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Pickup trucks HD Wallpapers 1.3
Pickup trucks HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50 HDwallpaper images of pickup trucks. You can install picture aswallpapers or save it to your device.Information about pickup trucks:A pickup truck, often simply referred to as a pickup or pick-up, isa light motor vehicle with an open-top, rear cargo area(bed).In North America, the term pickup is used for light trucks with alighter duty chassis and factory built, integrated bed, as well asfor coupé utility vehicles, often based on a personal car chassis,but also often on a special dedicated chassis for such use.Some countries have their own terms similar to pickup, such as'utility or ute in Australia and New Zealand, or bakkie in SouthAfrica.Large pickup trucks are somewhat rare in Europe, where vans andlight lorries are commonly used for similar roles.Dual-wheeled pickup trucks are largest full-size pickups featuredoubled rear tires (two on each side on one axle). These arecolloquially referred to as "duallies" (DOOL-eez), or dual-wheeledpickup trucks, and are often equipped with a fifth wheel for towingheavy trailers. Dual-wheeled pickup trucks are typically Class 3.However Ford's model year 2008, 2009, & 2010 F-450 pick uptrucks were Class 4. These classify under Heavy Duty Pickups,though F-250 and F-350 pickups are called "Super Duty".Pickup trucks are required to register as commercial vehicles inmainland China. In 2010, 378,000 new pickups were sold, up 48% from2009. Great Wall Motor is the largest pickup truck maker in thecountry, with the Great Wall Wingle continuing to top pickup salescharts. In China the vehicle is known as 皮卡 píkǎ, a sound borrowingfrom the English pickup.As the world's second largest manufacturer of pickup trucks, aidedby punitive excise taxes on passenger cars, pickup trucks have longbeen extremely popular in Thailand: between 1987 and 1996, 58percent of all cars sold in the country were pickup trucks.Pickups are used extensively for shipping and transport, notablythe converted songthaew (lit. "two-row") minibus that forms thebackbone of public transportation in and between many smallercities.Thailand is also the world's second largest market for pickuptrucks, after the United States; 490,000 pickups were sold there in2005.During 2011, despite the industry suffering from earthquake andtsunami in Japan and later followed by widespread severe floodingin Thailand, a total of 893,988 pickup trucks were manufactured inThailand while domestic sales reached 328,219 units. Sales of theone-ton pickup trucks during the same year commanded 42% of thetotal market share. Toyota was the top pickup truck seller, havingsold 121,888 units of the Hilux Vigo, followed by the Isuzu D-Maxwith 113,884 units in second place and Mitsubishi Triton in thirdplace with 40,523 units.Ford, Chevrolet, GMC, Toyota and Hummer are the most popular pickupmanufacturers.
Snow HD Wallpapers 1.0
Snow HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50 HDwallpaper images of snow. You can install picture as wallpapers orsave it to your device.Information about snow:Snow is precipitation in the form of flakes of crystalline waterice that falls from clouds. Since snow is composed of small iceparticles, it is a granular material. It has an open and thereforesoft, white, and fluffy structure, unless subjected to externalpressure. Snowflakes come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Typesthat fall in the form of a ball due to melting and refreezing,rather than a flake, are known as hail, ice pellets or snowgrains.The process of precipitating snow is called snowfall. Snowfalltends to form within regions of upward movement of air around atype of low-pressure system known as an extratropical cyclone. Snowcan fall poleward of these systems' associated warm fronts andwithin their comma head precipitation patterns (called such due tothe comma-like shape of the cloud and precipitation pattern aroundthe poleward and west sides of extratropical cyclones). Lake-effectsnowfall can be heavy locally.Once on the ground, snow can be categorized as powdery when lightand fluffy, fresh when recent but heavier, granular when it beginsthe cycle of melting and refreezing, and eventually ice once itcomes down, after multiple melting and refreezing cycles, into adense mass called snow pack. When powdery, snow moves with the windfrom the location where it originally landed, forming depositscalled snowdrifts that may have a depth of several meters. Afterattaching itself to hillsides, blown snow can evolve into a snowslab—an avalanche hazard on steep slopes. The existence of asnowpack keeps temperatures lower than they would be otherwise, asthe whiteness of the snow reflects most sunlight, and any absorbedheat goes into melting the snow rather than increasing itstemperature. The water equivalent of snowfall is measured tomonitor how much liquid is available to flood rivers from meltwaterthat will occur during the following spring. Snow cover can protectcrops from extreme cold. If snowfall stays on the ground for aseries of years uninterrupted, the snowpack develops into a mass ofice called glacier. Fresh snow absorbs sound, lowering ambientnoise over a landscape because the trapped air between snowflakesattenuates vibration. These acoustic qualities quickly minimize andreverse, once a layer of freezing rain falls on top of snow cover.Walking across snowfall produces a squeaking sound at lowtemperatures.The energy balance of the snowpack itself is dictated by severalheat exchange processes. The snowpack absorbs solar shortwaveradiation that is partially blocked by cloud cover and reflected bysnow surface. A long-wave heat exchange takes place between thesnowpack and its surrounding environment that includes overlyingair mass, tree cover and clouds. Heat exchange takes place byconvection between the snowpack and the overlaying air mass, and itis governed by the temperature gradient and wind speed. Moistureexchange between the snowpack and the overlying air mass isaccompanied by latent heat transfer that is influenced by vaporpressure gradient and air wind. Rain on snow can add significantamounts of thermal energy to the snowpack. A generallyinsignificant heat exchange takes place by conduction between thesnowpack and the ground. The small temperature change from beforeto after a snowfall is a result of the heat transfer between thesnowpack and the air. As snow degrades, its surface can developcharacteristic ablation textures such as suncups or penitentes.
