J2OR Apps

YouCamp Iberia 1.4.0
YouCamp Iberia is the most complete Spanishand Portuguese Campsites Guide for Android, published in 5languages, with 1300 campsites from Spain and Portugal, checked byEDICIONES JD (“guiacampingfecc.com” and “encaravana.com”publisher).Key features:* 5 languages : Spanish, English, German, French, Italian.* Each campsite is provided with complete information about theirfacilities, features, prices, properties,…:- pools, showers, toilets, barbecues, laundry, restaurant, bar,discotheque, sports,... up to 70 features and properties.- Pitches and bungalows prices for low and high seasons- more info: category, city, GPS location, website, email, phone,campsites photos, ...* Manage your favorite campsites.* Show on the map your current GPS location and all the campsitesGPS positions.* Mark on the map driving directions from your current location tothe campsite you want to go.* Find campsites searching and filtering by any feature, property,service, country, region, category, ... or using configured listsby country and featured campsites.* Call or email any campsite, even visit their website.* You don’t need internet access to run YouCamp (except formaps).
YouCamp DE 1.3.0
Campsites Guide from GERMANY
YouCamp FR 1.3.0
Campsites Guide from FRANCE
YouCamp EU 1.3.1
YouCamp EU is the most complete European Campsites Guide forAndroid, published in 5 languages, with 7800 campsites from 30countries, checked by EDICIONES JD (“guiacampingfecc.com” and“encaravana.com” publisher). Key features: * 5 languages : Spanish,English, German, French, Italian. * Each campsite is provided withcomplete information about their facilities, features, prices,properties,…: - pools, showers, toilets, barbecues, laundry,restaurant, bar, discotheque, sports,... up to 70 features andproperties. - Pitches and bungalows prices for low and high seasons- more info: category, city, GPS location, website, email, phone,campsites photos, ... * Manage your favorite campsites. * Show onthe map your current GPS location and all the campsites GPSpositions. * Mark on the map driving directions from your currentlocation to the campsite you want to go. * Find campsites searchingand filtering by any feature, property, service, country, region,category, ... or using configured lists by country and featuredcampsites. * Call or email any campsite, even visit their website.* You don’t need internet access to run YouCamp (except for maps).
Guía Camping 1.9.0
La aplicación GUÍA CAMPING le permite complementar la informaciónde la Guía de papel de Campings oficial de la FECC, mediante laintroducción del campo clave (p.ej. GI-047, clave correspondienteal camping "LA BALLENA ALEGRE"). Obtendrá la información básica delcamping, y la posibilidad de obtener la ruta desde su posición GPSactual hasta el camping. También le permitirá ver el resto deinformación a través de la web, enviar un email al camping odirectamente llamar al camping.
YouCamp Iberia 2.3.1
Campsites Guide from Spain & Portugal in 5 languages and 1300campsites
YouCamp IT 1.3.1
Campsites Guide from ITALY