Zayee Project Apps

Lagu Anak Islami dan Doa 5.0
Zayee Project
Lagu Anak Islami dan DoaRamadhan telah tibaSaatnya anak-anak belajar menunaikan ibadah puasaSambil melatih puasa, ayo kita beri semangat mereka denganbernyanyi lagu-lagu islami tanah air dari artis idolaLagu Anak islami dan Doa adalah kumpulan lagu anak anak muslimlengkap, koleksi lagu anak sholeh yang dinyanyikan penyanyi cilikseperti Sulis hingga penyanyi dewasa seperti Hadad Alwi danOpickAplikasi Lagu Anak Islami dan Doa ini juga berisi berbagaikoleksi hafalan doa anak sholeh lengkap seperti doa makan, doatidur, doa mendapat musibah dan lain-lainnyaBelajar Doa Harian Anak Muslim dengan membaca doa dalam bahasaarab, memahami artinya dan mengucapkannya dalam aktifitassehari-hari untuk anak anak kitaAplikasi yang bertujuan untuk membantu anak anak dalam belajardasar tatacara beribadah seperti belajar tata cara sholat jamaah,tata cara berwudlu/berwudhu, rukun iman, rukun islam, kisah nabi,kisah rosul tata cara puasa ramadhan dan puasa sunnahAplikasi edukasi islam untuk anak-anak Indonesia berisi laguislami populer, musik religi lengkap, musik renungan terkini, iramapenyejuk jiwa terupdate, lagu sholawat, nasyid, qosidah kumpulanMP3 dan murottal alquranLagu anak anak Islami format MP3 yang sangat bermanfaat untuksarana pendidikan, hiburan dan belajar agama Islam bagi anak anakkitaSilahkan download dan install aplikasi Lagu Anak Islami MP3 ini,gratisDaftar Doa dan lagu:* Doa Keselamatan* Kesembuhan Dari Sakit* Ketika Ada Angin Kencang* Ketika Bepergian* Ketika Bercermin* Ketika Hujan Lebat* Ketika Mendengar Petir* Mohon Kecerdasan* Mohon Penjagaan dari Alloh Ketika Tidur* Mohon Terhindar dari Api Neraka* Naik Kendaraan* Pamitan Pergi* Penangkal dari Gangguan Syetan* Penangkal dari Penyakit Bisul* Sebelum Makan* Setelah Selesai Bekerja* Untuk Orang Tua* Yang Mencakup Segala Doa* Menyerahkan Zakat* Sepuluh Malaikat* Surga Di Telapak Kaki Ibu Ainun* 25 nabi ainun* Alif Ba Ta* Alif ba ta Nasyid* Allah O Yaa Allah* Anak muslim Feat RAIHAN Sambut Ramadhan* Asmaul Husna 99 Nama Alloh* aturan allah* Surga Di Telapak Kaki Ibu - Ainun* Tombo Ati - Ainun* Tuntutlah Ilmu - Mentari* Ummi _ Haddad Alwi & Sulis* Wali Songo - Ayu Adisty* Ya Allah- (Jangan Bersedih-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)* Ya Nabi - Ainun* Ya Taiba - Ya Taybeh - Yaa Thoybah - Cinta RasulSemoga bermanfaatSelamat tahun baru islam 1 MuharramSelama menunaikan ibadah puasa ramadhanSelamat Hari Raya Idul FitriSelamat Hari Raya Kurban Idul AdhaChildren Songs Islami andPrayerRamadan has arrivedTime for kids to learn fastingWhile practicing fasting, let us give their spirit by singingIslamic songs homeland of idolsChildren islami song and prayer is a collection of songs full ofMuslim children, a collection of songs sung by pious child singerlike Sulis to adult singers like Hadad Alwi and OpickApplications Lagu Anak Islami and this prayer also contains acollection of children's prayer recitation pious complete meal suchas prayer, prayer sleep, prayers receiving the disaster andothersDaily Prayer Muslim Kids learn to read a prayer in Arabic,understand the meaning and pronounce it in the daily activities forour childrenApplications that aims to help children in learning the basicprocedures learned the rhythms of worship such as prayers,ordinances berwudlu / ablutions, the pillars of faith, the pillarsof Islam, the story of the prophet, the story of the Prophetprocedures fasting means fasting Ramadan and SunnahIslamic educational applications for children Indonesia Islamiccontain popular songs, religious music complete, latest musingsmusic, the rhythm of life updated conditioning, sholawat songs,nasyid, qosidah collection of MP3 and murottal alquranChildren songs Islami MP3 format that is very useful foreducational facilities, entertainment and studied Islam for ourchildrenPlease download and install applications MP3 Songs Children'sIslami, freePrayer and song list:* Prayer Safety* Healing From Pain* When There Breezy* When Traveling* When Lesson* When Showers* When