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甲骨文连连看 3.4
《甲骨文连连看》(原名《甲骨迷情》)是一款连连看类型的游戏。在游戏的过程中,玩家可以认识一部分甲骨文,并初步了解中国文字的起源和演变,达到寓学于乐的目的。游戏规则如下:1、玩家需要在图中找到相同的甲骨文并点选它们,选中后,程序会判断它们之间是否有路径可以通行,并且该路径的转弯处是否小于等于两个。如果同时满足上述条件,则两个相同的文字会沿路径向一起靠拢。当最终靠到一起时,文字消失,玩家获得积分。2、路径越长,积分越多。3、当所有的甲骨文都不能连通的时候,整个布局会被打乱并重新排列。玩家不必担心出现无解的情况。4、为了获得更高的积分,玩家可以使用咒语。咒语一:物以类聚,自动连接并消除一对甲骨文。咒语二:乾坤换位,打乱所有甲骨文的排列位置,进行重组。咒语三:时光倒流,延长本局游戏时间。5、过关时剩余的时间会转变为金币加给玩家。玩家可以使用金币购买咒语。6、游戏一共有两种模式可以选择。通关模式:一共有6大关,每关包含24小关。玩家每通过一个关卡,就可以解锁下一个关卡。无尽模式:游戏会一直进行下去,通过一关后自动进入下一关,直到本局的时间用尽。无尽模式的游戏积分会上传到服务器上,玩家可以查看游戏排行榜,和其他玩家比个高下。"Oracle lianliankan"(formerly "Sensation bones") is a lianliankan type of game. In thecourse of the game, players can recognize a part of Oracle, and apreliminary understanding of the origin and evolution of Chinesecharacters, to the purpose of learning through play.Rules of the game are as follows:1, the players need to find the same Oracle and click on them inthe figure, after selected, the program will determine whetherthere is a path can pass, and bend the path is less than equal totwo between them. If both the above conditions are satisfied, thenthe two identical text will move closer together along the radialdirection.When the final against together, the text disappears, players earnpoints.2, the path is longer, the more points.3, when all of the Oracle are not connected, the entire layout willbe disrupted and rearranged. Players do not have to worry about thesituation appears no solution.4, in order to achieve higher integration, players can use thespell. Mantra one: Like attracts like, automatically connect andeliminate one pair of Oracle. Second spell: the universetransposition, upset the arrangement positions of all Oracle'sreorganization. Mantra three: back in time, to extend the Councilof game time.5, the remaining time will pass into gold added to the players.Players can use gold to buy spells.6. There are two game modes to choose from. Clearance model: atotal of six mark, each level contains 24 small off. Each playerthrough a level, you can unlock the next level. Endless Mode: Thegame will always go on, through a shut off automatically after thenext, until the Council's time runs out. Endless mode game pointsuploaded to the server, the player can view game leaderboards, andcompete with other players over.
双升 1.0
双升,又名拖拉机、80分、双扣。本游戏为单机版本,支持安卓系统。游戏规则:(1)庄家和闲家:每一局牌都有一方担任庄家。第一局的庄家由抢先亮主的玩家担任。庄家与其对家组成一方。其余两家组成一方,称闲家(抓分方)。(2)底牌:发牌时,剩余8张牌做为底牌。庄家取走底牌,并扣下自己不需要的8张牌作为底牌。(3)分牌:5、10和K是分牌,5代表5分,10和K代表10分。(4)抠底:如果最后一轮牌由闲家获胜,称为扣底。底牌中的分数按照如下规则加成。最后一轮中含拖拉机,底牌分数乘8;最后一轮中含对牌,底牌分数乘4;否则,底牌分数乘2。底分加成后和本局闲家抓到的分数合并成为闲家的最终得分。(5)游戏双方分别计算级别,庄家的级别就是当前打的级牌。游戏从打2开始不断升级,每局结束时根据闲家的最终得分确定下一轮的庄家和升级情况。0分(也称大光):庄家升3级;40分以下(也称小光):庄家升2级;80分以下:庄家升1级;80分以上:闲家上台成为庄家;但不升级;120分以上:闲家上台并升1级;160分:闲家上台并升2级;依次类推。(6)亮主:发牌过程中,任何一方抓到级牌,都可以选择抢先亮主,亮主后,所亮花色就成为主花色。(7)反主:如果一家已经亮主,而其他方抓到相同花色的两张级牌,则该玩家可以选择反主。级牌只可以反主一次,两个小王可以反级牌,两个大王还可以反小王。大小王反主也称打无将。(8)主牌:主牌由大王、小王、级牌、主花色牌构成。如果打无将,则主牌只包括大王、小王、级牌。(9)副牌:除主牌以外,其它牌都是副牌。(10)对牌:两张同点同花色的牌称为对牌。(11)拖拉机:同花色的相邻两对或更多的对构成拖拉机,级牌不能与相同花色的副牌构成拖拉机。(12)出牌规则:后面的玩家必须按照首家出的牌的牌型出牌,首家出了拖拉机,则后面的玩家有相同花色的拖拉机必须出;首家出了对牌,则后面的玩家有相同花色的对牌必须出。(13)帖牌:首家所出花色,后面的玩家如果已经没有该花色,称为绝牌。绝牌时,出主牌以外的其他花色,叫做贴牌。(14)杀牌:绝牌时,出相同牌型的主牌,叫做杀牌。