Lisoft Apps

Camper 2.0.0
CAMPER is the App reference for your vehicle.With CAMPER you can organize your recreational vehicle . You cancreate and store a list of objects to remember for each type oftrip. You can check if you have loaded all objects. CAMPER willsuggest the preliminary checks before departure. You can draw anddefine your Camper. You'll be shown the estimated weight of yourcampers to stay within legal limits .This application is free and available in English French GermanItalian and Spanish.With CAMPER you can easily access the Internet to solve commonproblems.You can organize trips of all kinds : sea, lake , mountain, city ,and add the ones you want . You can pair each trip and make thempermanent or traveling or whatever you want. You can add objectsthat are important do not forget .CAMPER is simple, done well and respects your device. It does notsend private data.This App is financed only with any advertising that you choose tovisit .
Floria piante e fiori Botanica
Floria piante e fiori Botanica è una dellemigliori applicazioni in Italiano per gli appassionati eprofessionisti di giardinaggio. Le schede presenti trattano piantee fiori da appartamento, piante da giardino, alberi, arbusti,piante grasse e ortofrutticole. Nelle sue schede troviamo un varioassortimento in continua espansione con l'obiettivo di esaudireogni esigenza informativa. Floria piante e fiori Botanica è unpotente archivio database, una vasta enciclopedia botanica dipiante, alberi, arbusti, ecc. ad un prezzo inferiore ad un libro dibotanica, con la possibilita di filtrare le ricerche con svariate ecomode opzioni. Le schede delle piante contengono oltre 40 campiinformativi diversi per ogni pianta e comprendono ogni dato ecaratteristica ritenuta utile che vanno dalla descrizione allenecessità, ai giudizi alle cure delle malattie e tanto altro. Leschede al momento della pubblicazione sono già tantissime: oltre350 (ma ora sono già di più) piante tra fiori da giardino, alberi,cespugli, piante da appartamento, piante grasse e da coltivazionecome alberi da frutto e verdure e aumentano ad ogni aggiornamento.Oltre alle schede arricchite da immagini, possiamo realizzare unalista di piante e fiori preferiti, alla quale possiamo accederevelocemente e dalla quale possiamo ottenere i suggerimenti e iconsigli utili giorno dopo giorno per accudirle.Ad ogni aggiornamento, scaricabile gratuitamente, vi saranno altrenuove piante e fiori aggiunti.Floria piante e fiori Botanica non è gratuita perchè NON mostrapubblicità NON richiede una connessione Internet per funzionare NONinstalla null'altro nel vostro dispositivo NON spia assolutamentela vostra privacy NON "sporca" il vostro dispositivo ed è fattabene e con serietà e avrete per sempre una enclopedia botanicasempre piu grande e varia. Difficilmente questa APP potrà essereeguagliata.Lingua: Italiano-made in italy-Floria plants Botany isone of the best apps in Italian for gardening enthusiasts andprofessionals. The tabs deal with plants and flowers flat, gardenplants, trees, shrubs, cacti and fruits and vegetables. In hiscards are a varied assortment continues to expand with the aim tosatisfy every information need. Floria plants Botany is a powerfularchive database, a comprehensive encyclopedia of botanical plants,trees, shrubs, etc.. at a lower price on a book of botany, with theability to filter searches and comfortable with a variety ofoptions. The boards of plants contain more than 40 different fieldsof information for each plant and include any data and deemeduseful feature ranging from the description to the needs andfeedback to the treatment of disease and much more. The tabs at thetime of publication are already lots: over 350 (but now they arealready more) between plants garden flowers, trees, shrubs, houseplants, succulents and how to cultivate fruit trees and vegetablesand increase with each update . In addition to the cards adornedwith images, we can create a list of favorite plants and flowers,which can be accessed quickly and from which we can get hints andtips every day to nurse.For each update, downloaded, there will be other new plants andflowers added.Floria plants Botany is not free because it does NOT displayadvertising does NOT require an Internet connection to work doesNOT install anything else on your device DOES NOT spy on yourprivacy absolutely NOT "dirty" your device and is made well andwith professionalism and you have to always a enclopedia botanyincreasingly large and varied. This APP will hardly be matched.Language: Italian-Made in Italy-
PSInto - Psicologia è Potere 1.0.17
PSInto è una applicazione di psicologia cheacconsente la comoda consultazione del database di PSInto al soloprezzo di acquisto della APP stessa, l'iscrizione al database èautomatica e non necessita di costi aggiuntivi. PSInto acconsente,previa osservazione dei comportamenti di una persona, di ottenereil suo stato mentale con la psicologia. Il database di PSIntotraduce la nostra descrizione del linguaggio del corpo dellapersona osservata e lo interpreta per noi. Questa consultazione cida la possibilità di capire gli stati d'animo, le intenzioni, lepaure e sentimenti di una persona osservata. PSInto da anche unservizio inverso, ovvero, previa descrizione di un contesto, ciconsiglia il comportamento migliore per ottenere l'obiettivodesiderato, quindi ci consiglia come comportarci per essereascoltati o per ottenere più fiducia da qualcuno o trasmetteremeglio le nostre idee. Altro servizio di questa APP è un nuovoalgoritmo che intreccia 4 o meno parole fornite per ottenere unasibilla da cui interpretare un consiglio. PSInto non può leggere ilpensiero ne tantomento praticare ipnosi, ma può tentare diinterpretare la comunicazione non verbale con la psicologia. Lapsicologia è il vero motore e potere di questa APP. Tutte lerisposte di questa APP vanno valutate con il giusto buon sensoumano, considerando sempre che la valutazione finale spetta sempreall'utente che è l'unico responsabile delle proprie azioni.Per consultare il database di PSInto viene utilizzata laconnessione internet del dispositivo su cui risiede la APP stessa ei costi di connessione sono a carico dell'utente. L'accesso aldatabase è compreso nel prezzo della APP, ma limita a 4 consultiogni 20 minuti circa per non fare intasamento al server e mantenereil servizio fluido. Senza questa APP l'iscrizione al database diPSInto costerebbe di più.Il funzionamento di PSInto è basato sul linguaggio del corpo umano,pratica