Hearing Lightning* Please Intelligence* Please Preservation of Allah When Sleep* Please Avoid Hellfire* Up Vehicle* Farewell Go* Antidote from Satan Disorders* Antidote of Ulcer Disease* Before Eating* After the Finish Work* For Parents* Which Includes Everything Prayer* Submit Zakat* Ten Angels* Heaven On Foot Ainun* 25 prophets Ainun* Alif Ba Ta* Alif ba ta Nasyid* Allah O Yaa Allah* Children Feat RAIHAN Welcomes Muslim Ramadan* Asmaul Husna 99 Names of Allah* Rules allah* Heaven On Mother's Foot - Ainun* Tombo Ati - Ainun* Insist on Science - Mentari* Ummi _ Haddad Alwi & Sulis* Wali Songo - Ayu Adisty* Ya Allah '(Do not Sorrow-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)* Ya Nabi - Ainun* Ya Taiba - Yes Taybeh - Yaa Thoybah - Cinta RasulMay be usefulHappy new year islam 1 MuharramFasting during RamadanHappy Eid al-FitrHappy Feast of Sacrifice Eid al-Adha
Tahu Bulat Resep dan Lagu 1.0
Zayee Project
Tahu Bulat Resep dan LaguTahu Bulat Resep dan Lagu adalah aplikasi yang berisikumpulanresep cara membuat tahu bulat yang enak, gurih, lezat dantentunyahalalBerbagai resep tahu bulat akan disajikan secara detil mulaidaripemilihan bahan-bahan, bumbum-bumbu dan cara memasak denganbaikdan benar agar menghasilkan tahu bulat istimewa untukdisajikankepada keluarga tercinta maupun para tamuBerbagai kumpulan resep tahu bulat mulai dari tahu goreng,tahubulat krispy, tahu bulat kopong pedas dllSelain kumpulan resep makanan ringan tahu bulat, dalam aplikasiinijuga terdapat berbagai lagu tahu bulat yang sedangdigandrungimasyarakan Indonesia saat ini. Kumpulan lagu tahu bulatberbagaiversi mulai dari versi remix, reggae, sunda dan popsedihAyo download aplikasi Tahu Bulat Resep dan Lagu iniSpherical know RecipesandSongsSpherical know Recipes and songs is an application thatcontainsa collection of recipes how to make tofu palatable round,savory,delicious and of course kosherVarious recipes out round will be presented in detail fromtheselection of materials, bumbum marinades and how to cookproperlyand correctly in order to produce rounded out privileged topresentto your beloved family and guestsA different set of recipes out round ranging from fried tofu,tofucrispy round, hollow round out the spicy etc.In addition to a collection of recipes snacks out round, inthisapplication there are also many songs that are loved outroundmasyarakan Indonesia today. Round out a collection of songsrangingfrom the various versions of the remix version, reggae, andpop sadSundaneseCome Round download applications Know Recipes and this song
1000 Kata Mutiara Islami 1.0
Zayee Project
1000 Kata Mutiara IslamiMarhaban ya RamadhanMari kita isi hari-hari puasa kita dengan membaca danmenghayatikehidupan melalui aplikasi kumpulan kata bijak islamiini1000 Kata Mutiara Islami adalah aplikasi yang berisikumpulankata-kata bijak islami tentang segala kehidupan mulai darikatamutiara cinta, kata bijak sehari-hari, motivasi bisnis,motivasikehidupan, kata-kata romantis dll1000 Kata Mutiara Islami adalah kumpulan ungkapan-ungkapan,untaiankalimat, puisi-puisiKumpulan kata mutiara cinta, kata bijak penuh romantisdanpuisi-puisi cinta, motivasi pilihan yang akan dapatmemberiinspirasi bagi kehidupan cinta, bisnis, keluarga,persahabatan, dankehidupan lainnyaKata Mutiara Islami Yang Sangat Menyentuh Hati DanMemotivasiDalam KehidupanKata bijak islam yang dapat membuat kita mengambil hikmahataupelajaran dari orang orang sebelum kitaDengan kalimat yang penuh makna, kita akan dituntun kejalankebajikankata-kata mutiara/hikmah islami yang dikumpulkan dariberbagaimacam hadist ataupun para ulama dengan tujuan untukmengingatkankita dalam menjalani hari-hari kita.Semoga bermanfaat1000 Aphorisms IslamiMarhaban ya RamadhanLet us fill our fasting days with reading and live life throughtheapplication's collection of Islamic wise words1000 Aphorisms Islami is an application that containsacollection of Islamic wise words about all of life from thewordpearl of love, wisdom daily, business motivation, motivationlife,romantic words etc.1000 Aphorisms Islami is a collection of expressions, a stringofsentences, poemsA collection of love quotes, romantic and full of wise wordsoflove poems, motivational options that will be able to inspirealove life, business, family, friendship, and other lifeAphorisms Islami A Very Touching Hearts And MotivateInLifeWord to the wise of Islam that could make us take a lessonorlessons from the people before usWith sentences full of meaning, we would be led to the pathofvirtuewords of wisdom / wisdom Islamic collected from various hadithorthe scholars with the aim to remind us in living our days.May be useful
