JackPan Apps

Quick question can quickly know to choose their own moral
跟著APP遊新北 2015.07.28.23
開起APP 就可以知道附近有什麼知名景點喔!!!不僅可以看到簡述 開放時間 交通資訊 還可以打電話 跟造訪網站呢是不是很方便呀快來下載吧一手就可以掌握 新北旅遊景點Opened APP can know whatfamous attractions nearby Oh !!!Not only can see the brief opening hours Transportation can alsovisit the site to call with itIt is not very convenientCome and download itOne hand can grasp the new North Attractions
新北特色商店快找 2015.07.25.1
能查詢到附近特色商家可以查詢店家 所賣商品點選資訊欄還可以撥打電話給店家是一個方便愛吃美食 愛旅遊的愛玩客使用Features can query to thenearby businessesCan query the stores of goods soldClick the Information bar can also make calls to the storeIs a convenient love food love playing tourist passenger use
抽鬼牌抽到就算輸了!!!Draw wild cardPumped even lost!!!
跟著APP吃喝新北 2015.07.28.23
還在為了 午餐或是晚餐 吃什麼而煩惱嗎?來來來這邊有一個新北 美食大全 讓你吃個夠For lunch or dinner isalso what trouble?ComeHere there is a new North gourmet Daquan let you eat yourfill
臺北追垃圾車(臺北倒垃圾,垃圾車快查,垃圾車在哪,倒倒垃圾) 2015.08.19.00
還在等垃圾車嗎? 垃圾車怎還沒來 幾點來來 下載APP 就可以知道幾點來 在什麼地方很方便吧  載看看吧能抓取手機時間 跟 垃圾車時間比較  如果 沒有顯示 地標 則是 沒垃圾車垃圾車 活動時間 大概 從 17~23 這段時間Still other junk car?Garbage truck has not come yet how few comeTo download the APP can know several points whereIt is very convenient to see it containedCan spend more time crawling phone time with garbage truckIf no landmark is not garbage truckTime is probably garbage trucks from 17 to 23 this time
Causal satisfactorily Service 2016.03.27
Many modern diseases and ring true and karmaare related to the way the teacher can ring true for you and makeyour invisible karma coordination, chanting way that allows you todo good deeds, to resolve karmic debt in the past had made under.After completion of the debt also, your body will naturally illnessand life ring true resolve.This program includes the following features:About the teacher to resolve the causal processAbout the way the teacherKnow what to ask and proceduresKnow what to ask the teacher appointment process and processWhy Vegan?So why come here to ask us things to do vegetarian?Chant / copied by the classic rules of etiquette chantedShareGlossaryPooling problemRegistration may also want to make an appointment directly withthis programUpdate History:Version 2.0New CoverCommon ClassicsVersion 3.0Modify LayoutVersion 4.0 (2014/2/17)Change CoverModify button iconsNew blog linkModify some layout with fontsTwo new bulletin noticesVersion 5.0 (2014/2/18)Modify some button iconsFont size and fix typo correctedThen add a new question pooling problemRemove the "contact process after teacher friends to share theexperience."Version 6.00 (2014/2/19)Modify some fontsModify some button icons"Appointment asked what" to "make an appointment to ask somethingRegistration"And add back to the directory with the Back buttonThe chant / copied by the classic rules of etiquette into sharingchanted chant / copied by law & Beige & EtiquetteAnd partial removal of "scripture"Comprehensive Classic in common: an additional "pharmacists glasslight Tathagata by virtue of the willing."Version 6.5 (2014/2/23)Modify the icon size problems with tabletNew font size selection in the "Common classic" withinVersion 7.0 (2014/2/27)Fixed some issues can not be displayed classicModify the classic standard body positionNew classic "Universal Door"Version 7.1 (2014/3/1)Modify too much on the issue can not be viewed Scriptures BIPromiseVersion 7.3 (2014/3/6)Fixed some content
錢進大富翁 1.0
提供使用者 可以手動 記帳 統一發票號碼 或拍照方式 攝取發票並提供 使用者兌獎功能Users can manuallyprovideunified billing invoice number or invoice ingestionphotographingmodeAnd provide users with a pay function
放假小幫手 2016.2.19.18
動物園好好玩-中文版 1.3
生活忙碌不能去動物園嗎距離太遠去不了嗎開啟本APP 帶你遊動物園快來試試看吧Busy lives do not gotothe zooYou can not go too far awayOpen this APP with your travel zooCome give it a try
