POLIMI Game Collective Apps

Little Kraken 1.0
The little kraken is hungry and wants toeatnice juicy ships! Guide the kraken across the sea in searchforships. Start with small defenseless ships, level up to be abletoattack bigger and more powerful ships. Level up even more togetmore krakens and dominate the whole sea!Little Kraken is an action strategy game developed for theVideogame Design and Programming course at the PolitecnicodiMilano.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGhkw6pFwochttp://www.polimigamecollective.org
Universe Undead 1.0
Sometimes life turns against us, sometimeswehave to retrace one's route but it’s not the end ofourjourney.Universe Undead is driven by your quest to conquer alltheuniverses, from inside and outside; but of course the switch hasaprice, it’s up to you to risk your life against a challengingenemywhile going outside or coming back inside the world.Universe Undead is an arcade game developed for the VideogameDesign and Programming course at the Politecnico di Milano.Moreinformation at:https://www.facebook.com/UniverseUndeadhttp://www.polimigamecollective.org
BW World 1.1
Years have passed since the colours whereseenfor the last time. But, against all odds, a young Trilightfinds acoloured scarf in the forest. This is the beginning of hisjourneyto bring the world back to its old beauty, restoring thestolencolors.The universe of B/W World is set in an imaginary world withtwomain factions: the Trilights and the Klamers. Both lived inharmonyuntil the Klamers betrayed the Trilights by consuming allthecolours of the world, confining the Trilights to a sadandmeaningless life: you are the one who has to discover why theworldhas fallen into darkness and bring back happiness.Master the three primary colors, combine them, recolor theworld- and become a hero. This won't be an easy task, as in yourpathyou will have to face the terrible Klamers, that will try tostopyou at any cost.Travel around B/W world and explore each corner ofthismarvellous land composed by three magic regions,totallyunpredictable and unique. From a Greenland fantasy forest,to anice and cold timber and a desolated burned area, you'll havetocounter diffent types of enemies and survive epic boss fights.Youwill also enjoy the many encounters with friendly charactersthatwill guide you through your quest.Unlock powerful spells. Donít forget to combine them tounleashall the power of colors! Colour the world around you... asyouwant! No one said you had to colour it in a certain manner, sobecreative!Defeat the Green Mantis, survive the Ice Titan. Escape fromtheterrible avalanche. Evade all traps in the different sanctuariestounlock the Color Crystals. Interact with many magic objects.Bringback the colours and save the Trilights!
Beat Leap 1.0
Leap to the beat! Avoid obstacles and collect power ups. Each levelconsists of a song and a grid. Players move a cube across the gridto collect points and power ups while avoiding obstacles. Watchout: your moves must follow the beat or you're gonna lose points!It's that simple! Beat Leap is a rhythm game developed for theVideo game Design and Programming course at the Politecnico diMilano. More information at:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beat-Leap/http://www.polimigamecollective.org
Crazy Crew (Controller) 1.2
Crazy Crew is a cooperative racing gamethatchallenges the coordination skills of the three players ofthecrazy crew of bunnies who need to work together to drive amanualrail cart on a challenging track filled with obstacles, powerupsand funny stuff. It sounds easy but it is not :) Yet, it issurelyfun for all the players and the viewers :)Crazy Crew requires the use of a game server to play that canbefreely downloaded athttp://polimi-game-collective.itch.io/crazy-crewDownload the GAME SERVER and have fun!You will also need three devices with the controllerinstalled:)Crazy Crew is a student project developed for the Video gameDesignand Programming course at the Politecnico di Milano.Moreinformation at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAVYuzGT07Ahttp://www.polimigamecollective.org
Orbtail 1.0
Pilot your spaceship and collect all theorbsyou can handle. Hit the opponents’ tails to steal their orbs.Fightthe other players who are trying to steal them from you. Andbewarethat if they get all your orbs, you loose! Challenge otherplayersonline with the multiplayer mode!Orbtail is an action/arcade game developed for the VideogameDesign and Programming course at the Politecnico di Milano.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAVYuzGT07Ahttp://www.polimigamecollective.org
The Gum Run 1.0
"A fat guy wants to buy a gum from achewinggum machine, in a supermarket.But after having inserted the money, the gum jumps out andstartsrolling toward the freedom.This gum definitely doesn't want to be eaten, but the fatguydoesn't give up and starts to follow it".Help the gum to escape from the fat guy passing throughtheobstacles. This obstacles are the shelves of the supermarketandthey have an empty space in the middle. When a shelf get closetothe gum you have to trace the same shape of its empty spaceswithyour finger, on the screen. If the trace is correct, the gumwillassume the same form of the space and will pass through it. Ifyoufail once, the fat guy will be near to the gum; if you failasecond time, he will catch and eat it. On the way, there aresomepower-ups that will help the gum to go further, makingitinvincible for a certain amount of time, or keeping the fatguyaway. To use them, you will have to trace their shape onthescreen. Enter in the world of Gum Run, improve your scoreand...have fun!!!!Gum Run is an endless run game developed for the VideogameDesignand Programming course at the Politecnico di Milano.