Lagu Anak Muslim Asmaul Husna 5.0
Zayee Project
Lagu Anak Muslim Asmaul HusnaMarhaban ya ramadhanSelamat datang bulan suci ramadhaBulan penuh hikmah dan ampunanLagu Anak Muslim Asmaul Husna adalah aplikasi musik gratis yangberisi kumpulan lantunan asmaul husna, lagu 99 Nama Allah, lantunanlagu islam, senandung menyambut ramadhan, senandung musik religi,kumpulan lagu islami yang sangat baik didengarkan selamamenjalankan ibadah puasa ramadhanLagu Anak Muslim berisi alunan asmaul husna, syair-syair islami,puisi-puisi islami yang dapat menyejukan kalbu, memberikan hikmahislami yang dapat mendekatkan diri kita kepada sang penciptaLagu Anak Muslim merupakan kumpulan lantunan musik islami dariartis-artis islami seperti Ainun, Finan Faradila, Aramaida Lestari,Opick Uje, Hadad Alwi, Wafiq Azizah, Wali, Ungu, Maher Zein, Sulisdan dzikir Arifin IlhamDaftar lagu:25 nabiAnak SolehahAssalamualaikum - OpickBaju BaruBila Waktu tlah Berakhir by opick (Piano Cover)Guruku Tercinta - Armaida LestariHaddad Alwi feat Anti - Marhaban Ya RamadhanLa Tahzan, Habibati _ Jangan Bersedih, KasihkuMaher Zain - Number One For me InstrumentalMalaikat - Finan FaradilaDoa untuk AnakRindu Muhammadku - Haddad Alwi, Anti & VitaRukun ImanSebatang PohonSholatlah Sebelum DisholatkanSurga Di Telapak Kaki IbuTombo AtiTuntutlah Ilmu - MentariUmmi _ Haddad Alwi & SulisWali Songo - Ayu AdistyYa Allah- (Jangan Bersedih-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)Ya Nabi - AinunYa Taiba - Ya Taybeh - Yaa Thoybah - Cinta RasulAashiqui 2 Tum Hi Ho_ Full SongAL I'TIRAF _ Orchestra Style By Beb AshariBila Waktu tlah Berakhir by opick (Piano Cover)Doaku (Instrumental)99 names of allah99 names of Allah---Usma Ul HusnaAl Asma Ul Husna 99 Names Of Allah GodAsma Ul Husna Beatiful Names Of Allah (Hakan Bayraktar)Asma-ul-husnaDllKoleksi lagu islami terbaik, lagu asmaul husna, 99 Nama Allah,lagu islami terkini dan terpopuler serta terlengkapAyo download aplikasi iniSemoga bermanfaatMuslim Kids songs AsmaulHusnaMarhaban ya RamadanWelcome to the holy month ramadhaMonth full of wisdom and forgivenessMuslim Children Songs Beautiful Names is a free music app thatcontains a collection of chanting the Divine Name, songs 99 Namesof Allah, chanting Islamic songs, chanting welcoming Ramadan, thechanting of religious music, a collection of Islamic songs werevery well be heard during the month of fasting RamadanMuslim Kids songs contain the strains of the Divine Name, poemsIslamic, Islamic poems that can be soothing to the heart, givesIslamic lessons that can draw us closer to the creatorMuslim Children Songs is a collection of Islamic chant music fromartists such as Ainun Islamic, Finan Faradila, Aramaida Lestari,Opick Uje, Hadad Alwi, Wafiq Azizah, Wali, Purple, Maher Zein,Sulis and dhikr Arifin IlhamSong list:25 prophetschild SolehahAssalamualaikum - OpickNew clothesWhen Time Ends tlah by opick (Piano Cover)Loving my teacher - Armaida LestariHaddad Alwi feat Anti - Marhaban Ya RamadhanHe Tahzan, Habibati _ Do Grieving, KasihkuMaher Zain - Number One For me InstrumentalAngels - Finan FaradilaPrayer for the ChildrenRindu Muhammadku - Haddad Alwi, Anti & VitaPillars of FaithSycamore TreesSholatlah Before DisholatkanHeaven lies beneath your mother's feetTombo AtiInsist Science - MentariUmmi _ Haddad Alwi & SulisWali Songo - Ayu AdistyYa Allah '(Do not Sorrow-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)Ya Nabi - AinunYa Taiba - Yes Taybeh - Yaa Thoybah - Cinta RasulAashiqui 2 Tum Hi Ho_ Full SongAL I'TIRAF _ Orchestra Style By Beb AshariWhen Time Ends tlah by opick (Piano Cover)My prayer (Instrumental)99 names of allah99 names of Allah --- Usma Ul HusnaAl Asma Ul Husna 99 Names Of God GodNames of God in Islam Beatiful Names Of God (Hakan Bayraktar)Asma-ul-HusnaEtcA collection of the best Islamic songs, songs Asmaul Husna, 99Names of Allah, the latest and most popular Islamic songs as wellas completeCome download this applicationMay be useful
