Petr Zaburannyi Apps

Flashlight ++ 13.0
Petr Zaburannyi
Flashlight transforms your smartphonetoflashlight. Flashlight allows to use a custom camera and LEDlampthat works at one time. This mode of work must help you inthedark, especially if flash camera is not bright. The cameramakesthe mobile phone's body transparent.Also You can use the screen of smartphone as a flashlight.Toswitch between states"LED Flash + Camera" and "White Screen"presskey "Menu".
Oracle - Предсказания будущего 1.0
Petr Zaburannyi
В этом выпуске вы найдете предсказанияГенриКиссенджера, Василия Немчина, Михаила Левина, Раньо Неро, атак жепредсказания пророков живших в разные века о будущемУкраины.In this issue youwillfind Henry Kissinger's prediction, Basil Nemchina, MichaelLevin,Rano Nero, as well as predictions of the prophets who livedindifferent centuries of Ukraine's future.