Muraly Rakesh Apps

Message Scheduler 5.6
Muraly Rakesh
Message scheduler is a android applicationthat allows people to schedule messages to be sent in future.Its time your phone is intelligent enough to send messageswithout your help. Just enter a contact,time and message and then forget about it.You can also set messages to repeat for those birthdays, dailytasks you always forget.There are no restrictions to the number of users for whom themessage is to be scheduled.There is an option to select or type in multiple recepients atonce.The app is intelligent enough to pick the contacts with validbirthday information from the contacts and gives the user(s) anoption tochoose the people to schedule the message.USER GUIDE :Install the application from the market.Launch the applicationThe home screen Contains1.) List of Scheduled Messages (which may be empty if there are noscheduled messages for future.)2.) A button to Schedule a new message : This will take the user toa screen to create a message that is to be scheduled to thefuture.3.) A button to schedule Birthday messages : This will list out allthe contacts that have valid birthday information set in thecontacts (phonebook).Users can choose the people from the list and just click on thebutton below (Schedule Birthday Message) .This would schedule birthday message(s) to the people selected.FOR BEST USAGE OF THE BIRTHDAY SCHEDULEROPTION 1: PLEASE ENTER A VALID BIRTHDAY INFORMATION IN THE PHONEBOOK CONTACTSOROPTION 2 : IF YOU HAVE A GOOGLE PLUS ACCOUNT SYNC THE PHONE BOOKCONTACTS WITH THE GOOGLE PLUS TO GET THE BIRTHDAY INFORMATIONPOPULATED T0 THE CONTACTS.You also have option to delete and edit the scheduled messages.Just tap on the scheduled messages in the home screen and hold itfor a second.This brings up an option to edit/delete the scheduled message.The user is notified with a valid notification if there are anymessages scheduled. On clicking on the notification the applicationtakes the user to thesent items page which holds all the sent messages scheduled in thepast.The user can navigate to the sent items page on clicking of themenu in the home page of the application. This brings in a optionsmenu with a optionwhich will guide the user to the sent items page.The user has the option to delete the sent items. This works thesame way as the delete operation on the schedule Mesages activity.Just tap on the item in the list and hold it for a second. You willbe displayed an option to delete the item in the list.Please Note : The system never deletes any message so that theuser can have a track of the messages all the time.THATS IT. It can't get simpler than this. Isn't it?Please let me know your views and issues. I would love to helpyou ..PLEASE LEAVE YOUR REVIEWS IN THE ANDROID MARKET. REVIEWS AREIMPORTANT TO HELP ME SERVE YOU GUYS BETTER.My Contact Information : muraly.rakesh@gmail.com09605749399
My Simple Interval Timer 1.0
Muraly Rakesh
There are many things in life that needsainterval timer. Well, things can be done with out a intervaltimer.But, using interval timers helped me getting things doneaccuratelyand helped me plan things better.I have used different timers in the market. But, nothingwassatisfying my needs.Some were too complicated. Some were not doing what it claimedtodo.So I decided to build my own version that does this simplethingthe best way possible.I use this tool at work and for my workouts. I love workingout.I know most of the people would use this tool to tracktheirworkouts. But, trust me. This tool can manage every thingthatneeds to be done in time intervals.Lets consider 'My Simple Interval Timer' for ourregularexercise. Well.. What better example than work out todescribe thistool.Those long hours in the gym are too much for everyone to thinkofnow a days.Every body wants their exercises done in intense modeanddoes not like spending hours in the gym.With that being said, How does a small tool like 'MySimpleInterval Timer' help in addressing that situation.Well, brisk and intense training needs simple and easy tooperatetimers with proper rest and action time settings.Wow ! Thats wat 'My Simple Interval Timer' is good at... Itjustdoes that simple thing better than its counter parts.This tool is so easy to use.. it needs no great user guide..tounderstand..However, this is the sneak peek on the tool and its usage.1. Number of Rounds -> Just the number of times you wouldliketo repeatyour exercise.2. Action Time in Minutes : Seconds -> The time youareintending to workout per set3. Rest time in Minutes : Seconds -> The rest betweenyoursets.I am a fitness freak. I use 'My Simple Interval Timer' to trackmyab workouts. So This is howI track it.I do 4 rounds of Ab Workouts.30 Seconds of Action Time and 15 Seconds of Rest per set.So in my case :Number of Rounds -> 4Action time in Minutes : Seconds -> 30Rest time in Minutes : Seconds -> 15Train Hard !