Artemisia 1.0
Artemisia tells the tragicomic story of a man’s journey to the moonto retrieve a broken dream. The game has been inspired by the poem“Astolfo’s Journey to the Moon” by Ariosto. Artemisia is a hack andslash developed for the Video game Design and Programming course atthe Politecnico di Milano.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nC0geyVJ3sve.orghttp://www.polimigamecollective.org
Fists Are Flying 1.0
Fists Are Flying is a combat game likeanythingyou have seen before. No button smashing, no combos! Justa relaxedgood ol’ turn-based fight! Select your move: punch, kick,block orsurprise your opponent. Then, sit back, wait for theopponent moveand see what happens. Did you kick but your opponentblocked? Didyou both punch with your right fist? Who’s gonna win?FistsAreFlying is a two-players turn-based fight gamedevelopedfor the Video game Design and Programming course at thePolitecnicodi Milano.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fta9RCwLfI0http://www.polimigamecollective.org
Class Olympic Games 1.0
Students are tired of studying, they sittoolong in front of their book, they need to stretch their body.Theschool does not provide distractions, so better to fendforthemselves: they organize the Olympic Games in theirschool.If you need a break, challenge your friends and prove you arethebest in every discipline!Class Olympic Games is developed for the Video game DesignandProgramming course at the Politecnico di Milano. Moreinformationat:https://www.facebook.com/ClassOlympicGameshttp://www.polimigamecollective.org
The Wideo Game 1.1
You are participating at theGalacticChampionship: travel all around the universe and challengeotherplayers in different games! Go as far as you can and save asmanylives as possible. Jump in London, reverse gravity rules ontheInternational Space Station, Avoid asteroids on Moon andreverseyour brain in Reverse mode!Features:- 4 different modes:Normal: jump over boxes and avoid the angry pigeons inLondon!Gravity: switch gravity on the International Space Station,becareful of dangerous oxygen tanks!Jetpack: use your jetpack to avoid asteroids on Moon surface!Reverse: commands and direction of run are reversed, your mindwillbe blown!- Procedural level generator: all levels are procedurallygenerated,you will never play the same level twice!- 5 difficulties for each mode: noob, easy, normal, hardandextreme!- Multiplayer (you need an active connection): challengeyourfriends or a random opponent in 3 rounds of increasingdifficulty!Who makes the best total score wins!- Global highscores (you need an active connection): who is thebestplayer in the universe? Your score depends on levellength,remaining lives and difficulty. If you complete a level atnoobdifficulty you’ll always get zero points (na na na naaa!)“TheWideogame: A galactic adventure” is a one button runninggamedeveloped for the 2014/2015 Video game Design and Programmingcourseat the Politecnico di Milano (more information at http://www.polimigamecollective.org ).Developers:- Sofia Arcuri (artist)- Andrea Biondani (programmer)- Ivan Jassir (programmer)- Cecilia Nuñez (designer)- Davide Pedone (designer)- Andrea Sgarro (programmer and concept creator)Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewideogameSpecial thanks to our supporters/testers:Alida Carrà, Davide Piva, Luca Ruggieri, Stefano diNunno,Alessandro Slamitz, Alessandro Colombo.
