Vajrakaya Studios Apps

Top Ten Ganesh Aarti 1.0
Start you day with electrify "Ganesh AARTI’S"and complete all your works successfully.App includes cheerful aarti from Ganapati Upanishad. One mayalways use it before beginning a journey, a new course in school,new career or job, or before entering into any new contract orbusiness so that impediments are removed and your endeavor may becrowned with success.
BhadrakaliMantra 1.0
Bhadrakālī ((literally "Good Kali,")[1] is aHindu goddess popular in Southern India. She is one of the fierceforms of the Great Goddess (Devi) mentioned in the Devi Mahatmyam.Bhadrakali is the popular form of Devi worshipped in Kerala as SriBhadrakali and Kariam Kali Murti Devi. In Kerala she is seen as theauspicious and fortunate form of Kali who protects the good. It isbelieved that Bhadrakāli was a local deity that was assimilatedinto the mainstream Hinduism, particularly into Shaiva mythology.She is represented with three eyes, and four, twelve or eighteenhands. She carries a number of weapons, with flames flowing fromher head, and a small tusk protruding from her mouth. Her worshipis also associated with the Tantric tradition of the Matrikas aswell as the tradition of the ten Mahavidyas and falls under thebroader umbrella of Shaktism.
Maha Mrutyunjaya App 1.1
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, the powerful mantraof Lord Shiva is a call for enlightenment. Chanting or listening ofthis mantra purifies the karmas of the soul at a deep level.TheMaha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a life-giving mantra (sanjivini mantra).It is also known as Moksha mantra.Aum Tryambakam YajamaheSugandhim Pushti-vardhanam |Urva - rukamiva BandhananMrtyor - muksheeya Maamritat ||Method for attaining great and rare results from this Mantra:Although even one round (ONE MALA-108 Mantra) of this mantra startsgiving the desired results, but it is said that with the 41 dayspractice of 125000 mantras with faith and VIDHI the devotee(sadhaka) surely gets the Result.Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is one among the finest Mantra's inIndian Mythology and Spirituality belongs to Lord Shiva.It is acombination of three hindi language words i.e. "Maha" which meansGreat , "Mrityun" means Death and "Jaya" means Victory which turnsinto Conquer or victory over death. It is also known as "RudraMantra" or "Trayambakam Mantra". Rudra refers to Lord Shiva.This Mantra has been rendered by Sri Sahil Jagtiani whose is aprominent singer within the Art of Living.-----------------------------This App has:- Listen the Mantra with custom repitations- Ability to Share the Appstore URL with your friends- Works on Android OS 2.1 onwards for both Phones and Tablets- Runs fully without internet once the app is downloaded- App is completely add free
Tulsi Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Ocimum tenuiflorum, also known as Ocimumsanctum, holy basil, or tulasī, is an aromatic plant in the familyLamiaceae which is native to the Indian subcontinent and widespreadas a cultivated plant throughout the Southeast Asian tropics.[2][3]It is an erect, many branched subshrub, 30–60 cm tall with hairystems and simple phyllotaxic green or purple leaves that arestrongly scented.Leaves have petioles and are ovate, up to 5 cm long, usuallyslightly toothed. The flowers are purplish in elongate racemes inclose whorls.[3] The two main morphotypes cultivated in India andNepal are green-leaved (Sri or Lakshmi tulasi) and purple-leaved(Krishna tulasi).[4] (See Tulsi in Hinduism.)Tulasi is cultivated for religious and medicinal purposes, andfor its essential oil. It is widely known across the Indiansubcontinent as a medicinal plant and an herbal tea, commonly usedin Ayurveda, and has an important role within the Vaishnavatradition of Hinduism, in which devotees perform worship involvingholy basil plants or leaves. This plant is revered as an elixir oflife.The variety of Ocimum tenuiflorum used in Thai cuisine isreferred to as Thai holy basil (Thai: กะเพรา kaphrao);[2] it is notto be confused with Thai basil, which is a variety of Ocimumbasilicum.
Hanumaan Chalisa App 1.0
App Description"Hanuman Chalisa" is the preeminent jewel of all Chalisa, adevotional hymn addressed to Lord Hanuman. It is now an intrinsicpart of Indian culture and Hinduism.Hanuman occupies a unique place of reverence in the Hindupantheon for his exemplary devotion to his Master and hisunbelievable acts to serve the cause of his Master.FEATURES★ Very Simple Interface★ Reading awailable with translation in Marathi, English, Telgu andGujrathi★ No unwanted Pop-ups, Spam, Ads and Notifications
Top Ten Shiv Aarti 1.0
Har Har Mahadev - Devon Ke Dev MahadevLord Shiva is one of the most popular God in Hindu.Lord Shiva Refer as Mahadev,Bholenath,Shiv Sambhu, Nilkanth &Rudra.Lord Shiva has his body wrapped in an attire made of tiger'sskin. Lord Shiva's body has poisonous snakes as ornaments. LordShiva's form is said to be beyond the descriptive capability ofeven other gods, hence Lord Shiva is worshipped in the symbolicform of a 'shivalinga'. Lord Shiva's consort is Devi Parvathi.Together, they are known as the universal couple. Lord Shiva'sfamily consists of Lord Ganesha, Lord Kartikeya/Murugan and LordAyyapa as sons.This app has an extremely simple and user friendly interface.Upon loading, you are immediately taken to the actual Chalisa Text;no more clicking and navigating through meaningless screens.Features1. Hindi version of Shri Shiv Chalisa2. Soothing Audio
Durga Mantra 1.0
Durga meaning "the invincible"[1] is theprincipal form of the Goddess, also known as Devi and Shakti inHinduism.[2] According to legend, Durga was created for the slayingof the buffalo demon Mahisasura by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and thelesser gods, who were otherwise powerless to overcome him.Embodying their collective energy (shakti), she is both derivativefrom the male divinities and the manifested representation of theirpower.[1]For Shaivas and Shaktas Durga is the wife of Shiva. ForVaishnavas Durga is another name/form of Uma or Parvati.[2] This isespecially prevalent in the Shakta denomination within Hinduism,which worships the Goddess Devi in all her manifestations. She isGoddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati in her mild form; GoddessKali and Goddess Chandi in her wrathful form. Durga is also calledPadmanabha-Sahodari and Narayani, the sister of Lord Vishnu. Tobring back lord Shiva in Sansar, she was reborn in human form (Satiand Parvati) to marry Shiva. Durga gave birth to her first childKartikeya. Durga Puja, held annually in her honour, is one of thegreat festivals of eastern India.
