Principle Advanced Communication Technology Apps

PACT AR Demo 1.0
PACT Augmented Reality business card - anApplication that allows PACT customers, employees and everyone findout more about PACT Augmented Reality and to interact with the AR(3D Objects/Images/Videos) through their phones.
EZScan 1.0
EZScan is the ultimate barcode scanningapplication. Useful for stock taking, stock count, physicalinventory, scanning products for receiving, purchasing or doingtransfers between your branches.EZScan is a user friendly application built with the help ofretail industry experts in order to transfer your smart phone intotypical retail handheld terminal.Simply launch EZScan and start scanning your items. Along withthe basic scanning mode, EZScan offers a continuous scanning modewhere you can scan your merchandise one by one without enteringquantity.- Easy to use.- Fast & accurate barcode scanning.- Manual barcode entry.- Export data to "csv" file, and send it by email.- Basic & continuous scanning mode.
Atareek 3.1
This application is meant to work as aclientfor ATAREEK - ATAREEK Tracking System ( is designed specifically to provide web-based GPStrackingservices for a "fleet" of vehicles as SAAS.1) This app captures the Geo-location data and sends theinformationto ATAREEK - GPRMC server.2) This application saves the data locally in the absence ofnetworkconnectivity and uploads to server when the connectivityisre-established.3) The server, account, vehicle id, refresh interval etc. canbeconfigured as per your needs4) visit ( to establish youraccountnow.The battery gets drained out faster and also the networkbandwidthwhen the client is running; hence suggest the refresh rateto bechosen properly
Atareek Radar 1.1
This application is meant to monitor andfollowATAREEK vehicles on ATAREEK Tracking System ( is designed specifically to provide web-based GPStrackingservices for a "fleet" of vehicles as SAAS.1) Just choose the company/school you want to follow and thevehiclenumber/bus ID2) Monitor the vehicle location on the Map or on theRadarscreen3) For more information; visit ( battery gets drained out faster and also the networkbandwidthwhen the client is running.
خبر Khabber 3.4
اقرأ الخبر فورا ...برنامج "خبر" يقوم بتجميع وفرز وتصنيف وبث ونشر محتوى مغذياتالاخبارالمختصرة من مواقع مختلفة في صفحات الانترنت ويمكن عرض و قراءةأحدثالأخبار العامة والرياضية والاقتصادية والتقنية والفنيةوالاجتماعيةفور ورودها والتعامل معها وعرضها بهيئة وأسلوب أنيق ،وتشتمل الأخبارالمتلقاة على عنوان الخبر، ومختصر لنص الخبر، ومصدرالخبر ، ووصلةالوصول لصفحة الخبر التفصيلية.
مكاني Makani 1.0
هل تود مشاركة الاهل ،الاصدقاء والزملاءبتحديدموقعك الحالي؟ ما عليك إلا تحميل تطبيق مكاني على جهازالأندرويدالخاص بك. حيث يمكنك التطبيق من مشاركة موقعك الحالي معقائمة الزملاءوالاصدقاء المفضلين لديك. ما عليك سوى تسجيل بياناتكودعوة الاصدقاءوالانضمام الى عالم مكاني.Would you like to sahre your friends, family and colleagueswithyour cuirrent location? Simply download "Makani" applicationonyour Android device. "Makani" let you post your current locationtolet other people see it. Simply register your details andinvitefriends and join the world of "Makani".