(15)牌的大小:杀牌大于普通牌,普通牌大于贴牌。(16)5、10、K、A必打,不能跳过。Double liter, also knownas tractors, 80 points, Twill.This game is a stand-alone version, support Android system.Rules of the game:(1) the dealer and Player: each has one game of cards as thedealer. Makers of the first inning as the first light from the mainplayers. Makers of home with its composition side. The other twoconsisting of one, called Player (grip points side).(2) The bottom line: The licensing of the remaining eight cards ascards. Makers removed cards, and buckle under its own brand asunwanted eight cards.(3) the scoreboard: 5,10 and K are scoreboard, 5 representatives offive points, 10, and K for 10 points.(4) pull the bottom: if the last round of cards to win the Player,called buckle end. The fractional addition of cards in accordancewith the following rules. Containing final round tractor cards by 8points; the final round of cards containing, cards score by 4;otherwise, cards fractional multiply2. After the addition and the Council end points Player caughtPlayer Score merged into the final score.(5) were calculated both players level, the level of the dealer'scards is the current playing level. Game 2 start escalating thefight to determine the next round of bookmakers and upgradesaccording to the Player's final score at the end of each round. 0(also known as a great light): Makers liter3; 40 points or less (also known as little light): Makers liter2; 80 points or less: a banker liter; 80 points or more: Playercame to be the banker; but not upgrades; 120 points or more: Playerstage and rise 1; 160 min: Player stage and l 2; and so on.(6) light Owner: the licensing process, either caught grade cards,you can select the first primary light, after light main, the lightcolor becomes the primary color.(7) Reverse primary: If an already bright primary, while otherscaught the two-level cards of the same suit, the player can chooseto anti master. Anti-level cards can only master one, two Wang cancounter level cards, two king also anti-Wang. Anti Lord kingsizeSay no will to fight.(8) the main card: the main card by the King, Wang, grade cards,cards constitute the primary colors. If no will to fight, the maincard includes only King, Wang, grade cards.(9) cards: In addition to the main card, the other cards are thecards.(10) on the cards: two different points of the same suit is calledfor licensing.(11) Tractor: Same color of the adjacent two or more constituenttractors, grade cards can not constitute a tractor with the cardsof the same suit.(12) the licensing rules: Players must back out in accordance withthe first cards of the type of card, the first out of the tractor,then the back of the players must have the same suit tractor out;the first out of cards, the back The players have the same suit ofcards mustOut.(13) post card: the first being the color behind the player if thesuit has no known absolutely cards. When absolutely cards, the suitother than the main card, called OEM.(14) kill Cards: When absolutely brand, the same type of main cardbrand, called the kill card.Size (15) brand: to kill the brand more than ordinary cards,general cards greater than OEM.(16) 5,10, K, A will play, can not be skipped.