Prithvi Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Prithvi (pṛthvī, also pṛthivī) "the Vast One"is the Sanskrit name for the earth as well as the name of a devi inHinduism and Buddhism.As Pṛthvī Mātā "Mother Earth" she contrasts with Dyaus Pita"father sky". In the Rigveda, Earth and Sky are primarily addressedin the dual as Dyavaprthivi.(Doniger O'Flaherty 2007, p. 201, 330)She is associated with the cow. Prithu, an incarnation of Vishnu,milked her in cow's form.She is a national personification in Indonesia, where she isknown as Ibu Pertiwi.
Shaneeshwara Gayatri Mantra 1.0
(Oh God, the Protector, the basis of all life,Who is self-existent, Who is free from all pains and Whose contactfrees the soul from all troubles, Who pervades the Universe andsustains all, the Creator and Energizer of the whole Universe, theGiver of happiness, Who is Pure and the Purifier of all, let usembrace that very God, so that He may direct our mental facultiesin the right direction.)--Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes all obstacles in our path toincreased wisdom and spiritual growth and development.Righteouswisdom starts emerging soon after Jap (recitation) of the GayatriMantra is performed.Sathya Sai Baba teaches that the Gayatri Mantrawill protect you from harm , make your intellect shine, improveyour power of speech, and dispel the darkness of ignorance.
Tara Mantra 1.0
In Hinduism, the goddess Tara meaning "star",is the second of the Dasa (ten) Mahavidyas or "Great Wisdom[goddesses]", is a form of Durga or Parvati. Tantric manifestationsof Durga or Mahadevi, Kali, or Parvati. As the star is seen as abeautiful but perpetually self-combusting thing, so Tara isperceived at core as the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propelsall life.
Om Namaha Shivay 1.0
Om Namah Shivaya is known as the greatredeeming mantra also known as five-syllable mantraIt means "I bow to Shiva." Shiva is the supreme reality, the innerSelf. It is the name given to consciousness that dwells in all.Shiva is the name of your true identity- your self.The mantra Om Namah Shivaya (or Aum) is very powerful soothingvibration for self healing, meditation and peace of mind.This is "Om Namah Shivaya" Dhun continuous play let you meditateand help you soothe sleep.This mantra used to worship Lord Shiva.Chanting of Lord Shiva mantra (MP3 format).Internet is notrequiredThis is a mantra from Lord Shiva Upanishad. One may always use itbefore beginning a journey, a new course in school, new career orjob, or before entering into any new contract or business so thatimpediments are removed and your endeavor may be crowned withsuccess.OM NAMAH SHIVAYA
Radhe Krishna Mantra 1.0
Radha Krishna are collectively known withinHinduism as the combination of both thefeminine as well as the masculine aspects of God. With Krishna,Radha is acknowledged asthe Supreme Goddess, for it is said that she controls Krishnawith Her love.It is believed that Krishna enchants the world, but Radha "enchantseven Him. ThereforeShe is the supreme goddess of all. Radha Krishna".
Nandi Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Nandi s the name for the bull which serves asthe mount (Sanskrit: Vahana) of the god Shiva and as the gatekeeperof Shiva and Parvati. In Hindu Religion, he is the chief guru ofeighteen masters (18 Siddhar ) including Patanjali andThirumular.[1] Temples venerating Shiva display stone images of aseated Nandi, generally facing the main shrine. There are also anumber of temples dedicated solely to Nandi.The application of the name Nandi to the bull (Sanskrit:vṛṣabha) is in fact a development of recent centuries, as GouriswarBhattacharya has documented in an illustrated article entitled"Nandin and Vṛṣabha".[2] The name Nandi was earlier widely usedinstead for an anthropomorphic deity who was one of Shiva’s twodoor-keepers, the other being Mahākāla. The doorways ofpre-tenth-century North Indian temples are frequently flanked byimages of Mahākāla and Nandi, and it is in this role of Shiva’swatchman that Nandi figures in Kālidāsa’s poem theKumārasambhava.
Moola Mantra 1.0
This app is for all religious people who wantall gods mantras at a single placeMantra:A word or sound repeated to aid concentration inmeditation.A statement that is frequently repeated; a characteristic formulaor refrain.Mantra of all God with animation and unlimited counter.!!!As per the demand of all users we also make the application for allgod Mantra & meditation.You can hear the mantra in every morning . It gives youpeace.In that also a unique HD Wallpaper and Ringtone of All DifferentGod.EnjoyGOD BLESS YOU !!!
