PKMN Types and Natures 0.1
Very light application that lets you know quickly which is whataffects one kind or another.Plus you'll know the perfect nature for your pkmn.It has options to change the color of the skin and the button toyour likes!!Finally you can choose to change the language without having tochange the device's one (if you have the game different).Learn more about this exciting world!!
Text Reverse 1.0
♦ At some point in your life, you may findthat you have too much time on your hands. 9 out of 10 leadingexperts agree that reversing text is a proven way to wastetime.♦ Your name, when spelled in reverse, may be something funny orcool (e.g. liam reversed spells mail). Avoid the surprise ofgetting embarrassed at some point in the future by finding outnow.♦ Confuse your boss by sending him an email about the project youare working on completely in reverse. When he calls and asks whatthe problem with your email is, tell him that he must be havingcomputer problems.♦ Try to find a word, or combination of words, that when reversedspell something funny or strange (e.g., 'knits i', 'god a ward','bats', 'desserts', 'and', 'live', 'evian' and 'star').♦ Try to find words that are exactly the same when reversed. Forexample, 'racecar' when reversed is also 'racecar'.♦ Save time by taking Hebrew text that was keyed right-to-left andconvert it to a right-to-left format.♦ If you play chess and use the FEN notation to describe theplacement of pieces on a chessboard, you can reverse the FEN stringand to see how the board looks from the other player'sperspective.♦ If you have a list of email addresses that you want to sort bydomain name, you can reverse the entire list, sort them and thenreverse them back so that they are readable.♦ You'll have to reverse this one to decipher it: resrever txetsiht htiw deifsitas %001 t'nera uoy fi eetnaraug kcab yenom a reffoeW
Animal Crossing New Leaf Guía 1.26
Guía completamente en Español delAnimalCrossing New Leaf para 3DS.Contiene trucos, una sección de listas con peces, bichos, moluscosyfósiles, también un apartado general con las carasiniciales,instituciones, herramientas, guía de peluquería,floes,instignias.... y muchísimo más.Completely inSpanishGuide Animal Crossing 3DS New Leaf.Contains tips, lists a section of fish, insects, mollusksandfossils, also a general section with the initialfaces,institutions, tools, guide hairdressing floes, instignias.... andmuch more.
Flappy Colour 1.1
Addictive game, flying the colour ballthroughtthe world dodging obstacles. Try to gain the bestscore.Every time you touch the ball, it will sound with other pitchandwhen you dodge a wall, the colours will change!!
Voice Reverser - High Quality 1.10
Listen to your voice backwards in a simple way thanks to thisapp.Record your voice and try to say any word or phrase, whenyou'redone press the play button to hear your voice reversed. Tryto saywords backwards and hear how they would sound afterprocessing.Laughs guaranteed! Help translating theapplication:https://github.com/xatok/Voice-Reverser-Translation