Riccardo Bertini Apps

Sensor Viewer Driver Droid 1.0.1
Riccardo Bertini
This plugin developed for the Droid Driver allows you to displayreal-time changes in hardware such as sensors, accelerometers,gravity sensor, magnetic compass.How to use:• Press the "Speech" on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command "sensors"• The system will display the monitor control of thesensors.Minimum requirements:• Driver 1.1 droid• accelerometers, gravity sensor, magnetic compass
Voice SMS 1.0.3
This plugin developed for the Droid Driverallows you to send or receive text messages using your voice tocreate the message and the search for a specific contact in yourphone book.The plugin automatically manages the voice reading the text messagereceived from the outside.How to use:• Press the "Speech" button on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command: "sms love" (where "love" is the name of thecontact to send the message)• Wait until the request for release "text message"• Say the message text• Select / confirm the message of the options available• Press the menu button on the phone• Press the "Send SMS to confirm delivery messageMinimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid
POI & Autovelox Manager 1.0.3
This plugin developed for the Droid Driverenables the complete management of points of interest (POI / POI),for which you can personalizetype of membership (Autovelox, Misc, Food, Tourism, etc),description, and the maximum distance in meters that will have thePOI before the system actually signalspresence.The plugin also allows mass uploading of data by importing CSVfiles can be downloaded directly from specialized sites likepoigps.comor created manually with programs like Excel or standard texteditor.A voice message will warn the driver of an approaching POI alsosee a map of the area and their distance (in meters) thanthe current position of the vehicle.How to use:• Press the "Speech"on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the previous AUTHORIZATION audible voice command• Say the command "velox"• Wait a few seconds to display the main form of pluginMinimum requirements:• Driver 1.3 droidDownloadable book: http://www.rbsoft.it/driverdroid/help/poi_eng.pdf
Driver Droid 1.0.7
Riccardo Bertini
Using this program in the car, provides accessto key features of the phone easily and safelyusing your voice to issue commands and receive information from theplugin installed on your phonelimiting to a minimum while using the keyboard and the consequentrisk of accident.The program is completely modular and can be upgraded with newfeatures through the installation of specific Pluginavailable from the Android market. for any doubt or uncertaintycontact me on email.(The processing of voice information is carriedfrom Google's servers so any recognition errors are notattributable to poorDriver Droid operation.)WARNING! The application should be used as a core module forplug-ins can be purchased on the market, so its use withoutpurchasing specific pluginThe following features will provide only proved useful inunderstanding the operation of the program prior to any purchase ofadditional features:• Management of the main functions through voice commands andvoice synthesis• Ease of use (one button and your voice will be sufficient toaccess the functionality made available by Plugin)• Customizing the voice commands• Display of instantaneous speed and average vehicle• Voice Alert exceeded the speed limit customizable• Automatic volume adjustment of the main audio channels• Disable automatic system WIFI• Send GPS coordinates to a specific phone number• Display map of the GPS position. (Requires Google Maps +PluginDriver Droid "Maps" for free download from the market)• Display the values associated with the gravity sensor,accelerometer, magnetic compass. (Requires plugin Driver Droid"Sensor" can be downloaded for free from the market)Below is a list of advanced features offered by the main paymentplugin :• Voice Call: allows you to make and receive phone calls usingyour voice to search for a specific contact in your phone book.Theplugin automatically manages thehandsfree mode in the case of calls made and received outside willuse the loudspeaker and microphone phone as a default audiochannel, avoiding the use of external Bluetooth devices.• SMS Manager: Allows you to send or receive text messages usingyour voice to create the message and the search for a specificcontact in your phone book.The plugin automatically manages the voice reading the text messagereceived from the outside. This plugin allows you to send e-mailusing your voice to create the messageand the search for a specific contact in your phone book.• Email Manager: Allows you to send e-mail using your voice tocreate the message and the search for a specific contact in yourphone book.• GPS Logger: Allows you to store and export in CSV (Excel) andKML (Google Earth) all movement by the vehicle over time and to beableview details through Google Earth or later systems, location-basedinformation processing.• SOS Manager: Allows you to contact in fully automatic mode forup to five phone numbers in case of emergency accident.The five numbers will be contacted via a phone call warningfollowed by sending a text message containing a user-customizabletextand the geographical coordinates of the accident site.• Caller Navigator: Allows you to launch the Google Navigatordirectly to a specific destination and to share the GPS informationobtained in real time.Minimum requirements:• Permanent Internet connection• Libraries for speech recognition (downloadable for free fromAndroid Market)• Libraries for speech synthesis (downloadable for free fromAndroid Market)
Emergency Call/SMS 1.0.2
