keeps them as offerings to his deity.Searching for them, Hanuman reaches Patala, the gates of which areguarded by a young creature called Makardhwaja (known also asMakar-Dhwaja or Magar Dhwaja), who is part reptile and partVanara.The story of Makardhwaja's birth is said to be that whenHanuman extinguished his burning tail in the ocean, a drop of hissweat fell into the waters, eventually becoming Makardhwaja, whoperceives Hanuman as his father. When Hanuman introduces himself toMakardhwaja, the latter asks his blessings. Hanuman entersPatala.Upon entering Patala, Hanuman discovers that to killMahiravana, he must simultaneously extinguish five lamps burning indifferent directions. Hanuman assumes the Panchamukha or five-facedform of Sri Varaha facing north, Sri Narasimha facing south, SriGaruda facing west, Sri Hayagriva facing the sky and his own facingthe east, and blows out the lamps. Hanuman then rescues Rama andLakshmana. Afterwards, Rama asks Hanuman to crown Makardhwaja kingof Patala. Hanuman then instructs Makardhwaja to rule Patala withjustice and wisdom.To date Chandraloak Devpuri mandir is located atDugana a small village 17 km from Laharpur, Sitapur district, UttarPradesh. A divine place where Chakleswar Mahadev situated.✮Hanuman Ramayana✮After the victory of Rama over Ravana, Hanuman went to theHimalayas. There he scripted a version of the Ramayana on theHimalayan mountains using his nails, recording every detail ofRama's deeds. When Maharishi Valmiki visited him to show him hisown version of the Ramayana, he saw Hanuman's version and becamevery disappointed.When Hanuman asked Valmiki the cause of his sorrow, the sage saidthat his version, which he had created very laboriously, was nomatch for the splendour of Hanuman's, and would therefore goignored. At this, Hanuman discarded his own version, which iscalled the Hanumad Ramayana. Maharishi Valmiki was so taken abackthat he said he would take another birth to sing the glory ofHanuman which he had understated in his version.Later, one tabletis said to have floated ashore during the period of MahakaviKalidasa, and hung at a public place to be deciphered by scholars.Kalidasa is said to have deciphered it and recognised that it wasfrom the Hanumad Ramayana recorded by Hanuman in an extinct script,and considered himself very fortunate to see at least one pada ofthe stanza.