Cepat Hafal Asmaul Husna 1.0
Zayee Project
Cepat Hafal Asmaul HusnaAsmaul Husna adalah 99 nama Allah yang mengandung artiyangsangat mulia dan umat islam harus mengetahui nama-nama iniagarsenantiasa mendapat berkah dan pahalaCepat Hafal Asmaul Husna adalah aplikasi edukasi islami yangdapatmembantu umat islam menghafal 99 nama Allah tersebut dengancepatdan tepatMetode menghafal asmaul husna dalam aplikasi gratis inisangatsederhana dan sangat cocok dipelajari oleh anak-anak danorangdewasaAsmaul Husna dalam aplikasi ini dilantunkan dalam alunansholawat,dzikir dan lagu islami yang akan memudahkan kitamenghafalnyaAplikasi ini menampilkan 99 Nama Allah dalam Bahasa Arab&Artinya dalam Bahasa IndonesiaSemoga aplikasi Cepat Hafal Asmaul Husna memberikan manfaatMemorize fast AsmaulHusnaAsmaul Husna are the 99 names of Allah which implies a verynobleand Muslims should know these names to always get a blessingandrewardMemorize fast Beautiful Names is an Islamic educationalapplicationsthat can help Muslims to memorize the 99 names ofAllah with fastand preciseDivine Name memorization method in this free application isverysimple and very suitable learned by children and adultsBeautiful Names in this application sung in rhythmsholawat,devotions and Islamic songs that will allow us tomemorizeThis app displays 99 names of Allah in Arabic and means thatinIndonesianHopefully Quick application Memorized Beautiful Namesbenefit
Christian songs - Bible songs 5.0
Zayee Project
Christian songs - Bible songsGet updates of music entertainment is a tap. Fun and Free!Full-HD quality support!Get the music, lyric and karaokeThis is Videos App about Christian Songs.This app is made for people who want to listen ChristianSongs.Download And Share The App With Your Friends ! it's FREE for alimited time!Christian songs - Bible songs is the best and the new Christiansongs from many your favorites singer across the worldGet the most recent music songs, church songs, gospel, bible songspraise and worshipCollection of the best Christian songs, collection of the bestsingers in Christian musicianSong lists:- God Is On The Move- Greater is He- Just Be Held- Good Good Father- Tell Your Heart to Beat Again- It's Not Over Yet- Holy Spirit- If We're Honest- Diamonds- Thy Will- Alone Feat. TRU- Breathe- The River- Stand In The Light- How can it be- Lauren Daigle Trust In You- Lincoln Brewster There is Power- Matthew West Grace Wins- Mercy Me Flawless- Greater- Move Keep Walking- NEEDTOBREATHE Brother- Third Day Soul On FireCollections by the best singers in Christian music.- Jesus Adrian romero.- Miel San Marcos.- Marcela Garanda.- Third Heaven.- Lilly Goodman.- Roberto Orellana.- Sister Glanda.The intention behind to prepare this application is to reach allChristians through songs. Listening these songs they have to growin spiritualityWe show a list of collections:- Christian Music and Christian songs.- Greatest Hits of Christian songs.- Christian Music worship.- Christian Choirs.- Christian Praise.- Music for prayer.- Music to feel the presence of God.- Music for Christ.- Adoration to pray to God.- Touching the soul.- Pentecostal Choir.- Instrumental Christian.- Christian music for children.The purpose of this app is to make these videos available to allthose that are sincerely seeking to do God's will. You will findthe most important subject of the Bible explained in details,prophecies that relate to present and future, what happen to peopleafter the die, about the Kingdom of God that every Christian prayfor. You will be able to watch them on your phone, tablet and anymobile device.