Hansa Mantra 1.0
Sometime we suffer from many diseases andafter long medication also we are not able to recover.Thisapplication will help you that which Mantra should be chanted tocure diseases.In daily life we face many kind of problem,after giving our 100%effort,we are not able to suceed.This application will give knowledge that at what time and atparticular sitution which Mantra should be chanted for oursuccess.Offline app.
Agni Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Agni literally meansFire; lightning; the sun;Fire as one of the five traditional physical elements that make upthe world of matterThe prominent and central fire-deity of the Vedic pantheon, who ishailed as the mediator between the Gods and humans, and thereceiver of oblations and sacrifices of behalf of the Gods, whosymbolizes the flame of Divine Will or Force of the DivineConsciousness working in the cosmic creation and manifestation; thesovereign guardian of the south-east quarter, the twin brother ofIndra, the husband of Sudarśanā and Svāhā, and father of Dakşiņam,Gārhapatyam and Āhavanīyam[1]; the preceptor of the gods, protectorof ceremonies, of men, the summit of the sky, the centre of theearth and the conferer of immortality[2]; one of the eightVasus[3]; the south-east direction.According to the scriptures, every elemental force is presided overby a deity. The presiding deity of tejas, fire and heat, is Agni.The Vedas place Agni, the deity of fire, get a key place in Vedichymns. A large number of them are devoted to describing andpraising Him. Some of his attributes are described asfollows:He is the Supreme God, the creator, the sustainer and theall-pervading cosmic spirit.All the other deities are His different manifestations. Hemanifests himself as fire (agni) on this earth, as lightning andair (Indra and Vāyu) in the sky and as the sun (Surya) in theheavens.He acts as a mediator between men and Devas by carrying thesacrificial offerings of men to Gods.He is very powerful and merciful too.Though an immortal, he lives among the mortals, in every house. Heprotects them by dispelling their difficulties and fulfills theirwishes. Without him, the world can never sustain itself.
Budh Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Budh Graha or Mercury Planet!This Application have all the major mantras of Budh Graha orMercury Planet. So if any one have any probem related to his/herdasa, antardasa or worship Lord Vishnu then chant these mantrasaccording to their preference. Here a user can have five majorMantras of Budh or Mercury Planet with their meaning. So it will bevery helpful and easy for users to chant these mantras. Here wehave a information part also where you can find the moreinformation about Budha or Mercury Planet. All the doing and nondoings during dasa or antradasa of Budha Graha you find here. InInformation part we have Fasting Day, Pooja or worship, ChantingTimes and their Benefits.Key Words :Budha Mantra,Budha Graha Mantra,Navgrah Mantra,vasstore
Shukra Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Shukra the Sanskrit for "clear, pure" or"brightness, clearness", is the name of the son of Bhrigu, andpreceptor of the Daityas, and the guru of the Asuras, identifiedwith the planet Venus, one of the Navagrahas (with honorific,शुक्राचार्य Shukracharya). He presides over Shukravar (Devanagari:शुक्रवार) or Friday.He is of white complexion, middle-aged and of agreeablecountenance. He is described variously as mounted on a camel, horseor crocodile. He holds a stick, beads and a lotus and sometimes abow and arrow.[2]Ushanas is the name of a Vedic rishi with the patronymic Kāvya(descendant of Kavi, AVŚ 4.29.6), who was later identified asUshanas Shukra. He is venerated as a seer in Bhagavad Gita whereKrishna tells Arjun that among Kavis he is Ushanas (indirectly itis remarked that Ushanas is the best among Kavis).[3]
Garuda Gayatri Mantra 1.0
The Garuda is a large bird-like creature, orhumanoid bird that appears in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Garuda isthe mount (vahana) of the Lord Vishnu. Garuda is the Hindu name forthe constellation Aquila. The brahminy kite and phoenix areconsidered to be the contemporary representations of garuda.[1]Indonesia adopts a more stylistic approach to the Garuda'sdepiction as its national symbol, where it depicts a Javanese eagle(being much larger than a kite).[2]
Vakratunda Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Ganesha , also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka,is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindupantheon.[2] His image is found throughout India and Nepal.[3]Hindu sects worship him regardless of affiliations.[4] Devotion toGanesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains, Buddhists, andbeyond India.[5]Although he is known by many attributes, Ganesha's elephant headmakes him easy to identify.[6] Ganesha is widely revered as theremover of obstacles,[7] the patron of arts and sciences and thedeva of intellect and wisdom.[8] As the god of beginnings, he ishonoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies. Ganesha is alsoinvoked as patron of letters and learning during writingsessions.[9][10] Several texts relate mythological anecdotesassociated with his birth and exploits and explain his distincticonography.Ganesha emerged as a distinct deity in the 4th and 5th centuriesCE, during the Gupta Period, although he inherited traits fromVedic and pre-Vedic precursors.[11] He was formally included amongthe five primary deities of Smartism (a Hindu denomination) in the9th century. A sect of devotees called the Ganapatya arose, whoidentified Ganesha as the supreme deity.[12] The principalscriptures dedicated to Ganesha are the Ganesha Purana, the MudgalaPurana, and the Ganapati Atharvashirsa.
Chandra Gayatri Mantra 1.0
In Hinduism, Chandra (Sanskrit चन्द्र lit,Kannada ಚಂದ್ರ, Telugu చంద్రుడు, Tamil சந்திரன். "shining")[1] is alunar god and a Graha. Chandra is also identified with the Vediclunar deity Soma (lit. "juice").[2] The Soma name refersparticularly to the juice of sap in the plants and thus makes theMoon the lord of plants and vegetation.[1]Chandra is described as young, beautiful, fair; two-armed andhaving in his hands a club and a lotus.[3] He rides his chariotacross the sky every night, pulled by ten white horses or anantelope. He is connected with dew, and as such, is one of the godsof fertility. He is also called Rajanipati (lord of the night)[1]and Kshupakara (one who illuminates the night),[4] and Indu (lit.the bright drop).[1] As Soma, he presides over Somvar orMonday.Chandra is the father of Budha, (planet Mercury) the motherbeing Tara. He is married to 27 Nakshatras (constellations), whoare known to be daughters of Daksha.
