amirage.J.SPOT Apps

kaosAR 2.1.0
kaosAR is Augmented Reality T-Shirt, you canbuy our product or if you have idea you can send to us your design,video or 3D,And we will create your T-Shirt with Augmented RealityContent.
Kota Tua - Jakarta 1.0
Fatahillah build the city of White Rose onJune 22, 1527, width of not more than 15 hectares with the patternof traditional town planning Indonesia. The attack destroyed theDutch East India Company in 1619 which led in January PieterzoonCoen In 1620 the Dutch built a new town called Batavia, City ofBatavia in 1635 expanded to the west of Ciliwung River above thecity destroyed the former White Rose. The city is equipped withdefense systems designed in the form of walls and trenches aroundthe city. Batavia city development completed in 1650. After theJapanese occupation in 1942, the name of Batavia renamed"Jakarta".
30 Indonesian Culinary Versi
The 30 Indonesian Traditional Culinary Iconsfeatured in this book is an important first step toward a throughcompilation of the richness and variety of Indonesian Culinary. Itis a duty we owe Motherland.Foreword Minister Of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic ofIndonesia : Mari Elka Pangestu
Wonderful Indonesia AR 1.5.1
Use Mobile Application Augmented Reality"WONDERFUL INDONESIA" to view material promotions of IndonesiaTourism .Copyright © 2013 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy,Republic of Indonesia. All Rights ReservedAugmented Reality Technology by : IndonesiaInYourHand /AmirageJ.Spot
LIAR Indonesia 1.3
LIAR are List of Industries Augmented Reality.Your company can promote Business Card, Leaflet, Company Profile,Brosur, Poster, Manual Book, Instruction Guide and any materialpromotion with Augmented Reality Technology.Users direct the camera to the promotion material has beendetermined and will be performing 3D Animation or Video of yourcompany.LIAR Indonesia supported by MINISTRY OF TRADE - Republic OfINDONESIA , KADIN & HIPMI.Augmented Reality & Mobile developer by
Banyuwangi In Your Hand 1.3.0
Banyuwangi dalam format Augmented Realty &Virtual Reality ,dari lokasi Point Of Interest seperti tempatwisata, musem sampai dengan materi promosi yang dapat dilihat dalambentuk konten Video, Animasi dan 3D dengan teknologi AugmentedReality.Banyuwangi in format Augmented Realty & Virtual Reality, fromthe location of Point Of Interest such as tourist attractions, themuseum up to promotional materials that can be seen in the form ofvideo content, animations and 3D Augmented Realitytechnology..powered by ICON PLUS
Museum Joang 45 1.0
Soekarno and The Boys from Menteng 31preparefor Indonesia Declaration.The First Augmented Reality Museum in Indonesia
LAPAR Augmented Reality 1.1
Menu makanan dan minuman Resto dan CafeAndaingin lebih interaktif dengan menampilkan Video atau 3D darigambarmakanan ?Gunakan LAPAR Augmented Reality Apps ini, agar pengunjungdapatmerasakan sensasi sebelum menyantap hidangan.Bagi Resto / Cafe yang ingin menggunakan fasilitas ini,silahkanemail ke
Augmented Reality Stamp 1.0
Keraton Ratu Boko is The First in TheWorldAugmented Reality Stamp . Produced by POS INDONESIA , PoweredbyQUALCOMM VUFORIA and also INDONESIA IN YOUR HANDPlease download marker here : at : Boko is an archaeological site known to modern JavaneseasKraton Ratu Boko or Ratu Boko's Palace. Ratu Boko is located onaplateau, about three kilometres south of Lara JonggrangPrambanantemple complex in Yogyakarta Indonesia. The original nameof thissite is still unclear, however the local inhabitants namedthissite after King Boko, the legendary king mentioned inLoroJonggrang folklore.The site covers 16 hectares in two hamlets (Dawung andSambireja)of the village of Bokoharjo and Prambanan, SlemanRegency. Instriking contrast to other Classic-period sites inCentral Java andYogyakarta, which are remains of temples, RatuBoko displaysattributes of an occupation or settlement site,although its precisefunctions is unknown.[1] Probably the site wasa palace complexwhich belongs to the kings of Sailendra or MataramKingdom that alsobuild temples scattered across Prambanan Plain.The argument wasbased on the fact that this complex was not atemple nor buildingwith religious nature, but a fortified palaceinstead which evidencein the remnant of fortified walls and thedry moat as defensivestructures.[2] The remains of settlementsalso founds in Ratu Bokovicinity. This site is located 196 m abovethe sea level, on thehighest point in the site, there is a smallpavilion from which onewill be able to see a panoramic view ofPrambanan temple with MountMerapi as the background.(source : wikipedia)
Croatia In Your Hand 1.0.1
Feel Augmented Reality Experiences withCroatiaArt, Culture. Heritage and others POI .Croatia In Your Hand is Aplication Mobile Official PartnersforMinistry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia
Advertising Indonesia 1.0
The Biggest AdvertisingIndonesiaCommunity
Dubai In Your Hand 1.1.0
Mobile application Support Augmented Realityfor Dubai, scan AR marker directly from your phone, video, 3d andmany others.