Lagu Anak Muslim Asmaul Husna2 1.0
Zayee Project
Lagu Anak Muslim Asmaul Husna 2Marhaban ya ramadhanSelamat datang bulan suci ramadhaBulan penuh hikmah dan ampunanLagu Anak Muslim Asmaul Husna adalah aplikasi musik gratisyangberisi kumpulan lantunan asmaul husna, lagu 99 Nama Allah,lantunanlagu islam, senandung menyambut ramadhan, senandung musikreligi,kumpulan lagu islami yang sangat baik didengarkanselamamenjalankan ibadah puasa ramadhanLagu Anak Muslim berisi alunan asmaul husna, syair-syairislami,puisi-puisi islami yang dapat menyejukan kalbu, memberikanhikmahislami yang dapat mendekatkan diri kita kepada sangpenciptaLagu Anak Muslim merupakan kumpulan lantunan musik islamidariartis-artis islami seperti Ainun, Finan Faradila, AramaidaLestari,Opick Uje, Hadad Alwi, Wafiq Azizah, Wali, Ungu, MaherZein, Sulisdan dzikir Arifin IlhamDaftar lagu:25 nabiAnak SolehahAssalamualaikumBaju BaruBila Waktu tlah Berakhir (Piano Cover)Guruku Tercinta - Armaida LestariHaddad Alwi feat Anti - Marhaban Ya RamadhanLa Tahzan, Habibati _ Jangan Bersedih, KasihkuMaher Zain - Number One For me InstrumentalMalaikat - Finan FaradilaDoa untuk AnakRindu Muhammadku - Haddad Alwi, Anti & VitaRukun ImanSebatang PohonSholatlah Sebelum DisholatkanSurga Di Telapak Kaki IbuTombo AtiTuntutlah Ilmu - MentariUmmi _ Haddad Alwi & SulisWali Songo - Ayu AdistyYa Allah- (Jangan Bersedih-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)Ya Nabi - AinunYa Taiba - Ya Taybeh - Yaa Thoybah - Cinta RasulAashiqui 2 Tum Hi Ho_ Full SongAL I'TIRAF _ Orchestra Style By Beb AshariBila Waktu tlah Berakhir by opick (Piano Cover)Doaku (Instrumental)99 names of allah99 names of Allah---Usma Ul HusnaAl Asma Ul Husna 99 Names Of Allah GodAsma Ul Husna Beatiful Names Of Allah (Hakan Bayraktar)Asma-ul-husnaDllKoleksi lagu islami terbaik, lagu asmaul husna, 99 NamaAllah,lagu islami terkini dan terpopuler serta terlengkapAyo download aplikasi iniSemoga bermanfaatMuslim ChildrenSongsBeautiful Names 2Marhaban ya RamadanWelcome to the holy month ramadhaMonth full of wisdom and forgivenessMuslim Children Songs Beautiful Names is a free music appthatcontains a collection of chanting the Divine Name, songs 99Namesof Allah, chanting Islamic songs, chanting welcoming Ramadan,thechanting of religious music, a collection of Islamic songswerevery well be heard during the month of fasting RamadanMuslim Kids songs contain the strains of the Divine Name,poemsIslamic, Islamic poems that can be soothing to the heart,givesIslamic lessons that can draw us closer to the creatorMuslim Children Songs is a collection of Islamic chant musicfromartists such as Ainun Islamic, Finan Faradila, AramaidaLestari,Opick Uje, Hadad Alwi, Wafiq Azizah, Wali, Purple, MaherZein,Sulis and dhikr Arifin IlhamSong list:25 prophetschild SolehahassalamualaikumNew clothesWhen tlah Time Ends (Piano Cover)Loving my teacher - Armaida LestariHaddad Alwi feat Anti - Marhaban Ya RamadhanHe Tahzan, Habibati _ Do Grieving, KasihkuMaher Zain - Number One For me InstrumentalAngels - Finan FaradilaPrayer for the ChildrenRindu Muhammadku - Haddad Alwi, Anti & VitaPillars of FaithSycamore TreesSholatlah Before DisholatkanHeaven lies beneath your mother's feetTombo AtiInsist Science - MentariUmmi _ Haddad Alwi & SulisWali Songo - Ayu AdistyYa Allah '(Do not Sorrow-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)Ya Nabi - AinunYa Taiba - Yes Taybeh - Yaa Thoybah - Cinta RasulAashiqui 2 Tum Hi Ho_ Full SongAL I'TIRAF _ Orchestra Style By Beb AshariWhen Time Ends tlah by opick (Piano Cover)My prayer (Instrumental)99 names of allah99 names of Allah --- Usma Ul HusnaAl Asma Ul Husna 99 Names Of God GodNames of God in Islam Beatiful Names Of God (Hakan Bayraktar)Asma-ul-HusnaEtcA collection of the best Islamic songs, songs Asmaul Husna,99Names of Allah, the latest and most popular Islamic songs aswellas completeCome download this applicationMay be useful
Kids Songs for Learning 1.0
Zayee Project
Kids Songs for LearningKids Songs for Learning is the best nursery rhymes for childrenandtoddlers for learning, fun and playing around along withlyric,video and animationThe collection of most popular Learn to kids songschildren'svideo clips for kids, baby, toddler, children to funlearning. it'sso easy You can download it and try your self orteach yourchildren after that give me your ideas.More than 50 Most popular Nursery Rhymes in your pocket!!Kids love listening to the nursery rhymes rendered in populartunes.This app helps the kids to listen and learn the nurseryrhymes!Super fun, educational and very interactive for 0-5yearoldsFavorite nursery rhymes like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary hadalittle Lamb, Old MacDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus,IfYou Are Happy, London Bridge, BINGO, etcWhy will toddlers and parents love Nursery Rhymes for Kids?- Nonstop play many video for kids & baby- Frequently updated video content- Learn easy english song with lyrics- Most popular english song for kidsCollection | Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songshello kittyItsy Bitsy SpiderIncy Wincy SpiderFive Little Speckled FrogsLavender's Blue! Dilly Dilly! Lavender's GreenRock a Bye BabySix Little DucksWheels On The BusA Whole New WorldAladdin - Never Had A Friend Like MeAlphabet SongAlphabet Song in the style of TraditionalBeauty and The BeastChildren's Bible Songs - Jesus Loves MeCinderella - Bibbidi-Bobbidi-BooCinderella-dream is a wishColors Of The WindHey Diddle Diddle in the Style of -TraditionalHumpty Dumpty Sat on a WallLittle mermaid part of your worldLondon Bridge Is Falling DownMary Had A Little Lamb in the Style ofOh! Susanna in the style of TraditionalOliver and Company (Why Should I Worry)Ring Around A Rosy in the style of TraditionalRow Row Row Your BoatTangled - I've Got a DreamTen Little Indians in the style of TraditionalThe Jungle Book - The Bare NecessitieThomas O'MalleyTwinkle, Twinkle Little StarWe understand that your baby need video representation togetentertain and learn.So we bring this app with 6 most famousanduseful baby rhymes which let your baby to learn variousanimalsounds and English alphabets.Have a magical experience with BEST KIDS SONGS!
