WebPatient® LLC Apps

Immunization for Children 3.5
Immunization Schedule for Children This is an instant childhoodimmunization schedule for children six year and younger. Yourchildren never will miss a vaccine with Immunization Schedule forChildren.
Baby Signing 3.5
WebPatient® LLC
Baby Signing for Android devices.
Fake Force Close 3.5
Fool anyone who tries to use your Android phone by showing fake"force closing" messages. This app allows you to create a desktopshortcut with any name and icon that display a fake "Force close"message.
App Request 3.5
WebPatient® LLC
Do you want to have a custom App created just for you? Do you havean idea in mind for an App that you want to become it real? Saw anApp in AppStore but still is not available in Google Android™Market? Then "AppRequest for Android™ is definitely for you... Nowyou can request an App with features that wish. If we publish suchApp you will be able to purchase it and receive a 100% refund andlifetime updates!
Consulta Médica (Medical) 3.5
WebPatient® LLC
Con esta aplicación puede consultar en forma privada con el médicorespecto a alguna duda o necesidad de información sobre algún temarelacionado con la salud y la medicina. Las preguntas seránresueltas a manera de opinión médica y su finalidad es de tipoeducativa o informativa solamente. De ninguna manera puedenreemplazar a una consulta médica normal, pues para ello, serequiere de la interacción directa entre el médico y el paciente.Hay que recordar que el diagnóstico médico se basa fundamentalmenteen la entrevista médica y el examen clínico (Historia Clínica) asícomo de los resultados de los exámenes auxiliares que solicite elmédico en los casos que considere necesarios. Este servicio virtuales informativo solamente y no reemplaza una consulta real. Elpropósito de esta consulta es tratar de orientar a aquellospacientes que no se atreven a aclarar dudas ante un escenariomédico tradicional, ya sea por timidez, verguenza, miedo osimplemente prefieren un método más anónimo en el cual puedan hacerpreguntas de tipo tabú o íntimas sin tener que pasar por unaembarazosa situación delante del médico. Con la Consulta Médica enlínea a través de www.webpatient.net la anonimidad garantiza lacompleta sinceridad del paciente ante sus problemas o preguntasmédicas. La consulta tiene un bajo costo de 0.99 USD que puede serpagado a través del servicio de PayPal.
Density debugger 3.5
WebPatient® LLC
Take a snapshot of your screen for debugging purposes, then pressmenu and send me your screenshot. This app is only for debuggingpurposes only, if you downloaded and you are not helping me into adebugging process, please uninstall this application now.
Acid-Base Balance 3.5
This is an acid-base homeostasis calculator that determines theacid-base disturbance with the corresponding cause. Is like havingan Arterial Blood Gas Interpreter on your pocket. Determine thefour basic processes: - Metabolic Acidosis - Respiratory Acidosis -Metabolic Alkalosis - Respiratory Alkalosis
My Blood Glucose & HbA1c 3.1
Keep track of your Blood Glucose and HbA1c. You can select betweenmg/dL or mmol/L and a category (dinner, lunch, random, etc). -Visualize the data in an item list or a linear chart. - Export dataoption as: CSV attachment Plain text Suggestions are welcome!
Pregnancy Calculator 3.2
This application estimates the expected delivery date based on 40weeks, starting from the first day of last menstrual period. -Extrapolates gestational age of ultrasonography. - Average fetalweight - Crown-rump length from weeks 11 to 40 - Calculate LMP fromdue date
ICD-9-CM & ICD-10-CM 3.6
This app contains a list of thousands of InternationalClassification of Diseases codes for both ICD-9 and ICD-10 (thelatter will replace the former in 2013). Now you have a greatreference for these codes in the palm of your hand. You can searchthe database either by disease/condition name to get the code or bycode number to get the name. For example, look up S36 to learn thatit refers to "injury of intra-abdominal organs"; look up "pulmonaryembolism" to learn that its code is I26. - Searches the database asyou type - Works offline - Contains more than 47,000 codes total(32,500 ICD-10)
My Blood Pressure & Heart Rate 3.3
Keep track of your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate. - Visualize thedata in an item list/linear chart. - Export data option as: CSVattachment Plain text - Customized BP ranges - Send graph image -New item list layout - Edit time and date on creation - Add notes
Atrial Fibrillation Calculator 3.5
Do you have Atrial Fibrillation? Do you want to estimate your 10year risk? If you answered yes to any of this question, then thisapp is for you. Calculate your 10-year risk of Atrial Fibrillation-Interactive Risk Score Calculator.
ICD-9-CM 3.5
International Classification of Diseases codes. Now you can see thenew ICD-9-CM codes. Works off-line and it contains more than 14,900searchable codes. - search the database while you type - dead coderemoved - dead resources removed
Medical Interpreters 1.0
WebPatient® LLC
WebPatient® LLC provides professional medical interpretation toavariety of Hospitals and Private Medical Practices allowing themtofill the gap language between medical providersandNon-English-speaking patients.
Influenza A H1N1 Screening 3.5
WebPatient® LLC
This is Influenza A H1N1 Screening questions for healthcareproviders.