Mobile GED Apps

Sampaio Correa MP3 Player 1.1
Mobile GED
Aplicativo MP3 Player desenvolvidoespecialmente para fãs do SAMPAIO CORREA.Agora você pode escutar suas músicas favoritas no seu celular,com as cores do seu time do coração: SAMPAIO CORREA. E ainda recebetodas as notícias do SAMPAIO CORREA.Divirta-se!!!!!!!!!!!!MP3 Player applicationdeveloped especially for Sampaio Correa fans.Now you can listen to your favorite music on your phone with thecolors of your favorite team: Sampaio Correa. And still get all thenews from SAMPAIO CORREA.Have a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Contagem de Carboidratos 2.3
Mobile GED
**** AGORA COM 80% DE DESCONTO POR TEMPOLIMITADO. ****Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido especialmente para pessoasportadoras do Diabetes Mellitus e auxilia no controle do diabetes,através da contagem de carboidratos presentes nas refeições.Essa contagem, combinada com a fórmula(s) individual(is)fornecida(s) pelo seu médico, vai determinar a quantidade exata deinsulina ultra-rápida que deverá ser ministrada.Esse procedimento correto, proporciona melhor qualidade de vidapois previne as oscilações bruscas de glicose, evitando assim, ascrises de hiper ou hipoglicemia.Basicamente o funcionamento do aplicativo se constitui de 3etapas:1 - Importar tabela de alimentos e posteriormente, cadastraralimentos que não estejam na tabela fornecida, através dos rótuloscontidos nas embalagens de cada um.2 - Cadastrar sua(s) fórmulas(s).3 - Montar as refeições para contagem dos carboidratos e cálculo dainsulina e a correção da glicemia na hora exata da refeição.Você pode salvar refeições padrões, para ficar mais rápido eprático montar novas refeições e calcular sua dose sugerida deinsulina ultra-rápida.Todas as suas refeições agora são registradas e poderá sergerado um arquivo PDF para enviar relatórios para seu médico, tudoatravés do aplicativo.VIVA MELHOR COM SAÚDE!!!!Obs: Aplicativo totalmente em português!!!**** NOW WITH 80% OFF FORA LIMITED TIME. ****This application was developed especially for people withDiabetes Mellitus and helps in controlling diabetes by countingcarbohydrates present in meals.This count, combined with the formula (s) individual (s) provided(s) by your doctor will determine the exact amount of rapid-actinginsulin that should be provided.This correct procedure provides better quality of life because itprevents the sharp fluctuations of glucose, thus preventing thecrisis hyper or hypoglycemia.Basically the operation of the application is composed of threesteps:1 - Import table of food and subsequently registering foods thatare not on the table provided by the labels in the package ofeach.2 - Post your (s) formula (s).3 - Mount meals to count carbohydrates and determine the insulinand the correction of blood glucose at the right time of themeal.You can save patterns meals, to become more fast and convenientmount new meals and calculate your suggested dose of rapid-actinginsulin.All your meals are now registered and a PDF file can begenerated to send reports to your doctor, all through theapplication.LIVE BETTER WITH HEALTH !!!!Note: Application entirely in Portuguese !!!
SMS Spoken 1.2
Mobile GED
This application is perfect for people who donot like to type SMS text messages. With SMS SPOKEN, it's easy, youtalk and he writes for you. Then just send SMS to anyone youchoose. Simple as that!
Relógio do Sport 1.1
Mobile GED
Lindo Relógio Analógico do SPORT com asnotícias atualizadas do time. Leve o time do seu coração no seucelular Android. E clicando no relógio e receberá todas as notíciasdo SPORT !!!MAS ATENÇÃO: Este aplicativo é um WIDGET.Depois de fazer o download, clique em WIDGET E visualizará o íconedo RELÓGIO DO SPORT. Clique no ícone e o relógio será instalado natela do seu celular.Para ver as notícias, basta clicar no relógio.Divirta-se!!!Gorgeous SPORT AnalogClock with updated news on the team. Take the team of his heart onyour Android phone. And by clicking on the clock and get all thenews SPORT !!!BUT PLEASE NOTE: This application is a WIDGET.After downloading, click WIDGET AND SPORT WATCH display the icon.Click the icon and the clock will be installed on your phonescreen.For news, simply click on the clock.Have fun !!!
