LT app Apps

路線隨你排 1.2
LT app
路線隨你排是一個路線規劃的APP,它能幫助您規劃出遊、送貨或訪客的最佳路線,您也可以自行設定自己想要的路線。主要的重點功能如下:● 地址或地點欄位提供自動完成功能。● 可設定常用的喜愛點。● 可設定單日行程及多日行程。● 已存檔的行程可修改。● 已存檔的行程資料可備份及還原。● 可自行選擇是否將路線最佳化。使用說明:※因為使用Google提供的自動完成功能在輸入台灣地址時會有地址順序顛倒的問題,路線隨你排有針對台灣的地址顯示順序做處理,若您只有需要在台灣使用這套APP請使用路線隨你排,若在國外使用請安裝RoutePlanner。Route as you row is aroute planning APP, it can help you plan your trip, the best routeof delivery or visitors, you can also set their own routes theywant.The main focus of the following functions:● Address or Location field provides auto-completefunctionality.● You can set common point favorite.● You can set one-day and multi-day travel itinerary.● archived itinerary can be modified.● archived trip data can be backed up and restored.● You can choose whether to route optimization.Description: http: //※ Because you use Google's auto-complete feature when enteringTaiwan Address will address questions in reverse order, with theroute you have a row address for Taiwan to do the order process. Ifyou only need to use this APP in line with Taiwan use You row, ifused abroad install Route Planner.
Route Planner 1.2
LT app
If you always worry about how to plan anoptimal route for a trip or visiting customers or delivering goods,you can try Route Planner.Key features:- Calculating the optimal route from multiple locations.- Decide whether doing optimal route calculating by users.- Auto-complete feature.- Create and save single-day or multiple-day routes.- Create and save locations as favorite locations that can be usedwhile creating routes.- Backup and restore saved route data.- Launch Google Map if click on any route result items than you cansee the direction between two locations.
路線排排排 (Line Planner) 1.7
LT app