Depok AR 1.0
Location Based in Depok.
Neo RDI 1.0
Radio Dangdut Indonesia atau yang lebihakrabdisingkat dengan RDI dengan Tag Line "Asik Musinya AsikGoyangnya",saat ini adalah satu-satunya Radio Dangdut yang tetapkonsisten100% memutar dan memainkan lagu-lagu Dandut dan PopMelayu.Radio Dangdut Indonesia pertama kali mengudara yaitu padatanggal1 September 2005 dan resmi menjadi Radio Dangdut Indonesiapadatanggal 7 September 2005 dan kini telah menjadi RadioDangdutTerbesar di Indonesia.Selain selalu menghibur para pendengarnya (teman Dangdut)melaluprogram-program On Air, RDI juga selalu melakukan acara-acaraOffAir yang dilakukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia danselalumendapat sambutan yang luar biasa.FORMATPlaying Unique Blend of Dangdut & Melayu Pop HitsBROADCAST HOURS22 jamTARGET LISTENERS10 - 50 tahun (25 - 45 Primary)SES A - B (30%) & C - E (70%)Pencinta dangdut dari seluruh lapisan masyarakatSATELIT :Channel 2 MNC TV frekuensi 4185.5 Mhz LBand 965.5 Symbol Rate6700FEC ¾”INDOVISION :Channel 501
FemaleCircle 1.0
Augmented RealityFemaleCircleApplication:LifeStyle Indonesia
Bandung Tourism _ AR 1.0
Masyarakat dapat melihat promosi wisatakotaBandung dengan teknologi Augmented Reality , sehinggaposter,postcard , dan iklan di koran dan majalah dapat dilihatdenganmengarahkan kamera ke sebuah gambar .dan konten Augmented Reality dalam bentu 3D dan Videodapattampil di layaar ponsel
Clara Mobile 1.1.0
Mobile Application for clara magazine,readyour magazine here.
fionacARd 2.1.0
fionacARD is Augmented Reality Card, You cancreate your own Postcard, Business Card, School Books andmore.
Koran SINDO Augmented Reality Versi
Koran SINDO is The First Newspaper inASEANthat uses Augmented Reality as an extra in News andCommercials.Point your camera at smart phone to image news andcommercials, and3D or video will appears .First launched in 2005 carrying the name Seputar Indonesia,KoranSindo is a progressive newspaper aimed at the dynamicsegment. KoranSindo features several unique sections such as News,Economy,Business, Sports, Lifestyle and Referensia.Currently Koran Sindo is sitting at number three nationwideandnumber two in the Greater Jakarta area.While providing the most comprehensive information, Koran Sindoalsoparticipates in a number of key strategic initiatives suchasBusiness Record Night, CSR Appreciation, EntrepreneurAppreciationand People Of The Year, which became a permanent annualagenda.
BIAR Augmented Reality 1.1
Gunakan aplikasi mobile Augmented RealityBIARuntuk melihat konten Augmented Reality ( AR ) dalam bentuk 3DdaVideo dari majalah, tabloid dan koran.Jika Anda Penerbit dan ingin majalah, tabloid dan koranAndadapat menggunakan fasilitas ini, silahkan
Augmented Reality Indonesia 1.0
Augmented Reality for Tourism inIndonesiashows Museums, Heritage, Culture, Art & ( J.SpotAugmentedRealityDeveloper)
hoLo :augmented reality 1.0
hoLo: augmented reality treasure hunt gameStart from 31/12/11 until 1/1/12 in Taman Mini IndonesiaIndah,find treasure in museum or in another place in
Wonderful Indonesia ITB Berlin 1.4
Follow The Augmented Reality Quiz Game,bylooking for the logo ' Wonderful Indonesia ' or in print media.And attended ITB Berlin, 6 - 10 March 2013 visitIndonesiaPavillion on Hall 26A/120