Tuntunan Sholat dan Doa Anak 1.0
Zayee Project
Tuntunan Sholat dan Doa AnakTuntunan Sholat dan Doa Anak adalah aplikasi yang berisitatacara menjalankan sholat wajih, sholat sunnah mulai daribacaansholat, doa niat, bacaan takbirotul ihram hingga salamBerisi kumpulan tuntunan sholat wajib lengkap dengan HadistSholat,Dzikir dan berbagai kumpulan doa pendek.Tuntunan sholat dimulai dari cara berwudhu, bacaan wudhu,bacaansholat wajib, doa sholat wajib, doa sholat sunnah dankumpulandoa-doa mustajab lainnyaAplikasi Tuntunan Sholat dan Doa Anak adalah aplikasitutorialibadah sholat lengkap yang sangat cocok baik untukanak-anak maupunorang dewasaAplikasi tata cara sholat lengkap dan kumpulan doa pendekinisangat bermanfaat dan bisa dipraktekin untuk berbagai ibadahsholatmulai dari sholat wajib, sholat sunnah, sholat jenazah,sholatmeminta hujan, sholat idul fitri dllBeberapa materi yang ada di aplikasi ini antara lain:- Panduan Wudhu- Rukun Islam dan Iman- Adzan dan Iqamah- Doa dan Dzikir Setelah Sholat- Doa dan Praktek Shalat Sunah- Shalat fardhu, gaib dan jenazah- Kumpulan doa harian, doa anak, doa pendek dan doa mustajabdan kumpulan bacaan sholat sunnah lengkap lainnyaSemoga kehadiran aplikasi tata cara sholat lengkap inidapatmeningkatkan ibadah kitaAminGuidance Prayer andPrayerChildrenChildren's Prayer and the Prayer guidance is an applicationwhichcontains the procedures prayers Wajih, sunnah prayers fromtheprayer readings, prayer intentions, reading takbirotul ihramuntilgreetingsContains a set of guidance complete with the obligatoryprayersPrayer Hadith, Dhikr and various collection of shortprayers.The prayer guidance of how to perform ablutions, readingablution,reading the obligatory prayers, prayers obligatoryprayers, prayingsunnah prayer and a collection of other efficaciousprayersApplications Guidance Prayer and Prayer Kids is anapplicationtutorial complete daily prayers that it is suitable bothforchildren and adultsApplication procedures for the complete prayer and acollectionof short prayers was very helpful and could dipraktekinfor avariety of daily prayers from the obligatory prayers,sunnahprayers, prayers bodies, praying for rain, pray Eid etc.Some of the material in this application include:- Free Wudu- Pillars of Islam and Iman- Adhan and Iqamah- Prayer and Dhikr after Prayer- Prayer and Practice Sunnah Salat- Salah is fard, unseen and bodies- Set of daily prayers, children's prayer, a short prayer andprayerefficaciousand a collection of more complete reading sunnah prayersHopefully the application procedures for the complete prayercanincrease our worshipamen
Kumpulan Kultum Ramadhan 1.0
Zayee Project
Ramadhan telah tibaMarhaban ya ramadhanSaatnya menunaikan kewajiban puasa dibulan suci ramadhan bagisetiapmuslim yang tidak berhalanganMenyambut bulan suci ramadhan mari kita tingkatkan ibadahkitadengan mendengarkan tausyiah islami, ceramah penyejukkalbu,khotbah pendek, kuliah tujuh menit kultum ulama dan da'i *da'iislam terkenal seperti ustad Arifil Ilham, Qurays Shihab,Yusufmansur, ustad Zacky, ustad Harry Moekti, Ustadz ZakariaAhmaddllKumpulan Kultum Ramadhan adalah aplikasi edukasi islam yangberisikumpulan ceramah kultum dari berbagai ustad selebrity tanahair,ulama*ulama Indonesia dan para hafidz quran lainnyaCeramah Ramadhan ini terdiri dari berbagai bab yangdibahas,antara lain tentang :* Puasa karena Iman dan Taqwa kepada Allah S.W.T* Pahala Puasa* Hikmah Puasa* Keutamaan Makan Sahur* Manfaat Puasa bagi kesehatan* Zakat Fitrah* Sedekah di bulan Ramadhan* Itikaf di Masjid* Sepuluh Hari Terakhir bulan Ramadhan* Lailatul Qadar* Nuzulul Qur'an* Keutamaan Menyegerakan berbuka* Berdakwah di bulan Ramadhan* Ramadhan bulan penuh ampunan* Ramadhan bulan Sabar* Mengobati Penyakit Hati* Bahanya Tergilas Waktu Shubuh* Hati Yang Mati (Qolbun Mayyit)* Kematian* Bicara Tanpa Pahala* Kerugian Di Bulan Romadhon* dllAyo download aplikasi kultum ramadhanAYo download kumpulan ceramah islamAyo download aplikasu kumpulan tausyiah islamAyo perbanyak sholat tarawih selamat bulan ramadhan,perbanyaktadarus alquran, mengaji dan ibadah lainnyaSemoga bermanfaatRamadan has