Street racing HD Wallpapers 1.0
Street racing HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50 HDwallpaper images of street racing. You can install picture aswallpapers or save it to your device.Information about street racing:Street racing is an unsanctioned and illegal form of motor racingthat occurs on a public road. Street racing can either bespontaneous or well-planned and coordinated. Well coordinated racesare planned in advance and often have people communicating via2-way radio/citizens' band radio and using police scanners and GPSunits to mark locations of local police hot spots. Opponents ofstreet racing cite a lack of safety relative to sanctioned racingevents, as well as legal repercussions arising from incidents,among street racing's drawbacks.Florida is also a state known for its street racing scene,especially South Florida. Michael Mann in 1984 while describing thepilot Miami Vice episode coined the "Fast & Furious" phrase.Palm Beach, Broward, & Dade Counties are the birthplace of the"Fast & Furious" culture itself. South Florida legend statesthat after a 1986 airing of a Miami Vice episode directed by RobCohen called Florence Italy, about New York Street Racers in SouthFlorida racing in the Miami Grand Prix, which in 1986 was stillheld on Downtown Miami's actual streets, South Florida legendstates, a group of South Palm Beach County & North BrowardCounty Teenagers began using their parents' sport cars to race onparts of Dixie Hwy between Lake Worth and Ft. Lauderdale, as wellas parts of Hwy 441 in Western Palm Beach County, after this RobCohen directed Miami Vice episode. This first group was dubbed the1st generation of South Florida Street Racers, and South Floridalegend states this group's "king of the streets" was Dominic Addeo,and featured other well known racers as Rob Van Winkle aka VanillaIce, who incorporated the South Florida Street Racing life into his1990 hit song, Ice Ice Baby.Later in the early 1990s, about 1993, South Florida's 2ndgeneration of South Florida Street Racers exploded onto the scenewith the boom of the second muscle car era. Many of South Florida's2nd generation of South Florida Street Racers were taught to driveby the 1st generation of SFLA Street Racers. One of the mostnotable of the 2nd Generation of SFLA Street Racers was Sean TommyWright, who even today is still well known to many SFLA StreetRacers for his escapades around SFLA between 1993 and 1999 and wasnicknamed the "Palm Beach County Fury" by Burt Reynolds (theBandit) for Sean's ability to out-run Palm Beach & BrowardCounty Law Enforcement.Some police departments in the United States have also undertakencommunity outreach programs to work with the racing community toeducate them to the dangers of street racing, as well as toencourage them to race in sanctioned events. This has also led to acampaign introduced in 2000 called RASR (Racers Against StreetRacing) a grass-roots enthusiast group consisting of automanufacturers, after market parts companies, professional dragracers, sanctioning bodies, race tracks and automotive magazinesdevoted to promoting the use of safe and legal raceways as analternative to street racing. Kent's Beat the Heat is a typicalexample of this type of program. Other such alliances have beenforged in southern and central California, reducing the incidenceof street racing there. Except San Diego, popular racing locationshave been Los Angeles, Miami, Long Beach and Fort Lauderdale.The CNMI (Common Wealth of the Mariana Islands), near Guam, a U.S.territory, had a bill put forth to legalize street racing.