吃喝大高雄(高雄地區美食一把抓,快速便利) 2015.08.03.00
高雄地區美食一把抓 背包客,旅遊客必載神器不僅能提供美食資訊 還能導航到該目的地美食愛好者必載工具Kaohsiung regionalcuisinegrabbed backpackers, travel guest will load artifactIT not only provides food but also to navigate tothedestinationFood lovers will upload tool
新北找停車 2016.2.1.18
方便使用者查詢附近停車場資訊 以目前距離排序 近到遠紅色字體代表即時更新停車場User-friendly querynearbyparking information at the current distance sort near tofarRed font on behalf of real-time updates Parking
3秒找充電站(新北地區) 2015.07.25.1
還在煩惱電動車快沒電怎麼瓣嗎?別擔心 開啟APP 就可以查到附近有沒有充電站可以充電是否很方便呢心動不如馬上行動 快來下載使用吧還能查詢到 是否免費充電 充電一次費用多少都顯示在APP畫面上 也不用擔心被坑錢
新北垃圾車快查(新北查詢垃圾車時間,倒垃圾必備) 2015.09.03.17
不用再聽到垃圾車聲音在急急忙忙跑出門 又沒倒倒垃圾的窘境了開啟APP就能讓你看到兩小時內的垃圾車動態如果沒顯示地標 代表該地區 目前沒垃圾車動態
臺灣即時紫外線 2015.02.25.1
可以查詢該地區的紫外線程度是否超標會以顏色 與音效通知使用者該地區的紫外線程度到哪You can check theextentof the region is excessive UVColor and sound will notify users of the extent of the areawherethe ultraviolet
臺北好好玩(玩樂大台北,超多好玩地點等妳來發掘,玩樂臺北城) 2015.08.16.22
第一次來台北!? 還是 不知到台北哪裡好玩嗎!?來來來 這款APP 可以滿足你的需求帶你玩樂整個臺北城First time in Taipei!?Oryou do not know where the fun to Taipei!?Come meet your needs this APPPlay with your entire Taipei City
臺北一夜好眠(臺北找旅館,求好眠,舒眠大台北,睡睡臺北城) 2015.08.19.00
來到台北找不到地方住嗎來來來 這邊可以快速找到一間舒服的旅館讓你好睡一整晚Taipei came to findaplace to live itCome here, you can quickly find a comfortable hotel let Hellosleepa night
台灣觀光夜市美食街 2016.1.7.18
本程式 提供使用者查詢台灣 各地觀光夜市 美食街資訊資訊從食品藥物開放平台撈取The program providesuserswith a query over the Taiwan Food Street NightMarketInformationInformation from the Food and Drug open platform fish
求籤不求人 16.04.27
提供使用者快速求籤的娛樂用程式Provides users withquickdivination of entertainment programs
台灣流浪動物認養APP 4.8
Open APP adopt an animal can get information Please support theadoption instead of buying in order to replace the cullsterilization Animal respect for life
Tourism in Dongshan 2015.02.12.01
Dongshan district is located in the plainandthe mountain rendezvous area, part of the Western half oftheChianan Plain, the eastern half of the hills and mountains,apartfrom the eastern end of the South-East corner and the blackareaseast of the mountains, the rest are nasty river water.175th County Road, roughly East of the mountains, whichbelongsto the Alishan Mountain range West of the Black Hillsbranch, theridge line between approximately 700 to 900 meters abovesea level,North of the main ridge line in the big freeze, formingDongshandistrict, located in Chiayi and White River area, the mainborder.The highest point in Li Zi Yuan, Chiayi County, located atthejunction of Tai Shi Ling (also known as Li Zi Yuan Shan),971meters above sea level;, 175th to 3rd National Road, CountyRoadbetween central hilly area, approximately between 100 to 300metersabove sea level; the plains west of the road, 3rd [1].Cold Mountain (also called big mountain) for the TainanCity'shighest peak, elevation of 1241 m, outcrop of rock on theWestside, from South second from afar, Yamagata Grand, by those intheclimbing world's attention, thus the column name Taiwan one ofXiaoBai Yue. Heaven Lake did not peak on both sides, since theTsengwenReservoir to the North overlooking the mountains aremajestic.
新北民宿快搜 2015.07.06.1
以地圖方式呈現 民宿位置能以自己所在地區 查詢到周圍民宿本APP好處1. 點選地標能查詢民宿資訊2.點擊第二次 如果民宿有網站資訊 能連結到該網站能一手掌握 新北市所有民宿資訊Presented in a way tomapthe location of B & BCan with their inquiries into the surrounding area BedandBreakfastThe APP Benefits1. Click landmarks can query Breakfast News2. Click a second time if the residence has a site informationcanbe linked to the siteCan hand grasp all the new Taipei Bed and Breakfast News
同志分享天堂 1.9
提供 分享資訊 交友的地方禁止貼18禁的文章 以維持 平台乾淨此app 只提供平台 不做任何責任
Guts game
This is a scary gameNo advertisingThe English version of Jane support plate