Psy Ventures Apps

My Tarot App: 2021 Tarot Card Reading - Free 5.1
Psy Ventures
Choose from different spreads & enjoy the amazing Lenormanddeck. My Tarot is one of the most original & best tarot cardreader app of 2021 that can change your life immensely. As a dailytarot card reading application, it will give you free online tarotcard reading, meaning and interpreting for your love, life andprofessional career… basically any aspect of life. ORIGINAL DECKFOR TAROT CARD READING The Lenormand Deck is a collection of 36cards whose interpretations far outweigh what they may ordinarilyinfer on a surface approach. These cards wield the power ofdivination to an extent and one might decide to read them fordifferent reasons, from different viewpoints. They are symbolic;they stand for and represent something. Try your free daily tarotreading with the Lenormand Deck with simple, yet so powerful deck& tarot app features. ⭐️ 2021 TAROT CARD AMAZING TAROT CARDSOne of their striking features is that these cards are keys thatopen doors to myriads of possibilities; indeed, they are amicroscope of broad meanings. These are capable of multiples ofmeanings. However, the Lenormand Cards are not reallystraightforward per se; most times, they are ambiguous and one mayhave to relate what one is going through with the card one drawsfrom the deck. ⭐️ KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE HAS FOR YOU BY COMPREHENSIVEANALYSIS OF THE CARDS A myopic-minded person cannot fullycomprehend the messages of a Lenormand irrespective of theirknowledge base. This is so because in-depth analysis of thesemeaning-laden cards require patience, understanding andfamiliarity. They are, after all, a means to, usually, discerningoneself and discovering what the future has in stock for one. ⭐️PICK FROM 9 SPREADS Depending your life situation and interest, MyTarot App gives enables you to choose from: - one question – oneanswer - past – present – future - pro – contra - decision – help -love – relationships - the chance - the way - browse all cardsExplore all of the spreads, they are all useful, no matter if youare looking to make an important decision, or you are looking lovetarot cards for love and relationships. ⭐️ MY TAROT APP: 2021 CARDREADING FEATURES: - original Lenormand deck - choose from 9different spreads - get tarot card reading from 36 different cards- life, career, love, relationships - daily card reading (also usewhen making important decisions). ⭐️ HOW TO USE - Pick between 9spreads - Think of question & shake the phone - Pick theappropriate number of tarot cards - Read their meaning ☑️ Downloadthis amazing free love tarot card reading app! Check our PREMIUMversion for even better and more helpful features.
My Tarot App - Card Reading Premium 3.2
Psy Ventures
With our Tarot Card App Premium you can choose from differentspreads and get even more. ⭐️ PICK FROM ALL 8 SPREADS Dependingyour life situation and interest, My Tarot App gives enables you tochoose from: - one question – one answer - past – present – future- pro – contra - decision – help - love – relationships - thechance - the way - browse all cards ++++ Only in PREMIUM ++++ - Asave-function and your own description - Ad-Free - Our big ThankYOU for supporting our work and making other developments possibleExplore all of the spreads, they are all useful, no matter if youare looking to make an important decision, or you are looking lovetarot cards for love and relationships. The Lenormand Deck is acollection of 36 cards whose interpretations far outweigh what theymay ordinarily infer on a surface approach. These cards wield thepower of divination to an extent and one might decide to read themfor different reasons, from different viewpoints. They aresymbolic; they stand for and represent something. One of theirstriking features is that these cards are keys that open doors tomyriads of possibilities; indeed, they are a microscope of broadmeanings. These are capable of multiples of meanings. However, theLenormand Cards are not really straightforward per se; most times,they are ambiguous and one may have to relate what one is goingthrough with the card one draws from the deck. A myopic-mindedperson cannot fully comprehend the messages of a Lenormandirrespective of their knowledge base. This is so because in-depthanalyses of these meaning-laden cards require patience,understanding and familiarity. They are, after all, a means to,usually, discerning oneself and discovering what the future has instock for one. ☑️ Download our amazing PREMIUM love tarot cardreading app!
