NovelAnswer Apps

Hypothesis Testing - I [lite] 1.0.6
Hypothesis Testing–I (Parametric) App is aunique and interactive statistics app to learn theory and conceptsof Parametric Hypothesis Testing.It is developed and designed by qualified Statistics expert.User can make the use of an app to learn step by step and make itspractical use to solve numeric problems. App contains theory foreach chapter as well as examples are well illustrated.User can access the content on-the-go from anywhere, anytimewithout network access and without ads.*******************************Topics Covered:*******************************1. One Sample Tests1.1. Z-test for proportion1.2. Z-test for mean1.3. T-test for mean1.4. Chi-square test for variance2. Two Sample Tests2.1. Z-test for two proportions2.2. Z-test for two means2.3. T-test for two means (equal variances)2.4. T-test for two means (unequal variances)2.5. Paired t-test (matched pairs)2.6. F-test for two variances3. One Sample Confidence Interval3.1. For proportion3.2. For mean (known variance)3.3. For mean (unknown variance)3.4. For variance4. Two Sample Confidence Interval4.1. For diff. of proportions4.2. For diff. of means (known variances)4.3. For diff. of means (unknown and unequal variances)4.4. For diff. of means (unknown and equal variances)4.5. For diff. of means (matched pairs)4.6. For diff. of variances
Statistical Quality Control 1.0.2
Statistical Quality Control App is a uniqueand interactive statistical tool to learn theory and concepts.Statistical quality control refers to the use of statisticalmethods in the monitoring and maintaining of the quality ofproducts and services.It is used to evaluate organization quality.Statistics quality control can be divided into three broadcategories1. Descriptive statistics2. Statistical process control (SPC)3. Acceptance samplingStatistical quality control (SQC) tools have been widely used inmanifacturing and service organizations.It is developed and designed by qualified Statistics Expert. Itis designed in such a way that user can learn theory step by step,and use the theoretical concepts to solve numerical problems usingcalculation and step by step dynamic reporting.User can access the content on-the-go from anywhere, anytimewithout network access.*******************************Topics Covered: ******************************1. Control Charts for Variables1.1. X and MR Chart1.2. Xbar and R Chart1.3. Xbar and S chart2. Control Charts for Attributes2.1. p-chart2.2. np-chart2.3. c-chart2.4. u-chart3. Process Capability3.1. Cp3.2. CpkFeatures of Statistical Quality Control App:1. Learn Theory step by step with illustrated examples.2. Enter the data for your problems.3. Get the real-time control charts for your data.4. Get the step by step dynamic reporting for your problems.
Discrete Probability Dist. (P) 1.0.1
*** Discrete Probability Distribution (Pro)***Discrete Probability Distribution App is a unique andinteractive statistical tool to learn theory and concepts ofDiscrete Probability Distributions.Probability distribution assigns a probability to the event thata random variable,survey falls within specified range of continuousvalue.It is developed and designed by qualified Statistics Expert. Itis designed in such a way that user can learn theory step by step,and use the theoretical concepts to solve numerical problems usingcalculation and step by step dynamic reporting.User can access the content on-the-go from anywhere, anytimewithout network access.Below are the topic covered and helps you to computeprobabilities.******************************* Topics Covered *******************************1. UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION1.1. Introduction1.2. Definition1.3. Mean and Variance (With Proof)1.4. Generating Functions (With Proof)1.5. Skewness and Kurtosis1.6. Examples1.7. Calculation (Graph and Dynamic Report)2. BERNOULLI DISTRIBUTION2.1. Introduction2.2. Definition2.3. Mean and Variance (With Proof)2.4. Generating Functions (With Proof)2.5. Additive Property (With Proof)2.5. Skewness and Kurtosis3. BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION3.1. Introduction3.2. Definition3.3. Mean and Variance (With Proof)3.4. Generating Functions (With Proof)3.5. Additive Property (With Proof)3.6. Skewness and Kurtosis3.7. Normal Approximation3.8. Examples3.9. Calculation (Graph and Dynamic Report)4. POISSON DISTRIBUTION4.1. Introduction4.2. Definition4.3. Mean and Variance (With Proof)4.4. Generating Functions (With Proof)4.5. Additive Property (With Proof)4.6. Skewness and Kurtosis4.7. Approximation4.8. Examples4.9. Calculation (Graph and Dynamic Report)5. GEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION5.1. Introduction5.2. Definition5.3. Mean and Variance (With Proof)5.4. Generating Functions (With Proof)5.5. Additive Property (With Proof)5.6. Skewness and Kurtosis5.7. Memory less Property (With Proof)5.8. Examples5.9. Calculation (Graph and Dynamic Report)6. NEGATIVE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION6.1. Introduction6.2. Definition6.3. Mean and Variance (With Proof)6.4. Generating Functions (With Proof)6.5. Additive Property (With Proof)6.6. Skewness and Kurtosis6.7. Approximation (With Proof)6.8. Examples6.9. Calculation (Graph and Dynamic Report)7. HYPERGEOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION7.1. Introduction7.2. Definition7.3. Mean and Variance (With Proof)7.4. Approximation (With Proof)7.5. Examples7.6. Calculation (Graph and Dynamic Report)***********************************************************FEATURES OF DISCRETE PROBABILITY DIST. APP:***********************************************************1. Learn Theory step by step with illustrated examples.2. Enter the data for your numerical problems.3. Get the real-time calculations for your data.4. Get the real-time graphs for each distribution.5. Get the step by step dynamic reporting for your numericalproblems.
BEST Statistics Quiz (Pro) 1.0.4
BEST (Before Exam Subject Trainer) Statisticsquiz is practice and test app for college students.Statistics Quiz app helps you to learn statistics with fun andtest your knowledge for hours on end!BEST Statistics Quiz ( Pro )1. Topic Covered:Descriptive StatisticsProbabilityProbability DistributionHypothesis TestingInterval EstimationRegression AnalysisDesign of ExperimentStatistical Quality Control2. Practice:Practice mode provides easy way for student to select any topiclisted above to start with practice session. Student can selectmultiple topics too.All questions are randomly selected and displayed.How to Use itSelect any category and click on Start Practice to test yourknowledge of subject.Its multiple choice quiz app having questions and for eachquestion 4 choices to select correct answer. Click on correctanswer and move next.It will show message as 'Answer is correct' or 'Answer is wrong'along with time taken to complete this question.If answer is wrong then app will show correct answer marked onchoice list.Navigate to other question with next/ previous button or use fingerto slide.3. TestTest mode gives student to test his skill on topic learnt inpractice session.In Test mode, student has to select any category to begin withquiz and finish it within timer set.At the end of quiz completion, it will show ‘Report’ card. Toreview your answers, click on (eye image).4. FeaturesA) Report - After finishing all questions, app shows Report cardfor all questions attempted with detailed analysis.It has 3 different types for reporting1) Current - It shows current quiz completed report card. Ithave parameters like Accuracy, Grade, Total question attempted,Correct, Wrong, Time Taken and Trophy.2) Category - It shows detailed level of analysis of quiz takenby student on multiple categories.3) Advice - It gives advice if student perform poor in quiz inany of the categories.B) Offline Mode – App doesn’t need internet connection for itsworking. Student can use this quiz app in offline mode. In case, ifyou want to send feedback from app, you need internetconnection.5. App OptionsApp top menu have below options:Overall Report – Provides detailed level of analysis and showreport.