Teano Giovanni Apps

Tarot Médiéval 10
Teano Giovanni
Tarot Médiéval de Nina MontangeroAprès le succès de son premier livre "Le Tarot - outil dedéveloppement personnel", Nina a réalisé un autre de ses rêves :celui de créer son propre jeu de tarot. Il se nomme "Tarot Médiévalde Nina Montangero" et est illustré par Pal Degome.Nina précise : "En plus de la carte de "La Papesse"traditionnelle, j'ai demandé à Pal de dessiner une Gitane. Pourquoi? Eh bien pour moi, elle représente la "Gitane" en nous à faireressortir (le côté féminin, la sensualité, le charme, le côtépiquant ou provocant, etc.). La majorité des femmes qui meconsultent ont peur de mettre en avant ce côté de leur personnalitéet c'est bien dommage !En principe, "La Papesse" représente une personne introvertie, quicache sa vraie personnalité... En utilisant "La Gitane", on gardel'esprit "jeune", par contre, avec "La Papesse", on "vieillit" plusrapidement... J'ai eu envie que la lame de "La Gitane" illustre lebut que l'on peut atteindre... Le jeu comporte 79 lames au lieu des78 traditionnelles. C'est pourquoi, vous avez le choix de joueravec la carte de "La Papesse" ou celle de "La Gitane".Caractéristiques du jeu :Possibilité de jouer avec les 78 lames ou uniquement avec lesmajeures.Choix du tirage avec la Papesse ou la Gitane.L’application permet le choix entre 4 types de jeux : une lame,trois lames, cinq lames, le chemin de vie.À chaque position du tirage, vous avez la possibilité de tirerdes lames supplémentaires.Zoom possible d'une lame sélectionnée.Mémorisation du tirage.Langue: Français, italienAvez-vous aimé cette application ?Alors n'hésitez pas à ajouter une note et un commentaire.Merci !Tarot Medieval NinaMontangeroAfter the success of his first book "The Tarot - personaldevelopment tool," Nina has made another of his dreams: to createhis own tarot game. It is called "Tarot Medieval Nina Montangero"and is illustrated by Pal Degome.Nina says: "In addition to the map of" The High Priestess"traditional, I asked Pal draw a Gitane Why Well for me itrepresents.?" Gypsy "to bring out in us (the women's side,sensuality, charm, pungent or provocative side, etc.). The majorityof women who consult me ​​are afraid to put forward this side oftheir personality and that's a shame!In principle, "The High Priestess" represents an introverted personwho hides her true personality ... Using "La Gitane", we keep themind "young", by cons, with "The High Priestess" we "older" morequickly ... I felt like the blade of "La Gitane" illustrates thegoal can be achieved ... The game has 79 blades instead oftraditional 78. Therefore, you have the choice to play with the mapof "The High Priestess" or that of "La Gitane".Game Features:Ability to play with 78 blades or only with the majors.Selecting the draw with the High Priestess or Gitane.The application allows the choice between four types of games: aslide, three blades, five blades, the life path.At each position of the draw, you can pull additionalblades.Zoom can be a selected blade.Storing the draw.Language: French, ItalianDid you like this app?So feel free to add a rating and comment.Thank you !
Tarot " Le messager de l'âme " 15.3
Teano Giovanni
Ce tarot, « Le messager de l’âme », s’adresseà tous ceux qui cherchent à donner un sens aux mystères de leuravenir et ouvrir leur cœur à de nouveaux chemins à parcourir.Les 79 cartes sont magnifiquement illustrées par Pix Aiko, unejeune artiste qui nous emmène avec passion dans son monde féeriqueet fantastique.Chaque carte est accompagnée d’un poème écrit par Giorgio Blasi quia cherché l’inspiration en se laissant transporter toutnaturellement par ce nouveau monde jamais côtoyé auparavant.Nina Montangero, spécialiste du tarot, reprenant les outils de latraditionRider-Waite, puise dans son intime enrichi de ses expériencespersonnelles pour communiquer les secrets qui demeurent dans soncœur et aider les autres à trouver l’expression juste des propressentiments afin de donner à leur vie un nouveau souffle de liberté,d’élégance et de légèreté aussi.Osez poser vos questions, tirez les cartes et vous recevrez lesmessages qui vont vous aider à chasser les ombres qui pèsent survos cœurs.Caractéristiques du jeuVous pouvez choisir de jouer avec les 78 lames en privilégiant letirage avec la Papesse ou le tirage avec la Gitane.L’application permet le choix entre 4 types de jeux : une lame,trois lames, cinq lames, le chemin de vie.À chaque position du tirage, vous avez la possibilité de tirer deslames supplémentaires.Particularité de cette application:Lorsqu’une carte est accompagnée de la mention : « tirez une cartede confirmation ou lame à découvrir », cela veut dire que vousdevez choisir une autre carte pour confirmer votre tirage.