KKAA - 拖拉机 4.0
拱猪 1.2
本游戏为拱猪单机版本,支持安卓系统。游戏规则:()每轮出牌一张,后面的玩家必须出第一个玩家所出的花色,如果没有该花色,可以贴其他花色的牌,贴牌最小。()每轮出牌最大的玩家得到本轮中含有分值的牌,包括猪、羊、红桃和变压器。()黑桃Q为猪;草花10为变压器;方片J为羊。()除羊不明外,猪、变压器、红桃A全部强制明牌。()明猪计-200分;羊不明,计100分;明红5-10,每张记-20分,明红桃J:-40;明红桃Q:-60;明红桃K:-80;明红桃A:-100。()明变压器,得到者得分x4。如果得到变压器的玩家除了变压器外没有得到其他分数,则变压器算正100分。()全红,如果一个玩家,得到从2到A的所有红桃,则红桃得分为正,即正400分。()大满贯,如果一个玩家,得到全红,并且得到所有的猪、羊、变压器,则所有分数都变为正分。最后得分为2800。()分数计算公式:一局结束后计算得分,先按上面的算法计算出每个玩家的原始分,然后将四家的分数进行处理,使 4 家人得分之和为 0,并将其作为玩家的最后得分。具体算法:某玩家最后得分 = (该玩家原始分–(其他3家原始分之和)/3)*12()最终得分为正分,则本局胜利,否则本局失败。()四个玩家各自为战,没有对家配合。()第一轮草花2先出,以后每一轮由上轮得猪的玩家先出。This game is Gong Zhustandalone version that supports Android.Game rules:() Round out the card one, players must back the first player outof the color, if not the color, it can be attached to other suitsof cards, OEM minimum.() Round out the top players get the cards contained in the currentround score cards, including pigs, sheep, hearts andtransformers.() Q spades pigs; flower transformer 10; J square piece ofsheep.() In addition to unknown outside of sheep, pigs, transformers, allmandatory Hearts A winning numbers.() Next count -200 points swine; sheep unknown count 100; brightred 5-10, -20 points per record, Ming Hearts J: -40; Ming Hearts Q:-60; Ming Hearts K: 80; Ming Hearts A: -100.() Ming transformer, get those points x4. If players get thetransformer has not been outside in addition to other scorestransformer, the transformer considered positive 100 points.() All red, and if a player get 2 to A from all the hearts, thehearts score is positive, that is a positive 400 points.() Grand Slam, if a player got all red, and get all the pigs,sheep, transformers, all scores are into positive points. The lastscore of 2800.() Score formula: score is calculated after the end of a game,according to the above algorithm to calculate the raw score of eachplayer, and then the four scores are processed to make the score 4families and is 0, and as a player The final score.Specific algorithms: a player final score = (the player raw score -(other three original points and) / 3) * 12() The final score of the positive points, the victory of theCouncil, or the Council fails.() Four players fighting each other, with no home.() In the first round, first-out flower 2, after each round by thelast round was the first player out of the pig.
读帖之颜真卿 1.0
精选唐代书法家颜真卿经典书法作品,包括《多宝塔碑》,《颜勤礼碑》,《颜氏家庙碑》,《自书告身贴》,《祭侄文稿》,《湖州帖》等。全部法帖均为高清格式,可以通过手势操作无限放大图片。图片放大后可以清晰地看到笔墨细节,甚至可以观察到纸的纤维,你绝对会被这些名帖的精微所震撼。每次退出后,会自动记录当前读帖的位置,以及缩放比例。下次进入,可以方便地从上次读帖的位置继续欣赏和学习。Featured Tang Dynastycalligrapher Yen Chen classic calligraphy works, including"multi-pagoda monument", "Yan Qin ritual monument", "Yan templemonument", "from the book Gaoshen paste", "Ji nephew presentation","Huzhou quote," and so on. All Fateh both HD formats, you canmagnify images by gestures. You can clearly see the larger imageink details, even the paper fibers can be observed, you willdefinitely be struck by these Mingtie subtle.After each exit, it will automatically record the current positionof the read posts, and scaling. Next time, you can easily continueto enjoy and learn to read posts from the last position.
升级炒地皮 1.0
二打一 1.1
Dou Di Zhu 2.6
Dou Di Zhu is one of the most popular card games played in China.