psicologica ben riconosciuta, documentata e attendibile.Discorso diverso per il servizio "sibilla" descritto sopra, cheutilizza un algoritmo proprietario che fornisce risposte spessosorprendenti, ma che non sono dichiarabili "scientifiche" perchèelaborate da una CPU. Ricordiamo che l'unico responsabile dei danniderivati dall'utilizzo e dalle informazioni ottenute da questa APPè l'utente stesso.PSInto is an applicationof psychology agrees that the convenient consultation of thedatabase PSInto only to the purchase price of APP itself,enrollment in the database is automatic and does not requireadditional costs. PSInto agrees, upon observation of the behaviorof a person, to get his mental state with psychology. The databasePSInto translates our description of the body language of theperson observed and interprets it for us. This consultation givesus the opportunity to understand the moods, intentions, fears andfeelings of a person observed. PSInto from a reverse service, or,after a description of the context, we recommend the best behaviorto achieve the desired goal, then advises us how to behave in orderto be heard or to get more trust from someone or better convey ourideas. Other service of this APP is a new algorithm thatintertwines 4 or fewer words provided to obtain a sibyl from whichto interpret advice. PSInto can not read minds tantomento practicehypnosis, but can groped to interpret non-verbal communication withpsychology. Psychology is the real driving force and power of thisAPP. All responses to this APP should be evaluated with the righthuman common sense, always considering that the final assessmentremains with the user who is solely responsible for theiractions.To consult the database is used PSInto the Internet connection ofdevice on which the APP itself and the costs are borne by the user.Access to the database is included in the price of the APP, butlimited to 4 consultations about every 20 minutes so as not to clogthe server and keep the service fluid. Without this APP enrollmentin the database PSInto would cost more.Operation of PSInto is based on human body language, practicepsychological well-recognized, documented and reliable. Somethingdifferent for the "Sibyl" described above, which uses a proprietaryalgorithm that provides answers often surprising, but which are notreportable "scientific" because processed by a CPU. Recall that theonly liable for damages resulting from the use and the informationobtained from this APP is the user itself.
Lick Poop and toilet 3.7.23
***** SLURP !!!What is Lick Poop ?The Lick Poop is an APP that will attempt to either sicken you ormove you, depending on the image youare offered.To watch alone or together with your friends, the nauseating orspicy scenes present simple tasks for you to solve using yourtongue.The scenes offered by this APP have been altered with details andwords which make them stranger and more entertaining to those whoknow how to understand them.There are three categories offered: free images, paid images, andpaid sensual images.The images in each category, which can be downloaded online, willgrow in number offered daily.The aim is to produce a content which is fun, mouth-watering, butnever vulgar or offensive (including the sexy scenes).Please note that some content might "disgust" people who feel moresensitive.Note too that the sensual images will always be in good taste andin our judgement suitable for adolescents.Bathrooms, toilet, WC are waiting for you !!!
Horror House, Horror game free 2.3.0
Prepare yourself for a...bloody adventure!Horror House is a game for Android devices which is about the storyof the young Wef Reaf and it does it through the pages of a book.One game level corresponds to each page, and these levels will takethe user, page to page, to the deserved ending.The protagonists of the adventure are stickmen (stickmen arestylized men typical of games of this kind, where it is wanted todownplay violence), men or women that will be literally sliced,slaughtered, dismembered, drown, eaten, squashed, fleeced and manyother kinds of macabre deaths.This Horror Game is not an action game, but a game of reasoningwhere each move can lay your poor stickmen on the line; it could beconsidered a turn based game, where our friends will have tosurvive against the dangers of the many rooms of the cursed houseand we have to help them to find their way out.The story of Horror House is told completely in English or Italian,well thought and structured, with various maps, always differentand they pose different approaches in order to be solved. Twistsand blood won't be missing and you will be amusing when seeing inhow many macabre ways your poor stickmen can die.Once finished the game you will receive as a prize the possibilityof playing numberless maps generated at that moment by your device,in which we can set the parameters of the game. In these new mapsit also will be possible to play at the "last survival" mode, inwhich the winning team will be that with the last survivalleft.We reassure the user and/or the parents of the costumers of HorrorHouse that violence contained in the game has been convenientlydownplayed in order to adapt it to minors: 12 years of age are morethan adequate.This is the free version of Horror House, which differs from thefee for the presence of advertising and the least amount of scenesmortals.Let's resume the details of the game:- Story told from the book all in English e Italiano- Horror Game-sort- Different kinds of macabre death scenes,different also forgender- Approach to the game with different methods of reasoning.- Virtually endless game- Entangling- Free
Love Adventures 2.6.12
Love Story adventures in the World.Impressive, funny and good game suitable for any age.Live the adventures of two Smiles (emoticons) lovers, searchingforhappiness.Visit a series of maps among the most beautiful places intheworld.Be cunning and utilize creativity to beat who hinders their loveandto go on with the adventure.Look up and participate in the world placings.As soon as the campaign is over, you will be able to gain accesstoendless maps generated by your device.Personalize the characters with clothes, colors, hair, caps,shoes,flags, tattoos.Free with few ads.
RVT - Ordem de Serviço 1.0.6
System for issuing electronic work orders
Minha Igreja Online (App Modelo)
Application to unite church members even when they are far away
Igreja Batista Graça 1.5.2
An application to connect members of Grace Baptist Church