Ori:Go Apps

WeathiXC (WXC) 1.052
Applications clearly visualizes a verticalatmospheric profiles.The collected wind speed, gust at ground level, wind direction,temperature, relative humidity, dew point, thermal current,accurate stratification of cloud, sunrise, sunset, rainfall CAPEindex ...The application has five basic screens. Screen for wind,temperature, humidity, cloud cover and aerological chart.In the bottom of the screen is selected day forecasts.On the right side is chosen location with forecasts.The vertical profile can be displayed to 2.5, 4, 8, 12 kmAll information about altitude is displayed in meters andkilometerch.All the time data is displayed in UTC.Description of control and graphic display is shown in the tutorialapplication.By extending this application is WeathiXC Pro which is ad-free,extended forecasts, flight planning, store history predictions...
Bluetooth scanner 2.2
Scans Bluetooth devices around.Screen around and filter.Enables clear display and sorting device name, MAC address, devicetype, decibels, pairing status, time availability.It informs about the availability of equipment.Pairing devices.Allows sharing of information.
Hummingbirds 3D Live Wallpaper 1.00
The application is programmed in 3D. Hummingbirds are small,oftenvery strikingly colored birds. Therefore, they are alsosometimescalled "flying gems". These are endemic animals that onlyoccur onthe American continent. And now they can fly on yourscreen.Hummingbirds fly between trees and bushes. The movement isveryrealistic. Sometimes they suck the juice from theflowers.Sometimes they just chase or just flit. They respond totouch. Youcan choose the type of hummingbird and its size. You canchoose 1-2hummingbirds.
Cumulus 1.26
The Cumulus application is a weather forecast suitable for thosewhowant to learn more about the atmosphere. The application showstheatmosphere profile from the ground up to 12 km in height.Cloudinessshows unlimited. High clouds may be, for example, innorthern Braziluntil 15 km Vertical scale is logarithmic and canbe easily adjustedwith two fingers. The "Cumulus" applicationshows some common andless known variables. Wind, temperature,relative humidity, dewpoint, rainfall, vdušné vertical currents,KKH, isotherm, types ofcloud ... List of application properties:Vertical dimensionprofiles, visualized by color curve andsemi-transparent area.Theoretical convection condensation levelwhere clouds can form.Zero isotherm. Animation of day-to-daydevelopment. High, medium andlow clouds. It distinguishes 12 basictypes of clouds (Stratus,Cirrus ... etc). This shows clearly andschematically, includingcloud dimensions and thicknesses andpercentages. Clicking on thecloud symbol will display adescription and link to the wiki. Theapplication furthermore showsvertical air flow such as inversion orascending thermal flow andtheir strength and turbulence. Basic dataon the length and layoutof the solar day. 5 Day Forecast. Rainfall.The applicationdownloads its forecast every 6 hours. Weather can beselected foralmost all countries. It contains basic locations andairports butcan be chosen for any destination from any map orcoordinates.Watched locations can be sorted by name or popularity.Theapplication contains a description of individual elementsandcontrols. You can select a location either from the list orbydragging your finger from left to right and vice versa.
Air Baloons 3D Live Wallpaper 1.011
Hot air balloons fly alone in the sky. Very realistic movementsandvery realistic graphical representation. The sky can be settodifferent colors and perspectives. You can change the numberofballoons and the type of sky.
pAnoRama AR 2.21
Are you at the top of the mountain and looking aroundthesurrounding hills, parks and villages? Are you among thehillssomewhere in the valley and want to get to know thesurroundingmountains better? Are you in town on lookout tower? Thenthis appis designed for you. PAnoRama is an "augmentedreality"application. Shows your surroundings directly to the camerascreen.You can see real objects with the information provided.Clicking onthe lower point of the object will show you moredetailedinformation: position, height, distance, azimuth. You canfitobjects based on type and distance from to. You can share apictureor save it for later use. The screen can be tilted and thecontrolsadjusted. You can turn off the onclomometer, compass,andartificial horizon. For a specific type of landscape, youcanchoose from three different graphic diagrams of theelementdescription. You can darken the whole scene in order tohighlightthe object descriptions. The application in Idle modeworks offlineand does not require any other data.
Aero XC : weather for flying Gemona 7.026
Weather forecast with high vertical profile. For flying andprofessionals.
Simple Hof 1.044 'Bhadrasana'
Regular breathing, according to Wim Hof, can improve overallhealth.
Paragliding XC Live Wallpaper 3D 1.0
The application is programmed in 3D. The Paraglider is flyingveryrealistically in the sky. He respects physical laws. In the appyoucan set the landscape you like. You can choose the type ofgliderand observer distance. You can also set the flight type:Thermal,Dynamic and Aerobatic. Acrobatic flying where the gliderclimbs andperforms acrobatic figures. Thermal flying the gliderflies a longdistance. Rises due to thermal currents up and thengraduallyvyklesavá. Dynamic flushing (recommended) alternatesbetweendifferent bends, climbs, spirals, etc. Paragliding is freeflying.A world in which you can feel as free as part of nature, theworldwhere time does not have its place, you are just you andthefeeling freedom. This live wallpaper lets you look into thisworld.