This plugin developed for the Droid Driverallows you to set up to five phone numbers in case of emergencywill be contacted automatically.The five numbers will be sequentially contacted between atelephone call warning that lasts about 15 seconds followed bysending a text message containing a user-customizable textand the geographical coordinates of where the vehicle is at thattime. If you receive a voice call, the system respondsautomatically by setting the mode enabling HANDSFREEtalk to the rescuers without the need to hold the phone in hishands.How you can use to configure the plugin:• Press the "Speech" button on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command "help"• The system will display the plugin's configuration screenwhere you can set the phone numbers and text of the message to besent in case of emergency.• Press Save to phone menù to store configuration data.Please note : That the configuration of the phone numbers andtext message will only be necessary the first time afterinstallation. After each request for help, the system will show atimerwhen disabled will update the configuration of the module,otherwise the system will automatically in emergency mode.Minimum requirements:• Driver 1.3 droid• GPS
GPS Logger 1.0.7
This plugin developed for the Droid Driverallows you to store and export in CSV (Excel) and KML (GoogleEarth) all movement by the vehicle over time and to be ableview details through Google Earth or later systems, location-basedinformation processing.How to use:• Press the "Speech" on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command "logger"• The system willwill display the main screen of the pluginwhere you can set the details of export to perform. (The filesexported will be written to the SD memory card)Minimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid• SD Memory Card• GPS
Voice E-mail send 1.0.2
This plugin developed for the Droid Driverallows you to send e-mail using your voice to create the messageand the search for a specific contact in your phone book.How to use:• Press the "Speech" button on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command "mail love" (where "love" is the name of thecontact who sent the e-mail)• Wait until the request for release "Message Subject "• Say the message subject• Wait until the request for release "text message "• Say the message text• Select / confirm the message of the options available• Press the menu button on the phone• Press the "Ivia E-mail" to confirm sending e-mailMinimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid
Web Driver Droid Plugin 1.0.1
Riccardo Bertini
This plugin developed for the Droid Driverallows you to search using the entry point on the Internet to setthe search parameters.How you can use to configure the plugin:• Press the "Speech" button on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command: "search restaurants trento" (where "trentorestaurants" are the parameters of research on the web)• The system will open the web browser showing the results ofresearch carried outMinimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid
Driver Droid Voice Call 1.0.3
This plugin developed for the DroidDriverallows you to make and receive phone calls using your voicetosearch for a specific contact in your phone book.The plugin automatically manages the handsfree mode in the caseofcalls made and received outside will use the loudspeakerandmicrophonephone as a default audio channel, avoiding the use ofexternalBluetooth devices.How to use:• Press the "Speech" button on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command "call home" (where "home " is the name ofthecontact to call)• Wait a few seconds to be automatically connected to yourcallerhandsfreeMinimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid
Emergency Road 1.0.7
This plugin developed for the DroidDriverallows you to contact in fully automatic mode for up to fivephonenumbers of emergency in case of accident.The five numbers will be contacted a phone call warning followedbysending a text message containing a user-customizable textand the geographical coordinates of the accident site.How you can use to configure the plugin:• Press the "Speech"on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command: "SOS"• The system will display the plugin configuration screenwhereyou can set the phone numbers of emmergenza and text of themessageto be sent in case of accident .Please note that The configuration of the phone numbers andtextmessage is only needed the first time after installation.Thesystem is activated automatically when you startDriver droid without the need for other operations.Minimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid• accelerometer• Gravity Sensor• GPS• Enabling hardware sensors in the configuration menu ofDriverDroid
Remove AD Driver Droid Plugin 1.0.4
This plugin developed for the DroidDriverallows you to remove the advertisements appear at the top ofthescreen.Minimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid
Alchol Test Plugin 1.0.0
Riccardo Bertini
Questo plugin sviluppato per il sistemaDriverdroid permette di calcolare il tasso alcolico in baseall'età, alsesso e naturalmente, alla quantità di alcol ingerita;nel calcolosi considera che il bevitore sia una persona adulta.Inserisci le quantità totali di bevande alcoliche chehaiconsumato o che hai intenzione di consumare e premi iltastocalcola nel menù principale per verificare se puoi mettirtiallaguida.Modalità d'uso :• Premere il pulsante "Speech" sul modulo principaleDriverDroid• Attendere segnalazione acustica precedente all'immisionedelcomando vocale• Pronunciare il comando : "vino"• Preme il tasto menù del telefono• Premere il pulsante calcola per calcolare il risultatoN.B. E' possibile eseguire il programma anche al di fuoridiDriver droid cliccando sull'icona corrispondente.