arrivedMarhaban ya RamadanIt is time to fulfill the obligation of fasting month ofRamadanholy for every Muslim who is not absentWelcoming the holy month of Ramadan let us increase our worshipbylistening tausyiah Islamic, lectures conditioning the heart,ashort sermon, lecture seven minutes Kultum scholars and preachers*famous Islamic preacher like Ustad Arifil Ilham, QuraysShihab,Yusuf Mansur, Ustad Zacky, Harry Moekti cleric, UstadzAhmadZakaria etc.Ramadan is set Kultum Islamic educational applicationswhichcontains a collection of lectures cleric Kultum ofvariouscelebrity homeland, scholars * Indonesian ulama and thehafidzother quranRamadan lecture consists of various chapters discussed,amongother things:* Fasting for Iman and Taqwa to Allah S.W.T* Pahala Fasting* Wisdom Fasting* The virtue Eat Sahur* Benefits of fasting for health* Zakat Fitrah* Charity in Ramadan* Itikaf in mosque* Ten Last Day of Ramadan* Lailat al Qadr* Revelation of the Qur'an* The merit of hastening breaking* Preaching in Ramadan* Ramadan month of full forgiveness* Ramadan month of PatienceTreating Heart Disease* Danger crushed Fajr Time* Heart Dies (Qolbun Mayyit)* Dead* Talk Without Merit* Losses in the month of Ramadan* etcCome Kultum application download RamadanCome download collection of lectures islamCome download aplikasu set Tausyiah islamLet's multiply survived Ramadan tarawih prayer, multiplytadarusQuran, Koran and other religious buildingsMay be useful
Lagu Barat Lawas 5.0
Zayee Project
Lagu Barat LawasSUka lagu pop barat?Suka mendengarkan radio lagu barat?Suka karaoke lagu pop mancanegara?Hobi menyanyikan artis barat favorit Anda?Ini dia, aplikasi terbaru berisi lagu barat kenangandariartis-artis idolaKumpulan lagu pop barat nostalgia tahun 80an dan 90an serta20anyang pasti sudah anda kenal dan hafal liriknyaKoleksi lagu barat terbaik sepanjang masaAplikasi musik gratis, tidak perlu download mp3 lagubaratterkiniAplikasi karaoke musik lagu barat kenanganAplikasi gratis untuk penggemar lagu lawas, lagu kenangan,lagunostalgia untuk mengenang masa laluGudang lagu barat pop terkini diplaystoreAplikasi ini berisi top chart lagu barat yang baru danyangjadulSemoga terhiburWestern songs LawasLike western pop songs?Western song like listening to the radio?Like karaoke foreign pop songs?Hobbies western sing your favorite artist?Here it is, the latest application contains tracks westmemoriesof artists idolNostalgic collection of western pop songs of the 80s and 90s and20swho would have you know and memorize the lyricsCollection of western songs of all timeFree music app, no need to download mp3 songs Current westApplications karaoke music track west of memoriesFree app for fans of old songs, memorable songs, songs ofnostalgiafor old times' sakeWarehouse western pop songs latest diplaystoreThis application contains top chart western songs new andoldschoolHopefully entertained
Gudang Lagu Populer 1.0
Zayee Project
Gudang Lagu PopulerSuka mendengarkan lagu-lagu pop terkini?Ini dia aplikasi kumpulan lagu chart yang hits saat ini yangselaluterbaru.Koleksi lagu Pop Indonesia, Barat dan lagu dangdut yangmerupakanmusik asli Nusantara.Kumpulan musik terkini, lagu pilihan, artis papan atas baikdariluar maupun artis tanah air. Baik musik pop maupun musikdangdutterkiniNikmasi lagu-lagu pop terkini, lagu pop jadul, lagu pop,lagudangdutSemoga terhiburWarehouse Popular SongsLike listening to the latest pop songs?This is the application that hits collection of songs chart atthistime is up to date.Pop song collection Indonesia, West and dangdut song which istheoriginal music of the archipelago.A collection of the latest music, song selection, top artistsfromboth outside and artist homeland. Both pop and dangduthotNikmasi latest pop songs, pop songs old school, pop,dangdutsongsHopefully entertained
New Hilsong Songs 1.0
Zayee Project