Paysandu MP3 Player 1.6
Mobile GED
MP3 Player application developed especiallyfor fans of PAYSANDU.Now you can listen to your favorite music on your phone, with thecolors of your favorite team: PAYSANDU. And still receive all theteam news and stay inside the Boogeyman's game schedule.Have a good time !!!!!!!!!!!!
Bahêa MP3 Player 1.2
Mobile GED
Aplicativo MP3 Playerdesenvolvidoespecialmente para fãs do BAHÊA.Agora você pode escutar suas músicas favoritas no seucelular,com as cores do seu time do coração: BAHIA. E ainda recebetodas asnotícias do BAHÊA.Divirta-se!!!!!!!!!!!!MP3 Playerapplicationdeveloped especially for BAHÊA fans.Now you can listen to your favorite music on your phone withthecolors of your favorite team: BAHIA. And still get all thenewsfrom BAHÊA.Have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!
My Sounds 1.1
Mobile GED
A powerful MP3 Player. Enjoy the sound ofyourfavorite music in a whole new player, where you can set upandleave it to your liking.Good fun !!!!
Enforcados 1.3
Mobile GED
Lembra daquele jogo da FORCA? Quebrincávamosna escola ou simplesmente para passar o tempo?Exatamente!!! É estejogo mesmo!!! Agora na versão app, para vocêbrincar, passar otempo, desafiar os amigos, exercitar a memória.Divirta-se!!!Remember that gameFORCA?We played at school or simply to pass the time? Exactly !!!Is thisthe same game !!! Now the app version for you to play, spendtime,challenge friends, exercise their memory.Have a good time !!!
Palavras 1.2
Mobile GED
Jogo intuitivo e de conhecimento daLínguaPortuguesa: Formando Palavras. Basicamente, o jogo lhe dáseisopções de letras aleatoriamente, e dentro dessas opções, vocêformapalavras de até 06 (seis) letras e no mínimo 03 (três) letras.É umpassa-tempo excelente. Portanto, teste seu conhecimentoFormandoPalavras.Divirta-se!!!Intuitive playandknowledge of Portuguese Language: Forming words. Basically,thegame gives you six options of letters randomly, and withinthoseoptions, you form words of up to six (06) letters and atleastthree (03) letters. It is an excellent pastime. So testyourknowledge Forming words.Have a good time !!!
Mobile GED
Game and intuitive knowledge of theEnglishLanguage: Forming words. Basically, the game gives you sixoptionsof letters randomly, and within those options, you formwords of upto six (06) letters and at least three (03) letters. Itis anexcellent pastime. So test your knowledge Forming words.Have a good time !!!Game andintuitiveknowledge of the Inglês Language: Forming words.Basically, thegame Gives you six options of letters randomly, andWithin Thoseoptions, you form words of up to six (06) letters andat leastthree (03) letters. It is an excellent pastime. So testyourknowledge Forming words.Have a good time !!!
Dog Bone Handle 1.3
Mobile GED
Dog Bone Handle - super cool game where youhave to run and avoid the obstacles and pick up the bones, butbeware of evil bone.Good fun !!!This game contains ads !!!!
Balloon Defense 1.3
Mobile GED
Balloon Defense - super cool game whereyouhave to fly and dodge the Torres and catch the balloons, butbewareof the PUMP balloon.Good fun !!!This game contains ads !!!!Balloon Defense -supercool game where you have to fly and dodge the Torres and catchtheballoons, but beware of the PUMP balloon.Good fun !!!This game contains ads !!!!
Zombie Barrel 1.1
Mobile GED
Game interesting and addictive super, wherethegoal is to eliminate the zombies coming out from inside thebarrels.Excellent game ... Try.Good fun!
Mobile GED
The Mp3Player MY is an MP3 easyandcustomizable. You can choose your images / pictures (up to 20)tobe displayed while enjoying your favorite songs. Can be photosoffamily, friends, events, boyfriend (a), his football team/basketball / volleyball and other sports, as well as any image/photo that is on your phone / memory card.Have a good time !!!!Suggestions:
RingTones Cool 1.1
Mobile GED
Personalize your cell phone ringing withnewsuper cool ringtones. Simple application and efficient.Tryit.
Sport MP3 Player 1.1
Mobile GED
Aplicativo MP3 Playerdesenvolvidoespecialmente para fãs do SPORT.Agora você pode escutar suas músicas favoritas no seucelular,com as cores do seu time do coração: SPORT. E ainda recebetodas asnotícias do SPORT.Divirta-se!!!!!!!!!!!!MP3 Playerapplicationdeveloped especially for the SPORT fans.Now you can listen to your favorite music on your phone withthecolors of your favorite team: SPORT. And still get all thenewsSPORT.Have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!