Cyber Ethical Lovers 1.6
Riccardo Bertini
Conoscere persone in rete ed incontrarel'animagemella può essere un impresa tutt'altro che facile etalvoltapresenta alcune insidie.Questa applicazione ha lo scopo di fornire una serie diconsigliutili per per la creazione di un buon profilo personale suisocialnetwork; fornendo dettagli interessanti sulla preparazionedellefoto a corredo, sulle modalità di descrizione dei propridatipersonali e sulle insidie che si possono celare dietro aduninnocuo profilo.Una raccolta di esperienze personali descritta in modotalvoltaironico che non vuole avere pretesa alcuna, ma che raccontafattied esperienze maturate nel corso del tempo.Sono presenti inoltre alcune sezioni che permettono dimetterealla prova le vostre conoscenze nel campo "dell'eros"presentatisotto forma di "Quiz e Curiosità". In questa versione èpossibileutilizzare un'agenda telefonica personale (protetta daPIN) con laquale effettuare chiamate vocali ed inviare smsriservati; uncalendario per tenere sempre sotto controllo gliavvenimentiimportanti come compleanni, anniversari, data del primobacio,periodo di fertilità della vostra lei ed il periodo in cui èmeglionon infastidire la vostra partner.Qualsiasi consiglio che possa essere implementato inversionisuccessive è BEN ACCETTO.L'APPLICAZIONE E' DISPONIBILE SOLO IN LINGUA ITALIANA.Knowing people inyournetwork and meet a soul mate can be a far from easy undertakingandsometimes has some pitfalls.This application is intended to provide a set of useful tipsforcreating a good personal profile on social networks,providinginteresting details on the preparation of the accompanyingphoto,how to describe their personal data and the pitfalls that canhidebehind a harmless profile.A collection of personal experiences described insometimesironic that do not want to have any claim, but which tellsthefacts and experiences over time.There are also some sections that allow you to testyourknowledge in the field of "eros" presented in the form of "QuizandTrivia." In this version you can use an agenda personal phone(PINprotected) with which to make voice calls and send textmessagesconfidential, a calendar to keep an eye on important eventssuch asbirthdays, anniversaries, date of the first kiss, fertilityperiodof your you and the period in which it is better not to annoyyourpartner.Any advice that can be implemented in later versionsiswelcome.ENFORCEMENT AND 'ONLY AVAILABLE IN ITALIAN.
Soulmate 1.0.1
Riccardo Bertini
Men and women are always lookingforconfirmations and gratifications in order to feel loved orjustpart of life partner.This gives rise to 'the first problem because the value giventoevery single gesture and' differently depending on sexandage.This program aims to "help" to "remember" all those littledailydeadlines that are important to hearhis beloved partner and considered. Entangled enough littlethingslike a phone ring to let her know you are thinking ofher,a message with a phrase that recalls special times we hadtogetherand above all never forget birthdays and anniversaries ...thedeath penalty!Here are some of the features offered by the program versionalsoFREE!- Automate the process of voice call based on a time dividedintothree time slots daily Morning, Afternoon and Evening- Automate the process of sending SMS on a daily dividedintothree time : Morning, afternoon and evening with a chanceSelect the text of the message directly from inside an archivesplitinto different groups of membership including:Love, Birthday Greetings, Happy Anniversary, Good night, Gooddayand Comedians.have also can customize an unlimited number of messages to beusedin place of preset- Automate the process of sending SMS greetings in mostoccasionsas important: birthday, anniversary, first kiss- Automatic reporting of the period before the menstrual cycleinorder to avoid making "nervous" unnecessarily its partners
Navigator Driver Droid Plugin 1.0.2
This plugin developed for the DroidDriverallows you to launch the Google Navigator directly to aspecificdestination and to share the GPS information obtained inreal time.How to use:• Press the "Speech" button on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command: "navigator trento" (where "trento" is thenameof the destination to be reached)• Select / confirm the destination of the options available• Press the enter key to activate the navigationMinimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid• Google Navigator• GPS
Mplayer Driver Droid Plugin 1.0.2
Riccardo Bertini
This plugin developed for the DroidDriverallows you to start program "Music Player" (free downloadfrom themarket) and use it to listen to your music compilationsHow to use:• Press the "Speech" on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command: "music"• The system will automatically activate the "Music Player"tolisten to the music.Please note : That If "Music Player" is not installed thepluginwill display the page for downloading the Android market.Minimum requirements:• Driver 1.3 droid• Music Player
Maps Driver droid Plugin 1.0.1
Riccardo Bertini
This plugin developed for the DroidDriverallows you to launch the Google Maps and GPS information toshare /network obtained in real time.How to use:• Press the "Speech" button on the main module Driver Droid• Wait for the beep before AUTHORIZATION voice command• Say the command: "Maps"• The system will enable Google Maps showing the location onthemap.Minimum requirements:• Driver 1.0 droid• Google Maps• GPS / Network