Hayagreeva Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Hayagriva is also considered an avatar ofVishnu.[1] He is worshipped as the God of knowledge and wisdom,with a human body and a horse's head, brilliant white in color,with white garments and seated on a white lotus. Symbolically, thestory represents the triumph of pure knowledge, guided by the handof God, over the demonic forces of passion and darkness.
Radha Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Radha , also called Radhika, Radharani andRadhikarani, is almost always depicted alongside Krishna andfeatures prominently within the theology of today's Vallabha andGaudiya Vaishnava sects, which regards Radha as the originalGoddess or Shakti. Radha is also the principal god of worship inthe Nimbarka Sampradaya, as Nimbarka, the founder of the tradition,declared that Radha and Krishna together constitute the absolutetruth.[1] Radha is the most important gopi in Raas (Special kind ofdance) with Lord Krishna. Radha is often referred to as Rādhārānīor "Radhika" in speech, prefixed with the respectful term 'Srimati'by devout followers. [2][3][4] Gaudiya Vaishnavas, believe that, infact Radha is the original source from whom Goddess Lakshmiemanated.
Dhumati Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes allobstacles in our path to increased wisdom and spiritual growth anddevelopment.Righteous wisdom starts emerging soon after Jap(recitation) of the Gayatri Mantra is performed.Sathya Sai Babateaches that the Gayatri Mantra will protect you from harm , makeyour intellect shine, improve your power of speech, and dispel thedarkness of ignorance.
Tripura Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Tripura /ˈtrɪpuːrə/ is a state in NortheastIndia. The third-smallest state in the country, it covers 10,491km2 (4,051 sq mi) and is bordered by Bangladesh (East Bengal) tothe north, south, and west, and the Indian states of Assam andMizoram to the east. In 2011 the state had 3,671,032 residents,constituting 0.3% of the country's population. Indigenouscommunities, known in India as scheduled tribes, form about 30 percent of Tripura's population. The Kokborok speaking Tripuri peopleare the major group among 19 tribes and many subtribes. The Bengalipeople form the ethno-linguistic majority in Tripura.The area of modern Tripura was ruled for several centuries bythe Tripuri dynasty. It was the independent princely state of theTripuri Kingdom under the protectorate of the British Empire whichwas known as Hill Tippera [8] while the area annexed and ruleddirectly by British India was known as Tippera District (presentComilla District).[9] The independent Tripuri Kingdom (or HillTippera) joined the newly independent India in 1949. Ethnic strifebetween the Tripuri people and Bengali population led to tensionand scattered violence since its integration into the country ofIndia, but the establishment of an autonomous tribal administrativeagency and other strategies have led to peace.Tripura lies in a geographically disadvantageous location inIndia, as only one major highway, the National Highway 44, connectsit with the rest of the country. Five mountain ranges—Boromura,Atharamura, Longtharai, Shakhan and Jampui Hills—run north tosouth, with intervening valleys; Agartala, the capital, is locatedon a plain to the west. The state has a tropical savanna climate,and receives seasonal heavy rains from the south west monsoon.Forests cover more than half of the area, in which bamboo and canetracts are common. Tripura has the highest number of primatespecies found in any Indian state. Due to its geographicalisolation, economic progress in the state is hindered. Poverty andunemployment continue to plague Tripura, which has a limitedinfrastructure. Most residents are involved in agriculture andallied activities, although the service sector is the largestcontributor to the state's gross domestic product.Mainstream Indian cultural elements, especially from Bengaliculture, coexist with traditional practices of the ethnic groups,such as various dances to celebrate religious occasions, weddingsand festivities; the use of locally crafted musical instruments andclothes; and the worship of regional deities. The sculptures at thearchaeological sites Unakoti, Pilak and Devtamura providehistorical evidence of artistic fusion between organised and tribalreligions. The Ujjayanta Palace in Agartala was the former royalabode of the Tripuri kings.
Yama Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Yama is the god of death, belonging to anearly stratum of Vedic mythology. In Sanskrit, his name can beinterpreted to mean "twin".[1] In the Zend-Avesta he is called"Yima".[2] According to the Vishnu Purana, his parents are thesungod Surya[3] and Sanjna, the daughter of Visvakarman, sometimescalled "Usha". He is the brother of the current Manu Vaivasvathaand of his older sister Yami, which H. H. Wilson indicates to meanthe Yamuna river.[4] According to Harivamsa Purana her name isDaya.[5] In the Vedas, Yama is said to have been the first mortalwho died. By virtue of precedence, he became the ruler of thedeparted,[6] called "Lord of the Pitrs".[7] There is aone-of-a-kind temple in Srivanchiyam, Tamil Nadu, India, dedicatedto Yama.[citation needed]Mentioned by the Buddha in the Pali canon, Yama subsequentlyentered Buddhist, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, Vietnamese, andJapanese mythology as a wrathful god under varioustransliterations. He is otherwise also called as "Dharmaraja".