Dragons HD Wallpapers 1.0
Dragons HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50 HDwallpaper images of cars. You can install picture as wallpapers orsave it to your device.Myths about dragons describe it as being of great size, in formresembling a giant snake with big wings. Very often Dragon combinedthe features of other animals: some legends about dragons describehis many-headed, or with a dog's head, with a fiery and deadlybreath, clawed like a lion, claws, spikes on the ridge, and havingthe ability to regenerate, like a hydra. Dragons can fly, and liveseveral thousand years, and some of them altogether immortal.The incredible power of the dragons and unexplained contributedextraordinary popularity of these mythical creatures in thestories. More recently, in the folklore motifs appear to curb therivers and their overlords - Dragon-gods, heroes martial artsfighters with floods and floods.According to the traditional view, the dragon symbolizes happiness.Droughts and floods have brought the ruin of the Chinese people,poverty, hunger. Who could help in the fight against naturaldisasters? Of course, the king of the dragons. If any area exposedto drought or floods, locals performed a ritual dance of thedragon, the lord of the sea begging to send down rain. Continueddrought was seen as a failure of the dragon send rain. Then, beforethe dragon arranged Te Deum. If the field and then remain dry, thenperform ceremonies "scourging dragon": in made of clay or othermaterial of a dragon or coated lashes with a bamboo stick,demanding to send down rain.Mythical reptiles can live underwater or in caves, underground, anddwell in the mountains. But every nation has a legend of his own,"national," the dragon. Therefore, in fairy tales and legends ofdifferent peoples of the world dragons can be good and bad, black,white, red, blue and gold, can be air and ice, stone and fire, wildand reasonable, and many-headed with one head, living for a longtime or just having immortality.
Trucks HD Wallpapers 1.1
Trucks HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50 HDwallpaper images of trucks. You can install picture as wallpapersor save it to your device.Information about trucks:A truck is a motor vehicle designed to transport cargo.Commercial trucks in the US pay higher road use taxes on a Statelevel than other road vehicles, and are subject to extensiveregulation. A few reasons commercial trucks pay higher road usetaxes: they are bigger and heavier than most other vehicles, andcause more wear and tear per hour on roadways; and trucks and theirdrivers are on the road for more hours per day. UPS vehicles arecalled 'package cars' in the US, because that exempted them fromcertain tax-rates.Trucks are subject to noise emission requirements (emanating fromthe U.S. Noise Control Act) in order to protect the public fromnoise health effects, since trucks contribute disproportionately toroadway noise due to elevated stacks and intense tire andaerodynamic noise characteristics.The Bridge Law deals with the relation between the gross weightof the truck and the amount of axles and the spacing between axleswheel base the truck has. Each State determines the minimum andmaximum permissible weight per axle.Popular in Europe and Asia, many mini trucks are factory redesignsof light automobiles, usually with monocoque bodies. Regardless ofname, these small trucks serve a wide range of uses. Japanese-mademini trucks that were manufactured for on-road use are competingwith off-road ATVs in the United States, and import regulationsrequire that these mini trucks have a 25 mph (40 km/h) speedgovernor as they are classified as low speed vehicles.Light trucks are car-sized (in the US, no more than 6,300 kilograms(13,900 lb)) and are used by individuals and businesses alike. Inthe UK they may not weigh more than 3,500 kilograms (7,700 lb), andare allowed to be driven with a driving licence for cars. Pickuptrucks are pervasive in North America and some regions of LatinAmerica, Asia and Africa, but not so in Europe, where this size ofcommercial vehicle is most often made as vans.Medium trucks are larger than light but smaller than heavy trucks.In the US, they are defined as weighing between 13,000 and 33,000pounds (6,000 and 15,000 kg). For the UK and the EU the weight isbetween 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes (3.9 and 8.3 tons). Local delivery andpublic service (dump trucks, garbage trucks and fire-fightingtrucks) are normally around this size.Heavy trucks are the largest trucks allowed on the road. They aremostly used for long-haul purposes, often in semi-trailer orB-double configuration. he axle weight is the truck weight dividedby the number of axles, but the actual axle weight depends on theposition of the load over the axles. The number of steering axlesand the suspension type also influence the amount of the road wear.In many countries with good roads a six-axle truck may have amaximum weight over 50 tonnes (49 long tons; 55 short tons).Highway-legal trucks are sometimes outfitted with off-road featuressuch as a front driving axle and special tires for applicationssuch as logging and construction. Trucks that never use publicroads, such as the Liebherr T 282B off-road mining truck, are notconstrained by weight limits.