Buy Stocks App - Investment Education 1.0.43
Psy Ventures
📈 Stock Markets are a great way to invest your money in a longterm. But where to start? How do you can buy stocks? Whichinvestment-strategies are out there? How to save money on fees andprovisions for banks and brokers? How to manage your portfolio andwhat about CFD´s, ETF´s, Funds and Bonds? Our Buy Stocks forBeginners-App will give you all the answers and will prepare you,to invest wisely. 📈 ✔️ How to Buy Stocks? Are you buying stocks forthe first time? In this course you’ll learn the basics of investingin stocks, ETFs and funds online. Although it’s true that stockshave produced an average return of between 5-8% annually, you needto make sure you pick and choose the best stocks for yourportfolio. Learn more about how to choose and select stocks foryour portfolio. What are long-, mid- and short-term investments.Are you more a dividend hunter? Or just wanna calm down withIndex-ETF´s? May a bit more a Techie? Then you may wanna take alook for Apple, Microsoft or Tesla Stocks? ✔️ What You’ll Learn?Our Buy Stocks course is written by expert investors to help youbegin investing in the stock market. We will explain you thekey-principles of investing and you gonna learn the meaning all ofthis words, that may confuse you now. ✔️ How and why invest in thestock market? + What are stocks? - We all started at this point. +Which kind of stocks are existing? What are Penny stocks?Dividend-Stocks - Get the differences. + How to buy stocks online?- What are the selection-criterias to choose the right one? + Whento sell stocks? How to make money with stocks?- Learn more aboutthe indicators. + Average returns from stock market investments andhow your portfolio-strategy affects your returns + How to build ahealthy portfolio? - How to balance risk and security? + How tochoose the right investment strategy for your goals + Stock marketterminology - Get the meanings + Taxes and Stocks - How much taxesin the US and the UK? How about 401k´s? + Investing vs. Tradingstocks + ETFs, Bonds, Mutual Funds and CopyPortfolios + Best Stocksfor beginners + Daily stock market analysis - How you can do yourresearch. ✔️ How to Buy Stocks with 0% Fees It’s important that youchoose a stock broker that is easy to use and charges low fees. Ourapp provides you with a choice of best stock brokers that charge 0%fees. While this might sound that important, it could add up to£100s or even £1000’s while you build up a portfolio. ✔️ DailyStock Market Analysis What stocks should you invest in? This is themillion dollar question! Our app provides you with daily stockpicks and ideas. We’ll also provide you with beginner guides on thebest and most popular stocks for beginners. ✅ Download our Apptoday and start your journey. We love to get your feedback. Get intouch at and let us know, how we canimprove to give you the best experience.