Radios Good 1.1
Mobile GED
Radios Good is an application with someradiosonline. It is an alternative for those who are tired ofordinaryradios. Radios with various musical genres.It will soon be available, several other options forradiostreaming online.Listen radio online with RADIOS GOOD and have fun!
Galo Doido Avisa 1.1
Mobile GED
Aplicativo super leve e funcional, ondevocêrecebe todas as notícias atualizadas do time.SIMPLES e PRÁTICO.Aproveite e divirta-se!!!Applicationsuperlightweight and functional, where you get all the updatednewsteam.SIMPLE and PRACTICAL.Enjoy and have fun !!!
Relógio do CRB 1.2
Mobile GED
Lindo Relógio Digital do CRB com asnotíciasatualizadas do time. Leve o time do seu coração no seucelularAndroid. E clicando no ícone (imagem) para receber todasasnotícias de última hora do CRB. Depois basta clicar na notíciaparaacessá-la com detalhes!!!Agora disponível também, acessar os alarmes (despertadores)doseu dispositivo, basta clicar no display do relógio.MAS ATENÇÃO: Este aplicativo é um WIDGET.Depois de fazer o download, clique em WIDGET e visualizará oíconedo RELÓGIO DO CRB. Clique no ícone e o relógio será instaladonatela do seu celular.Para ver as notícias, basta clicar no relógio.Divirta-se!!!Gorgeous Digital ClockCRBwith updated news team. Take the team of your heart on yourAndroidphone. And by clicking on the icon (picture) to receive allthebreaking news CRB. Then just click on the news to access itwithdetails !!!Now available also access the alarms (alarm) on your device,justclick on the clock display.BUT PLEASE NOTE: This application is a WIDGET.After downloading, click WIDGET and display the CRB WATCHicon.Click the icon and the clock will be installed on yourphonescreen.To view the news, simply click on the clock.Have a good time!!!
Counting Calories Free 1.5
Mobile GED
Application specially developed for peoplewhowish to control daily amounts of calories consumed.Helps to control food and diets to reach their ideal weight.Basically its operation constitutes three steps:1 - Import of table food.2 - Post your goal.3 - Assemble meals for counting calories.BETTER LIVING WITH HEALTH !!!!!Applicationspeciallydeveloped for people who wish to control Amounts of dailycaloriesConsumed.Helps to control food and diets to reach Their ideal weight.Basically its operation constitutes three steps:1 - Import of table food.2 - Post your goal.3 - Assemble meals for counting calories.BETTER LIVING WITH HEALTH !!!!!
Conta Calorias 1.3
Mobile GED
Aplicativo desenvolvido especialmenteparapessoas que desejam controlar quantidades diárias decaloriasconsumidas.Auxilia no controle da alimentação e dietas para alcance dopesoideal.Basicamente seu funcionamento se constitui em 3 etapas:1 - Importar tabela de alimentos.2 - Cadastrar sua meta.3 - Montar as refeições para contagem das calorias.VIVA MELHOR COM SAÚDE!!!!!OBS: Sem anúncios!!!!Applicationspeciallydeveloped for people who wish to control daily amounts ofcaloriesconsumed.Helps to control food and diets to reach their ideal weight.Basically its operation constitutes three steps:1 - Import of table food.2 - Post your goal.3 - Assemble meals for counting calories.BETTER LIVING WITH HEALTH !!!!!NOTE: No ads !!!!
Relógio do Vasco 1.1
Mobile GED
Lindo Relógio Analógico do VASCO comasnotícias atualizadas do time. Leve o time do seu coração noseucelular Android. E clicando no relógio e receberá todas asnotíciasdo VASCÃO!!!MAS ATENÇÃO: Este aplicativo é um WIDGET.Depois de fazer o download e instalar o aplicativo, busqueemWIDGETS e visualizará o ícone do RELÓGIO DO VASCO. Clique noíconee o relógio será instalado na tela do seu celular.Para ver as notícias, basta clicar no relógio.Divirta-se!!!Beautiful VASCOAnalogClock with updated news on the team. Take the team of hisheart onyour Android phone. And by clicking on the clock and getall thenews Basque !!!BUT PLEASE NOTE: This application is a WIDGET.After downloading and installing the application, look inWIDGETSand display the VASCO WATCH icon. Click the icon and theclock willbe installed on your phone screen.For news, simply click on the clock.Have fun !!!