Pocket UniPune 2.1
University of Pune, also refered as “UniPune”is one of the premier universities in India, where more than onelakh students are graduate every year.While studying the courses, students often need to go throughvariety of materials like, Exam forms, Revaluation forms, Results,Question Papers of previous years, etc.So, going through a lot of form filling and other stuffs resultsforces us to visit cyber cafes, college computes, or friend’slaptop, which ultimately results in wasting so much crucialtime.But, What if the student gets all this at one place, properlyorganised, easily accessible and in his/ her pocket?The solution is PocketUnipune.PocketUnipune is an awesome android app which serves the studentin a very organised and efficient way.The built in Study Planner features helps students to plan theirstudy schedule, prepare task lists and assign priorities.Also you can get all the required information like questionpapers of previous years, syllabus for your particular course,anything and everything you need that too without going anywhere at11th hour.Key Features :• Syllabus: This Feature enables student to get the syllabus ofhis course whenever he wants. The student can download the syllabusand study accordingly. This will help to formulate the studyexactly according to the study and so will save time.• Exam Schedule: This feature provides the Schedule of variousexams conducted for the courses in Pune University. It will helpstudent to keep up with his/her exam schedule.• Question Papers: Almost all students refer previous yearsquestion papers to study. This facility will give them the same butat their hand.• Study Planner: This is the unique and very crucial feature,which will help the students to plan their study schedule. How?Here we go, this field contains a task to do list where studentscan store their tasks related to study and take the follow-up ofwhether is it being done.Thus students will find this feature very helpful to plan thestudy.• Results: In this section students can get to know their resultswithout going to internet café or other places. Thus, this helpsevery single student of university.• Exam /Reval Form: In this section students can get the exam orrevaluation /rechecking forms easily. And also they can download itto their handheld devices and take the printouts anywhere, thusthis is very useful, as it saves the time.• Scholarships: This section contains the information regardingthe scholarship notifications and circulars. Where students can getto know about the scholarships offered by the university.• Jobs: Jobs Section connects the students with top employers towork with. Here a student can hunt internship, part time and fulltime opportunities.• Sports: This section contains the information regarding thesports events notifications. Where students can get to know aboutthe various competitions conducted by and at the university alongwith the schedule.• Helpline: This is the University helpline, where students cancontact to the authorities and enquire about their queriesdirectly. It will improvise the communication between students anduniversities.
Indra Mantra 1.0
Indra, also known as Śakra in the Vedas, isthe leader of the Devas and the lord of Svargaloka or heaven inHinduism. He is the deva of rain and thunderstorms.[1] He wields alightning thunderbolt known as vajra and rides on a white elephantknown as Airavata. Indra is the most important deity worshiped bythe Rigvedic tribes and is the son of Dyaus and the goddess Savasi.His home is situated on Mount Meru in the heaven.[2] He has manyepithets, notably vṛṣan the mighty, and vṛtrahan, slayer of Vṛtra,Meghavahana "the one who rides the clouds" and Devapati "the lordof devas".[2] Indra appears as the name of a daeva inZoroastrianism (though 'Indra' can be used in a general sense for aleader, either of devatas or asuras[3]), while his epithet,Verethragna, appears as a god of victory. Indra is also calledŚakra frequently in the Vedas and in Buddhism (Pali: Sakka). He isknown in Burmese as သိကြားမင်း, pronounced: [ðadʑá mɪ́ɴ]; in Thaias พระอินทร์ Phra In, in Khmer as ព្រះឥន្ទ្រា pronounced [preahʔəntraa], in Malay as Indera,in Kannada as ಇಂದ್ರ Indra, in Teluguas ఇంద్రుడు Indrudu, in Tamil as இந்திரன் Inthiran, Chinese as 帝释天Dìshìtiān, and in Japanese as 帝釈天 Taishakuten.[4] He is celebratedas a demiurge who pushes up the sky, releases Ushas (dawn) from theVala cave, and slays Vṛtra; both latter actions are central to theSoma sacrifice. He is associated with Vajrapani - the ChiefDharmapala or Defender and Protector of the Buddha, Dharma andSangha who embodies the power of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. On theother hand, he also commits many kinds of mischief (kilbiṣa) forwhich he is sometimes punished. In Puranic mythology, Indra isbestowed with a heroic and almost brash and amorous character attimes, even as his reputation and role diminished in later Hinduismwith the rise of the Trimurti.
Mavrickhost Web Hosting 2.0
Now navigate and buy the most suitablewebhosting plan for your website, Mavrick Host lets acquire thebestweb hosting solutions at cheap rates. Monitor your web serverfromyour phone's home screen & stay online 24 X 7 with ourawardwinning prompt support. Mavrick Host is a global provider ofSharedservers, Dedicated servers, Virtual Private Server (VPS)andManaged web hosting solutions. Mavrick Host is capable ofequippingcustomers with dominant web hosting solutions and servicesdesignedto complement their existing businesses.Features of Maverick Host:Unbelievable web hosting rates, save Big times over thecompetitionwith our market whipping prices.24 X 7 prompt service.Unlimited storage & bandwidth.99.9% Up time.Easy to setup.
Top Ten Hanuman Aarti 1.0
"Hanuman Chalisa" is the preeminent jewelofall Chalisa, a devotional hymn addressed to Lord Hanuman. It isnowan intrinsic part of Indian culture and Hinduism.Hanuman occupies a unique place of reverence in the Hindupantheonfor his exemplary devotion to his Master and hisunbelievable actsto serve the cause of his Master.FEATURES★ Very Simple Interface★ Reading awailable with translation in Marathi, English, TelguandGujrathi★ No unwanted Pop-ups, Spam, Ads and Notifications
Top Ten Sai Aarti 1.0
This application is dedicate to shirdisaibaba.sai baba of shirdi was an Indian guru, yogi, and fakir whoisregarded by his Hindu and Muslim devotees as a saint. ManyHindudevotees including Hemadpant who wrote the famous ShriSaiSatcharitra consider him an incarnation of Lord Krishna.This application is good for meditation.Listen to your favorite Sai Baba Bhajan. These religiousbhajanswill give you peace and helps in meditation. To experiencespiritof Sai Baba, install this app.
