Sotrender Apps

Sombrero e-marketing trainer
Start managing your online marketing like aprofessional with Sombrero, your pocket e-marketing trainer!Sombrero is an app that turns e-marketing newbies intoprofessionals. Do you have your own business or are a marketer insmall company and want to go social, but have no idea how? Sombrerois the answer! With its tasks tailored to your needs, it will teachyou how to effectively blog and use Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.Powered by over 50 terabytes of data gathered over 4 years bySotrender, a social media analytics company.FEATURES TO BOOST ONLINE PERFORMANCE* Pushing you to do better – We’re not just here to teach, we’rehere to push. We know you can perform better, and we’re going topush to make sure you do. With Sombrero, you’ll become a socialmedia pro in no time.* Easy and frequent tasks – We give you 1 task a day for eachchannel, where you will be shown how to do essential activities toget the most out of social media. And the tasks never take morethan 15 minutes, so you can easily fit them into your schedule.* Boost your e-marketing - With Sombrero, you will boost yourperformance in less than a month. We’ll make sure you’re on yourway to getting the most out of social media for your business.BENEFITS FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS OWNERS &E-MARKETERS* Totally free - Having limited or no budget on e-marketing?Sombrero is free and will train you to become e-marketing pro inquick courses.* Improve you e-marketing performance – Most importantly of all,we will help you perform better over social media. You’ll be makingbetter posts, engaging your fans more, and building your presenceonline.* Daily tasks - Spend no more than 15 minutes a day to boostyour e-marketing performance.* Knowledge applied step-by-step – Social media can be adifficult beast to tame, so we’re taking all our knowledge andsharing it with you in a reasonable and easily applicable way.* Tailored to your experience – Never used social media in yourlife? A social media pro? No worries, Sombrero is ready to helppeople from any level of experience. The tasks won’t be too hardfor you, but nor will they be too easy.* Based on terabytes of data – We’ve analyzed a lot of data. ALOT of data. We’ve taken that analysis to identify the best socialmedia strategies and tips. And we’re here to share it with you.* Shareable – Sombrero lets you share task with other people, soyou can do them with your co-workers if you have no time.Come get ahead in social media with Sombrero!