Flamengo MP3 Player 1.6
Mobile GED
Aplicativo MP3 Playerdesenvolvidoespecialmente para fãs do FLAMENGO.Agora você pode escutar suas músicas favoritas no seucelular,com as cores do seu time do coração: FLAMENGO. E aindarecebe todasas notícias do time e fica por dentro da agenda dejogos doMENGÃO.Divirta-se!!!!!!!!!!!!MP3 Playerapplicationdeveloped especially for FLAMENGO fans.Now you can listen to your favorite music on your phone, withthecolors of your favorite team: FLAMINGO. And still receive alltheteam news and stay inside the Mengão the game schedule.Have a good time !!!!!!!!!!!!
Contagem de Carboidratos Free 2.7
Mobile GED
Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido especialmentepara pessoas portadoras do Diabetes Mellitus e auxilia no controledo diabetes, através da contagem de carboidratos presentes nasrefeições.Essa contagem, combinada com a fórmula(s) individual(is)fornecida(s) pelo seu médico, vai determinar a quantidade exata deinsulina ultra-rápida que deverá ser ministrada.Esse procedimento correto, proporciona melhor qualidade de vidapois previne as oscilações bruscas de glicose, evitando assim, ascrises de hiper ou hipoglicemia.Basicamente o funcionamento do aplicativo se constitui de 3etapas:1 - Importar tabela de alimentos e posteriormente.2 - Cadastrar sua fórmulas.3 - Montar as refeições para contagem dos carboidratos e cálculo dainsulina e a correção da glicemia na hora exata da refeição.Você pode salvar refeições padrões, para ficar mais rápido eprático montar novas refeições e calcular sua dose sugerida deinsulina ultra-rápida.Todas as suas refeições agora são registradas e poderá consultadosempre que necessário.VIVA MELHOR COM SAÚDE!!!!Obs: Aplicativo totalmente em português!!! CONTÉM ANÚNCIOS!!!This application wasdeveloped especially for people living with Diabetes Mellitus andhelps in controlling diabetes by counting carbohydrates present infood.This count, combined with the formula (s) individual (s) provided(s) by your doctor will determine the exact amount of ultra-fastinsulin to be given.This correct procedure provides better quality of life because itprevents the sharp fluctuations of glucose, thus avoiding crises ofhyper or hypoglycemia.Basically the application operation is composed of threesteps:1 - Import table of food and beyond.2 - Post your formulas.3 - Mount meals to count carbohydrates and calculate the insulinand correction of blood glucose at the right time of themeal.You can save patterns meals, to become more fast and convenientmounting new meals and calculate your suggested dose ofrapid-acting insulin.All your meals are now registered and can consulted whenevernecessary.LIVE BETTER WITH HEALTH !!!!Note: Application entirely in Portuguese !!! CONTAINS ADS !!!
Relógio do Sampaio Correa 1.1
Mobile GED
Lindo Relógio Analógico do SAMPAIO CORREAcomas notícias atualizadas do time. Leve o time do seu coração noseucelular Android. E clicando no relógio e receberá todas asnotíciasdo SAMPAIO CORREA!!!MAS ATENÇÃO: Este aplicativo é um WIDGET.Depois de fazer o download, clique em WIDGET E visualizará oíconedo RELÓGIO DO SAMPAIO CORREA. Clique no ícone e o relógioseráinstalado na tela do seu celular.Para ver as notícias, basta clicar no relógio.Divirta-se!!!Beautiful AnalogClockSAMPAIO CORREA with updated news on the team. Take the team ofhisheart on your Android phone. And by clicking on the clock andgetall the news SAMPAIO CORREA !!!BUT PLEASE NOTE: This application is a WIDGET.After downloading, click WIDGET and display the icon SAMPAIOCORREAWATCH. Click the icon and the clock will be installed on yourphonescreen.For news, simply click on the clock.Have fun !!!
