Lab10 Collective Apps

Minerva Wallet 1.6.8
Lab10 Collective
Crypto wallet built for the next generation of realworldapplications which are connected to the thriving DeFi world.Thinkof it as a digital version of your regular wallet, able tomanageall the things you have in it, but in a digital, tamperproofandhighly secure format. SUPPORTED NETWORKS Minerva can be usedtointeract with Ethereum, xDai Chain, Polygon, Binance SmartChain,ARTIS ∑1 and POA Core as well as the test networksRinkeby,Ropsten, Görli, Kovan, Mumbai, BSC Testnet, ARTIS τ1, POASokol andLUKSO L14. On each of these networks you can have multipleaccountsand manage all coins and tokens you can find there. You canalsoeasily include your self-generated personal token orcommunitytoken from the network of your preference. DEFI &DAPPSCryptocurrencies wouldn't be as exciting without DeFi andtointeract with DApps, we've integrated WalletConnect in order touseMinerva as your wallet of choice. You can easily connectwithmultiple accounts on multiple networks with the DApps you likeandmanage the connections with ease. BUY CRYPTO Soon there will beanoption to buy your favorite cryptocurrency with your bankaccount,debit card or Apple Pay with the lowest fees on the market.Quickand easy at your fingertips. INTEROPERABILITY There are somanygreat applications on different networks and consequently itwillbe supported to move coins and tokens between differentnetworks.For the most part, this is often a difficult process forbeginnersto understand and therefore transferring between networkswill beas easy as sending coins or tokens to anotheraccount.DECENTRALIZED IDENTIFIERS There is an urgent need forsovereignidentities and within Minerva you can create youruniqueDecentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and receive credentials forthem.There is a growing interest in using them for variousapplications- e.g. vaccination certificates, password-less logins,data accessmanagement, membership cards, ticketing, etc. Manyreal-worldapplications where identities need to be provided due toregulatoryrequirements will greatly benefit from DIDs andcredentials issuedby various entities. ONE SEED PHRASE Minervawants to enable you tohave personal sovereignty and that also meansowning the privatekeys to your identities, money and data. To makeit as convenientand secure as possible, there is only one seedphrase that you caneither remember or store in a safe place. Infuture versions ofMinerva, the wallet recovery process will besupported byguardians, simplifying it even further. ABOUT MINERVACreated in2019, Minerva gives users there sovereignty back andallows them tojoin the blockchain revolution by upholding the mostpronouncedproperties: elimination of middlemen like banks andexchanges,identity providers and data aggregators whileassuringprivacy-by-design. Want to learn more? Visit usat