NetDimensions Apps

Talent Slate 2 2.6.12
* Requires NetDimensions Talent Suite 10.1+ * NetDimensions Slateis an application designed specifically for tablets to enablemobile learning and on-the-job performance support based on theNetDimensions Talent Suite. NetDimensions Talent Suite is astate-of-the-art Learning & Talent Management System forenterprises that provides an innovative, yet practical, approach topersonalized learning and ongoing talent development. NetDimensionsSlate offers on-the-go access to the NetDimensions Talent Suite forusers anywhere and anytime from their own device! NetDimensionsSlate relies on an intuitive search-based navigation and supportsboth online and offline access to corporate learning materialsincluding training courses, reference documentation, job aids,news, etc. These materials can be downloaded for off-lineconsumption, and smart synchronization ensures that off-lineprogress is passed back to the NetDimensions Talent Suite wheneveraccess to the Internet or company intranet is available.
NetDimensions Talent Slate 1.8.52
* Requires NetDimensions Talent Suite 8.2+ *NetDimensions Slate is an application designed specificallyfortablets to enable mobile learning and on-the-jobperformancesupport based on the NetDimensions Talent Suite.NetDimensionsTalent Suite is a state-of-the-art Learning &Talent ManagementSystem for enterprises that provides aninnovative, yet practical,approach to personalized learning andongoing talentdevelopment.NetDimensions Slate offers on-the-go access to theNetDimensionsTalent Suite for users anywhere and anytime from theirown device!NetDimensions Slate relies on an intuitive search-basednavigationand supports both online and offline access to corporatelearningmaterials including training courses, referencedocumentation, jobaids, news, etc. These materials can bedownloaded for off-lineconsumption, and smart synchronizationensures that off-lineprogress is passed back to the NetDimensionsTalent Suite wheneveraccess to the Internet or company intranet isavailable.