New Hilsong SongsListen to popular and New Hilsong Songs like "Mighty ToSave","Shine Jesus Shine", "Here I am to Worship", "At the Cross"andmany moreGet the best christian songs music that all of us wanttohave!!Get access to over 50 New Hilsong Songs Music & LyricsListen to the collection Christian Music with the lyrics onyourandroid device.Free Jesus Songs, Bible songs,praise and worship songs forKidsand Adults with Audio and LyricsThis App includes beautiful Bible songs for kids free ofanyrestrictions for Christian worshipSongs of praise and worship is a collections of christian hymnsandsongs common in many books.You will find the old-time christian songs you love. Thisbookincludes the only believe songs by Bro. Branham.Hillsong lyrics provides lyrics of Hillsong songs allaccessibleoffline right on your app.Listen to popular christian worship songs like "Mighty ToSave","Shine Jesus Shine", "Here I am to Worship", "At the Cross"andmany moreSong lists:- Alive in us- Awakening- Forever Reign- From the inside out- God is Able- I Give You My Heart (This is My Desire)- I Surrender- Lead me to the cross- Lord of Lords- Oceans Will Part- Thank You- The Lost are Found- The Stand- Unending Love- Shout to the Lord- Alone- Greater is He- Breathe- And moreMay you be blessed as you enjoy, learn and sing alongHillsong'smarvelous musicEnjoy religous music for Christian
Lagu Lawas Lengkap 5.0
Zayee Project
Lagu Lawas Lengkap adalah aplikasikumpulanlagu lawas tanah air yang populer ditahun 1900 hingga 2000yangdinyanyikan artis-artis populer indonesia pada masanyaJika Anda penggemar lagu-lagu nostalgia, tembang kenagan,inilahaplikasi musik gratis yang akan membuat Anda bahagiamengingat masalalu AndaKoleksi lagu-lagu pop tanah air era 90anKumpulan lagu memori, lagu jadulKumpulan karaoke musik pop pilihan meski bukan lagupopterkiniGudang lagu lawas terpopuler diplaystoreSemoga terhiburComplete Legacy Songs isacollection of songs legacy application homeland are popular intheyear 1900 to 2000 which was sung popular Indonesian artists ofhistimeIf you are a fan of nostalgic songs, song Kenagan, this freemusicapp that will make you happy remember your pastA collection of pop songs homeland 90sMemory collection of songs, songs of old schoolSet of karaoke pop music selection though not the latestpopsongsWarehouses popular old song diplaystoreHopefully entertained
Nursery Rhymes for Kids 5.0
Zayee Project
Nursery Rhymes for KidsMore than 50 Most popular Nursery Rhymes in your pocket!!Kids love listening to the nursery rhymes rendered inpopulartunes. This app helps the kids to listen and learn thenurseryrhymes!100 Favorite nursery rhymes sing and learn , free songs forkidsNursery Rhymes for Kids is collection the best songs for babyandkids along with lyric so they can learn, play and singwithfunCollection of the popular songs for kids includingdisneysongsLet sings and karaoke with this appMoms and dads are be happy using this app around the worldSuper fun, educational and very interactive for 0-5 year oldstosing-along with music and animationsfavorite nursery rhymes like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary hadalittle Lamb, Old MacDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus,IfYou Are Happy, London Bridge, BINGO, etcWhy will toddlers and parents love Nursery Rhymes for Kids?* Kids will learn nursery rhymes, ABCs, fruits,vehicles,animals, etc. very easily.* Funny animations, sounds and interactions. Absolute delightforkids.* These are unlike videos which one can just watch and nottouch.It's an interactive song storybook.* Lullaby/Lullabies to make your baby sleep.Collection | Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs- Alphabet Song (New Version)- ABC Song (Rock Version)- Phonics Song- ABC Song- Five Little Speckled Frogs- Humpty Dumpty- Incy Wincy Spider- Wheels On The Bus- Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly's- Yankee Doodle- I Love My Little Kitty- I'm a Little Snowman & I'm a Little Teapot Medley- Miss Molly Had A Dolly- Oranges & Lemons- Little Peter Rabbit- One Two Buckle My Shoe- Five Little Ducks- Five Little Monkeys- Old MacDonald had a farm- Baa Baa Black SheepWe understand that your baby need video representation togetentertain and learn.So we bring this app with 6 most famousanduseful baby rhymes which let your baby to learn variousanimalsounds and English alphabets.