3D Neon HD Wallpapers 1.0
Neon HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50 HDwallpaper images of 3D neon. You can install picture as wallpapersor save it to your device.Information about neon:Neon is a chemical element with symbol Ne and atomic number 10. Itis in group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table. Neon is acolorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions,with about two-thirds the density of air. Neon was the second ofthese three rare gases to be discovered, and was immediatelyrecognized as a new element from its bright red emission spectrum.The name neon is derived from the Greek word, νέον, neuter singularform of neos, meaning new. Neon is chemically inert and forms nouncharged chemical compounds.During cosmic nucleogenesis of the elements, large amounts of neonare built up from the alpha-capture fusion process in stars.Although neon is a very common element in the universe and solarsystem (it is fifth in cosmic abundance after hydrogen, helium,oxygen and carbon), it is very rare on Earth. It composes about18.2 ppm of air by volume (this is about the same as the molecularor mole fraction), and a smaller fraction in Earth's crust. Thereason for neon's relative scarcity on Earth and the inner(terrestrial) planets is that neon forms no compounds to fix it tosolids, and is highly volatile. This led to its escaping from theplanetesimals under the warmth of the newly ignited Sun in theearly Solar System. Even the atmosphere of Jupiter is somewhatdepleted of neon, presumably for this reason.Neon gives a distinct reddish-orange glow when used in eitherlow-voltage neon glow lamps or in high-voltage discharge tubes orneon advertising signs. The red emission line from neon is alsoresponsible for the well known red light of helium–neon lasers.Neon is used in some plasma tube and refrigerant applications buthas few other commercial uses. It is commercially extracted by thefractional distillation of liquid air. It is considerably moreexpensive than helium, since air is its only source.Neon is often used in signs and produces an unmistakable brightreddish-orange light. Although still referred to as "neon", othercolors are generated with different noble gases or by varied colorsof fluorescent lighting.Neon is used in vacuum tubes, high-voltage indicators, lightningarrestors, wave meter tubes, television tubes, and helium–neonlasers. Liquefied neon is commercially used as a cryogenicrefrigerant in applications not requiring the lower temperaturerange attainable with more extreme liquid heliumrefrigeration.Both neon gas and liquid neon are relatively expensive – for smallquantities, the price of liquid neon can be more than 55 times thatof liquid helium. The driver for neon's expense is the rarity ofneon, which unlike helium, can only be obtained from air.The triple point temperature of neon (24.5561 K) is a definingfixed point in the International Temperature Scale of 1990.
Luxury Cars Wallpapers HD 1.0
Luxury Cars Wallpapers is a pack of HDwallpaper images of Luxury Cars . You can set the image aswallpaper, or save it to your device.Luxury cars is a marketing term for a cars that provides luxury— pleasant or desirable features beyond strict necessity — atincreased expense.The term suggests a cars with higher quality equipment, betterperformance, more precise construction, comfort, higher design,technologically innovative modern, or features that convey animage, brand, status, or prestige, or any other 'discretionary'feature or combination of them. The term is also broad, highlyvariable and relative. It is a perceptual, conditional andsubjective attribute that may be comprehended differently bydifferent people; what may be luxury for one may be premium foranother.In contemporary usage, the term may be applied to any vehicle type—including sedan, coupe, hatchback, station wagon, and convertiblebody styles, as well as to minivans,crossovers, or sport utilityvehicles and to any size vehicle, from small to large—in any pricerange. Moreover, there is a convergence in the markets and aresulting confusion of luxury with high price: where there may havebeen a clear difference in price between luxury and others, thereis no longer an absolute separation between premium and luxury,with what may be premium brands now more expensive than theequivalent so-called luxury ones.Cars manufacturers market specific makes and models that aretargeted at particular socio-economic classes, and thus "socialstatus came to be associated more with a particular cars thanownership of a car per se." Therefore, automakers differentiateamong their product lines in "collusion" with the car-buyingpublic. While a high price is the most frequent factor, it is"styling, engineering, and even public opinion which cars had thehighest and lowest status associated with them.Luxury vehicle makers may either be stand-alone companies in theirown right, such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, or a division/subsidiaryof a mass market automaker Badge engineering is often used for costsavings, for example, the Lincoln vehicles that are based on Fordplatforms or Acura models derived from Honda.Though widely used, the term luxury is broad and highly variable.It is a perceptual, conditional and subjective attribute and may beunderstood differently by different people: "What is a luxury carto some... may be 'ordinary' to others."
Unofficial Minecraft Wallpaper 1.3
Wallpapers for MC HD is a pack of 50 HDwallpaper images of worldwide famous game Minecraft. You caninstall picture as wallpapers or save it to your device.Information about Minecraft:Minecraft is a sandbox independent video game. Minecraft is an openworld game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish,allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to playthe game.Important! This is not an official Mojang app.