Globulandia Puzzle 1.0
Globulandia Puzzle racconta la storiadellatecnica trasfusionale attraverso 12 puzzle riguardanti ipannellicreati per la mostra “Globulandia: Un’Avventura in Rosso.”Ognipuzzle rappresenta una tappa nello sviluppo dellatecnicatrasfusionale. Si parte dal salasso come rimedioterapeuticouniversale, passando dalla scoperta della circolazionesanguigna daparte di Galeno, alla prima trasfusione fra esseriumani nel 1823,fino ad arrivare alla nascita delle banche delsangue. La mostra,patrocinata dal Ministero della Salute, èdedicata agli studentidelle scuole medie inferiori e superiori, eal pubblico di ognietà. Realizzata con l’apporto creativo digiovani artisti italiani,dopo un lungo lavoro di ricerca e sintesimultidisciplinare, lamostra si presenta come un percorso-avventuraalla scoperta delsangue, un fluido storicamente ricco di mistero eoggi un vero eproprio farmaco salvavita. La mostra, nata da un’ideadel CentroNazionale Sangue, è il risultato dalla strettacollaborazioneavviata nel 2011 tra CNS e la Rete Nazionale CittàSane OMS edell’impegno di esperti di comunicazione della scienza estudentidel Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione eBioningegneria delPolitecnico di Milano sotto la costantesupervisione scientificadella Società Italiana di MedicinaTrasfusionale e Immunoematologia(SIMTI).Globulandia Puzzletellsthe story of technical transfusion through 12 puzzles relatingtopanels created for the exhibition "Globulandia: An AdventureinRed." Each puzzle represents a stage in the developmentoftechnical transfusion. It starts from the bloodletting asatherapeutic remedy universal, passing from the discovery ofbloodcirculation by Galen, the first transfusion between humans in1823,up to the birth of the blood banks. The exhibition, sponsoredbythe Ministry of Health, is dedicated to the students ofmiddleschools and high schools, and the general public of all ages.Madewith the creative contribution of Italian artists, after alongprocess of research and multidisciplinary synthesis, theexhibitionis presented as a path-adventure to the discovery of theblood, afluid historically rich in mystery and today a reallife-savingmedicine. The show, the brainchild of the National BloodCentre, isthe result of close collaboration initiated in 2011between the CNSand the National Network of Healthy Cities andcommitment of WHOexperts in science communication and students ofthe Department ofElectronics, Information and Bioningegneria thePolytechnic ofMilan under the constant scientific supervision ofthe ItalianSociety of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology(SIMTI).
Jelly Journey 1.0
Lead the jelly from an obscure abysstosunlight. Crawl through dark caverns walls to solve puzzlesandavoid danger. You cannot jump, you cannot run, you can onlycrawl!Jelly Journey is a puzzle game developed for the VideogameDesign and Programming course at the Politecnico di Milano.https://www.facebook.com/pages/MOOstache-Studio/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVSjc_cQrcchttp://www.polimigamecollective.org
Oblivious Oscar 1.2
Protect Oscar against any danger hemayencounter and make sure he gets home safely. Interact withtheelements around him and deactivate traps along his way inthisone-of-a-kind platformer.Oblivious Oscar is a puzzle/action platformer where youdon’tcontrol the the environment instead not the character.Your goal is to protect Oscar helping him avoiddangerousobstacles and traps.Follow us on Facebook!https://www.facebook.com/pages/obliviousoscargame/This game has been developed for the Videogame DesignandProgramming course at Politecnico di Milano. Moreinformationat:http://www.polimigamecollective.orgTeam membersAlessandro Cantini – ProgrammerClaudia Gonzalez – ProgrammerPedro Gutierrez – ProgrammerDavide Nizzi – DesignerSu Xizi – Designer
Destructive Termites 1.0
Lead a termites invasion in a full ofwoodenhouse! Start by eating soft furnitures and collectexclusiveboosters to increase your power! Boosters as iron-denturewillallow you to eat metal objects. But be careful not to lose allyourtroops or you’ll lose the battle against humans who willdoeverything in their power to destroy you. Have you seen thistastyfurniture? Your only way to victory is to eat it all!Destructive Termites is a strategy game developed for the VideogameDesign and Programming course at the Politecnico di Milano.Moreinformation at:http://www.polimigamecollective.org