World Vision Schweiz Apps

ByeBye Mosquito 1.0.3
World Vision ByeByeMosquito: United againstthe mosquito armada!In this reality game from World Vision, we fight togetheragainst the mosquitoes that transmit malaria in the warmer regionsof our earth. We all know that malaria is a preventable disease.Nevertheless, more than 1 million people die from the disease everyyear — many of them children under age 5.Although malaria is treatable, successfully avoiding aninfection is much better. We want children worldwide to grow upwithout the fear of contracting this terrible disease. Therefore,we call on you to join our fight against mosquitoes. Are you aMosquito Cuddler, a Mosquito Hunter, or even a “MOSQUITONATOR?”The app is free to download and play. Throughout the game, youwill be presented with the opportunity to donate a single mosquitonet. Through our local project partners, we ensure that the netsare not only distributed, but that recipients are trained on how touse them correctly.And since malaria is a known danger, we're not alone in this.Well-known companies have promised to help us fight this battle andraise awareness. These companies sponsor the great prizes that youcan win.Please note: Each successful round increases your chances towin. Attractive prices can be won.So, let's get started...*There will be no correspondence regarding the competition. Nocash payments will be issued, and prizes may not be exchanged.Recourse to the courts is not permitted. The winners will beinformed in writing. In UK the contest ist disabled.