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리틀쿡 1.0.3
[ 이벤트 ]리틀쿡을 다운받으신 후 리뷰 댓글을 남기시고 캡쳐하여 으로 보내주세요.1만원 상당의 케이크스티커를 선물로 보내드립니다.[ 설명 ]아이가 동화책을 보며 요리체험을 할 수 있는 유용한 앱북 G-러닝 동화 리틀쿡!!리틀쿡은 세호의 생일날 벌어지는 이야기를 담은 스마트폰용 체험 동화책입니다.리틀쿡을 통해 불과 칼의 위험없이 안전하게 아이가 요리를 체험할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.세호의 생일날 벌어지는 재미있는 내용과 케이크만들기 요리체험이 들어있는 본 앱북은 아이들에게 창의력과 감수성을길러주는 최고의 선물이 될 것입니다.본 앱북은 나인드림스, 퍼블스튜디오, JS북스가 공동으로 프로젝트를 함께 진행하였으며 스토리, 일러스트, 연출 등에심혈을 기울여 수준높은 앱북을 제작하였습니다.본 작품은 경기콘텐츠진흥원 상생프로젝트 지원작품입니다.[ 추천연령 ]5세~12세[ 문의 ][ 키워드 ]리틀쿡, littlecook, cook, 요리, 나인드림스, 퍼블스튜디오, JS북스, ninedreams, 퍼블,publ, publstudio, jsbooks----개발자 연락처 :031-340-8280경기도 안양시 동안구 호계동1039 지스퀘어 스마트컨텐츠센터 18층 B-12(주)나인드림스431-812김창현[Events]Little Cook down after receiving a leave reviews and comments,please send to capture,000 won worth of cake stickers will be sent as a gift.[Description]Kids cooking experience watching children's book can be usefulaepbuk G-Running fairy tale Little Cook!Little Cook, ho, containing the story of a birthday party going onis a storybook experience smartphones.Little cook safely without the risk of fire and the knife throughthe children to experience dishes can help.Ho, going on the birthday cake and make a fun cooking experiencefor the contents of this aepbuk to children in foster creativityand sensitivity will be the best gift.For the nine aepbuk Dreams, publication studio, JS books werejointly conducted with the project story, illustration, rendering,etc. Painstakingly produced to high aepbuk.This work supports the work of the project is mutually beneficialeconomic & Content Agency.[Recommended Age]5 to 12 years[Contact Us][Keyword]Little Cook, littlecook, cook, cooking, Nine Dreams, publicationstudio, JS books, ninedreams, publication, publ, publstudio,jsbooks
Lottery flight -sudden wealth- 1.0
Lottery flight is money shower game andluckynumber Generator .Benefits: Provides all six lottery numbers.This number is the mysterious magic of the OrientJust fun, but you won the lottery!Just 1$.Please download a lot .
팜툰 - 학습 만화, 정보 만화 웹툰 플랫폼 서비스 1.0.9
팜툰(farmtoon)은 학습만화, 정보만화를 제공하는 플랫폼 서비스입니다.매일 연재하는 웹툰을 통해 꾸준히 학습만화를 구독할 수 있습니다.주로 10대 청소년을 위한 콘텐츠를 제공하지만 성인들이 보기에도 유용한웹툰이 많이 있습니다.농사를 짓는 마음으로 팜툰도 만화의 질을 높이기 위해유명 만화가, 양질의 콘텐츠, 편집팀을 운영하고 있으며보다 멋진 스토리, 재밌는 연출의 작품을 만들어 낼 수 있도록 하겠습니다.팜툰은 글로벌 만화 웹툰 코믹스를 지향하며 향후팜툰에서만 볼 수 있는 다양한 만화 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록노력하겠습니다.[특징]* 애플리케이션 다운로드는 무료로 제공됩니다.* 무료 만화가 제공됩니다.* 콘텐츠에 따라서 부분유료화 만화나 유료만화가 있을 수 있습니다.[주의]3G상태에서 콘텐츠를 받으면 해당 통신사에 따라 과금이 발생할 수 있습니다.[이벤트]팜툰 마케팅 이벤트 진행 중입니다.이벤트 기간 : 2016년 3월 1일 ~ 2016년 6월 30일프로모션 : 팜툰에 관한 홍보글, 이미지, 홍보영상, 체험후기를 올린 뒤 주소를 아래 이메일로보내주세요.선정하여 팜툰 홍보용 '고양이 저금통'을 선물로 드립니다. 고양이 저금통 이미지는 에서 확인 가능합니다.보낼 이메일 : kai0707@naver.com양식 : 이름, 전화번호, 홍보된 링크, 배송받을 주소----개발자 연락처 :031-340-8280경기도 안양시 동안구 호계동1039 지스퀘어 스마트컨텐츠센터 18층 B-12(주)나인드림스431-812김창현
Bari1 1.0
Bari01A small and slender midteen heroine with perseveranceRight after birth, Princess Bari was abandoned in the riverbyher father, King Ogu. She was offered to the King of West Sea asaliving sacrifice, but saved by Jeseokcheon at the mouth oftheDorimcheon River which belongs to the world of heaven. She isagainleft alone in the forest of ghosts where she meets old coupleanddecides to live with them. After Yamacheon and his ghostsoldierstore down the wall of time and turned the human world intochaos,she comes out to the world to restore order and lay ghosts torest.Her task is to make “some,” the water of life with the sevenevilsof Yamacheon and turn them into ghosts of heaven.WeaponA bell which detects evil ghosts, a sword which kills spirits,afolding fan made of the feather of a legendary bird “Jujack”thatmakes her have a bird’s visionSpecial abilityAs a shaman, she can separate her body and soul, and usetelepathyto capture ghosts. With ghosts, she can made “soma,” anectarlikepotion which can raise the dead.GeondalbaA cute tween boy who dances, sings and plays music very well.Healso performs metamorphosis.WeaponA pocket with a scent that attracts spirits and a sound similartofart. (This pocket eats ghosts and turns their energy intoscent.)A spear which stops the ghosts