Varuna Gayatri Mantra 1.0
In Vedic religion, Varuna, is a god ofthewater and of the celestial ocean, as well as a god of law oftheunderwater world. A Makara is his mount. In Hindu mythology,Varunacontinued to be considered the god of all forms of thewaterelement, particularly the oceans.
Pashupati Mantra 1.0
Pashupati or Shree Pashupatinath(Nepali/Hindi: श्री पशुपतिनाथ) is an incarnation of the Hindu LordShivaas "Lord of animals". He is revered throughout the Hinduworld, butespecially in Nepal, where he is unofficially regarded asanational deity.Pashupati (Sanskrit: पशुपति Paśupati), "Lord of all animals", isanepithet of the Hindu god Shiva.[1] In Vedic times it was used asanepithet of Rudra.[2] The Rigveda has the related pashupa"protectorof animals" as a name of Pushan."Pashupatinath" is derived from three Sanskrit words:"pashu"(organism), "pati" (protector), and "nath" (Lord). In NepaliandHindi, the additional honorific "Shree" is sometimes prefixed asadisplay of respect or devotion; thus, ShreePashupatinath,Respected Protector and Lord of all livingthings.A Pashupatinath temple is sited on the banks of the Shivana riverinMandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, India. It is one of the mostprominentshrines in Mandsaur, and Lord Shiva in the form ofLordPashupatinath is its primary deity. Its main attraction is auniqueShiva Linga displaying eight faces of Lord Shiva. The shrinehasfour doors, representing the cardinal directions.[4]
Angaaraka Gayatri Mantra 1.0
(Oh God, the Protector, the basis of alllife,Who is self-existent, Who is free from all pains and Whosecontactfrees the soul from all troubles, Who pervades the Universeandsustains all, the Creator and Energizer of the whole Universe,theGiver of happiness, Who is Pure and the Purifier of all, letusembrace that very God, so that He may direct our mentalfacultiesin the right direction.)--Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes all obstacles in our pathtoincreased wisdom and spiritual growth anddevelopment.Righteouswisdom starts emerging soon after Jap(recitation) of the GayatriMantra is performed.Sathya Sai Babateaches that the Gayatri Mantrawill protect you from harm , makeyour intellect shine, improveyour power of speech, and dispel thedarkness of ignorance.
Mumbadevi Mantra 1.0
Mumba Devi Mandir is an old Hindu temple inthecity of Mumbai, Maharashtra dedicated to the goddess Mumbā,thelocal incarnation of the Devi (Mother Goddess). MarathiMumbāderives from Sanskrit Mahā-Ambā "Great Mother", and Mumbaīcombinesthe name with aī, the Marathi word for "mother".[1]While Hindu sects devoted to the goddess Mumbadevi areattestedto as far back as the 15th century, it is said that thetemple wasbuilt in 1675 near the main landing site of the formerBori Bundercreek against the north wall of the English Fort SaintGeorge by aHindu woman also named Mumba. The creek and fort arenowdeteriorated to a point at which they are but derelict remindersofthe city's past. The temple, on the other hand, isstillactive.[citation needed]The goddess Mumba was patron of the agri (salt collectors)andkolis (fisherfolk), the original inhabitants of the sevenislandsof Bombay. She is depicted as a black stone sculpture inthetemple. An etymology of Mumba that is popular is "Maha Amba,"or"Great Mother," one of the many of India's more well-knownnamesfor the Hindu Mother Goddess (Devi). Located in Bhuleshwararea inSouth Mumbai, the temple is in the heart of the steel andclothingmarkets. It is a sacred pilgrimage spot and place ofworship forHindus and is thus visited daily by hundreds of people.It is notuncommon for visitors of Mumbai to pay their respects atthe templeand is one of the popular tourist destinations in thecity.[2]Mumbadevi Temple Maharashtra, Maa Mumbadevi temple isanotherShakti temple situated in Mumbai. The name of the cityMumbai isderived from Maa Mumbadevi. Mumbai (Marathi: मुंबई['mumbəi]; ofPortuguese words and Bom Bahia, meaning "good harbor".This templeis dedicated to city's patron Goddess Mumbadevi. Thetemple ofMumbadevi, once stood on the site of the presentChhatrapatiShivaji Terminus in the central island which was calledMumbai. Thetemple was built in honour of Mumbadevi, the patrongoddess of theKoli fishermen believed to be the originalinhabitants of Mumbai.The original temple was built in 1737 wasdemolished and a newtemple erected in its place at Bhuleshwar. Thenearest station isMarine Lines. Although the Mumbadevi Temple isnot as striking asothers are in the city, its resident deity,Mumbadevi, is thecity's patron Goddess. The structure is about sixcenturies old,believed to be the handiwork of Mumbaraka, a sadisticgiant whofrequently plundered the city at the time.
HomeSupport 3.0
Our mission is to provide the besthandymanservice at reasonable pricewithout sacrificing quality. Youwill besatisfied with our work knowingwe take the necessary stepsto meetyour needs and get the job done right.
