Mylo Media Apps

Mylo Media
If Instagram and Sephora had a baby, it wouldprobably be Blusho.Do you ever see an image of makeup you LOVE but don't know whatproducts have been used, which shade, where to get them? When youabsolutely NEED that lipstick…like now!Ever buying makeup online only to find digital swatches of thecolours, packaging images, and left wondering how that eyeshadowwould REALLY look on?Welcome to Blusho.Blusho is your beauty-dedciated platform to share your looks,find styles & looks you love, and get the products.Search by category - Glam, Bridal, Artistic… or go more specificand search for looks created using techniques like contouring andstrobing.Blusho lets you see how makeup products look on real people, andthe different ways those products can be used.Our worldwide beauty community connects users with inspirationand the means to achieve the reality.What are you waiting for? Come and join our beautyplayground!