English Tenses 5.7
ATTENTION!!! THIS APP IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS! English Tenses. ShortCourse (Cheat Sheet) / Key to English Tenses - easy way to learnAll English Tenses! Active & Passive English Tenses (21) +Future in the Past Tenses (4). Bright, successful, funny,easy-to-remember Examples, Exercises, Explanations, Trtainers andTests! Secret Key - to remember All English Tenses at once!!! TimeMarkers - words-companions-hints!! Trainer (live table of cards)for learning irregular verbs!! Forms of an auxiliary verb: To Be,To Have, To Do. Rule _s/_es The Word Order in a sentence - to learnto speak! Many tests in the form of tables with functions of theTraining Simulator and Exam! This app is specially useful forbeginners and foreigners!!! Summary Table of key examples of Tenseswith unfolding - collapsing Time Markers (words-companions-hints)and Explanations Colorful Pivot Table of the Formulas of TensesAudio Exercices to remember the Key! The app highlights key wordsand main points and priorities! Working with the application iseasy and convenient… The teaching material is presented clearly andunderstandably! The English Verb Tenses are fundamentals of theEnglish Grammar! To know English Verb Tenses is to know the EnglishGrammar!!! Indeed, all is easy to remember!… Literally, for alllife! :) On this manual lots of people have learned the Tensesalready… And immediately began to understand the essence of Englishand to pass serious tests… ) Without Advertising! The app does notrequire access to your personal data, cameras, microphones,geolocation. Much thanks to newest and free Google Android Studio(IDE) for the rapid development of this App !! DEMO version isavailable! :) In "Key to English Tenses + Own Tests" App Variant(Var.2), you can create your own Tests / Exams. It is very easy!Just write them down in MyTest1.txt - MyTest6.txt files (rewritethe templates only). This is very useful for Teachers and for allwho wish to work with their own tests!! This App (var.2) will be onthe Google Play from 2019 (If this will be of interest… please,write us) MAXI FREE Version: English Tenses MAXI PAID Version:English Tenses
English Tenses 7.0
ATTENTION! Tenses are the most difficult but also the mostimportant (basic) theme of the language! English Tenses app / Keyto English Tenses app - easy way to learn English Tenses! Active& Passive English Tenses (21) + Future in the Past Tenses (4).Bright, successful, funny, easy-to-remember Examples, Exercises,Explanations and Tests! Secret Key - to remember All English Tensesat once!!! Time Markers - words-companions-hints!! Trainer (livetable of cards) for learning irregular verbs!! Forms of anauxiliary verb: To Be, To Have, To Do. Rule _s/_es The Word Orderin a sentence - to learn to speak! Many tests in the form of tableswith functions of the Training Simulator and Exam! This app isspecially useful for beginners and foreigners!!! Summary Table ofkey examples of Tenses with unfolding - collapsing Time Markers(words-companions-hints) and Explanations Colorful Pivot Table ofthe Formulas of Tenses Audio Exercices to remember the Key! The apphighlights key words and main points and priorities! Working withthe application is easy and convenient… The teaching material ispresented clearly and understandably! The English Verb Tenses arefundamentals of the English Grammar! To know English Verb Tenses isto know the English Grammar!!! Indeed, all is easy to remember!…Literally, for all life! :) On this manual lots of people havelearned the Tenses already… And immediately began to understand theessence of English and to pass serious tests… ) WithoutAdvertising! The app does not require access to your personal data,cameras, microphones, geolocation. Much thanks to newest and freeGoogle Android Studio (IDE) for the rapid development of this App!! DEMO version is available! :) In "Key to English Tenses + OwnTests" App Variant (Var.2), you can create your own Tests / Exams.It is very easy! Just write them down in MyTest1.txt - MyTest6.txtfiles (rewrite the templates only). This is very useful forTeachers and for all who wish to work with their own tests!! ThisApp (var.2) will be on the Google Play from 2019 (If this will beof interest… please, write us) Some large trainers use a lot ofmemory, so some older phones may not have enough memory to usethem. P.S. FREE Version (with ads): English Tenses FREE
English Tenses in Russian 4.5
В связи с тем, что некоторые телефоны пересталиподдерживатьпереключение языка внутри приложения (язык приложенияавтоматическинастраивается по языку телефона) пропала настройкарусского языкавнутри приложения для некоторых пользователей (не длявсех!),которые находятся не в России, не в Украине и не в Беларуси.Т.е.это приложение English Tenses in Russian разработано толькодляпользователей у кого есть проблемы с настройкой русского языкавбазовом приложении EnglishTenses:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.englishtenses.index&hl=ruКтокупил приложение English Tenses и у него проблемы снастройкойрусского языка напишите, пожалуйста,наeasy.english.tenses@gmail.com и мы вышлем Вам промокодыдлябесплатной установки приложения English Tenses in Russianипромокод от другого хорошего приложения, как компенсациязанеудобства. ) Еще раз. Ссылка на базовую версию приложения"EnglishTenses" с обычными (стандартными) настройками ипоследнимимодернизациями (в том числе экспериментальныминовшествамизаключительной (3-й) стадиииспытаний):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.englishtenses.index&hl=ruВсемжелающим вышлем промокод от этого (платного) приложения!Кстати,имеющего очень хорошие отзывы. ( Пишитена:easy.english.tenses@gmail.com со ссылкой на приложениеEnglishTenses in Russian ) Успехов!