Incursion06 1.0.1
Incursion06Cities have developed into a gigantic work of art.In 2019, Seoul, the capital of Korea, is even more so.Under the motto of “design revolution,” Koreans havecontinuouslycome up with cutting-edge designs.As a result, Seoul now enjoys heightened beauty.The administration provided full support forexperimentalarchitectural designs, which elevated them intoart.Seoul became a dream city for architects around the world torealizetheir full potential.In 2017, the new administration began.The new president was very much inspired by the achievementsandinitiative of Hyeon Lee,and appointed him Minister of Land, Transport andMaritimeAffairs.From then on, Lee could stretch his imagination as far ashecould about cities.He drastically rooted out corrupt practices and held acabinetposition for two years.Hyeon Lee became one of the most respected leaders inthecountry.....Minister Lee…We’ve got a problem.A problem, sir? What kind of problem?We found something, but it’s so strange…What do you by “something”?We found a body, but we’ve never seen anything like it before.Itseems to have changed into something else…!!!The body looks human, but the coroner found that its organsarevery different from a human’s.So what is it? What do the National Forensic Service andtheNational Intelligence Service say? And is there any reason whyyouwanted to see me in particular, sir?The National Forensic Service and the NationalIntelligenceService couldn’t find any solid clue.But the problem is…We found another body… today!!!
武林少年 炸酱1 1.0
武林少年 炸酱 第1卷文字, 插图 安世熙天下无敌科学 + 常识冒险炸酱面源于中国山东省,是家庭生活中做起来比较简单的食品之一。然而随着1883年仁川港的开埠,中国工人进入韩国,将炒甜面酱拌着面条儿做为了宵夜。之后仁川形成了中国城,从此诞生了符合韩国人口味的炸酱面.Martial arts boyZhajiangVolume 1Text, illustrations Anshi XiInvincible Science + common sense of adventureNoodles from China's Shandong Province, is one of the moresimplefood done in family life. However, with the inception in1883, theport of Incheon, Chinese workers into South Korea, thefried sweetbean paste noodles child pinned do for supper. Afterthe formationof the Chinese city of Incheon, was born in line withthe taste ofKorean noodles.
로또 플라이트 Lite (돈벼락이나 맞자) 1.0
[설명]********* 신개념 로또 생성기. 로또 1등 종결자. 로또플라이트********그냥 번호만 제공하는 로또생성기가 그냥 커피라면로또 플라이트는 TOP입니다.매일 번호만 제공해주는 로또 생성기 지겹지 않나요.이제 로또 생성기도 재미를 만날 때가 되었습니다.로또 플라이트는 게임과 결합된 신개념 로또 생성기이기 때문이에요.하늘에서 천원권, 만원권, 오만원권이 우수수 쏟아집니다.말 그대로 돈벼락 맞는거에요. 떨어지는 돈을 많이 모아보세요.천기누설 로또플라이트가 1등에 한없이 가까운 번호들을 알려줄 거에요.본 버전은 로또플라이트의 초호기 버전으로 앞으로 로또번호 자동분석,아이템사용, 당첨확률이 높은 로또번호들이 제공될 예정이에요.돈벼락도 맞고 로또번호도 받고 참 좋은 앱이네요.많이 다운 받아주세요.[주의]3G상태에서 콘텐츠를 받으면 해당 통신사에 따라 과금이 발생할 수 있습니다.[추천단어]로또, 로또생성기, 플라이트, 로또플라이트, lotto, 로또게임, 로또 분석기,로또당첨번호확인, 추천로또, 당첨번호확인----개발자 연락처 :031-340-8280경기도 안양시 동안구 호계동1039 지스퀘어 스마트컨텐츠센터 18층 B-12(주)나인드림스431-812김창현[Description]Lotto Generator ********* new concept. Lottery terminator.LottoFlight ********Generator lotto number only just just in my coffeeTOP Lotto Flight.Do you get tired generator that provides only the dailynumberlottery.Now it was time to meet fun lotto generator.Lotto game, combined with a new concept generator because I'mLottoFlightWon, won bills from heaven cheonwongwon, woosusu ispoured.Literally'll fit windfall. Falling gathered a lot of money!Revelation Lotto Flight'll tell you about the number1,endlessly.Version as this version of Flight of the lottery chohogifuturewinning Lotto numbers automatically analyze,'m Going to use the item, the higher chance of winninglotterynumbers be provided.App That's a nice windfall also hit the winning LottonumbersbeingPlease download a lot.[Note]3G content received from the state in accordance withtheappropriate carrier billing can occur.Recommended wordLotto, Lotto generators, Flight, Flight lottery, lotto, lottogame,lotto analyzer,Check the winning numbers lottery, lottery winningnumbers,recommendations