Relógio da Fiel 1.1
Mobile GED
Lindo Relógio Analógico da FIEL com asnotíciasatualizadas do CORINTHIANS. Leve o time do seu coração noseucelular Android. E clicando no relógio e receberá todas asnotíciasdo CORINTHIANS!!!MAS ATENÇÃO: Este aplicativo é um WIDGET.Depois de fazer o download, clique em WIDGET E visualizará oíconedo RELÓGIO DA FIEL. Clique no ícone e o relógio será instaladonatela do seu celular.Para ver as notícias, basta clicar no relógio.Divirta-se!!!Beautiful Clock AnalogofFAITHFUL with updated news CORINTHIANS. Take the team of hishearton your Android phone. And by clicking on the clock and getall thenews CORINTHIANS !!!BUT PLEASE NOTE: This application is a WIDGET.After downloading, click WIDGET AND FAITHFUL will see theWATCHicon. Click the icon and the clock will be installed on yourphonescreen.For news, simply click on the clock.Have fun !!!
Relógio do São Paulo 1.1
Mobile GED
Lindo Relógio Analógico do São Paulo comasnotícias atualizadas do time. Leve o time do seu coração noseucelular Android. E clicando no relógio e receberá todas asnotíciasdo São Paulo!!!MAS ATENÇÃO: Este aplicativo é um WIDGET.Depois de fazer o download, clique em WIDGET E visualizará oíconedo RELÓGIO DO SÃO PAULO. Clique no ícone e o relógio seráinstaladona tela do seu celular.Para ver as notícias, basta clicar no relógio.Divirta-se!!!Beautiful Analog ClockSãoPaulo with updated news on the team. Take the team of his heartonyour Android phone. And by clicking on the clock and get allthenews of São Paulo !!!BUT PLEASE NOTE: This application is a WIDGET.After downloading, click WIDGET and display the SÃO PAULOWATCHicon. Click the icon and the clock will be installed on yourphonescreen.For news, simply click on the clock.Have fun !!!
Santa Cruz MP3 Player 1.2
Mobile GED
Aplicativo MP3 Playerdesenvolvidoespecialmente para fãs do SANTA CRUZ.Agora você pode escutar suas músicas favoritas no seucelular,com as cores do seu time do coração: SANTA CRUZ. E aindarecebetodas as notícias do SANTA CRUZ.Divirta-se!!!!!!!!!!!!MP3 Playerapplicationdeveloped especially for SANTA CRUZ fans.Now you can listen to your favorite music on your phone withthecolors of your favorite team: SANTA CRUZ. And still gets alltheSANTA CRUZ news.Have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!
Galo Doido MP3 Player 1.4
Mobile GED
MP3 Player application developed especiallyforfans of ATLÉTICO/MG (GALO DOIDO).Now you can listen to your favorite music on your phone, withthecolors of your favorite team: ATLÉTICO/MG. And still receiveall theteam news and stay inside the game schedule GALO DOIDO.Have a good time !!!!!!!!!!!!
Brasil Notícias 1.1
Mobile GED
Aplicativo simples, onde você recebe todasasprincipais notícias, atualizadas, que acontecem no nossoBrasil.Notícias da Economia, Mundo, Esportes gerais, Música,Política. Nãofique sem notícias do nosso Brasil.ATUALIZE-SE!!!!simple applicationwhereyou get all the headlines, updated, which take place in ourBrazil.News of Economy, World, General Sports, Music, Politics. Donot getno news of our Brazil. UPGRADE YOURSELF !!!!
USA News 1.1
Mobile GED
Application with the latest current newsfromthe USA. general news, sports, bussiness, economy,technology,everything on the screen of your application USANEWS.Stay on top of things and keep up to date ever !!!
Mathematics Practice 1.3
Mobile GED
Great game for great mind !!MathematicsPractice app is basically designed keeping in mind thetargetaudience and provide the easiest to play this game andimprove themath skills of the user. Objectives of this game is toimprove yourmental math exercise and do your quick math in a funnyway.In this game you have to just match the same number to makethatdisplay in the top corner. For example, if it displays 18, thenyouhave to choose a square box number and complete 18 even thoughyoucan do the addition and multiplication to find the no. As (9 +9)or (6 * 3).
Funny Keyboard 1.1
Mobile GED
Tired of your ordinary keyboard? TryFUNNYKEYBOARD and give your android keyboard a new look. You canchoosebetween several themes or put a photo / image of yours asakeyboard background (a photo, yours, your friends, landscapeyoulike, your pet, anything you want).Use your imagination and give your android keyboard anewlook.Do not forget to enable the FUNNY KEYBOARD keyboard in yourandroidsettings.funnyKeyboardImagePhotoFun