Talking Talk Apps

Listen2Read Lite 1.4
Talking Talk
This is a lite version. Phonicsteacheschildren the relationships between letters and sounds.Phonicshelps children to use these relationships to speak and writewords.The relationship is logical and predictable . Knowingtheserelationships through phonics helps young readers torecognizefamiliar words accurately and easily "decode" new words.This is aPhonological Awareness skill called Auditory Processing.Studieshave proven that auditory analysis training resultsinsignificantly better reading. We make this process fun, sothatyour child can become a better reader. If you invest inyourchild’s development early on, you will build his confidenceandlove of reading and lay the foundation for his futureeducation.The App is targeted for teachers and parents andtherapists toencourage children to practice these fundamentalskills. Level oneof Auditory Analysis can be used by children fromapproximately 4years of age. Auditory Analysis has 7 levels with atotal of 356practice words each with their own image. Level 1:Compound words.The student has to omit one part of the compoundword. Level 2: Twosyllable words. The student has to omit onesyllable Level 3: Thestudent has to omit the initial phoneme fromthe word Level 4: Thestudent has to omit the final phoneme from theword Level 5: Thestudent has to substitute either the initial orfinal phoneme ofthe word with a different phoneme Level 6: Wordscontainingconsonant blends. The student has to omit one sound fromthe blendLevel 7: Words containing consonant blends. The student isrequiredto substitute one of sounds in the blend. Two fun gamesprovidemotivation. Squash the spider: A pesky spider is on thelooseSquash him before he wreaks havoc. He is super fast andstrong. Gethim five times so that he moves to a differentneighborhood. Popthe balloon: On no! All the balloons are flyingaway they are goingto pollute the environment. Pop as many as youcan fast before itis too late. The app has been designed by NikkiHeyman who holdsqualifications in both speech and language therapyand remedialeducation. She has worked with children ranging from 2½ years oldthrough 12 years of age. Nikki has ensured that thecustomisationoptions provided allow the app to meet your needs.Images have beencarefully selected to best illustrate the words.Auditoryprocessing refers to the ability to identify, interpret andattachmeaning to sound that is heard. This can be in the absence ofaphysical hearing loss. This App addresses the followingcriticalAuditory Processing Skills: Auditory Discrimination: theability tohear differences in sounds AuditorySegmenting/Syllabification: theability to break words into theirparts and syllables. AuditoryAnalysis: to determine the number,sequence, and specific soundsthat are within a word AuditoryBlending: to blend individualsounds to form words. Auditory- VisualAssociation: to be able tolink a sound with a grapheme (letter).• 357 words and images, 7 Levels• Auto record and page turn• 2 Fun Motivational Games• Proven to improve reading skills• Improve Spelling
Ellie fährt Fahrrad 1.5
Talking Talk
Ellie ist fünfeinhalb Jahre alt und fährtfürihr Leben gerne Fahrrad, auch wenn sie noch Stützräderdafür braucht. Als Sammy's Familie nebenan einzieht und Elliesieht,dass er ohne Stützräder fahrenkann, möchte sie das auch unbedingt lernen. Ellie's Vater hörtvoneiner Technik, mit der Elternihren Kindern spielend leicht das Fahrrad fahren beibringenkönnen.Er und Ellie probieren es ausJede Seite hat interaktive Animationselemente. Die Geschichtewurdeals Hörbuch vertont und hateine „Vorlese“ Auswahl, mit der sowohl das Hörbuch als Ganzes,alsauch nur einzelne Wörterper Mausklick vorgelesen werden. Damit wird das LeseerlebnisfürIhre Kleinen zum wahrenVergnügen.Ellie is five and ahalfyears old and runs for her life like a bike, even if theyhavetraining wheelsit needs. When Sammy's family next door moves in and Ellie seesthathe ride without training wheelscan, she wants to also learn essential. Ellie's father hears ofatechnique by which parentstheir children can teach ride the bike with ease. He and Ellietryit outEach page has an interactive animation elements. The story wassetto music as an audio book and hasa "reading" choice, with both the audio book as a whole, as wellassingle wordsbe read with one click. This makes the reading experience foryourlittle one to the truePleasure.
Ellie Rides 1.6
Talking Talk
Ellie is five and a half and she has tried to ride a bicycle butshedid not manage. Sammy has just moved in next door he is fiveand hecan ride very well. Dad learns a new fun technique to easilyteachchildren to ride. He tries it out on Ellie and... Every pagehasinteractive animation features. There is a read to me audiooptionand each word is touchable to help young readers. The bookisrecommended from age 4 through 7.