Étant donné que tous les arcanes négatifs sont à recouvrir jusqu’àl’obtention d’un arcane positif, du côté psychologique etthérapeutique vous allez retenir uniquement l’image positive de ladernière carte tirée.Plus il y a de cartes négatives à recouvrir jusqu’à l’obtentiond’une carte positive, plus le chemin à parcourir peut êtrelong.Et enfin, l’application permet la mémorisation du tirage.Langues: Français, italien, allemand, espagnolAvez-vous aimé cette application ?Alors n'hésitez pas à ajouter une note et un commentaire sur GooglePlay.Merci !This tarot, "Themessenger of the soul," is for all those who seek to make sense ofthe mysteries of the future and open their heart to new ways togo.The 79 cards are beautifully illustrated by Pix Aiko, a youngartist who takes us with passion in his magical and enchantedworld.Each map is accompanied by a poem written by Giorgio Blasi whosought inspiration by letting naturally carry this new world neverknew him before.Nina Montangero, tarot expert, echoing the tradition of toolsRider-Waite, draws its intimate enriched his personal experiencesto communicate the secrets that remain in his heart and help othersfind the right expression of feelings in order to give their livesa new life of freedom, elegance and lightness too.Dare to ask questions, pull the cards and receive messages thatwill help you chase the shadows hanging over your hearts.Game FeaturesYou can choose to play with 78 blades favoring the draw with theHigh Priestess or draw with the Gitane.The application allows a choice of 4 types of games: a slide, threeblades, five blades, the life path.At each position the draw, you have the ability to draw additionalblades.Special feature of this app:When a card is accompanied by the words "pull a confirmation cardor blade to Discover", this means that you must choose another cardto confirm your draw.Given all the negative arcana covering until a positive arcane,psychological and therapeutic side you only retain the positiveimage of the last card drawn.The more negative cards covering until a positive card, plus theroad ahead may be long.And finally, the application allows the storing of the draw.Languages: French, Italian, German, SpanishDid you like this app?So feel free to add a rating and comment on Google Play.Thank you !
Sinapsi compositive 3.1
Teano Giovanni
Sinapsi compositive(conceived and designed by Roberto Zanon, with the drawings ofIsabella Bortolotto, is a design tool to implement the creativeskills)The Sinapsi Compositive are a tool that, initially linked toexperimentation and learning at the Accademia di Belle Arti, wantto become a "new" contribution to the creativity of the designerand stylist in project implementation. Organized on the structureof French playing cards, have as primary referent the Sibille, thedivining cards, especially for graphical relationship between thetext and the image. Next, but not least reference, is the series ofcards Oblique Strategies by Brian Eno (1948) and Peter Schmidt(1931-1980) edited in 1975. The latter are important for the offerby a series of sentences, collected in more than a hundreddifferent examples, always manage to find a contextualizationprecisely because of their indeterminacy. In this regard GiulioMozzi writes that we not accept what the card says but we areconfronted with what it says. That's means to see if theinstruction or advice from the card can, perhaps paradoxically,maybe in a unachievable way, apply to our case. Perhaps, byreasoning, we will spring something bizarre, something seldomfeasible, often something unexpected. This is the logic of thematter: deliberately push our ingenuity and our intuition toaddress an issue from an unexpected point of view or fromunexpected conditions. The important thing is the jolt, not theadvice itself.2 languages: Italian, EnglishIn addition to the 2 available extractions:Possibility of pull 9 supplementary cards for each gameposition.Memorizing extractions
Chakra aura view 1.3
Teano Giovanni
Chakra aura viewThe seven centres of energy or chakras located along the spinechannel external energy and metabolise it within our seven bodies:physical, etheric, astral, mental, spiritual, Buddhist andatmic.The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physicalbody. The colours of our Aura change depending on our mood, presentthoughts and emotions; they also vary according to our development,our gifts and human qualities.This application aims to reflect the present moment, highlightingthe interactions we have with ourselves and the outside world. Forexample, which energies we channel or block (chakras), and whatthoughts and emotions prevail in us at that moment (Aura). Thisapplication can be seen as a forecast of the present moment, thatfluctuates according to our level of consciousness, our thoughtsand present emotions.6 languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portugueseavailable at a click of the mouse.
Chakra aura free 1.7
Teano Giovanni
Chakra auraThe seven centres of energy or chakras located along the spinechannel external energy and metabolise it within our seven bodies:physical, etheric, astral, mental, spiritual, Buddhist andatmic.The Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physicalbody. The colours of our Aura change depending on our mood, presentthoughts and emotions; they also vary according to our development,our gifts and human qualities.This application aims to reflect the present moment, highlightingthe interactions we have with ourselves and the outside world. Forexample, which energies we channel or block (chakras), and whatthoughts and emotions prevail in us at that moment (Aura). Thisapplication can be seen as a forecast of the present moment, thatfluctuates according to our level of consciousness, our thoughtsand present emotions.6 languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portugueseavailable at a click of the mouse.