SUV Cars HD Wallpapers 1.0
SUV Cars HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50HDwallpaper images of SUV. You can install picture as wallpapersorsave it to your device.Many fans of off-road vehicles are grateful to the creatorsofthese machines. How began the history of these jeepsandSUVs.It all began with a lack of vehicles for the army. In 1938,Americawas a competition among automobile companies in the best carwiththe following requirements:high permeability;ease of use;low cost.The best sample of SUV provided the company Bantam althoughtherewere shortcomings. So the first SUV was named Bantam4BRC.When these cars got his famous name Jeep? After the test,thevehicle Bantam spring of 1941, thanks to the car journalistHillierappeared informal nickname Jeep. And the term "SUV" cameinto usein the 90s thanks to automotive publications, so as not tocreateproblems with the Chrysler Corporation, which owns already atthattime the trademark Jeep.In the early years of the war, he became the first SovietSUVGAZ-64In 1974 he saw the light of the most famous and popular SUV -JeepCherokee, it was named in honor of Native AmericanIndiantribes.In the USSR in 1977, started production of low-cost, compactSUVNivaToday, SUVs are increasingly being upgraded - finalized theengineand suspension, and increases the protection of the bottom ofthehousing. To date, units of car manufacturers do not produceSUVs.The popularity of this car is not quenched, but only grows,andfrom this it follows that the volume of production isalsogrowing.
Halloween HD Wallpapers 1.0
Halloween is a pack of 50 HD wallpaperimagesof Halloween. You can install picture as wallpapers or saveit toyour device.Information anout Halloween:Halloween, also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, orAllSaints' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a numberofcountries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feastofAll Hallows' Day. It initiates the triduum of Allhallowtide,thetime in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering thedead,including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithfuldepartedbelievers. Within Allhallowtide, the traditional focus ofAllHallows' Eve revolves around the theme of using "humor andridiculeto confront the power of death."According to many scholars, All Hallows' Eve is aChristianizedfeast initially influenced by Celtic harvestfestivals, withpossible pagan roots, particularly the GaelicSamhain.Otherscholars maintain that it originated independently ofSamhain andhas solely Christian roots.Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating(orthe related "guising"), attending costume parties,decorating,carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lightingbonfires, applebobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playingpranks, tellingscary stories and watching horror films. In manyparts of theworld, the Christian religious observances of AllHallows' Eve,including attending church services and lightingcandles on thegraves of the dead, remain popular, although in otherlocations,these solemn customs are less pronounced in favor of amorecommercialized and secularized celebration. Because manyWesternChristian denominations encourage, although most no longerrequire,abstinence from meat on All Hallows' Eve, the tradition ofeatingcertain vegetarian foods for this vigil day developed,includingthe consumption of apples, colcannon, cider, potatopancakes, andsoul cakes.The word Halloween or Hallowe'en dates to about 1745 and isofChristian origin. The word "Halloween" means "hallowed evening"or"holy evening". It comes from a Scottish term for All Hallows'Eve(the evening before All Hallows' Day). In Scots, the word "eve"iseven, and this is contracted to e'en or een. Over time,(All)Hallow(s) Eve(n) evolved into Halloween. Although the phrase"AllHallows'" is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg,allsaints mass-day), "All Hallows' Eve" is itself not seenuntil1556.
Reptiles HD Wallpapers 1.0
Reptiles HD Wallpapers is a pack of 50imagesReptiles. You can set an image as wallpaper, or save it toyourdevice.Find out everything you wanted to know about theseslipperycreatures like reptiles that crawl on the earth millions ofyearsago and continue to fascinate people to this dayReptiles are one of the most diverse groups of theanimalkingdom. Their behavior and physical attributes cover a widerange,and because we are so interested to study them. It used to bea lotof myths and misunderstandings related to reptiles, but it isinthe past. Today we know more about reptiles than ever know.Welearned many interesting facts about these creatures andtheirlife.Following these facts - a good example of a surprising varietyofreptiles.• In total, there are about 250 species of turtles, 25 speciesofcrocodiles, 3000 species of lizards and snakes 5500• Reptiles are among the most long-lived species of living beingsonthe planet. Large turtles, such as the Aldabra giant tortoisecanlive 150 years or more; Alligators - almost 70 years;Royal(spherical) pythons - 40 yearsTheir blood does not necessarily cold by itself. Buttheyectotherms, which means they receive heat from externalsources.Reptiles can not regulate their body temperature internallyashumans do.Most kinds of reptiles do not like the cold.Many people think that reptiles are slimy. But the fact isthatreptiles do not have sweat glands like us, so their skin isusuallycool and dry.Reptiles - one of the oldest types of animals on theplanet.Turtles, for example, lived on the planet 200 million yearsago,largely in the same form as we see them today. For thisreason,reptiles deserve respect from people. They do not deservefear orpersecution!