WEconnect Apps

WEconnect 1.1.0
WEconnect supports recovery aftercare foralcohol and drug addiction populations by: helping you stayaccountable to your new, healthy routine, creating healthy habits,keeping you connected to and encouraging communication with yourprivate support network, and you earn rewards along the way thatenhance your recovery! Plus, verifying it all through GPS location.All of your data is protected by HIPAA Compliance Standards.This app addresses the most crucial time during someone’s recovery:the first year of sobriety, and equally benefits someone inlong-term recovery.NON-AFFILIATEDWEconnect is not affiliated with any recovery program; all programsand any individual recovery regimens are welcome and are usablewithin the app. Some examples:• Smart Recovery• Anonymous Recovery Programs (AA, NA, CA, MA etc.)• Refuge Recovery• Dharma Punx• Any non-affiliated programs• 12-Step Programs• Create your own recovery!CREATE HEALTHY ROUTINES• Need a reminder each day to stick to your recovery program? Needa reminder to get to your meeting? How about a reminder eachmorning to call your mentor/sponsor? And what about a reminder tomeditate? WEconnect helps you stay focused, create positive habits,and build long-term recovery by sending you those gentlereminders.• Simple daily and weekly views show you what you need to do tostay on track.• Check-in to your activities when you’re at the activity location.The app will verify* your check-in keeping you on track for yourroutines.*Location services*** must be enabled and the use of eithercellular data or wifi when you’re checking-in to locations isrequired in order for the app to successfully check you in.VIEW PROGRESSEasily see progress and what you need to do to stay on track.THE OPPOSITE OF ADDICTION IS CONNECTION• You get to create your own private, support network where you canhelp keep each other accountable to each of your unique recoveryroutines.• Initiate conversations from within the app, see each others’progress and encourage each other to keep up with your dailyroutine “reps”!EXTRA SUPPORT 1-CLICK AWAYThe SOS button makes it simple to get extra support when you needit most.YOU'VE EARNED IT! GET THOSE REWARDS!You earn rewards by:• successfully completing activities• checking-in daily• interacting with and growing your support network• your days in recovery progress• and having routines in all 3 important categories of support,clarity, and connection.• You also get to gift rewards to anyone you feel could benefit.Service to others – how cool!KNOW WHEN BEHAVIOR CHANGESGet instant and consistent alerts for lack of communication and anychange in activities/check-ins for you and your supportnetwork.Recovery is a team effort, and remember, you're worth it! Let's dothis!——————Learn more at: https://www.weconnectrecovery.com/Must be 13-years-old and older on day of sign-up.***Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life.——————We'd love to hear from you!support@weconnectrecovery.com• HIPAA Compliant• Privacy Policy:http://www.weconnectrecovery.com/privacy-policy/• Medical Disclaimer:http://www.weconnectrecovery.com/medical-disclaimer/• T&Cs:http://www.weconnectrecovery.com/terms-conditions/
WEconnect Recovery 4.7.1
Reward your recovery