PARiM Apps

PARiM Workforce Software 5.5.1
PARiM is a complete workforce management software packageforscheduling employees, handling rosters, managing absencesandholidays, authorizing work hours and keeping an eye on thepayrollsituation. All in real time, online and without a need for afixedworkstation. PARiM delivers a comprehensive workforcemanagementsolution with full modular functionality and intuitiveeasy to usedrag-and-drop user interface that can easily grow witheverycompany’s needs. FOR MANAGERS: - reduce time and cost ofmanagingyour staff; - reduce phone calls from the staff andconfusion withscheduling; - easily assign schedules, shift patternsto a group orspecific employees; - monitor absences, holidays andleaves; -manage payroll; - unlimited administrator accounts; -unlimitedemployees; - track shift expenses; - manage staffdetails,certificates, visas, documents; - check reports; - checkavailableassets; - manage events; FOR EMPLOYEES - access schedule24/7 froma smartphone; - apply for free shifts, accept/cancelshifts; -switch shifts with other employees; - receivenotifications for allrelevant shifts and necessary information; -clock in/out viasmartphone; HAPPIER EMPLOYEES AND BETTERCOMMUNICATION PARiM makesthe life for employees efficient andeffective. With the mobile appstaff has 24/7 access to theirschedules, tasks, locations and havea possibility to arrange theirown schedules, fill in empty shiftsand switch shifts with others.With all assigned shifts and tasksautomated e-mail and textmessages make sure everyone involved arenotified and aware of theirresponsibilities. Eliminate unnecessaryphone calls about shiftswitching and let your staff manage theirown schedules. Remoteemployees can effortlessly clock in/out withtheir mobile deviceusing a built in gps-tracker. Employees caneasily check theirschedules, absences and holiday leaves. EFFCIENTMANAGEMENT AND FULLCONTROL Managers can create new schedules,assign tasks, createcustom shift patterns, manage leaves andholidays. Creating a newschedule and assign it to specificemployees is a breeze with PARiM.Drag and drop necessary schedulesto your staff, delegate tasks andhave a quick overview of which ofthe staff is available. Automatednotifications are sent to allrelevant participants to avoidcommunication errors. No need tohustle with cumbersome Excelsheets, have accidental double shiftsand confusion withcommunication. Reduce staff calls, managementtime and frustration!MANAGE HOLIDAYS AND ABSENTEEISM PARiMsimplifies the way managementmonitors absences and leaves. Thesystem offers fully customizableabsence settings as well as allowsthe company to set holidayallowances and leaves per individual.The PARiM mobile appincorporates the key features and tools of thestaff access portalto allow employee access from anywhere andanytime. FOR WHOM: Idealsoftware for all companies using temporarystaff, includingcleaning, security, retail, hospitality companiesand organisers ofbig sport events. Modular software architectureallows each companyto use the features necessary to them and givesa possibility togrow with the software as necessary modules can beadded with newrequirements. Pricing: all pricing is per shifthours used. Pay forjust what you need! Fully functional 14 freetrial when you sign upon website. FEATURES: - clocking inand out of shifts; - acomplete schedule overview; - a list of allopen shifts and theoption to apply to them; - accepting/rejectingshift requests; -canceling shifts; - approving time sheets. - viewthe profiles ofyour staff and subcontractors. To use the app, youhave to be aregistered user of PARiM workforce management softwarethat you canfind at