The Oracle 2021 - Tarot Card Deck 1.4
Psy Ventures
We are living in challenging times and there are more questionsthan answers sometimes. Our "Oracle App" can help you to find youranswers and get cartomantic advices. Get a new way of thinking ofyour current situation and learn more about the ancient wisdom ofOracle Tarot Lenormand Cards. Are you ready? How to read OracleTarot Cards? Don´t worry if you just starting. Our Oracle App willguide even beginners in tarot-readings. Simply choose one of thedifferent decks, depending on your own question. You may wannaclose your eyes, when you "shuffle" and select your cards. Now youcan see your very own spread. All of our Lenormand Cards havingtheir own description. How to interpret my Tarot Spread? Eachposition of your spread has it´s very own meaning. You can find themeaning at the top-section of our App. With the description you caneasily understand the meaning of each card. What is LenormandTarot? Madame Lenormand was a French fortune teller in the era ofNapoleon Bonaparte. She adviced the high-society of Parisincluding, Napoleon itself. One of her treasures is the LenormandDeck, which we use in our Oracle App. Which spread for whichquestions? Our App includes the following spreads: *One Card - Oneanswer Short and sweet. You can even use that spread as a dailytarot card, to learn more about the meaning of that specific day.*Past-Present-Future 3 Cards with a deeper insight. *Pro-ContraSometimes we need help to make good decisions. Pro and Contra gonnahelp you with that. *Blind-Spot Sometimes it can be tough to get abroader view on our own situation. Blind-Spot will help you to getthe bigger meaning. *Decision-Help Made up your decision, but notsure about the outcome? This 4 Card Reading Spread will help you,to see all the aspects and the potential outcome.*Love-Relationships 7 Cards to analyze your own and your(potential) partner. *The Way - Premium Get a new perspective andsuggestions how to see your own path. *Problem-Guidance - PremiumLearn more about what you can do, outside influences and the chancewhich lies in that challenge. *Monthly Forecast - Premium Perfectto get prepared emotionally. Past influences, Positive influences,Challenges, Month Result and Outlook. Can I save my spreads? Yes,you can save your spreads in our ad-free Premium Version. ☑️ Enjoyour Oracle App in some finger tips and get the answers you need. Incase of any problem, please contact us simply by mail. Your opinionis highly important to us. And a special 🙏🏼 for all ourPremium-Buyers to make Esoteric Apps like that one even possible.
Angel Tarot Cards Guidance 1.2
Psy Ventures
Life is full of surprises and in challenging times like this, weneed sometimes some guidance. Our Angel Tarot Cards - App will helpyou to find the answers you need. May you just need a newperspective? Or your Angels just want you to believe in yourself.Learn more with our beautiful hand-crafted Angel Cards anddescriptions that will help you to find your inner peace again. Howto read Angel Tarot Cards? How to interpret tarot spreads? You arejust starting and feeling insecure how to start? Don´t worry. OurAngel Tarot Card App is intuitive. Simply think about yourquestion, choose the right Tarot-Card-Spread for you and shuffle.Each position has it´s own meaning. At the headline of our App youwill find the meaning (like "influences" from the past, present,future). By clicking each Angel card you will get the meaning ofthe card and what the Angels wanna let you know. Do you use DoreenVirtue Angel cards in your App? No, we don´t use Doreen VirtueAngel Cards in our app. We designed our very own Angel Cards andtheir very own meaning. As we believe in core Angel messages, youwill find about 28 Angel Cards in our Tarot Card App. Which kind ofspreads can I choose in your App? Depending on your question, youcan choose one of the following Angel spreads: *Card of the DayWhat can you expect of today? Which message your angel wanna letyou know? *Weekly Spread New week, new beginnings. Learn more aboutpast influences, challenges and gains of the new week. *MonthlySpread Wanna get a even bigger picture? Then choose our monthlyspread and learn more about what to expect. *Love and RelationshipsChoose 7 Angel Cards and learn more about your own inner feelingsand of your (potential) partner. Get a clear outlook, what toexpect with the current situation. *Money Spread Well, we all needit. Whatever your money challenge could be. Your Angels are alwaysthere to help you. Get money guidance. *Pro and Contra Need to makea decision? But there are too much voices in your head? You foundthe right spread. Get the pro and contra about one decision. *BlindSpot Sometimes we can´t see the bigger picture. That is the rightAngel spread for that situations to get the bigger picture. *2021Yearly Spread - Premium Can´t wait that 2020 is over? But what toexpect next year? *Decision Help Can´t make up your mind about onedecision? Your Angels are there to help. *The way A special AngelCard spread to learn more about your inner feelings and thoughtsand how you may can change your own behaviour and thoughts in thatspecial situation to feel better. ➡️ Get your very own 🔮 AngelOracle right now. P.S. We are very happy to learn more about youropinion and which kind of spreads you may wanna get. Get in touchby mail and let us know. We are constantly updating our Angel TarotApp. P.S.S. Our Premium Version gives you access to even morespreads. We appreciate your support very much and that you enableus, to make even more Esoteric Apps. 😇