Raghvendra Mantra 1.0
Shri Raghavendra Swamy (1595-1671 AD) wasafamous saint in southern India.He was a philosopher, author and ardent proponent ofSriMadhvacharya’s dvaita (dualism) philosophy. He has writtennumerousphilosophical books in Sanskrit and at least one song inKannada.He was also an expert Veena (a string instrument) player.He isknown for his many miracles during and after his lifetime.Some ofhis miracles and interactions with contemporary kings andBritishgovernors have been recorded in some of thegovernmentgazettes.He is one of the only two dvaita saints who entered speciallybuiltenclosed stone structures (called Vrundavana) in deepyogicmeditation while still alive (the other being Shri VadirajaSwamy).As Sri Raghavendra Swamy entered the Vrundavana, one ofhisdevotees - Appanna Acharya composed a poem in praise ofthesaint.This poem in Sanskrit is known as Sri Raghavendra Stotra(prayer)and is recited everyday by his devotees and followers inmany partsof the world.
Medicine Buddah Mantra 1.0
Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama,[note 3]Shakyamuni,[note 4] or simply the Buddha, was a sage[3] on whoseteachings Buddhism was founded.[web 1] He is believed to have livedand taught mostly in eastern India sometime between the sixth andfourth centuries BCE.[4][note 5] The word Buddha means "awakenedone" or "the enlightened one". "Buddha" is also used as a title forthe first awakened being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions,Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (Palisammāsambuddha, Sanskrit samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age.[note 6]Gautama taught a Middle Way between sensual indulgence and thesevere asceticism found in the Sramana (renunciation) movement[5]common in his region. He later taught throughout regions of easternIndia such as Magadha and Kośala.[4][6] Gautama is the primaryfigure in Buddhism and accounts of his life, discourses, andmonastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been summarizedafter his death and memorized by his followers. Various collectionsof teachings attributed to him were passed down by oral traditionand first committed to writing about 400 years later.
Ketu Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Ketu is the descending lunar node in Vedic,orHindu astrology. After the head of Svarbhānu, an Asura, was cutoffby God Vishnu, his head and body joined with a snake toform'Ketu', representing the body without a head, andRahu,representing the head without a body. According to someaccounts inHindu mythology, Ketu belongs to Jaimini Gotra, whereasRahu isfrom Paiteenasa gotra and hence both are totally differententitieswith distinct characteristics and not two parts of a commonbody.Ketu is generally referred to as a "shadow" planet. It isbelievedto have a tremendous impact on human lives and also thewholecreation. In some special circumstances it helps someoneachievethe zenith of fame. Ketu is often depicted with a gem orstar onhis head signifying a mystery light.Astronomically, Ketu and Rahu denote the points ofintersectionof the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move onthe celestialsphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectivelycalled the northand the south lunar nodes. The fact that eclipsesoccur when theSun and the Moon are at one of these points givesrise to theunderstanding of swallowing of the Sun and the Moon bythe snake(Rahu).In ancient Tamil astrological scripts, Ketu was consideredasincarnation of Indra. During a war with Asuras, Indra wasdefeatedand took a passive form and a subtle state as Ketu. Indraspentthis time realizing his past mistakes, and failures and thatleadto spirituality towards Lord Shiva.
Bhairavi Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Bhairavi is a fierce and terrifying aspectofthe Devi virtually indistinguishable from Kali, except forherparticular identification as the consort of the Bhairava.he isalsocalled Shubhamkari, good mother to good people and terrible tobadones. She is seen holding book, rosary, and makingfear-dispellingand boon-conferring gestures. She is also known asBaala orTripurabhairavi. It is believed that when Bhairavi enteredthebattle field, her fierce appearance made the demons become weakandvery feeble, and it is also believed that most of thedemonsstarted panicking as soon as they saw her. The consort ofGoddessBhairavi is Bhairava an aspect of Shiva.Bhairavi is seen mainly as the Chandi in the DurgaSaptashativersion of slaying Shumbha and Nishumbha. However, shekills anddrinks the blood of Chanda and Munda the Chieftains ofasuras, sothe Goddess Parvati gives her a boon that she would becalledChamundeshwari. In other forms, she is also identified withParvatior Durga. When furious, she is found sitting on a faithfuldonkey,with her mouth full of demons' blood, her body covered witha tigerskin and skeleton. She also presents the abhaya mudra andvaramudhra, and she is shown holding weapons such as atrishula(trident), parashu (axe), and vajra (thunderbolt).
Narsimah Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Narasimha (IAST: Narasiṁha), Narasingh,Narsingh and Narasingha in derivative languages is an avatar of theHindu god Vishnu who is also the supreme god Krishna and one ofHinduism's most popular deities, as evidenced in early epics,iconography, and temple and festival worship for over amillennium.[1]Narasiṁha is often visualised as half-man/half-lion, having ahuman-like torso and lower body, with a lion-like face andclaws.[2] This image is widely worshipped in deity form by asignificant number of Vaiṣṇava groups. He is known primarily as the'Great Protector' who specifically defends and protects hisdevotees in times of need.[3] Vishnu is believed to have taken theavatar to destroy the demon king Hiranyakashipu.[4]
Sudarshana Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Lord Sudarshana is the chief deity of thisAppwho uses his mighty weapon “Chakra” to grant immediate relieftothe sufferings of his devotees. His grace will help to abolishyoursins. Lord Sudarshana/Narayana is considered as the first steptobe adopted in the concept of realization of God.He can help you to take charge of your enemies and to relieveyoufrom unexplainable sufferings and worries. You can getempoweredwith positive vibes by performing pooja to him with thisapp. Hewill also help to stop unforeseen dangers and perils fromyourpathway of success. Listening to or chanting his mantras willhelppeople who have been suffering from diseases and illnesses foralong time with no cure. It will also help to win overyourenemies.Features of Sudarshana Pooja & Mantra App• 2 Popular Mantras• Mantra Chanting Option• Simple User Interface• Sudarshana Images Available• An Option to Choose Another Image of God from Gallery
Sai Gayatri Mantra 1.0
This application is dedicate to shirdisaibaba.sai baba of shirdi was an Indian guru, yogi, and fakir whoisregarded by his Hindu and Muslim devotees as a saint. ManyHindudevotees including Hemadpant who wrote the famous ShriSaiSatcharitra consider him an incarnation of Lord Krishna.This application is good for meditation.Listen to your favorite Sai Baba Gayatri Mantra. These mantrawillgive you peace and helps in meditation. To experience spirit ofSaiBaba, install this app.Om Sai Ram!!
Subramanyam Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Listen Sri Subramanya Gayatri Mantra- 108namesof Lord Murugan---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For reports and suggests you can contact with emailaddressbelowIf you have any issues, contact us before leaving a bad review.Ifyou see any issues, Please send us an email instead of givingonestar. For Improving the App; Add your comments and give starsonthe play store!
Guru Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sunandthe largest planet in the Solar System. It is a giant planetwith amass one-thousandth of that of the Sun, but is two and a halftimesthat of all the other planets in the Solar System combined.Jupiteris a gas giant, along with Saturn (Uranus and Neptune areicegiants). Jupiter was known to astronomers of ancient times.[11]TheRomans named it after their god Jupiter.[12] When viewedfromEarth, Jupiter can reach an apparent magnitude of −2.94,brightenough to cast shadows,[13] and making it on averagethethird-brightest object in the night sky after the Moon andVenus.Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen with a quarter ofitsmass being helium, although helium only comprises about a tenthofthe number of molecules. It may also have a rocky core ofheavierelements,[14] but like the other giant planets, Jupiterlacks awell-defined solid surface. Because of its rapid rotation,theplanet's shape is that of an oblate spheroid (it has a slightbutnoticeable bulge around the equator). The outer atmosphereisvisibly segregated into several bands at differentlatitudes,resulting in turbulence and storms along theirinteractingboundaries. A prominent result is the Great Red Spot, agiant stormthat is known to have existed since at least the 17thcentury whenit was first seen by telescope. Surrounding Jupiter isa faintplanetary ring system and a powerful magnetosphere. Jupiterhas atleast 67 moons, including the four large Galilean moonsdiscoveredby Galileo Galilei in 1610. Ganymede, the largest ofthese, has adiameter greater than that of the planet Mercury.
Bramah Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Brahmā is the Hindu god (deva) of creationandone of the Trimurti, the others being Vishnu and Shiva.Accordingto the Brahma Purana, he is the father of Manu, and fromManu allhuman beings are descended. In the Ramayana and theMahabharata, heis often referred to as the progenitor or greatgrandsire of allhuman beings. He is not to be confused with theSupreme CosmicSpirit in Hindu Vedānta philosophy known as Brahman,which isgenderless. Brahmā's wife is Saraswati. Saraswati is alsoknown bynames such as Sāvitri and Gayatri, and has taken differentformsthroughout history. Brahmā is often identified with Prajapati,aVedic deity. Being the husband of Saraswati or Vaac Devi(theGoddess of Speech), Brahma is also known as "Vaagish,"meaning"Lord of Speech and Sound."
Top Ten Ram Aarti 1.0
A must have mobile application fortheAl-mighty Bhagwan Shree Ram followers & someone who believesinhis powers.Get the feeling of a writing (Jap) Shree "Ram" onyourmobile.This app consist full Amritvani with different animationeffectswhich will fascinate your soul towards Ram-Naam. Ram-Naam isgoldenkey for all. It’s Realization of Almighty. This is verydevotionaland wonderful song. All mental-tension get out by payingattentionto this Holy song.
Satya Sai Gayatri Mantra 1.0
Sri Sathya Saibaba Mantras:Om Saayeeshvaraaya VidhmaheSathya Dhevaaya DheemahiThannassarvah PrachodayaathThe meaning of this is:"I know through Gurus and Shastras (and by direct experience)thatSai is God Himself: He is Bhagavan and Iswara. I meditate onthisform in my heart with all my mental faculties. He is theembodimentof truth, divinity, universal consciousness and one whopervadesall the worlds. I pray to such a Saiparameswar to directourintellects to engage in auspicious and righteous activities.Imeditate on this great form."This Sathya Sai Gayathri, like other Gayathris, is on par withVedaMantra or mystic formula. It has 24 letters; it consists ofthreelines, each with eight letters. Such a composition hasuniqueproperties. According to Maharishi Vararuchi, the numerologyof allletters adds up to 108. That is why recitation is to be done108times; to realize the full effect of Siddhi - which is signifiedbythe 108th number, i.e. Meru or the tassel of a rosary orJapamala.Ashtottara Sata Nama - the 108 name-chanting leads totherealization of God, which is the goal.
Aaditya Gayatri Mantra 4.0
Surya Graha or Sun Planet ! For Surya or Sun related troubles andduring the dasa or antardasa of sun, worship the ruling deity LordShiva and Recite Aditya Hridaya stotra daily or Gayatri Mantradaily. If a user has any dosha related to Surya Graha then you canfind a complete solution for it. The effect of this Gayathri mantramakes one bold and courageous. Recitation of this mantra also helpsto improve one's eyesight and cures any eye related diseases. Thisapplication also including the information part where a user canget the solutions of his/her problem regarding that particulargraha.